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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 98-06-08Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <>Anaskophsh kypriakoy TypoyLeykwsia,Kypros,08/06/1998 (KYPE) Qemata kai plhrofories poy aforoyn to Kypriako, opws h epistolh poy qa steiloyn omogeneis twn HPA pros ton Proedro Klinton gia thn amerikanikh politikh, kyriarxoyn sto shmerino Typo. Epishs, shmera kykloforhse gia teleytaia fora h efhmerida "O Agwn", poy ekdidetai apo to 1964."O Agwn" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Epistolh - Katapelths" grafei oti shmainontes omogeneis twn HPA qa aposteiloyn ston Proedro Klinton epistolh se asynhqista sklhrh glwssa anaforika me thn politikh ths xwras toy sto Kypriako, sthn opoia kanoyn kai protaseis gia allagh ths politikhs ayths. Dhmosieyontai, epishs, arqra toy Arxisyntakth ths efhmeridas ki allwn dhmosiografwn anaforika me thn apofash gia anastolh ths ekdoshs toy "Agwn". H "Alhqeia" katw apo ton titlo "Sklhrh epistolh apo omogeneis stis HPA", grafei oti thn epistolh exei syntajei o epixeirhmatias apo thn Kalifornia Aggelos Tsakopoylos kai s' aythn oi omogeneis proeidopoyn oti yparxei kindynos to Dhmokratiko Komma na xasei thn yposthrijh twn Ellhnoamerikanwn. Alloy proballei diapistwseis toy Genikoy Elegkth oti stoys Dhmoys ginontai yperbaseis kai paratypies. "To Qarros" katw apo ton titlo "Bretanika sxedia se baros ths Kyproy - Emplekoyn toys Amerikanoys", proballei antapokrish apo thn Aqhna, symfwna me thn opoia oi Bretanoi dioxeteysan stoys Amerikanoys plhrofories, oi opoies den exoyn diastayrwqei, oti metagwgika stratiwtika aeroskafh meteferan apo th Germania stis Bretanikes Baseis gyrw stoys 300 Amerikanoys stratiwtes. Alloy grafei oti h nea Anaplhrwths Antiproswpos toy G.G. sthn Kypro, An Xerkoys, fqanei gia na analabei kaqhkonta to prwto dekahmero toy Ioylioy. "H Shmerinh" stegazei to kyrio qema ths katw apo ton titlo "Oi Rwsoi epimenoyn gia toys pyrayloys" kai grafei oti h Rwsia einai apofasismenh na thrhsei plhrws to symbolaio me thn Kypro gia toys S300 kai oti qa qewrhsei ws monomerh akyrwsh toy symbolaioy th mataiwsh ths eleyshs twn pyraylwn ws antallagma sthn apodoxh apo th Leykwsia zwnhs apagoreyshs pthsewn panw apo thn Kypro. Se allo qema anaferetai stis Kypriakes Aerogrammes kai grafei oti oi dioikoyntes qetoyn dyo metra kai dyo staqma gia to proswpiko. "O Fileleyqeros" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Eynooyn adraneia gi' apofygh entashs" grafei pws to gegonos oti den anamenontai ejelijeis sto Kypriako mesa stoys amesws epomenoys mhnes den qewreitai aparaithta arnhtiko apo toys jenoys mesolabhtes, oi opoioi ektimoyn oti h sxetikh adraneia mporei na symbalei sthn apofygh entasewn sthn perioxh. Se allh eidhsh anaferei oti h Toyrkia eiserxetai se paratetamenh proeklogikh periodo poy qa dwsei nea prosxhmata gia pagopoihsh toy Kypriakoy. H "Xaraygh" anaferetai prwtoselida stis Kypriakes Aerogrammes katw apo ton titlo "Energopoieitai to strathgiko sxedio" kai anaferei oti prowqeitai h pwlhsh triwn aeroskafwn kai h agora kainoyrgiwn, oti meqodeyetai h stadiakh efarmogh twn odynhrwn pronoiwn-metrwn gia to proswpiko kai oti syntoma paraxwreitai adeia sthn aeroporikh etaireia "Easy Jet" gia pthseis pros thn Kypro. Proballei, epishs, dhlwseis toy G.G. toy AKEL Dhmhtrh Xristofia kata thn epistrofh toy xqes sthn Kypro, oti h kybernhsh prospaqei dogmatika na antigracei to neofileleyqerismo, o opoios epiblhqhke se diafores xwres. (KYPE/MA/RAG)Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |