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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 00-08-27

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE – 27/08/00 H ekqesh ths amerikanikhs dejamenhs skechs "RAND Corporation" gia tis sxeseis Toyrkias - Dyshs, oi plhrofories gia nea toyrkika sxedia gia enopoihsh Toyrkias - ceydokratoys kai to qema twn agnooymenwn einai merika apo ta shmerina qemata toy kypriakoy Typoy. Oi efhmerides asxoloyntai epishs me ton katoxiko strato, th synenteyjh toy GG toy T/k Kinhmatos Patriwtikhs Enothtas Izet Iztzan, tis syzhthseis gia allagh toy eklogikoy nomoy, thn "antarsia" epibatwn aeroplanoy twn Kypriakwn Aerogrammwn kai thn pyrpolhsh toy "Braka" sth Lemeso.

H "Alhqeia", sto kyrio qema me titlo "Aproqymh h Toyrkia gia lysh", anaferetai sthn ekqesh ths dejamenhs skechs "RAND Corporation" kai grafei pws, para to gegonos oti h Toyrkia exei shmera megalytero kinhtro apo o,ti sto parelqon gia na lysei to Kypriako, entoytois den exei epideijei opoiadhpote proqesh na askhsei piesh ston katoxiko hgeth, me apotelesma na mhn fainetai oti yparxei piqanothta epilyshs toy problhmatos sto eggys mellon. Se allh qesh yparxei h eidhsh gia thn pyrpolhsh toy "Braka" sth Lemeso kai th syllhch dyo nearwn Lemesianwn, oi opoioi ferontai na exoyn paradexqei enoxh.

Sth "Maxh" prwtoselidh eidhsh einai oi syzhthseis gia allagh toy eklogikoy nomoy kai, katw apo ton titlo "Zwtikhs shmasias, alla kai prestiz gia to DHSY h allagh toy eklogikoy nomoy", grafei oti o Proedros toy kommatos Nikos Anastasiadhs fainetai apofasismenos na prowqhsei to qema sth Boylh, para tis antiqetes apoceis poy diatypwnontai apo to proedriko periballon, toys EDH, alla kai ton idio ton Proedro Klhridh. Alloy grafei gia th synexizomenh ptwsh toy Genikoy Deikth toy XAK kai oti ayth ofeiletai kyriws sthn anamonh dhmosiopoihshs twn mhniaiwn apotelesmatwn twn eishgmenwn etaireiwn.

O "Poliths", me ton titlo "Lysh giok", grafei sto kyrio qema oti, opws ektima h amerikanikh dejamenh skechs "RAND Corporation", h Toyrkia dynato na probei se kapoies ypoxwrhseis sto Kypriako poy qa bohqoysan th lysh gia na apofygei to endexomeno askhshs toy dikaiwmatos ths arnhsikyrias apo thn Kypro sthn entajh ths Toyrkias, ean h Kypriakh Dhmokratia katastei melos ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs. Se allo qema grafei gia toys 126 agnooymenoys twn opoiwn oi fakeloi den katateqhkan sth Diereynhtikh Epitroph gia toys Agnooymenoys kai paraqetei plhrh stoixeia, me fwtografies, gia kaqe enan apo aytoys.

H "Shmerinh, sto kyrio qema kai katw apo ton titlo "Jegymnwma toy Attila", paraqetei stoixeia gia th synqesh, ta polemika mesa kai thn epiqetikh diatajh toy katoxikoy stratoy, alla kai twn enisxysewn poy mporei na metaferei ana pasa stigmh apo thn Toyrkia. Grafei oti "h Agkyra mporei na ktypa thn Kypro apo thn Toyrkia me toys pyrayloys ATACMS, belhnekoys 100 xiliometrwn". Alloy proballei tis dhlwseis toy Presbh ths Elladas Kyriakoy Rodoysakh oti h Aqhna petyxe tria epiteygmata sto Elsinki, thn anempodisth entajiakh poreia ths Kyproy, th diasyndesh toy Kypriakoy me thn poreia entajhs ths Toyrkias kai thn parapomph twn diaforwn sto Aigaio se dieqnes dikasthrio.

Sto "Fileleyqero" prwtoselido qema einai h proqesh twn Toyrkwn na enopoihsoyn Toyrkia kai ceydokratos kai, me ton titlo "Plhrhs protektoratopoihsh", grafei oti yparxoyn plhrofories poy ajiologoyntai apo ta Ypoyrgeia Ejwterikwn Elladas kai Kyproy kai poy miloyn gia meqodeysh ekbiasmwn twn ejelijewn sto Kypriako apo thn toyrkikh pleyra kai sxedia gia nea tetelesmena, enw briskontai ypo ejelijh energeies gia thn oikonomikh kai politikh enopoihsh toy ceydokratoys me thn Toyrkia. Alloy anaferetai stis ejelijeis sta katexomena opoy h antidrash twn T/K proslambanei oloena ekrhktikes diastaseis, enw proxqes pragmatopoihqhke poreia diamartyrias me perifora feretroy stoys dromoys ths katexomenhs Leykwsias.

H "Xaraygh" exei prwtoselido qema, me titlo "Qa epanenwsoyme thn patrida mas", synenteyjh toy k. Iztzan sthn opoia o T/K politikos anaferei oti h synomospondia einai enantia sta symferonta twn T/K kai ekfrazei thn pepoiqhsh oti h Kypros mporei na epanenwqei kai oloi oi Kyprioi qa mporesoyn na doylecoyn kai na agwnisqoyn mazi gia to koino symferon olwn twn Kypriwn. Se allo qema anaferetai stis dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Sygkoinwniwn kai Ergwn Aberwf Neofytoy gia tis dhmosies yphresies, ton epikrinei kai grafei pws stoxos "ths epiqeshs" toy Ypoyrgoy einai "o ejeytelismos toy dhmosioy tomea".

H agglofwnh "Sunday Mail", katw apo ton titlo "Epibates ekanan peirateia se aeroskafos twn Kypriakwn Aerogrammwn sthn Aqhna", grafei oti, nwris xqes to prwi, qymwmenoi E/K epibates sygkroysthkan me thn Astynomia kai tis Arxes toy aerolimena Aqhnwn, prospaqwntas na mataiwsoyn thn allagh proorismoy ths pthshs pros th Larnaka kai na peisoyn toys armodioys na kateyqynoyn to aeroskafos sto aerodromio Pafoy, opws htan o arxikos proorismos toy. Se allo qema grafei gia tis diamartyries Larnakewn pros thn kybernhsh h opoia protiqetai na dapanhsei 40 ekatommyria dolaria gia anabaqmish twn diylisthriwn petrelaioy, poy briskontai sthn perioxh toys, anti na jekinhsei thn anegersh newn egkatastasewn se allh perioxh toy nhsioy.


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