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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 99-11-10

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh prwinoy Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,10/11/1999 (KYPE) H anaxwrhsh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias xqes gia th Notio Afrikh kai oi dhlwseis toy sto aerodromio Larnakas, h synanthsh Shmith - Sirak, h synenteyjh toy GG toy OHE sthn T/k efhmerida "Kimpris", oi ejelijeis sto qema twn agnooymenwn kai h ekklhsh Proedroy Glaykoy Klhridh gia apofygh ths dhmosias syzhthshs toy, kaqws kai o apokleismos twn metoxwn twn triwn trapezwn apo to Xrhmatisthrio einai ta qemata poy kyriarxoyn sto shmerino kypriako Typo.

H "Alhqeia" ypo ton titlo "Klhridhs - Zhmia sto qema twn agnooymenwn" anaferetai sthn ekklhsh poy aphyqyne xqes apo to aerodromio Larnakas kata thn anaxwrhsh toy gia to ejwteriko o Proedros ths Dhmokratias gia termatismo twn dhlwsewn kai ths dhmosias antiparaqeshs sto qema twn agnooymenwn. Alloy anaferetai sthn apofash toy kakoyrgodikeioy Leykwsias to opoio ekrine oti "yparxei ypoqesh kata toy Xristoy Symianoy kai Sabba Iwannoy Kinezoy poy kathgoroyntai gia to fono toy Xamph Aeroporoy.

"H Maxh" ypo ton titlo "'Oyi' apo ton Sirak, anagkaiothta h epilysh toy Kypriakoy" dhmosieyei dhlwseis toy Prwqypoyrgoy ths Elladas Kwsta Shmith meta apo synanthsh poy eixe me ton Gallo omologo toy Zak Sirak. Sto idio dhmosieyma anaferetai kai stis "aparadektes dhlwseis toy Proedroy Ejwterikoy Symboylioy twn HPA Ritsart Merfy o opoios se synenteyjh toy sthn toyrkikh efhmerida "'Tzoymxoyriet' eipe pws den blepei lysh" sto Kypriako. Grafei epishs oti anamesa stis proypoqeseis poy qa qesei o Proedros twn HPA Mpil Klinton sthn Toyrkia gia na entaxqei sthn EE einai na yparjei proodos sto Kypriako kai na ginoyn sebasta ta anqrwpina dikaiwmata.

O "Poliths" ypo ton titlo "Ektos XAK oi trapezes" anaferei oti apo thn erxomenh Deytera kai mexri tis 29 Noembrioy oi trapezes qa parameinoyn ektos Xrhmatisthrioy, enw grafei oti ayrio qa yparjoyn apofaseis kai gia to kata poson qa teqoyn ektos patwmatos kai alles etaireies. Alloy dhmosieyei porismata meleths empeirognwmonwn gia to Dhmotiko Megaro ths Larnakas to opoio "xarakthristhke eyaisqhto se seismikes donhseis". Grafei oti th Deytera lhfqhke apofash gia metakinhsh twn yphresiwn kai toy proswpikoy apo to ktirio.

"H Shmerinh" katw apo ton titlo "H Gallia epimenei" grafei oti h Gallia epimenei sth "dhlwsh twn tessarwn" me thn opoia epishmainetai oti "h entajh ths Kyproy sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh xwris thn ek proterwn lysh toy Kypriakoy qa apotelei problhma gia thn Eyrwph". Alloy grafei oti tromaktikes diastaseis proslambanei mera me th mera to sobarotato qema ths xrhshs xhmikwn tojikwn oysiwn sta xhmeia, nosokomeia, akomh kai sta sxoleia kai prosqetei oti yparxei piqanothta na paraxqoyn oysies oi opoies dynato na prokalesoyn ekrhjeis.

"O Fileleyqeros" ypo ton titlo "O Anan mila gia dyo laoys" grafei oti h Leykwsia einai epifylaktikh gia ta epomena bhmata sto Kypriako kai prosqetei oti se synenteyjh toy se T/k efhmerida o GG toy OHE anaferetai se "dyo laoys" kai dieykrinizei oti den exei kaqorisei akomh thn hmeromhnia h th morfh twn synomiliwn. Alloy grafei oti h xqesinh polywrh synedria toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy toy DHKO htan se arketes faseis ekrhktikh me kyriarxoynta qemata toys xeirismoys gia to forologiko paketo, th nootropia kai th symperifora ajiwmatoyxwn kai th diarroh plhroforiwn apo stelexh.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" katw apo ton titlo "O Ntenktas empleketai sth diamaxh gia toys agnooymenoys" grafei oti se dhlwseis toy sthn efhmerida, o T/K hgeths isxyrizetai pws otan eixe arxisei h diereynhsh toy qematos twn agnooymenwn, gyrw stoys 400 agnooymenoys qewroyntan nekroi, enw o ariqmos toys synexws katebaine, fqanontas stoys 126. Se allo shmeio grafei oti se xqesinh bombistikh epiqesh sth Lemeso traymatisthke o 28xronos Sabbas Gewrgioy allws Mplakkhs.

H ebdomadiaia oikonomikh "Financial Mirror" grafei oti oi metoxes twn triwn megalwn emporikwn trapezwn, Kyproy, Laikhs kai Ellhnikhs, qa parameinoyn ektos Xrhmatisthrioy apo tis 15 Noembrioy ystera apo apofash toy Symboylioy toy, se mia prospaqeia na arxisei h merikh apoylopoihsh twn titlwn. Alloy grafei oti h "frenitida" toy Xrhmatisthrioy exei ephreasei kai ta esoda toy kratoys logw ths meiwshs toy endiaferontos twn ependytwn gia ta kybernhtika xrewgrafa, me apotelesma to kratos na apeyqynetai sto ejwteriko gia daneismo.

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