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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-10-16

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Episkophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE 16/10/2001 Oi ejelijeis toy polemoy poy mainetai sto Afganistan se syndyasmo me ta kroysmata apo to bakthrio toy anqraka poy oloena ayjanontai, oi mazikes afijeis Roma stis eleyqeres perioxes apo ta katexomena, h aneyresh ypopths asprhs skonhs se aeroskafos twn Kypriakwn Aerogrammwn kai ta nea metra poy o eqnikos aerometaforeas prokeitai na labei, oi dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Emporioy Nikoy Rolandh anaforika me th xrhsh fysikoy aerioy sthn Kypro kai o eortasmos xqes twn 25 xronwn apo thn idrysh toy Dhmokratikoy Synagermoy einai merika apo ta qemata poy probalontai stis shmerines kypriakes efhmerides.

H "Alhqeia" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Ypoptoi Irak - Al Kainta gia ton anqraka" grafei oti h epistolh poy elabe xqes sto grafeio toy o epikefalhs twn Dhmokratikwn stis HPA Tom Ntasl kai perieixe to bakthridio toy anqraka se syndyasmo me tis plhrofories poy feroyn thn Al Kainta kai piqanws to Irak na emplekontai sthn apostolh paromoiwn molysmenwn fakelwn pagkosmia, odhgoyn sto symperasma oti prokeitai gia ergo tromokratwn gegonos poy koryfwnei thn pagkosmia agwnia. Alloy grafei oti o Ypoyrgos Eswterikwn Xristodoylos Xristodoyloy xarakthrise xqes "kaqhmerino fainomeno" thn eleysh Roma stis eleyqeres perioxes ths Dhmokratias.

"H Maxh" ypo ton titlo "H wra twn komantos" grafei oti h wra drashs twn eidikwn dynamewn twn komantos enantion twn Talimpan plhsiazei, afoy oi epiqeseis apo aeros qa syndyasqoyn me epiqeseis apo andres twn eidikwn dynamewn kai apo maxhtika elikoptera. Alloy grafei gia th xqesinobradinh ekdhlwsh gia ta 25xrona toy DHSY kata thn opoia timhqhke o idryths toy kommatos kai Proedros ths Dhmokratias Glaykos Klhridhs kaqws kai o prwhn Proedros toy DHSY Giannakhs Matshs.

O "Poliths" sto kyrio qema ypo ton titlo "Tromos anqraka se HPA kai Eyrwph" grafei oti o efialths enos biologikoy kai xhmikoy polemoy einai pleon yparktos me ta kroysmata apo to bakthridio toy anqraka na exoyn fqasei stis HPA ta dwdeka, enw endeijeis yparxoyn pleon gia ejagwgh toy bakthridioy sthn Eyrwph. O tromos kai isws o qanatos, prosqetei, fqanei ws epi to pleiston taxydromikws. Alloy grafei oti o Ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Takhs Klhridhs milwntas xqes enwpion ths Koinoboyleytikhs Epitrophs Oikonomikwn, afhse anoikto to endexomeno anaprosarmoghs twn kybernhtikwn problecewn kai ths ejaggelqeisas mhdenikhs bashs ths forologikhs metarryqmishs.

"H Shmerinh" me prwtoselido titlo "Fwties sto Kasmir" grafei oti "fwties" anacan sto Kasmir kai stis sxeseis Indias - Pakistan, afoy oi Indoi kanoniobolhsan qeseis twn Pakistanwn, oi opoioi antapedwsan, enw o Proedros Mpoys dia toy YPEJ toy Kolin Paoyel, zhta na stamathsoyn. Se allo qema grafei gia ton paniko poy skorpise h aneyresh "ypopths skonhs" se emporeymatokibwtio poy briskotan se aeroplano twn Kypriakwn Aerogrammwn, poy eixe eketlesei to dromologio Ntoympai - Mpaxrein. Ena apo ta endexomena poy ejatazontai einai h asprh skonh na einai pontikofarmako.

"O Fileleyqeros" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Cyxwsh me ton anqraka" grafei oti "cyxwsh" prokalei sthn anqrwpothta o ayjanomenos kindynos tromokratikhs epiqeshs me biologika opla me tis HPA alla kai mia seira apo alles xwres na briskontai ta teleytaia 24wra se ycisto shmeio synagermoy kaqws ayjanontai ta kroysmata prosbeblhmenwn atomwn me to bakthrio toy anqraka, enw anqrwpoi se olo ton kosmo lambanoyn "asprh skonh" mesw taxydromeioy. Alloy grafei oti h Agkyra qa einai o prwtos staqmos toy eidikoy syntonisth gia to Kypriako sto Steit Ntipartment Tomas Goyeston, o opoios jekina periodeia sthn perioxh stis 22 Oktwbrioy.

H "Xaraygh" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Panikos apo ton anqraka" grafei oti ayjanetai h anhsyxia apo ta kroysmata anqraka, ta opoia prokalesan paniko sth Florinta kai sth Nea Yorkh enw ta qanathfora kroysmata fainetai na exoyn metaferqei kai se alles dytikes xwres. Alloy grafei oti o Proedros ths Boylhs Dhmhtrhs Xristofias aphyqyne xqes ekklhsh pros th dieqnh koinothta na allajei th stash ths thn opoia xarakthrise "anoxh" kai na askhsei thn epirroh ths ston T/K hgeth Raoyf Ntenktas kai thn Toyrkia na sebastoyn ta chfismata kai tis symfwnies ychloy epipedoy gia to Kypriako.

H agglofwnh efhmerida "Cyprus Mail" grafei oti oi foboi toy kosmoy oloy gia to oti to bakthrio toy anqraka xrhsimopoieitai ws oplo tromoy, ayjanontai afoy xqes stalhke ston arxhgo ths pleiochfias sthn amerikanikh geroysia Tom Ntasl epistolh poy perieixe anqraka. Alloy grafei oti symfwna me ton Ypoyrgo Emporioy, Niko Rolandh, sta epomena pente xronia h Kypros programmatizei na xrhsimopoiei fysiko aerio anti toy petrelaioy gia tis energeiakes ths anagkes, meiwnontas etsi thn ejarthsh ths apo to mazoyt.


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