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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 06-11-30

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <http://www.cna.org.cy>


H protash ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs gia kyrwseis enantion ths Toyrkias logw ths mh symmorfwshs ths me tis eyrwpaikes ths ypoxrewseis kai h antidrash ths kybernhshs, einai ena apo ta kyria qemata poy proballontai shmera ston kypriako Typo.

Oi efhmerides grafoyn epishs metajy allwn gia to qema twn agnooymenwn, ths aeroporikhs tragwdias sto Grammatiko, toy laqremporioy apo ta katexomena, ths agoras pyrobolwn apo thn Kina kai gia to neo qanato poy shmeiwqhke xqes apo narkwtika.

H ``Alhqeia'' ypo ton titlo ``Mastigio xwris karoto'' grafei oti h Toyrkia den efarmose to Prwtokollo ths Agkyras gia thn epektash ths Telwneiakhs Enwshs kai me thn Kypro alla anti na timwrhqei h Toyrkia, h Eyrwpaikh Epitroph apodexomenh thn eishghsh toy Epitropoy gia th Dieyrynsh eishgeitai timwria ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias. Alloy grafei oti se synenteyjh toy sto KYPE to trito melos ths Diereynhtikhs Epitrophs gia toys Agnooymenoys Kristof Ziront anefere oti mexri shmera exoyn metaferqei 70 skeletoi sto anqrwpologiko ergasthrio gia taytopoihsh, enw melh ths DEA kai apo tis dyo koinothtes exoyn entopisei se xartes diaforoys xwroys opoy pisteyetai oti exoyn tafei atoma.

``H Maxh'' me titlo ``Mainomenoi syggeneis'' grafei oti se pedio maxhs metatraphke xqes h aiqoysa ths Epitrophs gia th diereynhsh toy tragikoy aeroporikoy dystyxhmatos ths ``Hlios'' ton Aygoysto toy 2005, otan sth qea toy ektelestikoy proedroy ths etaireias, Andrea Drakoy, aganaktismenoi syggeneis toy epiteqhkan kai ton xtyphsan. Alloy grafei oti to ceydokratos proeidopoiei th Bretania oti se periptwsh poy h politikh ths aeroporia den dexqei to aithma gia apeyqeias pthseis apo kai pros ta katexomena, tote qa prosfygei sth dikaiosynh.

O ``Poliths'' ypo ton titlo ``Pazarema kanoniwn me Kina gia 40 ekat. lires'' grafei oti ek neoy meleta h Kypros thn agora 70 kai pleon pyrobolwn apo thn Kina kai oti sthn Kypro brisketai inkogknito antiproswpeia kratikhs kinezikhs etaireias kataskeyhs oplikwn systhmatwn gia epanadiapragmateyseis me to Ypoyrgeio Amynas. Alloy grafei oti h Kypros einai h ekth akriboterh xwra twn 25 ths EE oson afora sthn pwlhsh petrelaioy qermanshs, alla arketa fqhnh sto petrelaio kinhshs kai th benzinh.

``H Shmerinh'' sto kyrio ths qema me titlo ``Dixasmenh h Eyrwpaikh Epitroph'' grafei oti dixasmenoi paroysiazontai oi Eyrwpaioi sxetika me tis proteinomenes apo thn Epitroph kyrwseis sthn Toyrkia. Prosqetei oti to meriko pagwma twn diapragmateysewn ths Toyrkias den ikanopoiei thn kypriakh kybernhsh. Se allo ths qema h efhmerida grafei oti se mayrh trypa paranomoy laqremporioy exei ejelixqei h perioxh Pergamoys Jylotympoy, para tis prospaqeies ths astynomias. H ``S'' grafei oti symfwna me plhrofories ths ton perasmeno Ioylio sthn perioxh Pergamoy shmeiwqhke mia apo tis megalyteres ypoqeseis laqremporioy apo ta katexomena, h opoia ekkremei enwpion ths kypriakhs dikaiosynhs.

``O Fileleyqeros'' ypo ton titlo ``Se tentwmeno sxoini h EE'' grafei shmera oti h prospaqeia apallaghs ths Toyrkias apo tis desmeyseis poy aforoyn thn Kypro, xwrizei se dyo stratopeda thn EE. Oi kyrwseis maimoy poy paroysiase o Epitropos gia th Dieyrynsh exoyn th sthrijh pollwn xwrwn, prokaloyn wstoso kai entones antidraseis. H Kypros diamhnyse oti den qa dexqei thn protash kai proeidopoihse oti qa thn mplokarei. Alloy grafei oti allos enas qanatos neoy apo narkwtika shmeiwqhke xqes, anebazontas ton fetino ariqmo se epta. Apo to 2004 mexri shmera exasan th zwh toys 46 proswpa apo narkwtika.

H ``Xaraygh'' me titlo ``Stribein dia toy NATO'' grafei shmera oti orgiwdes paraskhnio ejakoloyqei na diadramatizetai sto periqwrio ths Synodoy Koryfhs toy NATO meta to nayagio ths finlandikhs proedrias prokeimenoy oi kyrwseis se baros ths Toyrkias na einai oso to dynato anwdynes. Alloy grafei oti o Ypoyrgos Emporioy dhlwse pws den yparxei ypoxrewsh na meiwnontai oi times twn petrelaioeidwn sthn Kypro opote meiwnontai dieqnws kai diabebaiwse oti to Ypoyrgeio elegxei plhrws to qema ths diamorfwshs twn timwn pwlhshs twn petrelaioeidwn.

H agglofwnh ``Cyprus Mail'' me titlo ``Pagwma apo thn EE stis syzhthseis gia thn Toyrkia'' grafei oti h Eyrwpaikh Epitroph xqes proteine th merikh anastolh twn entajiakwn diapragmateysewn me thn Agkyra, afoy h Toyrkia arneitai na anoijei ta limania ths gia thn Kypro. Alloy grafei oti o Ypoyrgos Gewrgias dhlwse oti h kybernhsh katexei plhrofories oti toyrkikes patates metaferontai paranoma sthn Kypro kai ayto logw twn mh eparkwn elegxwn apo pleyras toy t/k emporikoy epimelhthrioy kai twn bretanikwn basewn.

(c) 2005 The Cyprus News Agency. All rights reserved.

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