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Macedonian Press Agency: News in English, 97-07-27Macedonian Press Agency: News in English Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Macedonian Press Agency at and Update: 18:34 GMT+2SECTIONS
NEWS HEADLINES[A] GREECE[B] BALKANS[C] WORLDNEWS IN DETAIL[A] GREECE[01] PASOK'S SECRETARY-GENERAL TRAVELS TO ALBANIA, MEETS WITH PREMIER NANOWeb Posted: 18:34 GMT+2Thessaloniki, July 27 (MPA)Kostas Skandalides, the Secretary-General of Greece's ruling party PASOK has travelled to Albania where he met with leading members of the country's newly-elected Socialist government, as well as the Archbishop of Albania Anastasios.Mr. Skandalides travelled to the neighboring country upon the invitation of Albanian Premier Fatos Nano. Following his meeting with Mr. Nano, Mr. Skandalides stated that the talks were constructive and added that he gave the Albanian Premier the assurance that his country will enjoy Greece's support in reconstruction and stabilization efforts. Moreover, the two men discussed the recent concerns that have arisen in the north and the border region where various gangs are looting and robbing the locals and their properties. Mr. Skandalides stated that he requested from the Albanian government an immediate initiative for facing these issues. Greece's Foreign Minister Theodoros Pangalos and Minister of Public Order George Romeos are to visit Tirana as well in the near future, according to Mr. Skandalides. [02] ANOTHER DEADLY WEEKEND IN GREECE'S HIGHWAYS: 14 DEAD, HUNDREDS INJUREDWeb Posted: 18:34 GMT+2Athens, July 27 (MPA)Fourteen persons were killed and another 309 were seriously injured in car accidents that occured since Friday in Greece's highways.The high death toll is partially attributed to the increased traffic noted in the streets, given that the majority of Greeks are beginning their vacations now. [B] BALKANS[03] CLERIDES-DENKTASH TO MEET TOMORROWWeb Posted: 18:34 GMT+2Nicosia, July 27 (MPA)The President of the Republic of Cyprus Glafkos Clerides and the leader of the Turkish -Cypriots Rauf Denktash are to meet tomorrow in Nicosia. The meeting will feature an open agenda, which means that the two leaders could discuss any matter they wish, aside from the human rights issues.[C] WORLD[04] GREEK AMBASSADOR TO US REPORTS VIOLATIONS OF GREECE'S FIR BY TURKEYWeb Posted: 18:34 GMT+2Washington, July 27 (MPA)The Greek Ambassador to the United States Lukas Tsillas has reported to the US government the continuous violations of Greece's FIR by Turkey.According to press reports, Mr. Tsilas requested that the State Department intervene in order to address the Turkish provocations. Complete archives of the Macedonian Press Agency bulletins are available on the MPA Home Page at and on the U.S. mirror at Press Agency: News in English Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |