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MPA NEWS IN BRIEF (02/10/1996)

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From: Macedonian Press Agency <>


H aponomh toy Megalostayroy apotelei elaxisth timh poy ofeilei o Kypriakos Ellhnismos na apodwsei ston Ellhna prwqypoyrgo gia osa exei mexri shmera prosferei kai gia to eilikrines kai entono endiaferon poy deixnei proswpika gia thn Kypro, oxi mono ws prwqypoyrgos mias apo tis eggyhtries dynameis ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias, alla kyriws ws adelfos Ellhnas. Me ta logia ayta o Proedros ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias, Glaykos Klhridhs, apeneime ston Ellhna prwqypoyrgo, Kwsta Shmith, ton Megalostayro toy Tagmatos toy Makarioy toy Tritoy se eidikh teleth poy pragmatopoihqhke to prwi sto Proedriko Megaro. Sthn antifwnhsh toy o Ellhnas prwqypoyrgos diabebaiwse ton Kypriako Ellhnismo oti "h Patrida kai oloklhro to ellhniko eqnos den jexna oti stekomaste plai sas, demenoi me ena symbolaio timhs mexri thn telikh dikaiwsh". Ypogrammise epishs oti to ellhniko eqnos qa einai mazi me ton Kypriako Ellhnismo mexri thn apomakrynsh toy eisbolea, thn apokatastash ths enothtas ths anejarthths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias.

Pyretos diaboyleysewn epikratei sto eswteriko ths Neas Dhmokratias sta politika stratopeda twn kyriwn Ebert kai Soyflia. To prwi o k. Ebert synanthqhke me ton Iwannh Barbitsiwth kai alloys boyleytes metajy twn opoiwn oi kyrioi Mixaloliakos, Andreoylakos, Katsikhs, Karagkoynhs, Mparmpagiannhs, kai Magginas. Sto grafeio toy Giwrgoy Soyflia pragmatopoihqhke syskech me ton Stefano Mano, thn Ntora Mpakogiannh kai toys kyrioys Boylgarakh, Meimarakh, Liaph, Papalhgoyra kai Gkelestaqh. Sto metajy antikroyomenes einai oi ektimhseis twn dyo pleyrwn ws pros tis protimhseis twn eklektorwn poy anadeixqhkan apo tis xqesines ekloges stis nomarxiakes organwseis ths Neas Dhmokratias. Toso to periballon toy k. Ebert oso kai toy k. Soyflia yposthrizoyn oti elegxoyn thn pleiochfia twn eklektorwn.

Diakosia atoma exasan th zwh toys se tragiko aeroporiko dystyxhma ston eirhniko Wkeano, boreia ths Lima. To aeroskafos typoy Mpoingk 747 ths Peroybianhs aeroporikhs etaireias "Aeroperu", synetribh stis 11 peripoy to prwi, me apotelesma na broyn to qanato kai oi diakosioi epibates kai melh toy plhrwmatos, opws anakoinwqhke apo epishmh phgh. To aeroskafos ekteloyse thn pthsh Maiami - Lima.

Nekros breqhke shmera sto spiti toy sth Sofia o prwhn prwqypoyrgos ths Boylgarias Antrei Loykianwf ferontas traymata apo sfaires. Thn eidhsh anakoinwse o Proedros ths Boylhs Mplagkobest Sentwf o opoios dieykrinise oti mexri stigmhs den exoyn ginei gnwstes oi synqhkes toy qanatoy toy Loykianwf. Symfwna, pantws, me dhlwseis geitonwn toy Loykianwf, o prwhn prwqypoyrgos pyrobolhqhke dyo fores sto kefali kaqws efeyge apo to spiti toy shmera to prwi. H astynomia exei apokleisei toys dromoys gyrw apo to spiti toy Loykianwf kai pragmatopoiei ereynes.

Ton dromo poy odhgei pros thn Ixqyoskala ths Neas Mhxaniwnas Qessalonikhs apekleisan apo xqes to brady idiokthtes alieytikwn sjav~m ths perioxhs poy zhtoyn ekptwsh gia ta kaysima poy xrhsimopoioyn. Diamartyrontai akomh oti para tis proeklogikes desmeyseis ths kybernhshs toy apagoreyetai na careyoyn se apostash megalyterh twn triwn miliwn apo tis aktes kai apeiloyn oti qa apokleisoyn kai to limani ths Qessalonikhs an den doqoyn eggyhseis gia thn ikanopoihsh twn aithmatwn toys. Ejalloy, carades toy Peiraia apekleisan to limani ths perioxhs zhtwntas epanafora toy aforologhtoy gia ta kaysima twn skafwn toys. Ekproswpoi twn ploiokthtwn, se triwrh syskech poy pragmatopoihqhke to prwi sto Ypoyrgeio Emporikhs Naytilias ypo ton ypoyrgo Stayro Soymakh, zhthsan th mesolabhsh toy pros ton ypoyrgo Eqnikhs Oikonomias kai Oikonomikwn wste na breqei lysh sto qema.

Ayjhsh stis times twn kaysimwn, anakoinwnei apo ta mesanyxta h Dhmosia Epixeirhsh Petrelaioy. H anodos qa einai ths tajews twn 2,5 ews triwn draxmwn sto ntizel kai mish draxmh sth benzinh. Oi ayjhseis, apodidontai stis synqhkes poy diamorfwnontai sthn dieqnh agora.

Sto pentameles efeteio ths Aqhnas poy synedriazei sth dikastikh aiqoysa twn gynaikeiwn fylakwn Korydalloy, arxise shmera h dikh toy Giwrgoy Koskwta kai twn sygkathgoroymenwn toy, gia thn ypejairesh twn 32 disekatommyriwn draxmwn apo thn Trapeza Krhths. Prwtodikws o Giwrgos Koskwtas eixe katadikastei se synolikh poinh kaqeirjhs 20 etwn me to elafryntiko ths eilikrinoys metameleias.

Synantwntai ayth thn wra me ton Amerikano Proedro Mpil Klinton o prwqypoyrgos toy Israhl Beniamin Netaniaxoy, o basilias ths Iordanias Xoysein kai o Palaistinios hgeths Giaser Arafat se mia prospaqeia ektonwshs ths krishs sth Mesh Anatolh.

H Agkyra aperrice thn ekqesh ths Dieqnoys Amnhstias poy doqhke xqes sth dhmosiothta kai sthn opoia kataggelletai h Toyrkia gia ektetamenes parabiaseis twn anqrwpinwn dikaiwmatwn apo tis diadoxikes, opws yposthrizei, kybernhseis. To toyrkiko ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn, antedrase entona kai xarakthrise ws merolhptikh kai skopimh toso thn ekqesh oso kai thn proanaggellomenh pagkosmia ekstrateia enhmerwshs ths Dieqnoys Amnhstias. Sthn ekqesh ths Dieqnoys Amnhstias kataggelletai oti apo to 1991 mexri shmera eginan xiliades politikes dolofonies enw sthn idia periodo eginan katafwres parabiaseis twn anqrwpinwn dikaiwmatwn ths koyrdikhs meionothtas. Symfwna me thn ekqesh, perissotera apo 100 atoma, kyriws Koyrdoi xwrikoi, oi opoioi briskotan ypo krathsh, exoyn ejafanistei mysthriwdws apo to 1993, enw perissoteroi apo 1000 polites, qewrhqhkan ypoptoi gia synergasia me to RKK kai ektelesthkan xwris kan na dikastoyn.

Mh ikanopoihtikes xarakthrise o Irlandos proedreywn toy symboylioy Genikwn Ypoqesewn ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs Ntik Springk, tis apanthseis ths ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn ths Toyrkias Tansoy Tsiler, sto periexomeno ths koinhs dhlwshs twn 15 sxetika me tis arxes poy prepei na diepoyn tis sxeseis Toyrkias kai Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs. O k.Springk, epibebaiwse tis plhrofories oti h synanthsh toy me thn k.Tsiler sth Nea Yorkh, den eixe ta anamenomena apotelesmata. Sto _dio mhkos kymatos htan kai h antidrash toy armodioy koinotikoy epitropoy Xans Ban Nte Mproyk, enw orismenoi apo toys ypoyrgoys poy elaban to logo kata th diarkeia ths xqesinhs synedriashs sto Loyjemboyrgo tonisan thn oikonomikh spoydaiothta ths anaptyjhs twn sxesewn koinothtas kai Agkyras.

Mikrh anodo ths qermokrasias problepei gia shmera h Eqnikh Metewrologikh Yphresia. Sthn Anatolikh kai Notia Ellada problepontai topikes nefwseis me piqanothta asqenwn broxwn to prwi stis notioanatolikes nhsiwtikes perioxes. Sthn ypoloiph xwra o kairos qa einai sxedon aiqrios enw oi anemoi qa pneoyn asqeneis.

Complete archives of the Macedonian Press Agency bulletins are available on the MPA Home Page at and on the U.S. mirror at

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