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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 00-12-15

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <http://www.cyna.org.cy>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE - 15/12/2000 H prowrh enarjh ths eklogikhs periodoy, oi nees antiparaqeseis metajy DHSY kai AKEL, to chfisma toy Symboylioy Asfaleias gia thn OYNFIKYP, to paraskhnio gia ejeyresh lyshs sto adiejodo ths paideias, h eklogh toy Tzortz Mpoys sthn proedria twn HPA, alla kai o diorismos kybernhshs toy, kaqws kai h nea kaqysterhsh ths monadas afalatwshs, apoteloyn merika apo ta kyria qemata ta opoia filojenoyntai stis shmerines efhmerides.

H "Alhqeia" se kyrio arqro ths me titlo "Maxh toy AKEL na qaftoyn ta skandala", anaferetai sthn prospaqeia, sygkalychs skandalwn gia to Dhmo Lemesoy. Sygkekrimena, to arqro anaferetai se melh ths koinoboyleytikhs omadas toy AKEL ta opoia prospaqhsan na ypobaqmisoyn thn syzhthsh toy qematos to opoio protaqhke xqes sthn olomeleia apo boyleyth alloy kommatos. Alloy ginetai logos gia thn ikanopoihsh toy YPEJ gia to chfisma toy Symboylioy Asfaleias gia thn ananewsh ths qhteias ths OYNFIKYP kaqws kai thn apofash gia thn epanafora toy statoys kbo sta Strobilia.

H "Maxh" sto kyrio arqro ths anaferetai sthn synexizomenh krish sthn Mesh Ekpaideysh. Me titlo "Klimakwnetai h krish", h efhmerida kanei logo gia thn apofash toy Kentrikoy Dioikhtikoy Symboylioy ths OELMEK, opws katelqei se nea apergia thn erxomenh Trith. Ajizei na anaferoyme oti h efhmerida paroysiazei to KDS ths OELMEK ws anypoxwrhth stis apofaseis, me prooptikh thn diaiwnish twn apergiakwn metrwn. Alloy h efhmerida anaferetai sthn apofash toy Dhmarxoy Aqhnaiwn Dhmhtrh Abamopoyloy gia amesh dhmioyrgia neoy kommatos. Epishs filojenwntas dhlwseis proswpikothtwn apo alles paratajeis, me poikilies antidraseis sthn apofash toy Dhmarxoy Aqhnaiwn.

O "Poliths" me titlo "Kalh Espera Arxontes" anaferetai sthn prowrh enarjh ths proeklogikhs periodoy, enw me ypotitlo "Eklogika Kalanta" anaferei sygkekrimena oti an kai o kosmos etoimazetai gia ta Xristoygenna, entoytois DHSY kai AKEL khryttoyn thn enarjh toy proeklogikoy agwna. Se allo qema ths h efhmerida anaferetai sth meleth toy Panepisthmioy gia to Forea Ishs Katanomhs Barwn, h opoia doqhke xqes sth dhmosiothta. Sygkekrimena h meleth kanei logo gia apwleies 6,8 disekatommyriwn lirwn, se antiqesh me ta 2,8 dis. ta opoia elaban, enw parallhla thn xarakthrizei ws ena "ergaleio" sta xeria ths dhmokratias gia tis syzhthseis gia tis perioysies.

H "Shmerinh", ypo ton me titlo "Xrysh Tomh sthn Paideia" anaferetai sto "orgiwdes" opws xarakthristika anaferei, paraskhnio gia ektonwsh ths krishs, tonizontas th mesolabhtikh protash toy proedroy ths synomospondias gonewn Hlia Dhmhtrioy. H efhmerida paroysiazei tis protaseis poy komisthkan sthn OELMEK, me thn teleytaia meta apo ektakth synedria na apofasizei opws ejetasei tis protaseis. Alloy ginetai logos gia to Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias, to opoio egine apodekto apo tria kommata. Sygkekrimena to DHSY, to Kinhma Sosialdhmokratwn kai oi Enwmenoi Dhmokrates taxqhkan xqes yper ths chfishs toy nomosxedioy, enw AKEL kai DHKO syzhthsan pistwsh xronoy.

H "Fileleyqeros" ypo ton titlo "Anhsyxoyn Aqhna kai Leykwsia", anaferetai sthn prodiagrafomenh ypobaqmismenh politikh twn HPA gia to Kypriako. Epikaloymenh diplwmatikes phges, anaferei oti to epiteleio toy Tzortz Mpoys qewrei pio swsto thn mh emplokh toy sto Kypriako kai oti Leykwsia kai Aqhnas anhsyxoyn. Epikaloymenh dhlwseis toy ypochfioy YPEJ twn HPA strathgoy Paoyel, h efhmerida anaferei oti h Toyrkia qa einai h eynooymenh. Se allo qema, h efhmerida anaferetai sto "jespaqwma" opws grafei xarakthristika toy Iwannh Kasoylidh kai toy Nikoy Anastasiash pros to AKEL gia thn politikh poy akoloyqei pros thn Eyrwph.

Sth "Xaraygh" o titlos "Tetelesmena epixeiroyn oi Aggloi" despozei sthn prwth selida. Sygkekrimena h efhmerida anaferetai se deytero ktyphma toy statoys kbo sta Strobilia apo toys Aggloys, afoy me epistolh toys se tessereis agrotes sth Deryneia, prospaqoyn na apallotriwsoyn xwrafia pros ofelos toys. H efhmerida me ypotitlo "To YPEJ kanei topo", xarakthrizei thn antidrash toy YPEJ ws kateynastikh. Alloy h efhmeria anaferetai sth shmerinh epideijh twn elikopterwn Bell h opoia qa diejaxqei sth Lakatameia me th symmetoxh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Glaykoy Klhridh xarakthrizontas thn ws diafhmistikh.

H agglofwnh efhmerida "Cyprus Mail" anaferetai sth nea kaqysterhsh ths monadas afalatwshs sthn Larnaka. Opws anaferei h efhmerida, h monada enw proorizotan na paradoqei ayrio, mia nea kaqysterhsh mataiwnei ta sxedia, enw se dhlwseis toy o Ypoyrgos Gewrgias Kwstas Qemistokleoys anaferei oti qa einai eyxaristhmenos an teleiwsei se ena mhna. Alloy h efhmerida anaferetai sth byqish toy ploioy "Rogial Prins", anaferontas oti to ploio den exei epiqewrhqei enw epikaloymenh gnwmh eidhmona anaferei oti to en logw ploio den mporoyse na tajidecei me foyrtoyna kai dynato anemo.

H agglofwnh efhmerida "Cyprus Weekly" anaferetai sthn eklogh Mpoys meta apo pente bdomades dikastikwn antiparaqesewn, enw kanei logo gia to sxhmatismo ths kybernhshs, o opoios anamenetai na oloklhrwqei se dyo meres. Epikaloymenh diplwmatikes phges, h agglofwnh efhmerida ferei ton strathgo en apostrateia Kolin Paoyel ws piqano Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn. Alloy h efhmerida anaferetai se piqanh meiwsh ths timhs twn kaysimwn sthn Kypro. Epikaloymenh dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Emporioy sthn olomeleia ths Boylhs, h efhmerida basizei thn epikeimenh meiwsh sth synexizomenh meiwsh twn timwn petrelaioy dieqnws.

Sthn agglofwnh efhmerida "The Weekly Review" despozoysa qesh sthn prwth selida krata h eklogh Mpoys, meta apo 36 meres dikastikwn antiparaqesewn. Meta thn anakoinwsh ths nikhs toy Repoymplikanikoy kommatos, o Mpoys me logo pros to eqnos dhlwse etoimos na ektelesei to kaqhkon pros to eqnos, kalwntas to se enothta. H efhmerida filojenei kai dhlwseis toy Al Gkor, o opoios epidiwkei synanthsh me ton Mpoys gia na ton sygxarei. Alloy h efhmerida anaferetai sthn orgh toy Ypoyrgoy Amynas Swkrath Xasikoy gia tis kathgories apo ton Typo gia ta elikoptera Bell poy proorizontai gia thn Eqnikh Froyra.


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