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Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation: News in Greek, 03-02-28

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From: Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation at <>


  • [01] ANAN
  • [02] TASSOS 1200
  • [06] PAOYEL ANAN

  • [01] ANAN

    O Genikos Grammateas twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn Kofi Anan anakoinwse oti o proedros ths Dhmokratias Tassos Papadopoylos kai o Raoyf Ntenktas exoyn apodexqei prosklhsh toy na metaboyn sth Xagh stis deka Martioy gia na dwsoyn oristikh apanthsh sto qema ths diejagwghs h oxi xwristwn dhmochfismatwn sto telos Martioy anaforika me thn egkrish h mh toy tritoy sxedioy gia lysh toy Kypriakoy. O kyrios Anan ekame thn anakoinwsh to prwi meta to telos ths koinhs synanthshs toy me ton proedro Papadopoylo kai ton Toyrkokyprio hgeth sto aerodromio Leykwsias. O Genikos Grammateas eipe oti ews th synanthsh ths Xaghs oi synomilies qa synexistoyn prokeimenoy na oloklhrwqoyn oles oi anagkaies diaboyleyseis me stoxo oi dyo pleyres na toy dwsoyn thn oristikh toys apanthsh. Xarakthrise epishs epoikodomhtikh th syzhthsh poy diejhxqh sthn prwinh koinh synanthsh.

    [02] TASSOS 1200

    O Proedros ths Dhmokratias Tassos Papadopoylos, dhlwse oti ews to oroshmo ths dekaths Martioy, h ellhnikh kypriakh pleyra qa ejetasei to eggrafo Anan, sto plaisio toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy, wste, eipe, na exoyme jekaqarh idea toy ti qeloyme.

    Se dhlwseis sto Politiko toy Grafeio opoy epestrece meta thn oloklhrwsh ths synanthshs sto aerodromio Leykwsias, o Proedros Papadopoylos eipe oti o Kofi Anan perimenei na labei qetikh apanthsh stis deka Martioy, alla, tonise, einai safes oti mporoyme na toy poyme nai h oxi.


    O proedros ths Dhmokratias Tassos Papadopoylos, dhlwse oti ews to oroshmo ths dekaths Martioy, h ellhnikh kypriakh pleyra qa ejetasei to eggrafo Anan, sto plaisio toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy, wste, eipe, na exoyme jekaqarh idea toy ti qeloyme.

    Se dhlwseis sto Politiko toy Grafeio, opoy epestrece amesws meta thn oloklhrwsh ths synanthshs sto aerodromio Leykwsias, o Proedros Papadopoylos eipe oti o Kofi Anan perimenei na labei apanthsh stis deka Martioy, alla, tonise, einai safes oti mporoyme na toy poyme nai h oxi.

    Erwthqeis ean to shmerino nai apotelei to miso bhma kai gia to nai stis 10 Martioy, sth Xagh, o Proedros Papadopoylos apanthse oti einai aplws symfwnia gia synanthsh me ton Kofi Anan.

    Dieykrinise, akomh, oti den exoyn akomh kaqoristei nees synanthseis metajy toy idioy kai toy Raoyf Ntenktas. Enapokeitai stis dyo pleyres na to zhthsoyn, prosqese o Proedros Papadopoylos, anaferontas oti oi synanthseis qa einai ypo thn aigida toy Albaro nte Soto kai mporei na einai eite koines eite xwristes.

    Erwthqeis ean o Raoyf Ntenktas eqese ston geniko grammatea twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn qema dikoy toy prodhmochfismatos, o Proedros Papadopoylos apanthse katafatika. Prosqese oti o katoxikos hgeths eipe oti to meleta kai oti xreiazetai nomo apo th legomenh Boylh toy, prohgoymenws.

    Wstoso, den elabe kammia antapokrish apo ton Kofi Anan.

    O Proedros Papadopoylos anefere, telos oti o Genikos Grammateas twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn tonise sta dyo merh oti qelei na oloklhrwsoyn prin th dekath Martioy oles tis eswterikes diadikasies.


    O Raoyf Ntenktas dhlwse meta th synanthsh oti symfwnhqhke opws o Proedros Papadopoylos kai o idios metaboyn sth Xagh stis deka Martioy gia na poyn an apodexontai th diadikasia twn dhmochfismatwn h oxi kai na ejhghsoyn thn opoia apanthsh toys. Prosqese parallhla oti ola ta zhthmata xreiazetai na ta syzhthsei me thn Toyrkia, enw apefyge na apanthsei se erwthsh an o idios qa synexisei na antitiqetai sto sxedio Anan.


    O Raoyf Ntenktas dhlwse xqes oti den prokeitai na ypogracei to trito anaqewrhmeno sxedio Anan oyte na labei apofash gia dhmochfisma sta katexomena stis 30 Martioy. Dhlwse epishs oti gia to sxedio Anan prepei prwta na labei apofash h ceydoboylh enw se oti afora to dhmochfisma qa to syzhthsei me thn Agkyra. Milwntas sta katexomena o Raoyf Ntenktas yposthrije parallhla oti h prosfygh se dhmochfismata apotelei texnasma prokeimenoy na anagkasqoyn oi hgetes twn dyo koinothtwn na ypogracoyn to sxedio Anan. Eipe akoma oti qa enhmerwsei shmera ton Geniko Grammatea gia tis proqeseis toy.

    [06] PAOYEL ANAN

    O ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn twn Hnwmenwn Politeiwn Kolin Paoyel apokalyce oti tis epomenes hmeres qa erqei se epafh me ton Geniko Grammatea twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn gia na syzhthsoyn tropoys prokeimenoy na enqarrynoyn tis dyo pleyres na metakinhqoyn apo tis qeseis toys wste na epiteyxqei symfwnia sto Kypriako. H amerikanikh kybernhsh, eipe, einai etoimh na na bohqhsei tis prosexeis hmeres se otidhpote prokycei. O kyrios Paoyel anefere oti xqes eixe thlefwnikh epikoinwnia me ton Kofi Anan o opoios ton enhmerwse gia tis epafes poy diejagei sthn Kypro. Milwntas se koinh dhmosiografikh diaskech me ton Ellhna omologo toy Giwrgo Papandreoy, ystera apo synomilies sthn Oyasigktwn, o Kolin Paoyel eipe oti epanelabe ston Kofi Anan pws oi Hnwmenes Politeies synexizoyn na yposthrizoyn tis prospaqeies toy gia lysh toy Kypriakoy.


    Pragmatopoieitai stis tesseris to apogeyma, enwpion ths Boylhs twn Antiproswpwn, h teleth egkatastashs toy neoy proedroy ths Dhmokratias Tassoy Papadopoyloy. O proedros Papadopoylos qa dwsei diabebaiwsh pisths kai sebasmoy sto Syntagma ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias kai qa prosfwnhsei th Boylh. Meta ta sygxarhthria toy proedroy ths Boylhs kai twn boyleytwn, qa metabei sto Proedriko Megaro, opoy o aperxomenos proedros Glaykos Klhridhs qa toy paradwsei thn ejoysia. H Thleorash toy RIK, to Prwto Radiofwniko Programma kai to Trito, qa syndeqoyn me th Boylh kai to Proedriko Megaro, gia apeyqeias metadoseis.


    O aperxomenos proedros ths Dhmokratias Glaykos Klhridhs phge to prwi sthn Iera Arxiepiskoph kai apoxairethse ton Arxiepiskopo Xrysostomo. Se dhlwseis meta th synanthsh o proedros Klhridhs eipe oti eyxaristhse ton Makariwtato gia th synergasia poy eixan se olh th diarkeia ths qhteias toy, pragma to opoio epraje, opws eipe, apo thn pleyra toy kai o Arxiepiskopos Xrysostomos. Apantwntas se sxetikh erwthsh o proedros Klhridhs eipe pws filosofia toy htan oti h Politeia den anameignyetai sta qemata ths Ekklhsias, alla th bohqa. Anefere akomh oti o Arxiepiskopos fainotan shmera kalytera apo alles fores poy ton episkefqhke.

    [09] KAIROS

    Kai to deltio kairoy.

    Kyriws aiqrios me liges parodikes nefwseis, qa einai o kairos to apogeyma. Oi anemoi qa pneoyn apo anatolikes kateyqynseis, metrioi, triwn ews tessarwn mpofor kai h qalassa qa einai ligo taragmenh. H qermokrasia qa fqasei stoys 15 baqmoys sto eswteriko, stoys 17 sta paralia kai stoys pente sta ychlotera oreina.

    Apoce o kairos qa einai kyriws aiqrios. Oi anemoi qa einai boreianatolikoi asqeneis, dyo ews triwn mpofor kai h qalassa ligo taragmenh. H qermokrasia qa pesei stoys tesseris baqmoys sto eswteriko, stoys eji sta paralia kai stoys dyo baqmoys ypo to mhden sta ychlotera oreina. To ycos twn xioniwn sthn koryfh toy Olympoy einai ena metro kai dekapente ekatosta kai sthn plateia Troodoys ena metro.

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