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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-01-26

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE 26/01/2001 Oi prospaqeies gia synexish ths diejagwghs twn synomiliwn me stoxo thn ejeyreysh lyshs sto Kypriako kai h episkech toy Eidikoy Symboyloy toy GG twn HE gia thn Kypro Albaro nte Soto, oi prooptikes entajhs ths Kyproy sthn EE kai oi diaboyleyseis twn endiaferomenwn merwn gia th chfish toy nomoy- plaisioy gia to Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias (ESY), einai orismena apo ta qemata poy proballei o shmerinos kypriakos Typos.

H "Alhqeia" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Diejodo anazhtei o nte Soto" grafei oti diejodo sto adiejodo toy Kypriakoy anazhtei me thn apostolh toy sto trigwno Aqhnas - Leykwsias - Agkyras o Albaro nte Soto, o opoios, symfwna me diplwmatikes phges, anazhtei tropoys gia synexish twn prospaqeiwn ejeyreyshs lyshs me kaqorismo se prwto stadio hmeromhnias diejagwghs toy ektoy gyroy twn synomiliwn. Alloy grafei oti opws anefere xqes o Proedros ths Epitrophs Ygeias ths Boylhs Andreas Parisinos, tis teleytaies hmeres pragmatopoioyntai diaboyleyseis gia to ESY me stoxo thn apamblynsh twn anhsyxiwn gia to nomo- plaisio.

"H Maxh" se prwtoselido qema, to opoio stegazei katw apo ton titlo "Egw kai o Patsalidhs rijame toys pyrobolismoys", anaferetai se kataqeseis syllhfqentwn gia thn ypoqesh richs pyrobolismwn se nykterino kentro ths Leykwsias. Se allo dhmosieyma, h efhmerida grafei oti oristika sto xwro boreia twn ktiriwn ths PASYDY qa anegerqei to neo ktirio ths Boylhs twn Antiproswpwn kai anaferei oti kata th xqesinh syskech arxhgwn h ekproswpwn twn koinoboyleytikwn kommatwn apofasisthke se prwth fash na anakainistei h aiqoysa ths Olomeleias ths Boylhs kai se deyterh fash oi ypoloipes aiqoyses.

O "Poliths" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Ta masane oi Aggloi" grafei oti entones anhsyxies prokaloyn oi xqesines dhlwseis toy Bretanoy Ypatoy Armosth sth Leykwsia Entoyarnt Klei, me tis opoies "diegrafh oristika" pleon h egkataleich ths prospaqeias apo pleyras Bretanias gia thn apeleyqerwsh toy apaxqentos Panikoy Tziakoyrma. Alloy grafei oti symfwna me dhmosieyma ths T/k efhmeridas "Kipris", se epixeirhmaties poy katagontai apo thn Koyba kai to Poyerto Riko pwlhqhke paranoma to jenodoxeio "Salamis Mpei" sthn katexomenh Ammoxwsto kai anaferei oti oi diapragmateyseis eginan mystika kai to jenodoxeio pwlhqhke sthn timh twn 25,5 ek. dolariwn.

"H Shmerinh" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Sta antra twn 'nonwn'" grafei oti "sta skoteina antra twn nonwn toy organwmenoy egklhmatos" odhgoyn tis anakritikes Arxes, stoixeia kai plhrofories poy synelejan tis teleytaies hmeres kai grafei oti pisteyetai oti syllhfqeis gia ypoqesh richs pyrobolismwn qa apotelesei enan apo toys ayqentikoteroys martyres sth dialeykansh dolofoniwn kai allwn egklhmatikwn energeiwn poy diapraxqhkan sth Leykwsia. Alloy grafei oti to Kentro Enhmerwshs kai Qerapeias Ejarthmenwn Atomwn, proxwrei sthn idrysh kleisths qerapeytikhs monadas ejarthmenwn atomwn sth Larnaka.

"O Fileleyqeros" sto basiko qema me titlo "Mas kaiei to brwmiko xrhma" grafei oti to "adynato shmeio" ths prooptikhs entajhs ths Kyproy sthn EE einai kyriws oi yponoies gia "jeplyma brwmikoy xrhmatos", opws yposthrizei h Eyrwpaikh Epitroph. Alloy grafei oti to dieqnes poiniko Dikasthrio, poy synesthqh gia ta egklhmata sth Gioygkoslabia, zhthse apo tis kypriakes Arxes me nea epistolh, stoixeia gia gioygkoslabika kefalaia poy briskontai sthn Kypro, se sxesh me to kaqestws Milosebits kai sygkekrimena, stoixeia gia yperakties etaireies sthn Kypro, wste na dieykolynqoyn oi ereynes poy ginontai dieqnws gia th fygadeysh kefalaiwn toy gioygkoslabikoy laoy.

H "Xaraygh" sto basiko qema me titlo "Strwnoyn xali ston Ntenktas", grafei oti o amerikanobretanikos paragontas ergazetai meqodika, wste na ejeymenistei o T/K hgeths Raoyf Ntenktas, gia na krathqei sth zwh h diadikasia poy arxise prin enamisi xrono. Se allo dhmosieyma anaferetai oti to AKEL me anakoinwsh toy epanalambanei to aithma opws meiwqoyn ta epitokia gia to symferon toso twn politwn oso kai ths oikonomias genikotera, kai kalei thn hgesia toy DHSY, anti na toy epitiqetai na yposthrijei thn eishghsh ayth, shmeiwnontas oti den thrhqhkan oi desmeyseis toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias pros to AKEL gia apeleyqerwsh twn epitokiwn.

H agglofwnh efhmerida "Cyprus Mail" grafei oti diejagontai epeigoyses prospaqeies sygkentrwshs xrhmatwn poy qa doqoyn gia skopoys xeiroyrgikhs epembashs se Filippineza oikonomo poy pasxei apo karkino, afoy o ergodoths ths feretai na arneitai na plhrwsei th qerapeia, parabiazontas etsi toys oroys toy symbolaioy ergodothshs. Alloy grafei oti empeirognwmones gia ta pyrhnika milwntas xqes sta melh ths Epitroph Ygeias ths Boylhs aneferan oti h Kypros den diaqetei ejoplismo gia metrhsh ths radienergeias, shmeiwnontas oti h anafora egine me aformh ton prosfato salo gia to "Syndromo twn Balkaniwn".

H ebdomadiaia agglofwnh efhmerida "The Cyprus Weekly" grafei oti h Kypros filodojei na epwfelhqei kai ayth apo koitasmata petrelaioy kai aerioy poy entopisthkan sthn notioanatolikh Mesogeio. Alloy grafei oti para to gegonos oti to Symboylio ths Eyrwphs xqes epekrine th stash ths Toyrkias sthn ypoqesh ths Titinas Loizidoy xarakthrizontas thn ws "proklhtikh", entoytois apefyge na parei apofaseis gia lhch peraiterw drashs, enw se dhlwsh toy o Proedros ths Epitrophs Ypoyrgwn toy StE Intoylis Mperzins eipe oti h arnhsh ths Toyrkias na symmorfwqei me thn apofash toy Dikasthrioy amfisbhtei thn ajiopistia toy StE.

H ebdomadiaia agglofwnh efhmerida "The Weekly Review" anaferetai sthn episkech toy Albaro nte Soto sthn Kypro kai paraqetei dhlwseis toy Kybernhtikoy Ekproswpoy Mixalh Papapetroy oti h episkech toy ajiwmatoyxoy twn HE qa ricei fws se polla qemata poy periballoyn tis prospaqeies gia eirhneysh. Alloy h efhmerida grafei oti treis pagkosmioy fhmhs moysikoi kai sygkekrimena, o Stingk, o Mpi Mpi Kingk kai o Plasinto Ntomingko, qa dwsoyn synaylies sth Leykwsia. Stis 28 Aprilioy anamenetai na dwsei synaylia o Stingk, piqanon stis arxes Ioylioy o Ntomingko kai o Kingk anamenetai na dwsei th dikh toy synaylia stis arxes toy kalokairioy.


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