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Cyprus Mail: Press Review in English, 98-12-04Cyprus Mail: Press Review in English Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus Mail at <>Friday, December 4, 1998 Dogmas and slogans collapseSTRONG-WORDED opinion columns about the missile issue and the divergence of views between Athens and Nicosia were carried in yesterday's papers. Alithia editor Alecos Constantinides launched a scathing attack against the Greek and Cyprus governments, accusing them of reducing the Unified Defence Dogma to a hollow slogan. He warned that, "when we reach the crisis point, the slogans are of no use and the dogmas collapse". He added: "The crisis arising from the Russian missile saga, as was to be expected, raised the issue of the famous Unified Defence Dogma, on which our political and military leadership based their strategy in the last few years. "And suddenly, with a delay of five years, the Dogma is exposed as being just a slogan - something we had pointed out from the start without convincing anyone. The public likes to live with myths, delusions and pretty slogans rather than confront reality, which is not always pleasant." Simerini, in its front-page leader, drew the same conclusions: "It is no longer possible to cover up the simple truth about the S-300 missiles, the Defence Dogma and the total collapse of policy with the contradictory verbosity of all sides, nor with the lining up of the party leaders to be briefed (by President Clerides) about the obvious. "Not even the inventive Dr Lyssarides, after his lightning visit to Athens, can make things tally. 'There is a divergence of views, but no divergence of decisions (between Athens and Nicosia)' he said. Why do we need this fine line that separated the two meanings? Things speak for themselves. "Turkey has not even made a clear war threat, the missiles are not even on the way to their destination, and we are in disarray." Haravghi, in its front page editorial, said that "the critical moments the Cyprus problem was going through called for a heightened sense of responsibility among all concerned". It castigated the reaction of the Disy leader - who suggested that Greece was abandoning Cyprus - to the "divergence of views between the Greek and Cyprus governments". "Unfortunately, things have reached a point at which any decision will carry a cost. The requirement is to have the lowest possible cost and to make the choices that will achieve our strategic objective - the settlement of the Cyprus problem," it concluded. Machi expressed its outrage at Turkish Foreign Minister Ismail Cem's audacity in expressing opposition to the installation of the S-300 missiles in Crete. "Turkey does not want to dictate its terms to Cyprus only, but also to Greece," it said. "If Turkey finally succeeds in imposing its will by naked threats, then we will be left with no power of resistance and struggle for the liberation of our land." Phileleftheros claimed that President Clerides was awaiting diplomatic developments that could affect the issue of the missiles. The US and UN had undertaken certain initiatives, the paper reported. © Copyright Cyprus Mail 1998Cyprus Mail: Press Review in English Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |