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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 06-11-25

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


H meqayrianh Eyrwmesogeiakh Diaskech sto Tampere ths Finlandias kai oi diaboyleyseis poy ginontai gia na jeperastei to adiejodo sthn synexish twn entajiakwn diapragmateysewn gia entajh ths Toyrkias sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh (EE), ta prosfata epeisodia sthn Agglikh Sxolh Leykwsias kai h organwsh Eqnikh Fwnh Ellhnocyxwn Newn (EFEN), h paraithsh toy Boyleyth toy DHKO Nikoy Kleanqoys apo to ajiwma toy Anaplhrwth Proedroy toy kommatos, h diplh apodrash apo astynomika kelia kai oi prospaqeies gia anakthsh 150 ekatommyriwn lirwn sto Ypoyrgeio Eswterikwn poy aforoyn ofeiles epixeirhmatiwn gia Foro Prostiqemenhs Ajias, einai merika apo ta qemata poy proballei shmera sta prwtoselida toy o kypriakos Typos.

H ''Alhqeia'' grafei sto kyrio qema ths, ypo ton titlo ''Qa toys kleisw'', oti o Arxiepiskopos Kyproy Xrysostomos B' paroysiazetai apofasismenos na proxwrhsei akomh kai se ejwsh ths organwshs EFEN apo grafeio poy paraxwrhqhke sthn organwsh ayth se ktirio ths Arxiepiskophs plhsion ths Fanerwmenhs sth Leykwsia. Opws anefere sthn efhmerida o Arxiepiskopos, qa kalesei ton epikefalhs ths organwshs na frontisei gia allagh grammhs kai, an den symmorfwqei, tote qa toys afairesei to dikaiwma xrhshs toy grafeioy. Se allo qema grafei pws, enan peripoy mhna meta thn apotyxia toy na eklegei sth qesh toy Proedroy toy DHKO, ypebale xqes thn paraithsh toy o k. Kleanqoys apo to ajiwma toy Anaplhrwth Proedroy toy kommatos.

''H Maxh'', me ton titlo ''Tampere - h teleytaia eykairia'', grafei sto kyrio qema oti metabainei meqayrio sto Tampere ths Finlandias o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Giwrgos Lillhkas gia diaboyleyseis me th finlandikh Proedria ths EE, h opoia exei epishs apeyqynei prosklhsh ston Toyrko Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn Amptoylax Gkioyl kai den apokleietai na yparjei trimerhs synanthsh, prokeimenoy na prowqhqei h finlandikh protash gia na jeperastei to adiejodo sthn poreia entajhs ths Toyrkias sthn EE. Alloy grafei oti o Boyleyths toy DHSY Swthrhs Samcwn enegrace pros syzhthsh sthn Koinoboyleytikh Epitroph Gewrgias qema gia ''anajiokratikes proslhceis'' stis Kthniatrikes Yphresies kai oti oi poimniotrofoi dysforoyn kai diamartyrontai logw mh ylopoihshs twn yposxesewn poy toys edoqhsan.

O ''Poliths'', sto kyrio qema kai katw apo ton titlo ''Barwsi - Kypriako mazi sto Tampere'', grafei pws Lillhkas kai Gkioyl anakoinwsan oti qa metaboyn sto Tampere, opoy qa pragmatopoihqei h Eyrwmesogeiakh Diaskech kai oti anamenetai pws qa exoyn diaboyleyseis me th finlandikh Proedria, h opoia qa epidiwjei prowqhsh neas protashs ths poy afora kai to katexomeno Barwsi kai problepei epistrofh toy stoys nomimoys katoikoys me ena xronodiagramma synolikhs epilyshs toy Kypriakoy. Se allo qema grafei oti o Ypoyrgos Ergasias kai Koinwnikwn Asfalisewn Antwnhs Basileioy ejefrase ikanopoihsh gia thn proxqesinh chfish apo th Boylh toy neoy nomoy gia to wrario twn katasthmatwn kai toys oroys apasxolhshs twn ergazomenwn se ayta.

''H Shmerinh'', me ton titlo ''Diplh apodrash apo astynomika kelia'', grafei sto kyrio qema oti tessera melh ths Astynomikhs Dieyqynshs Lemesoy teqhkan xqes se diaqesimothta, meta apo entolh toy Arxhgoy ths Astynomias Xaralampoy Koylenth, epeidh kriqhkan ypeyqynoi gia thn apodrash dyo kratoymenwn apo kelia, ta opoia eixan afeqei jekleidwta. Oi dyo drapetes einai enas Oykranos poy ekrateito gia paranomh eisodo sto edafos ths Dhmokratias kai o 34xronos Xristos Gabrihlidhs, ypoptos gia th dolofonia ths Roylas Pantelh. O Gabrihlidhs epixeirhse na drapeteysei kai pali to apogeyma xqes afoy phdhje apo to mpalkoni toy Astynomikoy Staqmoy Lemesoy alla gia kakh toy tyxh traymatisthke. Alloy grafei oti o Ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Mixalhs Sarrhs anakoinwse ta krithria paraxwrhshs ths eidikhs xorhgias twn 200 lirwn poy qa doqei se kaqe ena apo 30.000 peripoy noikokyria syntajioyxwn.

''O Fileleyqeros'', katw apo ton titlo ''150 ekatom. lires sta xamena'', grafei sto kyrio qema pws o Ypoyrgos Eswterikwn Neoklhs Sylikiwths qa qesei enwpion toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy ypoqesh sxetika me thn apwleia esodwn toy kratoys ycoys epta ekatommyriwn lirwn pros ofelos sygkekrimenhs etaireias, meta apo proeidopoihseis ths Genikoy Elegkth Xrystallas Giwrkatzh gia synolikes apwleies apo to kratos 150 ekatommyriwn lirwn, logw aneispraktoy Foroy Prostiqemenhs Ajias. Allh eidhsh einai oti meqayrio qa einai etoimos kai qa diabibastei apo thn Astynomia sth Genikh Eisaggelia o poinikos fakelos ths ypoqeshs twn epeisodiwn metajy Ellhnokypriwn kai Toyrkokypriwn maqhtwn sthn Agglikh Sxolh.

H ''Xaraygh'' grafei sto kyrio ths qema, ypo ton titlo ''Sto Tampere h prosoxh'', oti h finlandikh Proedria jekina th diadikasia twn diaboyleysewn sto Tampere kai oti se egrhgorsh brisketai h ellhnokypriakh pleyra, meta tis plhrofories gia afairesh apo tis protaseis ths toy qematos twn Barwsiwn. Allh eidhsh einai h epistolh apo ton Proedro ths Boylhs kai Geniko Grammatea toy AKEL Dhmhtrh Xristofia sto Geniko Grammatea toy OHE Kofi Anan, me thn opoia zhteitai h arsh opoiwndhpote periorismwn se leitoyrgoys toy Organismoy sthn Kypro, gia na dwsoyn stoixeia sthn Koinoboyleytikh Epitroph Qesmwn, sxetika me tis xrhmatodothseis apo thn UNOPS.

H agglofwnh efhmerida ''Cyprus Mail'', me ton titlo ''Ta jenodoxeia se kataqlich, enw o toyrismos katrakyla'', grafei sto kyrio qema ths pws oi jenodoxoi tessarwn kai pente asterwn periegracan xqes me ta pio melana apo thn epoxh toy Polemoy ston Kolpo to 1991 xrwmata thn katastash sthn toyristikh biomhxania toy nhsioy. Opws aneferan, h Kypros einai h monh mesogeiakh xwra, h opoia exei katagrammenh meiwsh stis afijeis kata toys prwtoys oktw mhnes toy xronoy. Se allo qema grafei oti sthn Kypro den parexetai enallaktikh antimetwpish twn xrhstwn narkwtikwn, para ta dieqnws paradekta oti h fylakish twn narkomanwn elaxista prosferei sthn anamorfwsh twn xrhstwn kai kostizei perissotero apo thn apostolh toys se kentra apejarthshs.

H ebdomadiaia efhmerida ''Maqe'', katw apo ton titlo ''1.500 xwrismenes gynaikes kataggelloyn thn kypriakh kybernhsh sthn Eyrwph'', grafei sto kyrio qema pws toys askoys toy Aioloy anamenetai na anoijei epistolh - kataggelia toy Pagkyprioy Syndesmoy Xwrismenwn Gynaikwn pros thn Epitroph Anaforas ths EE, h opoia antapokriqhke kai zhtei ejhghseis apo thn kypriakh kybernhsh gia ton tropo xeirismoy ypoqesewn twn gynaikwn aytwn. Alloy grafei oti se treis mhnes qa leitoyrghsei h gynaikologikh - maieytikh klinikh sto Nosokomeio Ammoxwstoy sto Paralimni.

(c) 2005 The Cyprus News Agency. All rights reserved.

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