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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 06-10-26

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


H entajiakh poreia ths Toyrkias, oi arxiepiskopikes ekloges, h kybernhtikh protash gia thn forologikh metarryqmish sthn agora aytokinhtwn, h meiwsh twn telwn adeiwn kykloforias twn petrelaiokinhtwn aytokinhtwn me ychloy kybismoy mhxanh kai oi dhlwseis toy neoy Proedroy toy DHKO Marioy Karogian oti to komma toy qa diekdikhsei megalytero meridio ejoysias, einai merika apo ta kyria qemata poy probalei o shmerinos kypriakos Typos.

H ''Alhqeia'' ypo ton titlo ''Proeidopoihsh Karogian pros AKEL'' grafei oti jekaqaro mhnyma, me to kalhmera ths analhchs twn kaqhkontwn toy sthn hgesia toy DHKO, esteile xqes o Marios Karogian stoys etairoys toy kommatos toy sth sygkybernhsh kai idiaitera sto AKEL, kaqistwntas jekaqaro oti qa diekdikhsei megalytero meridio ejoysias gia to DHKO. Alloy h efhmerida anaferetai se dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Eswterikwn Neoklh Sylikiwth oti yparxei mia kaqysterhsh oson afora toys titloys idiokthsias gia prosfygikes katoikies.

''H Maxh'' ypo ton titlo ''Mhnyma fwtia Karogian pros AKEL'' grafei oti fwtia sth sygkybernhsh anace me to kalhmera, o neos Proedros toy DHKO Marios Karogian dhlwnontas oti einai diaxyth ston kosmo toy kommatos h apoch oti to AKEL exei kapelwsei th synergasia twn kommatwn kai oti h trimerhs synergasia den einai isobarhs, prokalwntas etsi thn amesh kai entonh antidrash toy idioy toy GG toy AKEL Dhmhtrh Xristofia. Alloy h efhmerida grafei oti o Proedros Papadopoylos proeidopoihse gia sobaro endexomeno sygkroyshs twn trenwn Bryjelwn - Agkyras, an h Toyrkia den thrhsei tis ypoxrewseis ths sto plaisio twn entajiakwn ths diapragmateysewn.

O ''Poliths'' ypo ton titlo ''Sxedon mhdenikos o foros twn mikrwn'' grafei oti se maraqwnia yphresiakh syskech sto Ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn, h opoia oloklhrwqhke arga xqes brady, oristikopoihqhke h kybernhtikh protash gia th forologikh metarryqmish sthn agora aytokinhtwn. To Ypoyrgiko qa dwsei sthn prwinh toy synedria thn telikh egkrish kai to apogeyma, ektos aprooptoy, h Boylh qa egkrinei to nomosxedio. Alloy h efhmerida grafei oti sobarotates adynamies sthn epopteia toy xrhmatopistwtikoy tomea toy nhsioy, kyriws ston tomea twn asfalistikwn etaireiwn kai twn synergatikwn etaireiwn, entopizei to Dieqnes Nomismatiko Tameio (DNT).

''H Shmerinh'' ypo ton titlo ''Agrio pazari gia toys foroys twn aytokinhtwn'' grafei oti antikeimeno sklhrwn diapragmateysewn metajy kybernhshs kai kommatwn apotelei apo xqes to qema ths meiwshs ths forologias twn aytokinhtwn. To kybernhtiko nomosxedio anamenetai na labei shmera thn telikh toy morfh kai na egkriqei apo to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio. Sth synexeia qa teqei pros chfish apo th Boylh. Alloy h efhmerida grafei oti oi kataggelies toy Episkopoy Kykkoy gia kalponoqeia sthn anadeijh eidikwn antiproswpwn qa teqoyn enwpion ths Synodoy toy Oikoymenikoy Patriarxeioy.

''O Fileleyqeros'' ypo ton titlo ''Katw oi adeies kykloforias'' grafei oti me deyterh eyxaristh ekplhjh synodeyei to nomosxedio gia to foro twn aytokinhtwn h kybernhsh. Qa proteinei sth Boylh th meiwsh twn telwn adeiwn kykloforias twn petrelaiokinhtwn aytokinhtwn me ychloy kybismoy mhxanh, wste na ejisorrophqei ws ena baqmo h ayjhsh ths timhs toy petrelaioy kinhshs. Alloy h efhmerida grafei oti syrmatomplegmata kai alla empodia topoqethsan ta Hnwmena Eqnh stis diodoys pros th nekrh zwnh sthn perioxh Kokkinotrimiqias.

H ''Xaraygh'' ypo ton titlo '' 'Koyrsa' gia poinikes'' grafei oti kat' apolyth proteraiothta qa diejaxqoyn sthn Ellada oi poinikes anakriseis gia thn ypoqesh toy aeroporikoy dystyxhmatos sto Grammatiko, Attikhs, ton Aygoysto toy 2005, eipe dinontas sxetikes odhgies xqes o Ypoyrgos Dikaiosynhs ths Elladas Anastashs Papalhgoyras ston Eisaggelea toy Areioy Pagoy Giwrgo Sanida. Alloy h efhmerida anaferetai se dhlwseis toy Proedroy ths Koinoboyleytikhs Epitrophs Prosfygwn Aristofanh Gewrgioy gia thn anagkh opws diereynhqoyn plhrws oi plhrofories poy aforoyn thn kakopoihsh agnooymenwn ths tragwdias toy 1974.

H agglofwnh ''Cyprus Mail'' ypo ton titlo ''Diplwmatikh ekplhjh apo mh ekproswphsh thn Hmera twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn'' grafei oti E/K politikoi, arxhgoi kommatwn kai Ypoyrgoi den paresthsan sthn epishmh ekdhlwsh thn perasmenh Paraskeyh sto Lhdra Palas me aformh thn Hmera twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn. Alloy h efhmerida grafei oti h EE kataxwrhse ws eqniko prostateyomeno proion ths Kyproy th zibania.

(c) 2005 The Cyprus News Agency. All rights reserved.

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