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MPA NEWS IN BRIEF (96-10-07)

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From: Macedonian Press Agency <>


Qessalonikh 7 Oktwbrioy 1996

*Synedriazei ayrio h Koinoboyleytikh Omada toy PASOK kata th diarkeia twn ergasiwn ths opoias o prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Shmiths qa anakoinwsei tis protaseis toy kybernwntos kommatos gia tis qeseis twn antiproedrwn ths Boylhs. Bebaih qewreitai h epaneklogh sto ajiwma toy proedroy ths Boylhs toy Apostoloy Kaklamanh ton opoio proteinei h kybernhtikh pleiochfia enw erwthmatika paramenoyn gia to ti qa prajei h Nea Dhmokratia. An, dhladh, katebasei diko ths ypochfio h qa perioristei sthn katachfish toy monadikoy ypochfioy. Leyko qa chfisoyn o Synaspismos kai to DHKKI enw pros ayth thn kateyqynsh prosanatolizetai kai to KKE. Gia th qesh toy pemptoy antiproedroy ths Boylhs qa protaqei apo to KKE o Dhmhtrhs Kwstopoylos.

*Synexisthkan kai shmera oi allepallhles diaboyleyseis sto eswkommatiko pedio ths Neas Dhmokratias gia th stash poy qa krathsoyn ta stelexh ths kata th diarkeia ths poreias pros to Synedrio. To apogeyma synedriase h Koinoboyleytikh Omada toy kommatos ypo ton Proedro Miltiadh Ebert. O arxhgos ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs sthn omilia toy edwse tis kateyqynthries grammes toy kommatos toy en'ocei ths paroysiashs twn programmatikwn dhlwsewn ths kybernhshs, thn Pempth. Opws ejalloy shmeiwnei o k. Ebert se epistolh toy sto Proedreio ths Boylhs, apofasise na krathsei th boyleytikh edra sthn A' Perifereia ths Qessalonikhs. Kata synepeia o Swthrhs Koybelas den prokeitai na ginei boyleyths. Sto metajy, opws egine gnwsto, th qesh toy Genikoy Grammatea ths Koinoboyleytikhs Omadas ths Neas Dhmokratias qa katalabei, meta thn paraithsh toy k. Stayroy Dhma, o Dhmhtrhs Sioyfas o opoios epiqymei na ajiopoihqei se koinoboyleytiko epipedo.

*"Pisteyw oti h paroysia ths ellhnikhs aeroporias edw, se synergasia me thn Eqnikh Froyra, dinei to mhnyma oti o eniaios amyntikos xwros yparxei. Yparxei shmera h apotreptikh dynamh", tonise o Kyprios ypoyrgos Amynas, Kwstas Hliadhs se dhlwseis toy meta thn oloklhrwsh ths deyterhs fashs ths askhshs ¨Nikhforos", poy stefqhke, opws ypogrammise, me epityxia. "Ola eginan me megalo sygxronismo kai epityxia" anefere xarakthristika o k. Hliadhs kai prosqese oti toso oi boles, oso kai ta oplika sythmata poy symmeteixan "doylecan akribws opws ta eixame programmatisei". "To dogma leitoyrghse teleia. Den yparxei kanena problhma, ola leitoyrghsan acoga", eipe o Kyprios ypoyrgos Amynas, o opoios ejefrase epishs th bebaiothta toy oti me thn idia epityxia qa pragmatopoihqoyn kai oi epomenes faseis ths askhshs.

*"H synergasia Elladas - Kyproy ekdhlwnetai mesa apo tis stratiwtikes askhseis poy einai entagmenes sto plaisio toy dogmatos eniaioy amyntikoy xwroy", dhlwse shmera o kybernhtikos ekproswpos Dhmhtrhs Reppas o opoios prosqese oti to dogma ayto exei amyntiko xarakthra kai exei ypostash kai proorismo epeidh yparxoyn stratiwtikes dynameis katoxhs sthn Kypro. "An to nhsi ^tam apostratikopoihmeno den qa yphrxe logos na syzhtoyme kai gia to dogma kai gia ton sxediasmo tetoiwn askhsewn" shmeiwse o Ypoyrgos Typoy. Erwthqeis sxetika me plhrofories gia amerikanikes pieseis prokeimenoy na yparjei mnhmonio pthsewn ellhnikwn kai toyrkikwn aeroskafwn panw apo thn Kypro, shmeiwse oti h monh protash poy yparxei einai ayth ths amerikanidas presbeiras Mantlin Olmprait gia stratiwtikoy xarakthra dialogo me skopo thn apagkistrwsh twn stratiwtikwn dynamewn stis dyo pleyres ths grammhs toy Attila. "Se ayth thn protash eixe antidrasei qetika h Kypriakh kybernhsh enw parembalei empodia o Ntenktas" eipe o kybernhtikos ekproswpos.

*Sth qespish periorismwn sto dikaiwma twn Genikwn Grammatewn twn Ypoyrgeiwn kai twn Dioikhtwn twn DEKO na politeyontai proanatolizetai o prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Shmiths, opws shmeiwse shmera o kybernhtikos ekproswpos. O k. Reppas tonise oti me thn kinhsh ayth epidiwketai na ginei ena bhma pros ton eksygxronismo ths dhmosias dioikhshs kai na xtyphqei to "pelateiako systhma" kai na ejaleifqei to fainomeno ths ekmetalleyshs twn qesewn aytwn gia chfoqhrikoys logoys.

*Zhthmata ths armodiothtas toy ypoyrgeioy Gewrgias syzhthse shmera me ton prwqypoyrgo Kwsta Shmith, en'ocei ths paroysiashs sth Boylh twn programmatikwn dhlwsewn ths kybernhshs, o ypoyrgos Gewrgias Stefanos Tzoymakas. O k. Tzoymakas dhlwse oti toys epomenoys mhnes qa katateqoyn sth Boylh tessera nomosxedia poy qa aforoyn th systash tameioy kyrias asfalishs agrotwn, th nomimopoihsh dasikwn ektasewn poy katapathqhkan prin apo to 1975, ton elegxo sta fytofarmaka kai th ryqmish xrewn twn synetairistwn. Ekane, ejalloy, logo, gia fainomena kakodiaxeirishs stis yphresies toy ypoyrgeioy shmeiwnontas oti parapemfqhkan ston eisaggelea periptwseis epixeirhsewn poy eiseprajan paranoma koinotikes epidothseis.

*Me ton Ypoyrgo Eswterikwn, Dhmosias Dioikhshs kai Apokentrwshs Aleko Papadopoylo synanthqhke to meshmeri h dioikhsh ths ADEDY, en'ocei ths paroysiashs apo ton prwqypoyrgo sth Boylh twn programmatikwn dhlwsewn ths kybernhshs. Aithma ths ADEDY einai h anabaqmish twn dhmosiwn yphresiwn, h oloklhrwsh toy neoy misqologioy twn dhmosiwn ypallhlwn kai h qesmoqethsh twn syllogikwn diapragmateysewn kai toy dhmosioypallhlikoy kwdika. O k. Papadopoylos dhlwse oti symfwnei se genikes grammes me ta parapanw aithmata, shmeiwse, wstoso, oti h kybernhsh programmatizei poly mikro ariqmo proslhcewn.

*Th diaqesh toy synoloy twn apaitoymenwn kondyliwn prokeimenoy na antimetwpistei to problhma twn antiplhmmyrikwn ergwn zhta me anakoinwsh toy to KKE, me aformh tis xqesines plhmmyres ston Peiraia kai geitonikoys dhmoys. To KKE kathgorei thn kybernhsh kai toys ypoyrgoys oti "arnoyntai na analaboyn tis eyqynes toys" kai zhta thn plhrh apozhmiwsh twn plhgentwn.

*Treis Toyrkoys yphkooys, dyo lipotaktes stratiwtes kai enan eqc\tg, synelaban arga th nyxta oi astynomikoi toy meqoriakoy staqmoy twn Khpwn Ebroy, epeidh den stamathsan gia elegxo sto meqoriako staqmo kai traphkan se fygh katastrefontas ta difrakta toy staqmoy. To forthgo, symfwna me thn astynomikh dieyqynsh Alejandroypolhs, proerxotan apo thn Toyrkia kai den stamathse sto Meqoriako Staqmo twn Khpwn gia na ypoblhqei stoys nomimoys elegxoys apo tis astynomikes kai tis telwneiakes arxes. "Oi dyo Toyrkoi stratiwtes Koyrdikhs katagwghs poy perasan apo to fylakio Khpwn toy Ebroy sthn Ellada lipotakthsan prokeimenoy na zhthsoyn politiko asylo", dhlwse gia to qema o kybernhtikos ekproswpos Dhmhtrhs Reppas. Dieykrinise de oti me to qema asxoloyntai oi armodies arxes kai oti meta thn ejetash twn pragmatikwn stoixeiwn qa yparjei h analogh antidrash.

*Stis HPA kai th Dytikh Eyrwph de noeitai epixeirhsh xwris systhma hlektronikhs antallaghs dedomenwn (EDI), anefere xarakthristika h yfypoyrgos Anaptyjhs, Anna Diamantopoyloy, milwntas sto 2o Synedrio Efarmogwn Plhroforikhs kai Thlepikoinwniwn, poy pragmatopoihqhke sth Qessalonikh. Hdh, to ypoyrgeio Anaptyjhs prowqei programma efarmoghs toy EDI sthn Ellada, mesw kladikwn parembasewn, dekaoktamhnhs diarkeias. Koinoprajies oktw epixeirhsewn qa analaboyn na prowqhsoyn to systhma se 15 kladoys. Sto synedrio -poy organwqhke sto plaisio ths 10hs dieqnoys ekqeshs plhroforikhs, INFOSYSTEM- egine idiaiterh anafora sth fwnhtikh thlefwnia mesw toy Internet. "Oi epiptwseis ths sta esoda twn thlepikoinwniakwn organismwn qa einai dramatikes, afoy parexei epikoinwnia toy xrhsth me opoiodhpote meros toy kosmoy, se kostos astikhs xrewshs", ejhghse o k.Q.Qanopoylos, stelexos toy OTE.

*To Nompel Iatrikhs 1996 aponemetai apo koinoy ston Aystralo Phter Ntoxerty apo thn Kampera kai ton Elbeto Ralf Tsinkernagkel apo th Zyrixh gia th meleth toys poy afora " thn anagnwrish apo to anosopoihtiko systhma twn prosbeblhmenwn apo ioys kyttarwn", anakoinwse to Institoyto Karolinska ths Stokxolmhs. Oi dyo episthmones ergasqhkan mazi sth Sxolh Iatrikhs Ereynas toy panepisthmioy ths Kampera sthn Aystralia sto diasthma 1973-1975.

*Ekklhsh sto NATO na proseggisei me megalh prosoxh to qema ths dieyrynshs toy pros anatolas aphyqyne ston Geniko Grammatea ths Boreioatlantikhs Symmaxias Xabie Solana, o grammateas toy rwsikoy Symboylioy Asfaleias Alejanter Lempent se synanthsh toys shmera stis Bryjelles. O k. Lempent tonise oti h asfaleia sthn Eyrwph prepei na ejyphretei ta symferonta olwn twn xwrwn kai ypogrammise oti ferei nees protaseis gia thn epilysh ths diafwnias Rwsias - NATO sto qema ths dieyrynshs ths symmaxias.

*Enisxysh twn notiwn anemwn problepei gia ayrio sto Ionio h Eqnikh Metewrologikh Yphresia. Sth Dytikh Ellada problepontai nefwseis poy grhgora qa ayjhqoyn kai qa shmeiwqoyn topikes broxes kai argotera kataigides. Sthn Anatolikh Makedonia, th Qrakh, ta nhsia toy Aigaioy, thn Krhth kai ta Dwdekanhsa problepetai sxedon aiqrios kairos enw sthn ypoloiph xwra problepontai liges nefwseis poy argotera qa ayjhqoyn kai qa brejei topika. Oi anemoi qa pneoyn sta Dytika Notioanatolikoi asqeneis ews metrioi kai topika sto Ionio isxyroi enw sta anatolika boreioi boreioanatolikoi asqeneis ews metrioi. H qermokrasia qa kymanqei sta Boreia apo 13 ews 20 baqmoys, sta ypoloipa Hpeirwtika kai to Ionio apo 16 ews 25 kai sta nhsia toy Aigaioy apo 18 ews 26 baqmoys Kelsioy. Sth Qessalonikh qa ekdhlwqoyn nefwseis me asqeneis broxes enw h qermokrasia sthn polh qa kymanqei apo 15 ews 19 baqmoys Kelsioy.

Complete archives of the Macedonian Press Agency bulletins are available on the MPA Home Page at and on the U.S. mirror at

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