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Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA), 97-02-25Albanian Telegraphic Agency Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA) Home Page at <>Albanian Telegraphic AgencyCONTENTS
[01] INITIATIVE OF A GROUP OF STUDENTS IN GJIROKASTER TO BOYCOTT CLASSES DENOUNCEDGJIROKASTER, FEB 24 (ATA) - By H Cani: The Presidency of the Student Union in the Eqrem Cabej University of Gjirokastra, Southern Albania, on Monday denounced a declaration by a group of students for a boycott of classes."Only the Presidency of the Student Union represents the students. This Presidency has been unanimously elected by all the students," told ATA the chairman of this Union, student Fatos Dauti. "Being always sensitive towards the hunger strike of Ismail Qemali University students in Vlora, we qualify as untrue the report in Gazeta Shqiptare, according to which 10 students of Gjirokastra University will take part in the hunger strike in Vlore," said Dauti. Students in Gjirokastra told ATA that the organizer of this group self- styled as representation of the students, is the nephew of Kurt Kola, student Kastriot Kola. Kurt Kola is president of the Forum for Democracy, a political grouping of the left opposition and some right wing parties without electorate. A good part of the students who are in a period of exams and practical work had their normal activity these days. Some students of the Ismail Qemali University in Vlore have staged a hunger strike for six days now, demanding the resignation of the government blaming it for the loss of investments in pyramid schemes. ssh/kei/xh/sh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[02] ANNOUNCEMENT OF FOREIGN MINISTRYTIRANE, FEB 25 (ATA)- The Press and Information Department of the Foreign Ministry reports that several news stories and comments of the media, especially foreign one, have reported that "the Albanians citizens who have invested in the pyramid schemes are supposed to have lost from one to two billion dollars".Although announced as a supposition, the above comment does not refer to any financial institution or special structure charged by the Albanian administration with the task to clarify the financial position of several pyramid schemes. Hence, the data provided on February 24, 1997 by the State Control regarding the financial situation of the "Gjallica" company confirm that the debt the company owes to the citizens is only $145 million. Considering these data confirmed by the State Control, the supposed figure of $2billion does not respond to the reality, the annnoucement of the Press and Information Department of the Foreign Ministry says. lm/e Albanian Telegraphic Agency[03] CONSEQUENCES OF "XHAFERRI'S FEVERS" IN LIVESTOCKLUSHNJE, FEB 24 (ATA) - By Ilir Manka: The price of veal and beef in the town of Lushnja, Western Plateau, increased 20-25 lek per kilogram in the past three days.The reduction of the number of livestock by peasants who thought that "investment in loan taking firms" was more profitable than rearing livestock has led to a lower request for the selling of calves, and this has been due to several reasons: firstly, that the peasants slaughtered a part of their livestock thinking that their rearing was not profitable and secondly, now they plan to increase the number of heads which 'could be saved' from loan-taking firms. Now a kg of veal is sold at about 400 lek from 280 lek a month ago and 380 a week ago. A peasant from the commune of Krutje, willing to have his money increased, and since the money quota to be invested in Xhaferri pyramid scheme was fixed, besides the family members, he had invested money in the name of his two cows, "Lara. D" and "Donika. D." Such cases are frequent in Lushnja. According to documentation, the lists of Xhaferri have 147 767 registered names, whereas the population of the whole district is about 150 thousand people. kei/xh/sh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[04] CONCLUSIONS OF EU FOREIGN MINISTERS COUNCIL MEETINGTIRANA, FEB 25 (ATA)- The Foreign Ministry Press and Information Department reports as follows: "The Council of the Foreign Ministers of the European Union (EU) continued proceedings through a profound exchange of views on the situation in Albania and the Union's possibilities to contribute to the solution of the current crisis.It considers the crisis a reflection of the problems related to the developing processes of transition and the indispensability for the authorities to continue resolutely with the political and economic reforms. The council calls on the Albanian authorities to respect to the end, under the present circumstances, the basic principles of democracy and its international obligations. It calls on all the political forces in Albania to engage in a constructive dialogue to help the country come out of the crisis and stop exploiting the current situation for party aims. Considering the support provided by the Union, in the context of the regional support for Albania's development, the relations of this country with the union as well as the stability in the region, the Council favours the Commissions' orientations to provide Albania with assistance in the framework of the PHARE programme. Among the fields of assistance it chose the agricultural credit, support for SME, tourism and development and local communities. In this context, the Council is waiting for the reaction of the Albanian authorities as regards the technical assistance offered by the union and invites them to cooperate with international financial institutions, especially with the IMF.lm/sh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[05] ANNOUNCEMENT OF DEMOCRATIC PARTY PRESS OFFICETIRANA, FEB 25 (ATA)- By E. Alushi, The Democratic Party Press and Information Office announces that "As regards today's speculations of radio the "Voice of America" on the financing of the Albanian Democratic Party by the loan-taking company "Gjallica", citing the $50 000 this company has provided the DPA with, the spokesman says that this financing has been carried out conform the Albanian laws on financing and sponsoring the political parties.It would have been better for the "Voice of America" if it had informed earlier of those parties receiving over $500 000 from the pyramid foundations, or who which have backed the electoral campaign on the pyramid schemes".lm/sh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[06] BRITISH AMBASSADOR MEETS PLD CHAIRMAN OF MONTENEGROPRISHTINE, FEB 24 (ATA)- The Ambassador of the Great Britain in Belgrade, Ivor Roberts, met yesterday in Podgorice with Mehmet Bardhi, deputy of parliament in Montenegro and chairman of the Democratic League Party, PLD, (The PLD is the major Albanian Party in the Montenegro).The British diplomat showed interest in the position of the Albanian position in Montenegro, the stand of the Democratic League, the situation in Kosova and the Albanian issue as well the situation in Serbia. Bardhi told the British diplomat that the Albanians in Montenegro are autochthonous in their ethnic territories and inseparable part of the Albanian nation. He stressed that the Albanians in Montenegro demand a democratic solution of their issue, would be achieved through an autonomy, special status, of which they have also declared themselves through an approved memorandum and other political documents. Ulqini and Tivari, Albanian territories, were partitioned from the Homeland with the intervention of the Great Powers in 1877 and 1880 and were annexed to Montenegro. b.j/p.ta/eva/lm/E Albanian Telegraphic Agency[07] PRESS REVIEWTIRANA, FEB 25 (ATA) - Under the title "EU: Full support for Albania" newspaper Rilindja Demokratike writes on the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the European Union, yesterday. "The European Union demands from the Albanian Government to continue resolutely the political and economic reforms and underlines that "this Council asked the left opposition not to exploit the present situation for their party aims." Soon, an Italian-Albanian friendship treaty will be ratified, writes the paper. It says that the draft law on the approval of the treaty was presented to the parliament recently by the Italian Foreign Minister Lamberto Dini."Vlora, symbol and pride," writes Zeri i Popullit. It says that "Students of Tirana, Gjirokastra and Korce warn for hunger strikes. The paper carries a declaration of the Presidency of the SPA, under the title "Self-sacrifice of student strikers asks the support of all." The news conference of the Forum for Democracy is covered by this paper under the title "Rallies will continue as a democratic form of peaceful protests." In the feature "Analysis" the paper carries an article "Tensions in Albania and the Balkanization of the situation." "Pyramid schemes failed, where are the architects?" is the title of an editorial in Republika. "Kamberi promised 50 million dollars from Italy" is another article in this paper. "Yesterday a group of students from Tirana reached Vlora, in token of solidarity for their student hungers," writes the paper in an article entitled "Second petition to the Presidence." "President Rugova met with a US delegation and a delegation of the European Union" writes Rilindja. Related to the visit of the delegation of the European Parliament in the Republic of Kosova, the paper writes "Medieval tortures on Albanians." Regarding yesterday's meeting of the government, the newspaper writes "Criteria for a rapid economic assistance." "Europe to Tirana: 'Continue the work,'" writes Albania under the headline "European Union opens green light to Albania." EU: "Opposition should use the crisis for party goals," writes the paper. It cites Forum for Democracy leader, Kurt Kola to have said: "Europe's officials have not yet spent the money taken from the pyramid schemes." The address of the deputy Doris Pack in the European Parliament about the situation in Albania is reflected by the paper under the title "Opposition is showing itself irresponsible." Regarding yesterday's meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers, newspaper Sindikalisti has an article entitled "Yes to Albanian incursion so far." In its political reports, the paper writes "Austria reconfirms a powerful support for Albania." "European Union withdraws the request for new elections. Appeal for dialogue. Assistance in question," writes Koha Jone. The news conference of the Forum for Democracy is covered by the paper in an article entitled "No to a fresh 5 year term for Berisha." The Forum declared, says the paper, that this week protests throughout Albania will intensify in support of the hunger strike in Vlore. "Five students in a grave situation, Meksi still in the post of the Prime Minister," writes Dita Informacion." "Fassino: Albania needs assistance and not conditions," writes this paper under the headline "EU discusses Albania." According to the chairman of the State Control Service, Gjallica was a pyramid scheme, writes this paper under the title "Debt towards creditors is higher than declared." "Vlore, students towards danger," writes Gazeta Shqiptare. Brussels demands: "Dialogue should start in Albania," writes the newspaper about yesterday's meeting of 15 Foreign Ministers of EU. "Lek towards abyss, the bank rises interests: credits more expensive?" is another article in the same paper. kled/xh/E Albanian Telegraphic Agency[08] VEFA AFFILIATE IN VLORA CONTINUES DISTRIBUTION OF CAPITALSVLORE, FEB 24 (ATA) - On Monday the Vefa affiliate in Vlora continued to distribute capital deposits to creditors who have put up to 500 000 lek.The director of Vefa in Vlora, Memush Kabili, said that work would continue normally according to a strategy defined by the company for the total repayment of its creditors in a relatively short period of time. Nevertheless, the crowd of people present by the counters of the savings bank of Vefa in Vlore has made the work difficult, consequently, distribution of capitals for the next two days will be halted. In the first two days Vefa in Vlore paid capitals to 300 creditors, whose capitals were up to 500 000 lek. Vefa also has distributed deposits to over 550 investors in Tirana, whereas in Korce and Durres, Vefa affiliates have paid deposits to 200 creditors.ssh/kei/xh/sh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[09] CENAJ & CO AFFILIATE CONTINUES TO DISTRIBUTE CAPITAL INVESTMENTDURRES, FEB 25 (ATA)-By Sotiraq Gjordeni, The Cenaj & Co affiliate, after two-three week interruption, during which control was carried out by the transparence commission, has been regular in distributing returns as well as capital to its creditors.An official of this Affiliate, Shaqo Dervishi, told ATA that a total of 350 creditors have so far retrieved their capitals, based on the daily issued lists. The distribution of capital investment will continue until April. In the meantime, 800 people have received monthly returns and will also retrieve the respective capital.rf/kled/lm/sh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[10] A TURKISH MILITARY DELEGATION IN ALBANIATIRANA, FEB 25 (ATA) - A military delegation of Turkey led by the Commander of the Turkish Fleet, Admiral Guven Arkaya, is paying a three-day- visit to Albania, spokesman of the Albanian Defence Ministry reports.The delegation had a separate meeting with the State Defence Secretary, Leonard Demi. Mr Demi told the Turkish military about the developments in the country, aspects of the work in the army, its reformation as an army of the new type with a democratic spirit. The chief of the Army General Staff, General Sheme Kosova, in a meeting with the Turkish Admiral, talked of the relations and cooperation in the military field between the two armies, further materialisation and realisation of bilateral activities for 1997. The Turkish delegation had talks in the Command of Naval Defence Force, during which Rear Admiral Zhupani and Turkish Admiral Arkay exchanged opinion on possibilities of further cooperation and exchange of experience between the two fleets. The Turkish military is visiting cities and historical cultural objects in Albania to see closely the traditions of the Albanian people. kled/xh/sh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[11] ITALIAN LEFT WING "DISTINGUISHES" TWO CURRENTS IN ALBANIAN SOCIALIST PARTYTIRANA, FEB 25 9ATA) - Italian left wing "distinguishes" two currents in the Albanian Socialist Party."Secretary General of the Socialist Party Rexhep Mejdani, has taken part in the Congress of the Democratic Party of the Italian Left, but present in the same hall have also been Ilir meta and Luan Hajdaraga, guests of the Left Democratic Party of Italy," writes Albania on Thursday. Also present in the congress were Albert Brojka, representative of the Democratic Party, Gaqo Apostoli of the Social Democratic Party and Vasil Melo of the Human Rights Union Party. Meta and Hajdaraga had a separate meeting with the Secretary of Italian Left Democratic Party, Pietro Fassino, while Mejdani took part in a meeting in which Brojka, Melo and Apostoli were also present. Ilir Meta, chairman of the Eurosocialist Youth Forum and Luan Hajdaraga, former SP deputy chairman released from this task in the second congress of this party, are members of the group within the socialist party which has demanded the withdrawal of the present SP presidency. "Invitations for Meta and Hajdaraga are another blow for the SP leading staff, the anti-presidence group is considered as a party by the Italian left as well, and by all western left wing," comments the newspaper, adding that the problems related with the collapse of pyramid schemes have changed nothing in the relations of the European left with Albanian socialists, who are being seen with the same doubt as in the first days when they changed their party's name. kled/pas/xh/e Albanian Telegraphic Agency[12] "EU ECONOMIC-FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY HELP BETTER POLITICAL DIALOGUE IN ALBANIA" - FassinoTIRANA, FEB 24 (ATA) - "European Union must help Albania not only politically but also in the economic-financial field, and naturally, an assistance by the European Union may help better the political dialogue," said Italian deputy foreign minister, Piero Fassino in an interview with BBC yesterday.Also the DP foreign Relations secretary, Albert Brojka, who took part in the congress of the Italian Left Democratic Party told Rilindja Demokratike on Thursday that Fassino focused his address "on the indispensability of the dialogue among the Albanian political forces." "Fassino was of the opinion that if the opposition has the creation of a technocrat government and its advent to power an aim in itself, this shows that it is not committed to overcome the financial situation," said Brojka. "Fassino asked the opposition to present options and make a contribution to overcome the present situation," said Brojka for Rilindja Demokratike. "Despite the tense situation in Albania recently, the Italian Parliament, according to the Italian News Agency, ANSA, is making preparations to ratify the treaty of friendship and cooperation between the two countries signed in October 1995." The draft was presented to the Parliament by the Italian Foreign Minister, Lamberto Dini. kled/xh/sh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[13] ANNOUNCEMENT OF DP FINANCE DEPARTMENTTIRANA, FEB 25 (ATA)- Responding to statements in the press regarding the financing of the Democratic Party, the Finance Department of the Democratic Party announces: 1.The Democratic Party accepted a financial aid in the form of donation by the "Gjallica" company conform the law "On financing the political parties" and in full transparency at the beginning of '96.2. At the time this aid was accepted, the Democratic Party was not aware of the existence of pyramid elements in the activity of this company. 3. By order of the Democratic Party Secretariat, the Finance Department states that it will return this aid worth $50 000 from this year's budget in favour of Albanian Telegraphic Agency[14] MORE VISAS FROM GREEK EMBASSY - TiranaTIRANA, FEB 25 (ATA) By Eva Allushi:The Greek Embassy in Tirana has increased the number of visas for the Albanian citizens in the Vlore districts, in order to help them overcome the crisis caused by the collapse of the pyramid schemes. 170 Albanian citizens will take visas today.The number of people who are taking visas for Greece has increased recently, sources of the Greek Embassy confessed on Tuesday. The embassy says that all the Albanian citizens are considered of priority and facilities are provided to the peasants of Narta village and of other villages to take visas in group. The Greek government has insistently stressed recently the priority it has in these moments giving help to Albania to normalize the situation in the region. /kled/mt/k Albanian Telegraphic Agency[15] ALBANIAN PRESIDENT MEETS WITH CITIZENS OF BERATBERAT, FEB 25 (ATA) - By A. Frasheri, I. Manka: Albanian President Sali Berisha met Tuesday in the theatre hall "13 September" of Berat with citizens of this city to talk with them about the losses in pyramid schemes and to ensure for the resolution and the great efforts to overcome the created difficulties."We are resolute to help with credits those who lost their homes in these schemes, provide with social assistance those who do not have living means, to give credits to Berati citizens for small business activities, to draft clear programs of employment", said Berisha in the presence of more than 1300 people in the hall and more than 3000 others who were listening through the loudspeakers, outside the cinema. Berisha said that even in Berat free zones would be declared and concrete measures would be taken to turn Berati into a touristic zone. Berisha guaranteed to the farmers the lift of taxes for two years and credit system of priority to those who lost their cattle in the fraudulent pyramid schemes, lower down at a minimum the customs duties for the chemical fertilizers, materials of the plastic plants, as well as serious investments in the irrigation system. Anyhow he did not denied the responsibility of the government institutions and DP for this negative phenomenon in the free market economy. Berisha expressed his solidarity to all the citizens of Berat, who experienced the violence and the terror of flames of the red extremist groups. In February 1967, said Berisha, the Party of Labour of Albania started the unprecedented barbarism against our precious treasures, destroyed churches, mosques, institutions of the cult and freedom of religion in Berat and in the whole Albania. In February 1997, 30 years later, the PLA with a new name, for the same motives, organized the burning of the symbols of freedom and the toppling of dictatorship, but this time not of the churches and the mosques, but of the town halls, headquarters of the party which overthrew the dictatorship, the institutions elected by free vote". Berisha invited all the Albanians, despite the political convictions, to unite and to support the alternative of the Democratic Party and the government, defined by him as the alternative of the dialogue and understanding, of the social dimension and quick development, of enlarging the freedoms and integration into Europe. /kei/mt/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[16] DISCUSSION OF DRAFT LAW ON MUNICIPAL AND COMMUNAL POLICE CONTINUESTIRANA, FEB 25 (ATA) By Agim Baçi: The Parliamentary Commission of Order and NIS (National Information System) and that of Laws continued on Tuesday the discussion of the draft-law "On the organization and functioning of the Municipal and Communal Police".Both commissions have discussed the draft-law article by article on the rules of the activity of this police. The Municipal and Communal Police will be a structure made up of specialist from different fields, because with these police it is expected to cover the economic flux which has increased, the problems of crime, the different problems of administration and those regarding urbanism. / Albanian Telegraphic Agency[17] REPUBLICANS THREATEN THEY WILL LEAVE PARLIAMENTTIRANA, FEB 25 (ATA) By Agim Baçi:The Albanian Republicans declared Tuesday their solidarization to the hunger strike staged by the students of the Vlore University "Ismail Qemali" and have "threaten" they will take further measures if the parliament will not discuss in its agenda the situation in Vlore. "We (republicans) will ask from the parliament to set in the agenda the examination of the situation in Vlore. If this will not happen, the republicans will request a motion of non confidence against the parliament's presidency, and may be our withdrawal from parliament", said the deputy chairman of the Republican Party, Cerciz Mingomataj. The Vlore students are on strike as a sign of protest for the money lost in the pyramid schemes and have asked the resignation of the government. The republican Party is represented in the parliament by two deputies. The republicans have requested their withdrawal from the government coalition, but were obliged to expel one of them, because he did not respond to the decision of the party. The RP has also suggested in the meeting of the Leading Committee the ways which can be followed to set dialogue with the students. "The strike is right, and we think that, as they do not accept any of the parties' representatives, it is necessary that an assembly from the presidency or the parliament should go to Vlore to find the ways of dialogue", said Mingomataj. The Republicans have also declared they favor an approval of the constitution before the president is elected. /kei/mt/k Albanian Telegraphic Agency[18] AMBASSADORS OF YEMEN AND ISLAND PRESENT CREDENTIALSTIRANA, FEB 25 (ATA) - Today, the President of Albania, Sali Berisha met with the Ambassadors of Yemen and Island in the Republic of Albania, Mohamed Elwazir and Hordur H. Bjarnason, who presented the credentials, Department of the Protocol in the Albanian Foreign Ministry reports.Attending the ceremony of the presentation of the credentials was also the deputy Premier and Foreign Minister, Tritan Shehu. / Albanian Telegraphic Agency[19] PRONUNCIATION OF PRESIDENT BERISHA ON CONCLUSIONS OF THE EU COUNCIL OF MINISTERS ABOUT ALBANIATIRANA, FEB 25 (ATA) - In a meeting with inhabitants of Berat today, Albanian President Sali Berisha declared his opinion regarding the conclusions of the EU Council of Ministers about Albania. He said:"I am of the opinion the conclusions of the EU Council of Ministers are a powerful support for Albanian democracy and for this I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to the EU Council of Ministers, EU member countries and Commission. The EU Council of Ministers conclusions are a powerful support, firstly, because they demand from the Albanian Government to resolutely continue the reforms in all the fields. The demand stems from the fact that the reforms in Albania have been reforms of success. This demand also stems from the fact that the Albanian Government proved of its full commitment to solve the difficulties created in the context of the rule of law and the market economy. To this end, EU calls on the Albanian Government to stick resolutely to the road of reforms, it appeals to the Albanians to support their Government on the road of these reforms. EU calls on the political forces to establish dialogue and not to exploit the situation for their party aims. I assure you and the international community that I have been and still am completely open to dialogue. I have invited several times the political parties; I had a meeting with students of Vlora and have sent a messenger to invite them again to continue the dialogue. I consider the dialogue as one of the most human, most successful and most indispensable ways to solve the problems not only today, but also in the future. I have repeatedly guaranteed and guarantee the opposition that there will be no losers in the dialogue. The dialogue is to reach concrete results and if you recall the latest round table discussions I held with the opposition, they have never remained empty-handed from the common discussion we have had. All parties should come in the dialogue with the sense of compromise. Lastly, the EU Council of Ministers declaration considers as very important the fact that the Albanian Government must decide, respect all the international rules and standards. We are determined to observe all the rules of democracy, the rule of law and the international obligations. We have been and will remain an open country. The EU Council of Ministers appeals to the Albanian Government to be open to international institutions. I want to inform the citizens of Berat and all the Albanians that the Albanian Government is realising it. Many days ago I have had telephone talks with main leaders of international institutions, I have explained to them the situation, have assured them that the Albanian Government will be totally transparent in this procedure and that they are welcome to cooperate with us. They have decided to send delegations and we are resolute to continue the cooperation. The declaration of the EU Foreign Ministers voices the determination of EU to assist Albania financially and economically in some fields, through PHARE program, credits for Albanian farmers, in the field of tourism, local communities and I am grateful to them for this readiness. Hence, there is a serious commitment of the EU to help us accelerate the economic growth and overcome poverty. If the Albanian Government had not proven during this period its loyalty to the principles of democracy and its values, that it is resolute to find legitimate solutions to the question of pyramid schemes, what is today legitimate for Albania is legitimate for all democratic countries, therefore, solutions within democratic standards, I assure you that the declaration would say the contrary to what it says. Hence, some solutions may seem to be painstaking; I know that for a creditor it would be, perhaps, a better solution if the Government gave him the money lost in the private debt, but this would completely compromise Albania, the Government, the creditor himself and the future of the country. And precisely these stands which we have adopted made possible a full support in Brussels for the Government's stand, it is a support for all the Albanians who have faith in Europe, in integration, who believe in their future in EU. But on the other hand, we must assist ourselves. Hence, we must manifest our strong commitment and devotion towards all-sided political and economic reforms." xh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[20] ALBANIAN PRESIDENT MEETS COMMANDER OF TURKISH MILITARY FLEETTIRANA, FEB 25 (ATA0 - Albanian President Sali Berisha met Tuesday the commander of the military fleet of Turkey, admiral Guven Arkaya, President's press and information office reports.During the talk, President Berisha appreciated the good relations existing between our armies, which are in accordance with the good government relations, wishing their further development in the bilateral plan, as well as in framework of the Partnership for Peace. / Albanian Telegraphic Agency[21] NUMBER OF STRIKER STUDENTS HOSPITALIZED IN VLORE REACHES 14VLORE, FEB 25 (ATA) - According to a communique of the hunger strike of the students of the Vlore University it is reported that the number of students hospitalized because of health disturbances has reached 14.They were sent to hospital with the suggestion of the doctors to prevent further complications. According to the same announcement, the students who will be under medical treatment, will turn back to the strike, if there will not be any consequences for their health. At the same time, they thank in the communique the Police Commissariat of the Vlore district for the service organized recently around the building where the strike is held. The students are staging the strike in token of protest to the money lost in loan-taking companies and have asked the government's resignation. Meanwhile, at about 17.00, the usual mass of people has gathered in front of the University building. They have protested for more than an hour through different slogans. The leaders of the Forum for Democracy, being present in the recent protests in Vlore, were missing. / Albanian Telegraphic Agency[22] DP EXPRESSES ITS REGRET FOR REUTERS' DEFINITIONTIRANA, FEB 25 (ATA) - In one of its statement, the Democratic Party, expressed Tuesday the regret that the news agency REUTERS has referred recently to the Democratic Party and the government as belonging to the right wing, which in English creates the image of a political force more or less near the right extreme.The DP reminds in a statement, that since its beginnings it was founded as a party of the right wing center and remained like this. "Its program is the best testimony for this", says the statement. It is also mentioned the fact that the DP is a full right member of the European Democratic Union (EDU) and European Union of Christian Democratic (EUCD), whose members are European Christian-democratic and conservative parties, like the German CDU, the British Conservative Party, the French RPR, and others. "For these reasons we express our regret that the REUTERS agency has distorted the reality and we ask from it to use more faithful definitions to present the reality," ends the statement of DP. / From the Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA) Home Page at Telegraphic Agency Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |