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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-10-17Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <>Anaskophsh prwinoy Kypriakoy TypoyLeykwsia,Kypros,17/10/1997 (KYPE) H nea toyrkikh proklhsh, parenoxlhshs toy aeroskafoys poy metefere apo thn Kypro sthn Ellada, ton Ypoyrgo Amynas ths Elladas Akh Tsoxatzopoylo kai h synanthsh poy qa exoyn thn erxomenh Deytera Klhridhs- Kyprianoy gia tis Proedrikes ekloges toy Febroyarioy, kyriarxoyn sta shmerina prwtoselida toy kypriakoy Typoy."O Agwn" me titlo "Kindynece o Akhs" anaferetai sthn parenoxlhsh apo toyrkika maxhtika, toy stratiwtikoy metagwgikoy aeroskafoys poy ton metefere sthn Ellada, shmeiwnontas oti ayth htan h deyterh fora poy egine. H prwth fora htan kata to tajidi toy k. Tsoxatzopoyloy sthn Kypro gia na parakoloyqhsei thn askhsh "Nikhforos '97". Se allh eidhsh, grafei oti meletatai apo to Ypoyrgeio Ygeias monimo programma, se synergasia me ton idiwtiko tomea, gia elegxo toy karkinoy. H "Alhqeia" exei basiko titlo "Klhridhs - Kyprianoy tet - a - tet th Deytera" kai grafei oti sth synanthsh anamenetai o Proedros ths Dhmokratias na anakoinwsei ston Proedro toy DHKO thn kat'arxhn proqesh toy anaforika me thn ypobolh h oxi, ypochfiothtas stis Proedrikes ekloges toy 1998. Grafei epishs oti AKEL, DHKO, EDEK, E.DH. stamatoyn thn ekdosh titlwn idiokthsias stoys prosfyges kai shmeiwnei oti h xqesinh syzhthsh sth Boylh htan entonh. "H Maxh" me titlo "Jekaqarizei o Klhridhs - Epimono flert AKEL pros DHKO", grafei oti h synanthsh poy qa exoyn thn erxomenh Deytera Klhridhs kai Kyprianoy, qa einai kaqoristikh kai oti s'aythn o k. Klhridhs qa anakoinwsei pros ton k. Kyprianoy, thn apofash toy na epanadiekdikhsei thn Proedria ths Dhmokratias. Alloy, epikaleitai plhrofories toy toyrkikoy Typoy, symfwna me tis opoies to amerikaniko Pentagwno anagkazei thn Agkyra na epanejetasei tis qeseis ths sxetika me toys S300. "H Shmerinh" me titlo " 'Bomba' to orio afyphrethshs", proballei xqesines dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Oikonomikwn, o opoios zhthse na parataqei o xronos ergasias twn dhmosiwn ypallhlwn, apo to 60o, sto 65o-67o etos ths hlikias. Alloy, anaferetai sth dhlwsh toy GG toy OHE, Kofi Anan, o opoios ejefrase thn anhsyxia toy "gia thn ayjanomenh entash anamesa se ellhnikes kai toyrkikes dynameis se sxesh me stratiwtikes askhseis sthn Kypro..." "O Fileleyqeros" me kyrio titlo "Epikindynh klimakwsh toyrkikwn proklhsewn" grafei oti para tis alazonikes dhlwseis toy arxhgoy toy toyrkikoy Genikoy Epiteleioy Ismail Karantagi, me tis opoies epexeirhse na "rijei toys tonoys", h Agkyra koryfwse xqes tis proklhseis parenoxlwntas ek neoy to aeroskafos toy Ypoyrgoy Eqnikhs Amynas, Akh Tsoxatzopoyloy. Se allo shmeio grafei oti symfwna me plhrofories toy T/k Typoy alla kai ektimhseis parathrhtwn twn ejelijewn sta katexomena, epideinwnetai h ygeia toy T/K hgeth Raoyf Ntenktas, afoy oi plhrofories miloyn twra gia kardiakes toy arryqmies. H "Xaraygh" katw apo ton titlo "Prwtaqlhtes anajiokratias" paraqetei oloklhro to keimeno ths anakoinwshs toy AKEL sxetika me thn eswterikh diakybernhsh Klhridh, thn opoia xarakthrizei ws "prwtaqlhth ths hmeterokratias kai anajiokratias" kai anaferetai se "prwtognwra arnhtika", kata thn ektimhsh toy, epiteygmata poy eginan sth diarkeia ths pentaetias. Se allo shmeio, h efhmerida ektima oti h sygkybernhsh kai h synergasia DHSY - DHKO odhgeitai prin to telos toy Oktwbrh pros dialysh. H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" anaferetai stis xqesines dhlwseis toy k. Tsoxatzopoyloy, sxetika me thn parenoxlhsh toy aeroplanoy poy ton metefere sthn Aqhna apo toyrkika aeroskafh kai sth dhlwsh toy oti h Toyrkia energei san dieqnhs apostaqeropoihths, poy xrhsimopoiei cyxropolemikes meqodoys. Alloy, anaferetai sth sygkroysh ploioy ypo kypriakh shmaia me qaylandeziko petrelaioforo sth Sigkapoyrh kai grafei oti symfwna me tis arxes ths xwras, h sygkroysh dhmioyrghse th megalyterh petrelaiokhlida sth Notioanatolikh Asia. H agglofwnh "Cyprus Weekly" anaferetai sth xqesinh, deyterh se diasthma triwn hmerwn, parenoxlhsh toy aeroplanoy poy metefere ton Ypoyrgo Eqnikhs Amynas ths Elladas apo toyrkika polemika aeroskafh, dhmioyrgwntas nea entash sthn perioxh. Se allo shmeio, grafei oti o Proedros ths Boylhs Spyros Kyprianoy, kalese thn kybernhsh na anasteilei thn epidosh titlwn idiokthsias prosfygikwn katoikiwn se prosfyges, dioti ayto qa estelle lanqasmena mhnymata ws pros thn epishmh politikh ths ellhnikhs pleyras. (KYPE/GG/KK/GP)Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |