Enenhnta Epta - To Periodiko ths Politistikhs Prwteyoysas
Teyxos 2o

Kykloforhse to deytero teyxos (Ioylioy) toy periodikoy ENENHNTA EPTA ths Kallitexnikhs Diey8ynshs toy Organismoy Politistikhs Prwteyoysas ths Eyrwphs «8essalonikh 1997».

S' ayto to teyxos mporeite:

To ENENHNTA EPTA dianemetai dwrean se kentrika shmeia ths polhs, pagkoys efhmeridwn, bibliopwleia, diskopwleia, k.l.p.

Epistrofh sthn prohgoymenh selida..

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