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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 98-08-23

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh prwinoy Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,23/08/1998 (KYPE) O shmerinos Typos asxoleitai me diafora senaria anabolhs toy rwsikoy antipyraylikoy systhmatos S300, thn epikeimenh syskech sthn Aqhna metajy toy Proedroy Glaykoy Klhridh kai toy Ellhna Prwqypoyrgoy, Kwsta Shmith, th nea apopeira fonoy sth Lemeso kai thn eklogh toy neoy Mhtropolith Morfoy.

H "Alhqeia" probalei to kyrio qema ths katw apo ton titlo, "Anabolh stoys S300". H efhmerida grafei oti h apofasistikothta Aqhnwn kai Leykwsias na dwsoyn mia eykairia sthn eirhnh kai sth dhmioyrgia prooptikwn gia dieyqethsh toy Kypriakoy kanei oloena perissotero piqanh th lhch apofashs gia paraxwrhsh neas, alla ystaths, anabolhs twn pyraylwn. Grafei epishs oti o Proedros Klhridhs qa exei synanthsh me ton Proedriko Apestalmeno, Ritsarnt Xolmproyk sth Nea Yorkh enw o Amerikanos Syntonisths, Tomas Miler anamenetai sthn perioxh metajy 10 - 14 Septembrioy. Alloy, h "A" grafei oti thn Tetarth qa syzhthqei sto Ektelestiko Grafeio toy DHKO to qema twn diagrafentwn.

H "Maxh" katw apo ton titlo "Skandalo oikonomiko sto AKEL", grafei oti hgetiko stelexos "tsepwne xrhmata toy proeklogikoy" agwna". Symfwna me thn efhmerida "to oikonomiko skandalo oikeiopoihshs arketwn xiliadwn lirwn... prokalei eswkommatikh anataraxh". Grafei oti o G.G. toy AKEL, Dhmhtrhs Xristofias zhthse kai diejhxqh endelexhs elegxos "opoy diapistwqhke oti to en logw kommatiko stelexos kai se alles periptwseis phre eisfores xwris na tis kataqesei sto komma". Se apokleistikh eidhsh, h "M" grafei oti o Basilhs Bintzhlaios hrqe sthn Kypro gia na syzhthsei shmantika zhthmata poy eixan amesh sxesh me to mellon twn epixeirhsewn toy Giagkoy Papadopoyloy.

H "Shmerinh", titloforei to kyrio qema ths "Sto eleos twn Toyrkwn h Kypros" ean anablhqei h egkatastash twn pyraylwn S300 epi makrwn. Anaferei oti paragontes toy PASOK kai toy kybernhtikoy stratopedoy sthn Kypro tonizoyn oti ena tetoio endexomeno qa afhsei to nhsi akalypto, qa ojynei thn toyrkikh adiallajia kai qa prokalesei perissoteres epiplokes sto Kypriako. Alloy anaferetai se synenteyjh toy Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn, Iwannh Kasoylidh, o opoios anaferei oti h kybernhsh, me kapoioys xeirismoys, qa balei to qema twn pyraylwn ekei poy toy anhkei, dhladh sth qesh toy qematos ths asfaleias. Tonizei de oti oi pyrayloi pote den htan aytoskopos.

O "Fileleyqeros" katw apo ton titlo: "Apofasisitkh proeidopoihsh Klhridh gia toys S300 - En anagkh qa paraithqei", grafei oti o Proedros Klhridhs katesthse safes se jenoys diamesolabhtes oti den qa distasei na paraithqei an epimenoyn se ypoxwrhsh xwris na thrhqoyn oi basikes proypoqeseis poy eqese gia thn egkatastash twn pyraylwn. Shmeiwnei oti o Yfypoyrgos Ejwterikwn ths Elladas, Giannos Kranidiwths kai o YPEJ, Iwannhs Kasoylidhs, proetoimasan xqes se synanthsh sth Leykwsia, th syskech ths Aqhnas metajy Shmith kai Klhridh. Alloy, o "F" grafei oti me thn apopeira fonoy xqes enantion toy Eyaggeloy Xristodoyloy, allws Antzelh, idiokthth kampare sth Lemeso, arxise enas neos krikos sthn alysida toy egklhmatos.

H "Xaraygh" titloforei to kyrio qema ths "Kakotexnos empaigmos" kai grafei oti ws "kakotexnh, apoprosanatolistikh prospaqeia ejeymenismoy ths hgesias ths EDEK qewreitai h kinhsh Klhridh na zhthsei gnwmateysh apo th Genikh Eisaggelia gia to rolo toy Ypoyrgoy Ygeias, Xristoy Solwmh sto prajikophma. Alloy, h "X" grafei oti me syntriptikh pleiochfia ejelegh xqes Mhtropoliths Morfoy o Neofytos Masoyras, o opoios yposxeqhke oti to ergo toy qa kinhqei se tria epipeda, se pneymatiko, eqniko kai koinwniko. H xeirotonia toy neoy Mhtropolith qa ginei stis 13 Septembrioy, ston Iero Nao Eyaggelismoy Palloyriwtissas.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" sto kyrio qema ths grafei oti "H Irlandia sighse gia ta qymata ths bombistikhs epiqeshs toy Oma". Grafei oti ekatontades xiliades, isws kai ekatommyria anqrwpoi, thrhsan sigh xqes sto kentro ths polh, mia bdomada meta th bombistikh epiqesh, sth mnhmh twn 28 atomwn poy skotwqhkan. H "CM" sto prwtoselido ths, anaferetai ston thleoptiko staqmo ANT1, o opoios anakoinwse oti o gnwstos dhmosiografos, Lewnidas Malenhs, feygei apo to RIK gia na synergastei me to radiofwno kai thn thleorash toy idiwtikoy staqmoy.


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