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[ Macedonia by Nicolas  Martis]

Addressed to the international academic community

The treaties of 1913, which fixed the Greek Bulgarian and Greek - Serbian borders, make no mention whatsoever of the word "Macedonia". The truth is that Macedonia was liberated after five centuries of Ottoman rule. Greek Macedonia, which by historical coincidence, more or less extended over the regions of the ancient Macedonian Kingdom, became part of modern Greece. The maps published between 1913 and 1944 refer to Macedonia only as part of Greece. (see Document No 23)

Skopje never belonged to ancient Macedonia (see Document No 24, maps)

In ancient times Skopje was the capital of Dardania. During the era of the Turkish occupation, Skopje was the capital of the Vilaeti of Kossovo until 1912 and the capital of the administrative district of Vardar in the period 1913-1944. ·

The list of their fraudulent assertions is endless.

Macedonia is a non ordinary region. According to the ancient historian Polybius (History IX 35.2), Macedonia was the Greeks' bastion against the Barbarians. A guide to Thessaloniki written by German archaeologists and historians for the occupying forces of 1941-45 calls the city a "bulwark of the Greeks ever since the third century AD".

The Greek presence and influence in Macedonia were crucial not only in antiquity and the Hellenistic period; but also in the Roman, Byzantine and Turkish periods.

In Thessaloniki -- "And that city (Thessaloniki) is the metropolis of what is now Macedonia " Strabo, VII, Frg. 21 (Loeb, H. L, Jones) -- many typical examples of Byzantine architecture from the fifth to the fourteenth century are still functioning even today.

Vassiliev (E. Vassiliev, The History of the Byzantine Empire, p. 863) says that "in the fourteenth century, on the eve of its ultimate destruction by the Turks, Greece concentrated its intellectual activity in Thessaloniki to demonstrate its last splendid blaze"

In this century Macedonia has seen:

  1. From 1903 to 1908 the Macedonian Struggle between the Greeks and the Bulgarians.
  2. In 1912-1913 two Balkan Wars.
  3. In 1916-1917 the First World War's famous Front, created in Thessaloniki

During the Second World War, Greece also played a decisive part in the presentation of democracy no less than three times:

  1. In October 1940 it was from the territories of Macedonia and Epirus that Greece foiled the Fascist threat, gained the first victory, and, as Noel Baker said, prevented the Axis Powers from winning the War there and then.
  2. In February 1941, when Anthony Eden (the British foreign Minister) told the Greek Prime Minister that Turkey and Yugoslavia refused to fight against Hitler's Germany, the Greek Prime Minister retorted that Greece would fight Germany alone.

    The Greeks heroic struggle along the fortified positions of Macedonia and Thrace, and the battles waged by Greeks, Britons, Australians and New Zealanders in central Macedonia and later on Crete, with the aid and support of the Cretan people, delayed Hitler's assault on Soviet Russia by two and a half months, with the result that the initial German victory in the Soviet Union was transformed into a humiliating defeat. The above Greek struggle was praised by Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, General De Gaulle and Moscow. (see Document No 25)

    Greece suffered more human losses per head of population that any other nation, not to mention incalculable material damage. Greece's losses, as recorded in Peace and Justice, amounted to 8% of the population, in contrast to the 3% loss suffered by the Soviet Union. (see Document No 26)

  3. Between 1946-1949, Greece was plunged into a disastrous civil war, which Stalin and Tito had fomented with the sole purpose of taking Macedonia away from Greece, and making it part of the Republic of Skopje. Macedonia's salvation then was paid for by the money of the American Taxpayer and the blood of the Greek People.

    Had Macedonia been lost then, the Eastern Alliance would have gained control on the North Aegean and the consequences for the struggle of the World's democracies would have been harsh indeed.

    As President Bush observed in the Greek Parliament in 1991, it was Greece which blocked Soviet expansionism.

    It is ironic that Mr. Gligorof should be seeking to achieve by deceit what his predecessors failed to achieve through wars, slaughter and persecution of the Greeks of Macedonia.

    In conclusion, I wish to express my hope that the falsification perpetrated by the politicians and historians of FYROM will not endure for long. History will not condone it for ever. Scientists and scholars have a duty to reveal the truth.

    My conviction that the international community to which this essay is addressed will not allow the refutation of history, is furthermore justified by the fact that three great universities in the United States, namely the

    have expressed their interest in examining the Historical facts related to Macedonia. (see Document No 27).

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