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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 07-01-30

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


Oi diamartyries ths Toyrkias pros to Libano kai oi proeidopoihseis gia lhch metrwn sthn periptwsh poy den antimetwpistoyn oi epifylajeis ths gia to qema ekmetalleyshs koitasmatwn ydrogonanqrakwn sth qalassia perioxh ths Kyproy, h ekqesh poy anamenetai na yioqethsei h Omada Epafhs toy Eyrwpaikoy Koinoboylioy me toys T/K kai h ekqesh ths Epitrophs Eyrwpaikwn Koinothtwn poy deixnei oti h Kypros ysterei stis ananewsimes phges energeias proballontai sta prwtoselida twn efhmeridwn shmera.

O Typos asxoleitai epishs me tis ejelijeis ston trapeziko tomea me tis protaseis ejagoras trapezwn, thn ereyna sta katexomena poy edeije oti oi pleistoi T/K epiqymoyn th lysh ''dyo kratwn'' sthn Kypro, thn ''epembash'' toy Ypoyrgoy Ygeias sto Geniko Nosokomeio Leykwsias poy anamenetai na epektaqei kai sta alla kratika noshleythria, kai th stash ergasias twn melwn ths syntexnias EPOPAH sthn AHK kai h proeidopoihsh gia ep' aoriston apergia.

H ''Alhqeia'', ypo ton titlo ''Diakoinwsh Toyrkias sto Libano'', grafei oti se mian prwtofanh kinhsh askhshs tromokratias, prokeimenoy na prokalesei paniko sthn Kypro kai tis geitonikes xwres, proxwrhse h toyrkikh kybernhsh, proeidopoiwntas me diakoinwsh gia lhch metrwn sthn periptwsh poy den antimetwpistoyn oi epifylajeis ths. Grafei, epishs, oti o Ypoyrgos Emporioy, Biomhxanias kai Toyrismoy Antwnhs Mixahlidhs proebh se ''apokalych sok'', dhlwnontas se programma toy RIK oti, an kai o Arxiepiskopos Kyproy mporei na diafwnei me thn idrysh kazino stis eleyqeres perioxes, yparxoyn pente ierarxes poy symfwnoyn.

H ''Maxh'', ypo ton titlo ''Katebazoyn diakoptes sthn AHK'', grafei oti sta oria exei ftasei h ypomonh twn ergazomenwn melwn ths syntexnias EPOPAH, poy proeidopoioyn oti meta thn ejaggelqeisa diwrh stash ergasias stis 7 Febroyarioy, den qa distasoyn na klimakwsoyn ta metra kai na khryjoyn kai ep' aoriston apergia ean den thrhqoyn ta symfwnhqenta. Grafei, epishs, oti h Eyrwpaikh Epitroph yposthrizei pws den yparxei opoiadhpote diasyndesh twn apostolwn sta katexomena me tis syzhthseis gia thn protash ths Epitrophs se sxesh me ton kanonismo gia to apeyqeias emporio.

O ''Poliths'', ypo ton titlo ''Bazei xeri kai sta alla nosokomeia'', grafei oti h egxeirhsh anoikths kardias sthn anorganwsia kai sth strabh domh sta nosokomeia, poy jekinhse me thn trihmerh ''epembash'' sto neo Geniko Nosokomeio Leykwsias apo ton Ypoyrgo Ygeias Xarh Xaralampoys, qa synexistei kai sta alla kratika noshleythria toy topoy, opws dhlwse o Ypoyrgos. Grafei, epishs, oti Epitroph Kefalaiagoras kai Trapeza Kyproy kataxwrhsan xqes dyo aytonomes efeseis sthn apofash toy Anwtatoy Dikasthrioy, me thn opoia h epoptikh arxh kriqhke anarmodia na apofasizei epi twn dhmosiwn protasewn.

H ''Shmerinh'', ypo ton titlo ''Stasimoi se ananewsimes phges energeias'', grafei oti aprobibasto se qemata poy exoyn sxesh me tis ananewsimes phges energeias pairnei h Kypros apo thn Epitroph Eyrwpaikwn Koinothtwn, sthn teleytaia ekqesh ths opoias anaferetai oti h Kypros den mporei na antapokriqei stis apaithseis ths EE, h opoia eqese ws stoxo mexri to 2010 ola ta krath melh ths na paragoyn to 21% ths hlektrikhs energeias toys apo ananewsimes phges. Grafei, epishs, oti to DS toy XAK synerxetai gia na apofasisei an qa apodexqei h oxi thn protash ths Marfin gia ejagora ths Trapezas Kyproy kai thn protash ths Trapezas Peiraiws gia th Marfin.

O ''Fileleyqeros'', ypo ton titlo ''Sto XAK to pedio maxhs'', grafei oti th dhmosia protash ths gia ejagora ths Trapezas Kyproy kateqese xqes sto Xrhmatisthrio Ajiwn Kyproy h Marfin Popular Bank, metaferontas to pedio ths trapezikhs diamaxhs sto XAK. Anaferetai, epishs, sthn ekdhlwsh poy diorganwnei kaqe xrono h efhmerida gia thn aponomh twn ''Oskar 2006'' stoys koryfaioys sto podosfairo, thn kalaqosfaira, thn petosfaira kai to stibo, shmeiwnontas oti gia thn ekdhlwsh h aiqoysa ekdhlwsewn toy Olympiakoy Megaroy ths Kypriakhs Olympiakhs Epitrophs (KOE) gemise apo asteria toy aqlhtismoy.

H ''Xaraygh'', ypo ton titlo ''Nea maxh ths Kyproy'', grafei oti thn anagkh opws to Eyrwpaiko Koinoboylio kinhqei mesa sta plaisia ths nomimothtas kai twn arxwn poy to diepoyn, epishmainei h kypriakh kybernhsh, se sxesh me thn ekqesh poy qa yioqethsei h Omada Epafhs toy me thn t/k koinothta. Grafei, epishs, oti to AKEL, me epikefalhs ton Geniko Grammatea toy kommatos Dhmhtrh Xristofia, eixe synanthsh xqes me thn platforma ''Ayth h xwra einai dikh mas'', kata thn opoia epishmanqhke h anagkh dianoijhs ths odoy Lhdras, kaqws kai allwn diodwn, me th diadikasia twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn.

H agglofwnh ''Cyprus Mail'', ypo ton titlo ''Oi pleistoi T/K qeloyn dyo krath'', grafei oti ereyna sta katexomena katedeije oti 65% twn T/K pisteyei twra oti h Kypros qa prepei na parameinei monima diairemenh se dyo ''eqnika xwrista krath'', enw mono to 20% yposthrizei lysh omospondias. Grafei, epishs, oti ptwma se aposynqesh breqhke sthn oxqh toy potamoy Kotsia sthn Kissonerga, poy pisteyetai oti anhkei ston 45xrono Gewrgio Miltiadoy, toy opoioy to aytokinhto parasyrqhke ton perasmeno Oktwbrio apo ormhtika nera kata th diarkeia katastrofikhs kataigidas sthn Pafo.

(c) 2005 The Cyprus News Agency. All rights reserved.

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