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Macedonian Press Agency: News in English, 97-07-10From: Macedonian Press Agency <>Macedonian Press Agency: News in English DirectoryMACEDONIAN PRESS AGENCY NEWS IN ENGLISHThessaloniki, July 10, 1997NEWS IN ENGLISH[A] NATIONAL NEWS[B] INTERNATIONAL NEWSTITLES[A] NATIONAL NEWS[01] GOVERNMENT APPLAUDS GREECE-TURKEY AGREEMENT[02] GREEK PREMIER TO FOREIGN PRESS: PASOK WILL DRAW NEW STRATEGIES[03] FOREIGN MINISTER EXPRESSES SATISFACTION FOR DEVELOPMENT ON G/T ISSUES[04] FOREIGN MINISTER COMMENTS ON SIMITIS-DEMIREL AGREEMENT[05] DEFENSE MINISTER ON SIMITIS-DEMIREL AGREEMENT[06] JUSTICE MINISTER SALUTES SIMITIS-DEMIREL AGREEMENT[07] AHEPA APPLAUDS GREEK-TURKISH COMMUNIQUE[08] ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE TO AID IN REFORESTATION OF BURNED SEIKH SOU[B] INTERNATIONAL NEWS[09] CLERIDES-DENKTASH TALKS CONTINUE IN NEW YORK, SECOND MEETING TODAY[10] ALBANIA: OFFICIAL RESULTS OF ELECTIONS ARE OUT[11] TWO PERSONS KILLED IN BOSNIA DURING NATO'S OPERATION[12] CLERIDES-DENKTASH DIRECT TALKS ARE BEING CONTINUED IN NEW YORK[13] GREEK PARLIAMENT PRESIDENT INVITES COUNTERPART FROM FYROM TO CRETE[14] US PRESIDENT PUBLISHES BI-MONTHLY REPORT ON CYPRUS ISSUE[15] GREEK-TURKISH BUSINESS COOPERATION ENCOURAGED, AGREEMENT TO BE SIGNED NEXT FALL[16] FYROM: EPISODES IN GOTIVAR OVER FLAG DISPUTENEWS IN DETAIL[A] NATIONAL NEWS[01] GOVERNMENT APPLAUDS GREECE-TURKEY AGREEMENTThe government considers the recently-signed non-aggresson pact between Greece and Turkey as a positive development and deems that the agreement constitutes a framework of principles which, if upheld, can open a new era in the relations between the two neighbors. Greece's main opposition party New Democracy believes that the agreement does contain certain self-explanatory principles, albeit it does add that it also contains other points that leave room for doubt and concern. Yesterday, Greece's Prime Minister Kostas Simitis met with the President of FYROM Kiro Gligorov on the sidelines of the Madrid- held NATO Summit. [02] GREEK PREMIER TO FOREIGN PRESS: PASOK WILL DRAW NEW STRATEGIESGreece's Prime Minister and ruling party (PASOK) president Kostas Simitis has stressed the need for the government to overcome outdated thinking modes, during an interview he granted to a foreign daily. The Premier, outrlining his points of view on PASOK's policy, stated that the new order of things necessitates the party to follow a new strategy. Mr. Simitis pointed out that the party is focusing on ways to combat mediocrity, black economy and arbitrariness. [03] FOREIGN MINISTER EXPRESSES SATISFACTION FOR DEVELOPMENT ON G/T ISSUESGreece's Foreign Minister Theodoros Pangalos has expressed his satisfaction over the most recent developments in Greek- Turkish issues. Mr. Pangalos explained that this development has justified a lengthy effort exercised by the Greek government aiming in the direction of restoring its relations with Turkey. However, the Greek Minister did stress that a basic prerequisite for settling the relations between the two neighbors is to achieve progress on the Cyprus issue and added that the only matter subject to negotiation is that of the continental shelf. According to the Greek-Turkish statement, the two countries are to undertake efforts to promote bilateral relations which will be based on a mutual commitment to peace, security and conntinuous development of good neighborly relations, respect for each country's sovereignty, respect for the principles of International Law and International Accords, respect for the lawful and viable interests of each country in the Aegean, which bear great significance for their security and national sovereignty. Also, the statement reads that the relations will also aim at avoiding unilateral acts so that conflicts due to misunderstanding will be avoided and aim to resolve their differences through peaceful means, based on mutual agreements and without the use of force or the threat thereof. [04] FOREIGN MINISTER COMMENTS ON SIMITIS-DEMIREL AGREEMENTGreece's Foreign Minister Theodoros Pangalos gave a press interview this afternoon wherein he analysed the content of the non-aggression pact agreed upon by Greek Prime Minister Kostas Simitis and Turkish President Suleiman Demirel during the Madrid- held NATO Summit. Mr. Pangalos stressed that following the Imia crisis, the Greek government brought forth as conditions on Turkey her abandonment of threats of war and the use of force, as well as Turkey's statement regarding respect of International law and international accords, and, lastly, discovering a procedure that will resolve the issue that has arisen from the Imia islets crisis. The Foreign Minister noted that the third condition is still pending and made it clear that Greece will not negotiate on this matter. Moreover, Mr. Pangalos stated that the document signed by the two leaders during the Summit had been drafted by the United States Secretary of State Madleine Albright. [05] DEFENSE MINISTER ON SIMITIS-DEMIREL AGREEMENTThe Defense Minister of Greece Akis Tsochatzopoulos, commenting on the non-aggression pact agreed upon by Greek Prime Minister Kostas Simitis and Turkish President Suleiman Demirel during the Madrid-held NATO Summit, stated today that Greece's national position and strategy has not deviated at all and added that the matter which remains to be discussed is the way in which Greece's efforts will be promoted based on its traditional strategy. "Our issue has been made clear in all directions, that the fact that there is a de-stabilizing behavior on behalf of Turkey is not merely a bilateral Greek-Turkish issue but also has to do with an overall issue of security and stability in the region," Mr. Tsochatzopoulos said. [06] JUSTICE MINISTER SALUTES SIMITIS-DEMIREL AGREEMENTGreece's Justice Minister Evangelos Yiannopoulos has saluted the common statement issued by Greece's Premier Kostas Simitis and the Turkish President Suleiman Demirel. Mr. Yiannopoulos stated that "the withdrawal of the threat of war had been set forth by our country as a basic element of the prerequisites that must exist prior to any attempt of improving the climate in Greek-Turkish relations." [07] AHEPA APPLAUDS GREEK-TURKISH COMMUNIQUEThe largest Greek-American organisation AHEPA has expressed its satisfaction over the joint Greek-Turkish communique outlining the basis for improved relations between the two neighbors. AHEPA has also expressed its optimism that the placement of high caliber diplomats, such as the former Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke, on the Cyprus issue will produce the desired results. [08] ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE TO AID IN REFORESTATION OF BURNED SEIKH SOUThe Organisation of Cultural Capital of Europe "Thessaloniki 1997", has requested the aid of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the efforts to restore Thessaloniki's Seikh Sou forest which was burned in a two-day fire that erupted on Sunday. The Ecumenical Patriarch has responded that he will gladly plant the first tree in the forest, when he will be in Thessaloniki in October, on the invitation of the Organisation, in order to attend the vast Environmental conference that will be held then. [B] INTERNATIONAL NEWS[09] CLERIDES-DENKTASH TALKS CONTINUE IN NEW YORK, SECOND MEETING TODAYThe direct talks between the President of Cyprus Glafkos Clerides and the leader of the Turkish-Cypriots Rauf Denktash are being continued in New York today, under the auspice of United Nations chief Kofi Annan. Today, the UN Secretary General's special envoy Diego Cordovez is to hold separate meetings with Mr. Clerides and Mr. Denktash. [10] ALBANIA: OFFICIAL RESULTS OF ELECTIONS ARE OUTThe Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has just brought out its final report wherein it characterises Albania's recent parliamentary elections as "acceptable under the current situation". The report also calls on all of Albania's political parties to recognize the outome and to continue their post-election eforts for national re-conciliation. The report does mention certain abnormalities that occured during the voting process, some of whih are characterized as being serious, albeit the report adds that these abnormalities bore no effect on the final result. [11] TWO PERSONS KILLED IN BOSNIA DURING NATO'S OPERATIONTwo Bosnian-Serbs were killed in Bosnia today, during episodes that erupted when NATO's SFOR force assigned to Bosnia attempted to arrest the former police chief of the city of Priedore, Simo Triliaca, who is said to have tortured a score of Muslims and Croats betwen April and December of 1992. Following an exchange of fire, Triliaca and his guard were killed while an SFOR troop as wounded. Meanwhile, the president of the Serb Republic of Bosnia Biliana Plavsic reacted strongly to today's operation and said that this incident is going to have an affect on the country's relations with NATO. [12] CLERIDES-DENKTASH DIRECT TALKS ARE BEING CONTINUED IN NEW YORKThe direct talks between the President of Cyprus Glafkos Clerides and the leader of the Turkish-Cypriots Rauf Denktash are being continued n New York, under the auspice of United Nations chief Kofi Annan. Mr. Annan stated that it now is the time to arrive at a fair and viable solution to the Cyprus issue. [13] GREEK PARLIAMENT PRESIDENT INVITES COUNTERPART FROM FYROM TO CRETEThe President of the Hellenic Parliament Apostolos Kaklamanis has invited his counterpart from FYROM Tito Petkovski to attend the Summit of the Assembly Presidents of the Southeast European countries, which is to be held in November on the island of Crete. The invitation was conveyed to Mr. Petkovski by the Chief of the Greek Liaison office in Skopje, Alexandros Malias. [14] US PRESIDENT PUBLISHES BI-MONTHLY REPORT ON CYPRUS ISSUEUnited States Presidentt Bill Clinton has publshed his bi- monthly report on the Cyprus issue, spanning the time period between April 1- May 31 1997. In the report, the US President stated that he has been especially satisfied by the decisions drawn by the Cypriot and Turkish governments to enforce a flight moratorium in the island's air space. According to the President, such acts should aid in reducing tension in the region and surely contribute to a climate that is befitting to negotiations. [15] GREEK-TURKISH BUSINESS COOPERATION ENCOURAGED, AGREEMENT TO BE SIGNED NEXT FALLAn agreement to be signed next fall between Greece's Organization for the Promotion of Exports (OPE) and the Turkish equivalent is to stregthen and encourage bilateral business relations between the two countries, as well as their mutual activity in other countries in the Black Sea region. The two authorities aim at establishing a common price index on a series of like products, especially in the sector of large infrastructure works. The agreement will mainly concern the areas of investments, co-production, technical products, technical know-how and services. [16] FYROM: EPISODES IN GOTIVAR OVER FLAG DISPUTETwo persons were killed and tens of others have been injured during violent conflicts that erupted yesterday betwen Albanians and security officers in the city of Gostivar in FYROM. The episodes, where 8,000 persons had gathered according to FYROM's official reports, erupted when the authorities of FYROM took down the flags of Albania and Turkey which were hoisted on the masts before the Tetovo and Gostivar Assemblies, as per a high court ruling. Complete archives of the Macedonian Press Agency bulletins are available on the MPA Home Page at and on the U.S. mirror at |