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MPA NEWS IN BRIEF (03/10/1996)

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From: Macedonian Press Agency <>


Diadoxikes synanthseis me kybernhtika stelexh exei shmera o prwqypoyrgos. O k. Shmiths eixe to prwi synergasia me ton Apostolo Kaklamanh ton opoio qa proteinei ek neoy h kybernhsh gia th qesh toy Proedroy ths Boylhs. Sth synexeia o prwqypoyrgos qa synanthqei me ton yfypoyrgo Aqlhtismoy Andrea Foyra kai thn Proedro ths Epitrophs gia thn analhch ths Olympiadas toy 2004 k. Gianna Daskalakh- Aggelopoyloy, enw epeita qa exei synergasia me ton Ypoyrgo PEXWDE Kwsta Laliwth prokeimenoy na syzhthsoyn thn poreia ylopoihshs twn megalwn ergwn.

Epafes me stenoys toys synergates exoyn apo to prwi o Miltiadhs Ebert kai o Giwrgos Soyflias kaqws koryfwnontai oi diaboyleyseis sta epiteleia twn dyo ypochfiwn poy diekdikoyn thn Proedria ths Neas Dhmokratias. Me shmerinh toy grapth dhlwsh o Giwrgos Rallhs shmeiwnei oti oi eklektores qa prepei na epilejoyn ton ypochfio poy enekrine h pleiochfia twn dyomisi ekatommyriwn chfoforwn ths paratajhs. Ejalloy me dhlwseis toy apo thn Oyasigkton o Mixalhs Papakwnstantinoy taxqhke yper toy Giwrgoy Soyflia.

Synedriazei ypo ton yfypoyrgo Oikonomikwn Giwrgo Dry h armodia Epitroph poy exei systaqei gia ta problhmata poy exoyn anakycei me toys idiokthtes alieytikwn. Alieytika skafh paramenoyn sta limania ths Qessalonikhs kai toy Peiraia, xwris omws na empodizoyn th diejagwgh twn dromologiwn twn ploiwn, wstoso apokleismena paramenoyn ta limania ths Axaias kai toy Boloy. Oi alieis zhtoyn thn epanafora toy aforologhtoy gia ta kaysima twn skafwn toys.

H poreia toy eniaioy amyntikoy dogmatos Elladas - Kyproy qa einai to antikeimeno ths synanthshs poy qa exoyn entos ths hmeras sthn Aqhna oi Ypoyrgoi Amynas Elladas kai Kyproy, Akhs Tsoxatzopoylos kai Kwstas Hliadhs. Oi dyo ypoyrgoi qa syzhthsoyn akomh tis leptomereies gia th diejagwgh ths Kypriakhs askhshs "Nikhforos" kai ths Ellhnikhs "Tojoths" poy einai programmatismenes gia tis arxes Oktwbrioy, metajy Rodoy kai Kyproy.

Synedriazei shmera h Politikh Grammateia ths Politikhs Anoijhs ypo ton Proedro toy kommatos Antwnh Samara me antikeimeno thn antipoliteytikh taktikh poy qa akoloyqhsei. O k. Samaras proserxomenos sth synedriash zhthse thn paraithsh olwn twn hgetikwn stelexwn toy kommatos, tonizontas oti kati tetoio einai aparaithto prokeimenoy na anasygkrothqei to komma kai na arxisei thn antepiqesh.

Drastikes perikopes sto kaqestws twn foroapallagwn me thn katarghsh twn 282 apo tis 824 synolika prosanatolizetai h kybernhsh. Stoxos toy ypoyrgeioy oikonomikwn h forologhsh eisodhmatwn synolikoy ycoys 700 disekatommyriwn draxmwn poy mexri shmera apallassontan nomima. Symfwna me to teleytaio porisma toy ypoyrgeioy oikonomikwn katargeitai to aforologhto twn asfalistrwn zwhs kai oi dapanes gia dikhgoroys enw sto ejhs qa ypologizetai mono to 50% twn dapanwn cia iatrofarmakeytikh periqalch se osoys exoyn eisodhmata panw apo 7 ekatommyria draxmes.

Thn prwth Kinhth Iatrikh Monada poy qa episkeptetai tis parameqories perioxes ths Boreias Elladas paradidei ayrio o ypoyrgos Makedonias- Qrakhs, Filippos Petsalnikos, sth dioikhsh toy "Sismanogleioy" Genikoy Nosokomeioy Komothnhs, shmainontas thn enarjh toy eidikoy pilotikoy programmatos toy ypoyrgeioy gia thn periqalch twn katoikwn twn apomakrysmenwn perioxwn ths Makedonias kai Qrakhs. Th Monada qa paralabei stis 12 to meshmeri o Proedros toy "Sismanogleioy" nosokomeioy, Dhmhtrios Mintidhs, symfwna me ton opoio h efarmogh toy programmatos sth Rodoph anamenetai na symbalei drastika sta problhmata prosbashs twn katoikwn toy oreinoy ogkoy toy nomoy stis yphresies ygeias.

Jeperasan to miso trisekatommyrio draxmes to kalokairi ta xreh twn Ellhnwn politwn pros tis trapezes kai ta diafora pistwtika idrymata. Symfwna me stoixeia ths Trapezas ths Elladas oi Ellhnes sta telh Ioynioy xrwstoysan synolika stis trapezes kai alloys pistwtikoys organismoys 512 disekatommyria draxmes poso poy aforoyse apokleistika se ofeiles apo katanalwtika proswpika daneia kai pistwtikes kartes. Mono ta teleytaia tria xronia oi ofeiles twn Ellhnwn stis trapezes gia daneia aytoy toy eidoys ayjhqhkan kata 222%.

Th diorganwsh panqessalonikeioy syllalhthrioy diamartyrias gia to kleisimo ths GOODYEAR, entos toy deyteroy dekahmeroy toy Oktwbrioy, apofasise xqes arga to brady h ektelestikh epitroph toy Ergatikoy Kentroy Qessalonikhs (E.K.Q.). H sygkekrimenh hmeromhnia ths kinhtopoihshs qa orisqei th Deytera, kata th synedriash ths olomeleias toy E.K.Q., pantws ws piqanoteres qewroyntai oi hmeres metajy 19 kai 21 Oktwbrioy. Epipleon, to kentro prosanatolizetai pros thn khryjh 24wrhs apergias, entos toy Noembrioy, me thn aformh ths katartishs toy kratikoy proypologismoy gia to 1997.

H prwth, xwris th symmetoxh mesolabhtwn, synanthsh twn Proedrwn ths Bosnias kai ths Serbias, Alia Izetmpekobits kai Slompontan Milosebits, pragmatopoieitai shmera sto Parisi. Stoxos ths synanthshs, poy egine me prwtoboylia toy Galloy Proedroy Zak Sirak, einai h ejomalynsh twn sxesewn twn dyo xwrwn. Kata tis synomilies anamenetai o Milosebits na zhthsei apo ton Bosnio omologo toy na aposyrei thn agwgh poy exei ypobalei kata ths Serbias sto Dieqnes Dikasthrio, me tis kathgorias ths synergeias se genoktonia, me antallagma thn anagnwrish ths Bosnias apo th Serbia.

Systash pros toys boyleytes ths Epitrophs Ejwterikwn Ypoqesewn toy germanikoy koinoboylioy, aphyqyne o ekproswpos ths koinoboyleytikhs omadas twn Germanwn Xristianodhmokratwn se qemata ejwterikhs politikhs Karl Lamers, kalwntas toys na mhn antapokriqoyn sthn prosklhsh ths toyrkikhs presbeias sth Bonnh, gia dejiwsh poy exei programmatistei stis 10 Oktwbrioy pros timhn toy Raoyf Ntenktas, dioti xarakthrizetai ws "Proedros ths Touqjij^r Dhmokratias ths Boreias Kyproy". O k.Lamers, kaqista safes oti o Ntenktas einai apodektos mono me thn idiothta toy ekproswpoy ths toyrkokypriakhs koinothtas kai me stoxo thn prowqhsh mias eirhnikhs lyshs toy kypriakoy.

Mikrh anodo qa paroysiasei shmera h qermokrasia sthn Anatolikh kai Notia Ellada. Sth Dytikh Ellada qa ekdhlwqoyn liges nefwseis poy baqmiaia qa ayjhqoyn kai qa shmeiwqoyn topikes broxes kyriws sta Boreiodytika. Sthn ypoloiph xwra o kairos qa einai aiqrios kai mono kata topoys qa yparxoyn liges nefwseis. H qermokrasia qa kymanqei sta Boreia apo 10 ews 24 baqmoys, sta ypoloipa Hpeirwtika kai to Ionio apo 14 ews 27 baqmoys kai sta nhsia toy Aigaioy apo 18 ews 25 baqmoys Kelsioy. Sth Qessalonikh o kairos qa einai aiqrios kai mono kata periodoys nefelwdhs enw h qermokrasia qa kymanqei apo 13 ws 24 baqmoys Kelsioy.

Complete archives of the Macedonian Press Agency bulletins are available on the MPA Home Page at and on the U.S. mirror at

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