Statement by the Alternate Foreign Minister, Mr. Yannos Kranidiotis, to the BBC World Service, 18.8.1999

- Britain is among many countries that have offered help to Turkey in this hour of crisis and so, too, is Greece., despite the historical animosity between the two neighbours. Yannos Kranidiotis is the Greek Minister for European Affairs:

"We are offering humanitarian aid which consists of medicines, tents etc. We have, as well, placed at the disposal of Turkey trained personnel, doctors, nurses and rescue workers, who might help the situation. We have already, as a matter of fact, sent three military aircraft full with humanitarian aid, which have already arrived in Turkey".

- Given the long-standing regional rivalry between the two countries, how easy is it for the Greeks to offer this sort of help at this time?

"We consider it as our duty, in the sense that it is humanitarian aid and we have to assist and help people suffering...."

- So, this is government aid which is being offered. Do the people of Greece feel it's the right thing to do?

"Well, yes, you are right, this is government aid, but I think the people, as well, will be offering their help and assistance, too. We have non-governmental organisations which have already been mobilized, so it is a wider concern".

- No doubt, this gesture will be appreciated by the Turkish authorities. Is there a chance, do you think, that this tragedy and the way in which you are responding to it by offering to help Turkey could help to improve relations for the future between Greece and Turkey?

"Well, let me make it clear that we are not doing it for that; we believe that this is a moral obligation we have, but, in the long run, I hope that relations between Greece and Turkey would normalize and would improve".

- Do you think it's a question of perhaps an appalling tragedy like this making governments and peoples realize that it is more productive, in the long run, to work together?

"We have already worked together with Turkey during the Kosovo crisis and we have coordinated our actions there and we are working together now for the restructuring of the Balkan area. We have problems with Turkey; we hope we will be able to solve these problems, we believe that gestures like that might improve the climate, but, of course, the problems remain and, to resolve them, we have to work together very hard".

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