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Macedonian Press Agency: Brief News in Greek, 96-10-21

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From: Macedonian Press Agency <>


Thn anagkh eirhnikhs epilyshs twn ellhnotoyrkikwn diaforwn kai th staqerh qesh twn Hnwmenwn Politeiwn gia parapomph toy qematos twn braxonhsidwn Imia sto Dieqnes Dikasthrio ths Xaghs, ypogrammise se proeklogiko mhnyma toy pros thn ellhnoamerikanikh koinothta o Proedros Mpil Klinton.Opws anaferei qa qewrhsei proswpikh toy apotyxia thn mh ejeyresh dikahs kai biwsimhs lyshs sto kypriako.

Synedriazei ayrio to oikonomiko epiteleio ths kybernhshs prokeimenoy na labei tis apofaseis sxetika me ta oikonomika metra poy prowqei. Sto metajy tis protaseis toys paroysiazoyn sthn kybernhsh ta Genika Epiteleia twn Enoplwn Dynamewn gia to neo mesoproqesmo ejoplistiko programma ths tetraetias 1996 - 2000. H oloklhrwsh ths diadikasias qa einai taxeia kaqws to kostos toy programmatos qa symperilhfqei ston ypo katartish proypologismo toy 1997.

Me kinhtopoihseis apeiloyn oi dhmosioi ypallhloi an den doqoyn ayjhseis sto dhmosio tomea.O proedros ths ADEDY G.Koytsoykos dhlwse oti oi dhmosioi ypallhloi qa antidrasoyn an alhqeyoyn oi plhrofories oti de qa doqei kammia ayjhsh.Stoys syntajioyxoys, symfwna me tis idies plhrofories, qa doqoyn ayjhseis mexri kai 6% se osoys pairnoyn syntajh mexri kai 110.000 draxmes kai 4% saytoys poy lambanoyn mexri 200.000 draxmes.

Panqessalonikeio syllalhthrio pragmatopoieitai stis 6 to apogeyma me prwtoboylia toy Ergatoypallhlikoy kentroy kai th symmetoxh olwn twn forewn ths polhs.Kyrio aithma toy syllalhthrioy einai h analhch prwtoboyliwn wste na stamathsei h apobiomhxanish ths perioxhs, poy koryfwqhke me to kleisimo ths Good Year.

Sthn Olympiada oi katoikoi twn 12 koinothtwn toy Strymonikoy kolpoy qa exoyn shmera kai nea synanthsh me thn yfypoyrgo Biomhxanias Anna Diamantopoyloy gia na breqei lysh sto qema ths leitoyrgias twn metalleiwn xrysoy.Oi katoikoi ths perioxhs den qeloyn thn egkatastash ths epixeirhshs giati,opws yposthrizoyn qa proklhqei anepanorqwth blabh sto periballon.

Thn Tetarth synedriazei h Kentrikh Epitroph ths Neas Dhmokratias kai symfwna me plhrofories o Proedros toy kommatos Miltiadhs Ebert qa anakoinwsei th diejagwgh toy synedrioy ths Neas Dhmokratias ton Ioynio.Xqes, o Giwrgos Soyflias se synenteyjh toy sthn efhmerida to Bhma ths Kyriakhs xarakthrise metabatiko proedro ton k.Ebert kai prosqese pws einai kaqhkon toy shmerinoy proedroy na sebastei thn apoch ths bashs ths Neas Dhmokratias kai na mhn qesei ypochfiothta gia thn proedria sto synedrio.

Epishmh episkech sthn Polwnia arxizei shmera o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Kwnstantinos Stefanopoylos, meta apo prosklhsh toy Polwnoy omologoy toy Alejanter Kbasniebski. Oi epishmes synomilies qa ginoyn to apogeyma sto Proedriko Megaro sthn Barsobia, enw sth synexeia qa akoloyqhsei synenteyjh typoy twn dyo Proedrwn. Ayrio o k.Stefanopoylos qa synanthqei me ton ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn ths Polwnias enw qa parakaqhsei se progeyma ergasias me ton Prwqypoyrgo ths xwras kai qa synanthqei me ton orqodojo Mhtropolith sth Barsobia. Thn Tetarth o proedros ths Dhmokratias qa episkeftei to Aoytsbits kai Mpirkenaoy, enw to apogeyma qa epistrecei sthn Aqhna.

Synexisthke gia deyterh mera xqes, h ekdhlwsh poy pragmatopoihsan syggeneis twn agnoymenwn ths kypriakhs tragwdias, sto odofragma toy Lhdra Pallas, sth Leykwsia.Sto metajy, h pagkypria enwsh motosykletistwn proeidopoiei toys toyristes poy mpainoyn sta katexomena, oti h mia lira poy plhrwnoyn ,ws eidiko telos, phgainei se eidiko logariasmo gia thn idrysh kai leitoyrgia eidikhs stratiwtikhs monadas.

Se diaqesimothta teqhke o arxifylakas Qeof.Makrhs, 50 xronwn, poy synelhfqh sta Iwannina na metaferei Albanoys laqrometanastes enanti amoibhs.Se baros toy arxifylaka diataxqhke kai Enorkh Dioikhtikh Ejetash.


Me problhmata , poy kataggelqhkan apo thn antipoliteysh , pragmatopoihqhkan xqes sthn Albania oi dhmotikes ekloges.Me to kleisimo ths kalphs o Sali Mperisa dhlwse oti to Dhmokratiko komma petyxe megalh nikh kai "apostomwse osoys miloysan gia noqeia kai stis boyleytikes ekloges".Kykloi ths antipolitseyshs kathggeilan oti askhqhke cyxologikh bia se polloys chfoforoys.Omws, kai to komma Anqrwpinwn Dikaiwmatwn den phge kala stis xqessines ekloges.Symfwna me tis prwtes plhrofories apo toys 5 dhmoys poy eixe kerdisei stis ekloges toy 1992 twra kerdizei mono dyo sthn Anw kai Katw Dropolh, enw sto Argyrokastro, apo prwto komma hlqe trito.Phges apo thn ellhnikh meionothta aneferan oti to gegonos ofeiletai sthn aproqymia oswn briskontai kai ergazontai sthn Ellada na epistrecoyn kai na chfisoyn.

To Fileleyqero Dhmokratiko Komma toy Prwqypoyrgoy Rioytaro Xasimoto einai o nikhths twn eklogwn sthn Iapwnia, xwris omws na kataferei na ejasfalisei aytodynamia.To pososto proseleyshs stis kalpes efqase to 58% se synolo 98. 000.000 chfoforwn, poy qewreitai arnhtiko rekor gia thn koinoboyleytikh istoria ths Iapwnias.

Boreioys anemoys, baqmiaia ptwsh ths qermokrasias kai topikes broxes problepei gia shmera h Eqnikh Metewrologikh Yphresia. Sto Boreio Ionio, thn Hpeiro kai th Dytikh Sterea problepetai sxedon aiqrios kairos. Sth Boreia Ellada qa ekdhlwqoyn parodikes nefwseis me piqanothta asqenwn broxwn enw sthn ypoloiph xwra problepontai nefwseis me broxes kai sta notia kataigides. Ta fainomena apo arga to apogeyma stadiaka qa ejasqenhsoyn. H qermokrasia qa kymanqei sta Boreia apo 8 ews 15 baqmoys, sto Ionio kai ta ypoloipa Hpeirwtika apo 13 ews 19 baqmoys kai sta nhsia toy Aigaioy apo 16 ews 21 baqmoys Kelsioy. Sth Qessalonikh o kairos qa einai nefelwdhs me piqanothta proskairhs broxhs enw h qermokrasia sthn polh qa kymanqei apo 16 ews 21 baqmoys Kelsioy.

Kataxwrhqhke: 13:21:17 GMT+2

Complete archives of the Macedonian Press Agency bulletins are available on the MPA Home Page at and on the U.S. mirror at

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