. Macedonian Press Agency

O T H E R   S O U R C E S

*Xanthi's Carnival 1999
*Greece. 1998 Year in Review
*1st BALKAN CONFERENCE - "Education and Research within the frame of Sustainable Development: The case of environment"
*Inter-Balkan Conference - Rigas Velestinlis
*Konstantinos Karamanlis - In Memoriam
*Xanthi's Carnival 1998
*The Treasures of Mount Athos
*Conference: Europe and Media - Our cultural heritage
*Dr. Basil C.Gounaris: "Communist Landlords" and Political refugees from Greek Macedonia
*Alois Brunner File
*Jewish Sources about Macedonia
*Dr. Basil C. Gounaris: Social cleavages and national "awakening" in Otoman Macedonia
*Vlassis Vlasidis - Veniamin Karakostanoglou Recycling Propaganda: Remarks on Recent Reports on Greece's "Slav-Macedonian Minority"
*No 3191-Convention: between Italy and Turkey for the delimitation of the territorial waters between the coast of Anatolia and the island of Castellorizo. signed at Ankara, January 4, 1932.