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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 00-12-22

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE - 22/12/2000 To xqesino jespasma twn syggenwn toy E/K apaxqentos apo to katoxiko kaqestws Panikoy Tziakoyrma, h antiparaqesh sth Boylh metajy toy Ypoyrgoy Gewrgias Kwsta Qemistokleoys kai toy Boyleyth toy DHKO Nikoy Pittokopith kai h aporrich ths kybernhtikhs protashs apo toys kaqhghtes, einai merika apo ta qemata poy proballei o shmerinos kypriakos Typos.

H "Alhqeia" grafei sto kyrio ths qema, me titlo "Proexei to symferon toy kratoys", oti me emmeso alla jekaqaro tropo o Genikos Eisaggeleas Alekos Markidhs apekleise xqes brady kaqe syzhthsh gia antallagh toy T/K Omer Tekogoyl, poy telei ypo krathsh apo tis arxes ths Dhmokratias gia laqremporio narkwtikwn, me ton 38xrono ergolabo Paniko Tziakoyrma, poy aphxqh apo to katoxiko kaqestws prin apo 10 meres. Alloy grafei oti to Eyrwpaiko Dikasthrio Anqrwpinwn Dikaiwmatwn katadikase xqes thn Kypro gia kakometaxeirish, poy th xarakthrise "apanqrwph", enos feromenoy ws diakinhth narkwtikwn, toy 34xronoy Erkan Eimez, anaferetai se anakoinwsh toy Dikasthrioy.

H "Maxh", me kyrio titlo "Anikanopoihtoi oi kaqhghtes", anaferei oti oi kaqhghtes anakoinwsan xqes to apogeyma oti den apodexontai thn protash ths kybernhshs gia ikanopoihsh twn aithmatwn toys. H apofash lhfqhke se synedria toy DS ths OELMEK. Se allo qema h efhmerida shmeiwnei oti oloklhrwqhke xqes h kataqesh toy Syntagmatarxh Abraam Maragkoy, o opoios klhqhke ws prwtos martyras kathgorias sthn polykroth ypoqesh toy parastratiwtikoy epiteleioy, sthn opoia kathgoroymenos einai o Syntagmatarxhs Loizos Fessa apo ton Pedoyla, kai twra ston Agio Dometio.

O "Poliths" grafei sto kyrio toy qema, me titlo "Etsi koroideyoyn toys polites", oti h xqesinh ojytath frastikh antiparaqesh metajy toy Ypoyrgoy Gewrgias Kwsta Qemistokleoys, kai toy boyleyth Nikoy Pittokopith, gia to ean qa eprepe na syzhthqei h oxi to qema twn apozhmiwsewn apo tis pyrkagies poy eplhjan thn eparxia Pafoy prin apo 18 mhnes, kai oti oi plhgentes peran apo to oti karteroyn epi mhnes prepei na paroyn mia mikrh estw apozhmiwsh gia tis perioysies toys, talaipwroyntai apo thn idia thn politeia. Alloy dhmosieyei synenteyjh toy Proedrikoy Apestalmenoy twn HPA Alfrent Mooyzes o opoios stellei mhnyma stoys E/K kai T/K gia toys kindynoys poy elloxeyoyn apo thn antiparaqesh sth nekrh zwnh.

H "Shmerinh", me kyrio titlo "Jespasma orghs", grafei oti jexeilise xqes to pothri ths orghs ths oikogeneias toy 38xronoy ergolaboy Panikoy Tsiakoyrma apo ta Pyrga Ammoxwstoy meta thn "apofash" ceydodikasthrioy sta katexomena gia trimhnh fylakish toy, me th sthmenh kathgoria ths katoxhs narkwtikwn. Alloy shmeiwnei oti h kybernhtikh protash poy ypebale stoys kaqhghtes o Ypoyrgos Paideias Oyranios Iwannidhs oxi mono den egine apodekth alla pyrodothse thn entash sto "metwpo" twn daskalwn, oi opoioi qewrhsan oti toys eplhje to kyros kai thn ajioprepeia toys.

O "Fileleyqeros" grafei sto kyrio toy qema, me titlo "Metra kata ths OYNFIKYP", oti oi toyrkikes katoxikes dynameis paremballoyn thn teleytaia periodo sobara proskommata sth diakinhsh kai ektelesh toy ergoy ths Eirhneytikhs Dynamhs. Se allo qema h efhmerida anaferei oti qymata ekmetalleyshs einai jenoi ergates oi opoioi apasxoloyntai sthn Kypro, kaqws ypoxrewnontai na plhrwnoyn treis misqoys se grafeia ejeyresews ergasias toy ejwterikoy, ta opoia synergazontai me idiwtika grafeia ston topo mas.

H "Xaraygh", ypo ton kyrio titlo "Aisxos", grafei oti to katoxiko kaqestws edeije gia mia akomh fora to fasistiko toy proswpo kai ceydodikasthrio toy epebale trimhnh krathsh ston apaxqenta Paniko Tziakoyrma mexri thn "kanonikh ekdikash" ths "ypoqeshs". Alloy anaferei oti thn amesh kai apotelesmatikh parembash ths EE, twn dieqnwn organismwn kai ths dieqnoys koinothtas genikotera zhthse xqes to kypriako Koinoboylio, wste h toyrkikh kybernhsh na symmorfwqei me tis dieqneis symbatikes ths ypoxrewseis.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" grafei sto kyrio ths qema oti h Kypros aperrice xqes ekqesh ths amerikanikhs kybernhshs poy katonomaze to nhsi ws kentro toy dieqnoys egklhmatos, jeplymatos brwmikoy xrhmatos kai diakinhshs oplwn. Alloy anaferei oti oi ariqmoi twn thlefwnikwn logariasmwn qa ayjhqoyn apo thn prwth Ianoyarioy kaqws h ATHK prepei na termatisei thn ypotimhsh ths xrewshs gia ta topika thlefwnhmata wste na enarmonistei me tis directives ths EE.

H agglofwnh ebdomadiaia efhmerida "Cyprus Weekly" anaferei sto kyrio ths qema oti o E/K Panikos Tziakoyrmas, o opoios aphxqh apo to katoxiko kaqestws, qa perasei ta Xristoygenna se keli twn T/k fylakwn perimenontas th "dikh" toy me thn "kathgoria" ths katoxhs kai proqeshs gia promhqeia 1,5 kiloy kannabhs. Se allo qema h efhmerida proballei dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Oikonomikwn Takh Klhridh oti oikonomikoi deiktes ths Kyproy qa symbadizoyn me ta krithria toy Maastrixt prin to telos toy 2001 kai oxi to 2002 opws eixe problefqei prohgoymenws.

H agglofwnh ebdomadiaia "Weekly Review" anaferei sto kyrio ths qema oti enw oi kaqhghtes kai to Ypoyrgeio Paideias synexizoyn th diamaxh toys gia tis ayjhseis misqwn kai tis proagwges, oi Kyprioi maqhtes gia mia akomh fora apetyxan se dieqneis ejetaseis maqhmatikwn kai episthmhs. Se allo qema h efhmerida anaferei oti o Ypoyrgos Sygkoinwniwn kai Ergwn Aberwf Neofytoy exei diatajei th diejagwgh epeigoysas ereynas gia problhmata poy exoyn paroysiastei se odika erga poy exoyn oloklhrwqei prosfata .


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