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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 06-11-27

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


Oi shmerines synomilies sto Tampere gia th finlandikh prwtoboylia me stoxo thn apotroph krishs stis eyrwtoyrkikes sxeseis, o rolos poy qelei na diadramatisei o Arxiepiskopos Xrysostomos B' sthn paideia kai h dolofonia pente kynhgwn sthn Ellada einai ta qemata poy kyriarxoyn sta prwtoselida twn efhmeridwn shmera.

Alla qemata poy apasxoloyn ton Typo einai h ekqesh ths Genikhs Elegktrias Xrystallas Giwrkatzh gia to Ypoyrgeio Amynas kai thn Eqnikh Froyra, o qanatos toy 28xronoy Sabba Zwitsa, ta traymata toy 24xronoy Aygoystino Dhmhtrioy apo ton jylodarmo toy sthn Ellada, h apokroysh apo to Tmhma Poleodomias kai Oikhsews twn epikrisewn gia piqanh apwleia ekatommyriwn lirwn apo th mh epibolh FPA se anaptyjeis kai ta metra asfaleias gia thn ypodoxh toy Papa Benediktoy toy 16oy sthn Toyrkia.

H ''Alhqeia'', ypo ton titlo ''Amhxanoi sto Tampere'', grafei pws parolo oti kaneis kai eidika egkyroi diplwmatikoi kykloi sth Leykwsia den apokleioyn mian toyrkikh kinhsh sth shmerinh synodo toy Tampere, h opoia qa bgalei thn toyrkikh pleyra apo th dyskolh qesh kai qa balei thn kypriakh pleyra se adiejoda, entoytois oi plhrofories epimenoyn oti oi Toyrkoi den prokeitai na kanoyn to paramikro bhma, an thn idia wra den arqei h ''apomonwsh'' twn T/K. Grafei, epishs, oti sygklonismo prokalei o qanatos toy 28xronoy podosfairisth toy APOP Kinyra-Pegeias Sabba Zwitsa, astynomikoy ths Troxaias Pafoy, o opoios breqhke nekros mesa sto aytokinhto toy para thn Petra toy Rwmioy.

To ''Qarros'', ypo ton titlo ''Ektelesan pente kynhgoys'', grafei oti prwtofanes apotropaio egklhma me pente kynhgoys, syggeneis metajy toys, sygklonizei thn Ellada, kai opws diapistwqhke oi drastes apoteleiwsan ta qymata me xaristikh bolh apo mikrh apostash. Grafei, epishs, oti o iatrodikasths Panikos Stayrianos, o opoios ejetase ton 24xrono Aygoystino Dhmhtrioy, diapistwse pollaples kakwseis sto proswpo kai to swma toy foithth, poy einai emfaneis hmeres meta ton jylodarmo toy apo astynomikoys stis 17 Noembrioy ejw apo to Aristoteleio, shmeiwnontas oti ta ktyphmata poy dexqhke mporoysan na ton skotwsoyn.

O ''Poliths'', ypo ton titlo ''Paixnidi eyqynwn apo thn Proedria'', grafei oti to paixnidi twn eyqynwn etoimazetai na energopoihsei h finlandikh proedria ths EE, ean oi diaboyleyseis toy Tampere den katalhjoyn se qetiko apotelesma, kai oti h proedria qa pragmatopoihsei shmera xwristes synomilies me toys Ypoyrgoys Ejwterikwn ths Kyproy kai ths Toyrkias, se mian ystath prospaqeia na brei lysh sto qema twn ypoxrewsewn ths Toyrkias. Grafei, epishs, oti to Tmhma Poleodomias kai Oikhsews apokroyei tis epikriseis poy dexqhke gia piqanh apwleia ekatommyriwn lirwn apo th mh epibolh FPA se anaptyjeis, twn opoiwn ta sxedia ypoblhqhkan prin apo thn 1h Maioy 2005.

H ''Shmerinh'', ypo ton titlo ''Energo rolo sthn paideia zhta o Arxiepiskopos'', grafei oti o Arxiepiskopos Xrysostomos B' diemhnyse ston Ypoyrgo Paideias oti h Ekklhsia zhta na exei energo rolo sta kentra lhcews apofasewn toso sth dhmotikh oso kai sth mesh ekpaideysh. Anaferetai, epishs, stis dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn, prin anaxwrhsei gia to Tampere ths Finlandias, oti kanenas den mporei na prokatalabei to apotelesma twn synomiliwn poy qa ginoyn, prosqetontas oti h plhroforhsh poy exei h kybernhsh einai tetoia poy den epitrepei aisiodojia kai oti h Kypros metabainei sth Finlandia me etoimothta, kalh diaqesh ka qetiko pneyma.

O ''Fileleyqeros'', ypo ton titlo ''Me shmademenh trapoyla'', grafei oti sklhro poker alla se qolo topio anamenetai na paixqei shmera sto Tampere, me th finlandikh proedria ths EE na kataballei thn ystath prospaqeia ths gia na apodexqoyn Kypriakh Dhmokratia kai Toyrkia th formoyla ths me ek toy syneggys synomilies poy qa exei me toys Ypoyrgoys Ejwterikwn twn dyo xwrwn. Grafei, epishs, oti h Genikh Elegktria Xrystalla Giwrkatzh diapistwnei se ekqesh ths oti sthn Apoqhkh Basews Ylikoy Polemoy kai sto Synergeio Perioxhs Texnikoy entopisthkan ylika ths Eqnikhs Froyras se ypaiqrioys xwroys ekteqeimena ston hlio kai th broxh.

H ''Xaraygh'', ypo ton titlo ''Krisimes apofaseis'', grafei oti me eyglwtta mhnymata h Leykwsia proeidopoihse gia mia akoma fora oti qa parameinei staqerh stis qeseis ths, para tis aforhtes pieseis poy askoyntai mesw ths finlandikhs proedrias gia na ''pesei sta malaka'' h ypoqesh twn kyrwsewn se baros ths Toyrkias. Grafei, epishs, oti se epifylakh briskontai oi toyrkikes arxes, lambanontas drakonteia metra asfaleias gia thn ypodoxh toy Papa Benediktoy toy 16oy, o opoios anaxwrei ayrio gia thn Toyrkia, kai oti xqes xiliades diadhlwtes kateklysan toys dromoys ths Kwnstantinoypolhs, ekdhlwnontas thn antiqesh toys sthn episkech toy Papa.

(c) 2005 The Cyprus News Agency. All rights reserved.

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