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Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation: News in Greek, 02-06-04

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From: Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation at <http://www.cybc.com.cy/>


  • [01] POYRGOY XAK
  • [07] TZENIN 10
  • [10] MOYNTIAL 12
  • [11] KAIROS TRITH 4 IOYNIOY 2002

  • [01] POYRGOY XAK

    Didetai shmera sth dhmosiothta to polyselido porisma twn Epitropwn Elegxoy kai Oikonomikwn ths Boylhs gia to Xrhmatisthrio. Se dhlwseis to prwi sto Trito o Proedros ths Epitrophs Elegxoy Xristos Poyrgoyridhs anefere oti prokeitai gia to prwto meros ths ereynas twn dyo epitropwn, to opoio kalyptei tis eyqynes twn qesmikwn organwn toy kratoys, ta opoia eixan thn epopteia toy Xrhmatisthrioy. Qa ginetai epishs anafora se diaforoys paragontes poy ephreasan thn poreia toy xrhmatisthrioy kai qa anaferontai onomata. O kyrios Poyrgoyridhs eipe oti h ereyna twn dyo epitropwn qa synexisqei gia na kalycei etaireies kai xrhmatisthriaka grafeia.


    O epikefalhs ths diapragmateytikhs omadas gia thn entajh sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh Giwrgos Basileioy aperrice tis ektimhseis oti h Dania dhmioyrgei problhmata sthn entajiakh poreia ths Kyproy kai oti ayto diefanh stis epafes toy Proedroy Klhridh me ton Prwqypoyrgo ths xwras Anters Fogk Rasmoysen. Se dhlwseis to prwi sto Trito Programma toy RIK o kyrios Basileioy eipen oti monoi mas prospaqoyme na dhmioyrghsoyme problhmata. Dieykrinise epishs oti ayto poy eipe o Danos Prwqypoyrgos, toso dhmosiws, oso kai stis kat idian epafes toy me ton proedro Klhridh, einai oti ejakoloyqei na isxyei h apofash toy Elsinki, oti h Toyrkia den mporei na probalei beto sthn entajh ths Kyproy kai oti h lysh toy Kypriakoy den apotelei proypoqesh gia thn entajh.


    O proedros Klhridhs oloklhrwnei thn episkech toy sth Dania shmera kai epistrefei sthn Kypro arga to apogeyma. To RIK Ena qa syndeqei me to aerodromio Larnakas gia ap eyqeias metadosh twn dhlwsewn tis opoies anamenetai na probei o Proedros kata thn epistrofh toy stis epta para deka. Oi dhlwseis toy Proedroy Klhridh qa metadidontai epishs kai apo to Prwto Programma toy Radiofwnoy toy RIK.


    To Geniko Epiteleio Eqnikhs Amynas anakoinwnei oti apo tis dekatesseris mexri tis eikosi Ioynioy qa diejaxqei sthn Kentrikh Makedonia h diakladikh askhsh megalhs klimakas Sarisa 2002. Sthn askhsh qa paroyn meros dynameis toy stratoy, toy naytikoy kai ths aeroporias. Prokeitai gia thn prwth askhsh sthn opoia qa dokimasqoyn sthn prajh h apotelesmatikothta twn allagwn poy synteloyntai thn periodo ayth, toso sto Geniko Epiteleio oso kai sta diakladika strathgeia.


    To Geniko Epiteleio stratoy ths Toyrkias anakoinwse oti den qa pragmatopoihqei programmatismenh stratiwtikh askhsh, proballontas ws logo ths mataiwshs ths tis dieqneis ejelijeis. H askhsh diejagetai kaqe kalokairi sta toyrkika kai dieqnh ydata toy Aigaioy kai prohgeitai ths askhshs Qalassolykos.


    Dynameis ths Indias kai toy Pakistan antallajan shmera pyra kaqws ayjanetai h entash sta synora twn dyo xwrwn opoy exoyn kinhtopoihqei ena ekatommyrio stratiwtes. Sto metajy o Prwqypoyrgos ths Indias Atal Mpexar Batzpagi dhlwse oti h xwra toy einai etoimh gia synomilies me to Pakistan gia th diafilonikoymenh perioxh toy Kasmir poy odhghse tis dyo pyrhnikes dynameis sto xeilos toy polemoy.

    [07] TZENIN 10

    Oi israhlines dynameis aposyrqhkan apo thn polh Tzenin ths Dytikhs Oxqhs, meta th syntomh dieisdysh poy pragmatopoihsan thn aygh, katadiwkontas Palaistinioys. Symfwna me palaistiniakes phges asfaleias, ta israhlina strateymata eisebalan sthn polh me armata maxhs kai teqwrakismena oxhmata. Ta israhlina strateymata eisebalan to prwi kai se kataylismo konta sthn polh Namploys kai afoy epebalan kat'oikon periorismo proxwrhsan se polles syllhceis Palaistiniwn.


    Se ep' aoriston kleisimo toy ogdooy Dhmotikoy Sxoleioy Lemesoy proxwrhse shmera o Syndesmos Gonewn toy sxoleioy, se endeijh diamartyrias gia th synexizomenh rypansh ths atmosfairas, h opoia, opws yposthrizei, prokaleitai apo th leitoyrgia toy xythrioy Nemitsas. Oi katoikoi ths perioxhs kai oi goneis twn maqhtwn sygkentrwqhkan to prwi ejw apo to sxoleio, opoy apekocan thn troxaia kykloforia gia dekapente lepta. Kata th diarkeia ths ekdhlwshs proklhqhkan mikroepeisodia metajy dierxomenwn odhgwn kai twn katoikwn.


    Apebiwse to prwi sthn Pafo, meta apo polyxronh asqeneia, o o dhmosiografos kai kaqhghths Giannhs Sakellhs, se hlikia ebdomhnta-triwn etwn. O Giannhs Sakellhs dietelese epi seiran etwn antapokriths toy Rik kai pollwn hmerhsiwn efhmeridwn. H khdeia toy qa ginei ayrio, stis tesseris to apogeyma, apo ton kaqedriko nao Agioy Qeodwroy.

    [10] MOYNTIAL 12

    H Kosta Rika nikhse to prwi thn Kina me 2-0 se agwna gia to pagkosmio podosfairiko kypello poy diejagetai sthn Iapwnia kai th Notio Korea. Se ligo h Iapwnia antimetwpizei to Belgio kai stis dyo kai trianta h Notios Korea thn Polwnia. Oloi oi agwnes metadidontai apeyqeias apo to RIK Ena. Stis ennea to brady qa metadoqei, epishs apo to RIK ENA, to programma '' Moyntial Spesial '', me ektetamena stigmiotypa apo oloys toys agwnes ths hmeras.

    [11] KAIROS

    Deltio Kairoy.

    To apogeyma qa yparxoyn makres periodoi me aiqrio kairo stis perissoteres perioxes. Kata diasthmata omws qa sxhmatisqoyn nefwseis kai sta oreina dynaton na pesoyn elafres memonwmenes broxes. Oi anemoi qa einai metrioi notiodytikoi tessarwn kai topika ews pente mpofor kai h qalassa ligo taragmenh mexri taragmenh. Apoce o kairos qa einai genika aiqrios enw se merikes perioxes qa sxhmatisqei araih omixlh. Oi anemoi qa einai dytikoi asqeneis dyo ews triwn mpofor kai h qalassa ligo taragmenh. H qermokrasia qa pesei stoys 17 baqmoys sto eswteriko, stoys 18 sta paralia kai stoys 12 stis chloteres oreines perioxes. Ayrio o kairos qa einai sthn arxh aiqrios, alla argotera qa anaptyxqoyn nefwseis, idiaitera sto eswteriko, opoy anamenontai liges topikes broxes. Oi anemoi qa pneoyn apo ta notiodytika metrioi tessarwn ews pente mpofor kai h qalassa qa katastei mexri taragmenh stis proshnemes perioxes. H qermokrasia qa fqasei stoys 30 baqmoys sto eswteriko, stoys 27 sta paralia kai stoys 21 stis chloteres oreines perioxes. Thn Pempth kai thn Paraskeyh o kairos qa einai aiqrios me stadiakh ayjhsh sth qermokrasia.

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