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Macedonian Press Agency News In Brief (96/10/17)

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From: Macedonian Press Agency <>


Syskech pragmatopoieitai entos oligoy sto Megaro Majimoy, ypo ton prwqypoyrgo Kwsta Shmith, me antikeimeno th diekdikhsh apo thn Ellhnikh kybernhsh twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn toy 2004. Sth syskech qa metexoyn synarmodioi kybernhtikoi paragontes. Sto metajy, kata th diarkeia ths synodoy ths Kentrikhs Epitrophs to Sabbatokyriako o prwqypoyrgos qa paroysiasei mia synolikh eishghsh poy qa anaferetai toso sto eklogiko apotelesma oso kai sthn eyryterh parembash toy PASOK stis politikes ejelijeis. Qa syzhthqoyn akomh to sxedio ths organwtikhs anasygkrothshs toy Kinhmatos kaqws kai h nea fysiognwmia toy.

Th synqesh toy Politikoy Symboylioy ths Neas Dhmokratias qa anakoinwsei entos ths hmeras o arxhgos ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs Miltiadhs Ebert. To meshmeri o k. Ebert synanthqhke me to Proedreio ths GSEE, me antikeimeno thn poreia ths eqnikhs oikonomias. Nwritera o proedros ths Neas Dhmokratias synanthqhke gia to idio qema me ton Proedro toy Emporikoy kai Biomhxanikoy Epimelhthrioy Aqhnwn Iwannh Papaqanasioy.

H Genikh Eisaggelia ths Kyproy etoimazei entalmata syllhchs twn Toyrkwn dolofonwn Tasoy Isaak kai Solwmoy Solwmoy. O Genikos Eisaggeleas Alekos Markidhs milwntas xqes gia th dolofonia toy Petroy Kakoyllh apo toyrkiko strato katoxhs th xarakthrise ws promelethmeno egklhma. Sto metajy gia pente wres qa kleisei to Sabbato to odofragma toy "Lhdra Palas" apo Kyprioys oi opoioi qa ekdhlwsoyn thn aganakthsh toys sxetika me tis dolofonies sympatriwtwn toys apo toys Toyrkoys.

"To endiaferon ths kybernhshs gia thn anaptyjh ths Anatolikhs Makedonias kai ths Qrakhs einai megalo kai den yparxei logos anhsyxias". Ayto tonise o yfypoyrgos Eqnikhs Oikonomias Alejandros Mpaltas apantwntas se epikairh erwthsh ths Neas Dhmokratias sxetika me tis energeies ths kybernhshs na ejaireqei h Qrakh apo thn ypoxrewtikh diadikasia ypobolhs twn ependytikwn sxediwn twn kladwn metapoihshs kai emporias gewrgikwn proiontwn stis armodies koinotikes yphresies. O k.Mpaltas ypogrammise oti apo tis 112 epixeirhseis mono gia tis 8 zhtane egkrish apo thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh. Akoma tonise oti apo to synolo twn ependysewn to 3% diatiqentai se ependyseis gia Anatolikh Makedonia kai Qrakh.

Me ton Gioygkoslabo omologo toy Milan Miloyntinobits synantatai shmera o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Qeodwros Pagkalos. Sto epikentro twn synomiliwn qa breqoyn o tropos entajhs ths Gioygkoslabias sth dieqnh koinothta kaqws kai ta qemata poy aforoyn thn poreia ths eirhneytikhs symfwnias kai thn katastash sthn perioxh.

Stis eortastikes ekdhlwseis sth Lamia gia ton Polioyxo ths polhs Osioy Loyka kai thn epeteio apeleyqerwshs apo ta germanika strateymata katoxhs, paristatai shmera o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Kwsths Stefanopoylos.

Me diakoph ths xorhghshs toy epidomatos koinwnikhs allhleggyhs stoys syntajioyxoys apeilei to TEBE se periptwsh poy den doqei epidothsh apo ton kratiko proypologismo. To Dioikhtiko Symboylio toy organismoy zhta thn thrhsh toy asfalistikoy nomoy poy problepei oti ta epidomata poy xorhgoyntai stoys dikaioyxoys twn asfalistikwn forewn xrhmatodotoyntai apo ton kratiko proypologismo kai oxi apo ta diaqesima twn tameiwn.

Triantaenan Koyrdoys laqrometanastes entopisan to prwi oi Ellhnikes limenikes arxes sth nhsida Rw. Oi laqrometanastes ek twn opoiwn oi 15 einai andres, oi 10 gynaikes kai ta 6 paidia, kratoyntai sto Limenarxeio Kastelorizoy.

Mainontai sto Afganistan, sthn aeroporikh bash Mpagkram, boreia ths Kampoyl, sfodres sygkroyseis metajy twn islamistwn Talempan kai twn prwhn kybernhtikwn dynamewn. Wstoso antifatikes einai oi plhrofories gia thn ekbash twn sygkroysewn kaqws h kaqe pleyra yposthrizei oti exei enisxysei tis qeseis ths me nea edafh.

Diatagh stoys Ypoyrgoys Amynas kai Eswterikwn ths Rwsias na ejasfalisoyn thn oydeterothta twn strateymatwn toys sthn paroysa politikh krish edwse shmera o prwqypoyrgos ths xwras Biktwr Tsernomirntin. Thn eidhsh metedwse to eidhseografiko praktoreio ITAR-TASS to opoio shmeiwnei oti o Rwsos prwqypoyrgos, se mia prospaqeia na antimetwpisei th diafwnia metajy toy ypoyrgoy Eswterikwn Anatoli Koylikwf kai toy grammatea toy rwsikoy Symboylioy Asfaleias strathgoy Alejanter Lempent, aphyqyne systaseis gia ektonwsh ths katastashs. O Koylikwf eixe probei sthn kataggelia gia sxediazomenh katalhch ths ejoysias apo ton Alejanter Lempent gegonos poy prokalese thn entonh antidrash toy teleytaioy.

Thn ikanopoihsh toy gia to apotelesma ths xtesinhs syzhthshs sthn Megalh Toyrkikh Eqnosyneleysh, poy eixe san apotelesma na aporriftoyn oi protaseis momfhs, ejefrase se synenteyjh typoy poy edwse xtes brady o islamisths prwqypoyrgos Netzmetin Ermpakan tonizontas oti ananewqhke h empistosynh sthn kybernhsh. O Toyrkos prwqypoyrgos epishmane oti h kybernhsh exei 30 chfoys perissoteres apo tis chfoys empistosynhs poy eixe parei to kalokairi.

Topikes kataigides problepei gia shmera sthn Dytikh, Kentrikh kai Boreia Ellada h Eqnikh Metewrologikh Yphresia. Eidikotera, sto Ionio, thn Hpeirwtikh xwra kai to Boreio Aigaio problepontai nefwseis me broxes kai kataigides. Ta fainomena kata topoys qa einai entona. Apo to apogeyma sta Dytika o kairos qa ginei astatos. Sthn ypoloiph xwra qa yparxoyn araies nefwseis poy kata periodoys qa einai pyknoteres. H qermokrasia qa kymanqei sta Boreia apo 14 ews 19 baqmoys, sto Ionio kai ta ypoloipa Hpeirwtika apo 17 ews 23 kai sta nhsia toy Aigaioy apo 19 ews 25 baqmoys Kelsioy. Sth Qessalonikh o kairos qa einai nefelwdhs me broxh kai kataigides enw h qermokrasia qa kymanqei apo 15 ews 19 baqmoys Kelsioy.

Complete archives of the Macedonian Press Agency bulletins are available on the MPA Home Page at and on the U.S. mirror at

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