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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 99-09-25Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <>Anaskophsh prwinoy Kypriakoy TypoyLeykwsia,Kypros,25/09/1999 (KYPE) H apofash toy D.S. toy Xrhmatisthrioy Ajiwn Kyproy na parameinei kleisto gia allh mia ebdomada, h poinikh ereyna poy dietaje o Genikos Eisaggeleas gia ton Organismo Loyhs kai tis synallages toy me to dhmosio, oi ejelijeis sto Kypriako, oi antidraseis ths PEO sto qema ths ATA kai h shmerinh synedria ths Boylhs twn Gerontwn einai merika apo ta qemata me ta opoia asxoleitai o shmerinos kypriakos Typos.H "Alhqeia" sto kyrio qema ths ypo ton titlo "Poinikh ereyna gia metoxes kai symbolaia" grafei oti "apo to mikroskopio poinikhs ereynas qa perasoyn oles oi symbaseis twn etaireiwn toy Organismoy Loyhs me to dhmosio tomea, prokeimenoy na diafanei an kapoioi synhrghsan etsi wste o Organismos na eynohqei". Alloy grafei oti oktw disekatommyria lires, poy einai ependymena se titloys, qa parameinoyn desmeymena gia allh mia ebdomada afoy to Xrhmatisthrio apofasise xqes na parameinei kleisto gia allh mia ebdomada. H "Maxh" sto kyrio qema ths ypo ton titlo "Qa perasoyn oloi apo to koskino Markidh" grafei oti "me kinhsh MAT h Genikh Eisaggelia perna ola ta dhmosia proswpa apo koskino kai arxizei ejetash gia ypoptes sxeseis metajy atomwn poy askoyn dhmosia ejoysia kai megalwn oikonomikwn organismwn". Alloy grafei oti o Giannakhs Omhroy qa einai o diadoxos toy Basoy Lyssaridh sthn proedria toy kommatos, meta poy o k. Lyssaridhs dexqhke na analabei, symfwna me plhrofories ths efhmeridas, thn proedria toy ypo idrysh Sosialdhmokratikoy sxhmatos. O "Poliths" sto kyrio qema toy ypo ton titlo "Paratash swsibio" grafei oti h "apofash gia paratash ths anastolhs ths leitoyrgias toy Xrhmatisthrioy gia mia akomh ebdomada, elhfqh katopin makras kai qyellwdoys synedrias" ths Dieyqynshs, toy Symboylioy toy Xrhmatisthrioy kai ths Epitrophs Kefalaiagoras. Alloy grafei oti 56 atoma ths triths hlikias qa katalaboyn shmera ta boyleytika edrana gia na syzhthsoyn kai na probaloyn ta problhmata poy antimetwpizoyn kai na ajiwsoyn th lysh toys. H "Shmerinh" sto kyrio qema ths ypo ton titlo "Teleytaia eykairia" grafei oti "ws teleytaia eykairia gia th qerapeytikh agwgh toy qesmoy toy Xrhmatisthrioy xarakthrizetai h paratash ths anastolhs twn synallagwn gia mia akomh ebdomada", prosqetontas oti to D.S. toy XAK afhse "aixmes kata twn xrhmatistwn gia th diekpairewsh twn eggrafwn". Alloy grafei oti treis toylaxiston gynaikes fylakisthkan to teleytaio diasthma gia xreh poy dhmioyrghsan ta paidia toys kai gia ta opoia htan eggyhtries. O "Fileleyqeros" sto kyrio qema toy ypo ton titlo "Xawdhs h prooptikh gia to Xrhmatisthrio" grafei oti mono h lejh "xaos mporei na apodwsei ta osa symbainoyn shmera me to Xrhmatisthrio, toy opoioy pleon oi prooptikes kaqistantai poly amfiboles" prosqetontas oti "ta 40 xiliades kai pleon ajekaqarista eggrafa" ypoxrewsan to D.S. toy XAK na parateinei to kleisimo toy gia akoma mia ebdomada. Alloy grafei oti oi Amerikanoi zhtoyn apo tis dyo pleyres ekaterwqen kinhseis kalhs qelhshs, prin thn enarjh twn synomiliwn gia to Kypriako. H "Xaraygh" sto kyrio qema ths ypo ton titlo "Ejeytelisan to XAK" grafei oti "abebaio kai zofero xarakthrizetai pleon to mellon toy Xrhmatisthrioy Ajiwn Kyproy, to D.S. toy opoioy apofasise telika xqes na parateinei gia mia akoma ebdomada thn epanaleitoyrgia toy". Alloy grafei oti to Geniko Symboylio ths PEO proteine akoma kai th diejagwgh dhmochfismatos anamesa sto lao gia to qema ths ATA, shmeiwnontas oti opoiadhpote ki an einai h etymhgoria, h PEO qa th sebastei. H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" sto kyrio qema ths grafei oti o Genikos Eisaggeleas dietaje xqes thn astynomia na arxisei poinikh ereyna gia dhmosioys ypallhloys poy isws na enexontai se isxyrismoys gia diafqora, poy anafyontai apo apokthsh metoxwn me idiwtikh topoqethsh sthn Louis Cruise Lines. Alloy grafei oti ta pente monima melh toy Symboylioy Asfaleias toy OHE zhthsan apo to G.G. na kalesei tis dyo pleyres sthn Kypro se synomilies. (KYPE/FZ/MA)Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |