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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 07-02-10

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


H dhlwsh toy Kybernhtikoy Ekproswpoy Xristodoyloy Pasiardh oti o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Tassos Papadopoylos epeigetai na diorisei neo Ypoyrgo Paideias kai Politismoy kai pros ayth thn kateyqynsh piezei to DHKO na toy dwsei katalogo onomatwn gia na apofasisei, kai h antidrash toy DHKO, h epishmansh toy Arxhgoy ths Astynomias Xaralampoy Koylenth oti fobatai na kykloforhsei to brady logw twn meqysmenwn odhgwn, h ptwsh poy katagrafei to Xrhmatisthrio, enw oi megales trapezes anakoinwnoyn kerdh - mamoyq, oi stoxoi ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs gia kaqorismo genikhs apagoreyshs toy kapnismatos stoys dhmosioys xwroys sthn EE, kaqws kai h dhmioyrgia kinhshs mhterwn gia meiwsh ths qhteias sthn Eqnikh Froyra, einai ta kyria qemata poy proballoyn oi shmerines efhmerides.

H ''Alhqeia'' sto kyrio ths qema me titlo ''2720 ypografes mono sth Lemeso'', anaferetai sth dhmioyrgia Kinhshs Mhterwn, h opoia apaitei th meiwsh ths stratiwtikhs qhteias, wste oloi oi neoi na yphretoyn thn Eqnikh Foyra kai na mhn ginontai diakriseis kai adikies. Prosqetei oti h kinhsh apofasise na kinhtopoihqei otan akoyse pws to pososto twn apallagwn kai monimwn anastolwn apo thn EF aggizei to 35%. Alloy grafei oti thn pagopoihsh ths diadikasias ekmetalleyshs petrelaiwn sth qalassia perioxh ths Kyproy, qa zhthsei o Prwqypoyrgos ths Elladas Kwnstantinos Karamanlhs, kata th synanthsh me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias Tasso Papadopoylo sthn Aqhna stis 21 Febroyarioy.

''H Maxh'' ypo ton titlo ''1974: Ta petrelaia eferan th symfora;'', grafei sto kyrio ths qema oti prin to 1974 h kypriakh kybernhsh paraxwrhse adeies se megales polyeqnikes etaireies gia na diejagoyn ereynes gia petrelaia, poy aforoyn th boreia perioxh ths Kyproy, enw h Boylh liges meres prin thn toyrkikh eisbolh epixeirhse na perasei nomoqesia poy na diasfalizei ta symferonta ths Kyproy se periptwsh aneyreshs petrelaioy. Alloy grafei oti o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Xristodoylos Pasiardhs dhlwse xqes oti to Ypoyrgeio Paideias kai Politismoy qa diabibasei stis arxes ths erxomenhs ebdomadas pros to Ypoyrgeio Paideias kai Qrhskeymatwn ths Elladas sxolia kai parathrhseis toy sxetika me to biblio istorias poy periexei istorikes anakribeies.

O ''Poliths'' ypo ton titlo ''Paideyontai me to Paideias'' grafei sto kyrio toy qema oti ladi sth fwtia poy sigokaiei edw kai arketes meres sto DHKO me epikentro thn kaqysterhsh sto diorismo toy Ypoyrgoy Paideias, erije ''estw kai aqela toy o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos''. O k. Pasiardhs ypedeije pws o Proedros Papadopoylos piezei gia na toy protaqoyn apo ta kommata ths sympoliteyshs toylaxiston tria onomata gia to Ypoyrgeio Paideias. Alloy grafei oti o k. Pasiardhs dhlwse oti epafietai ston Eidiko Antiproswpo toy GG toy OHE sthn Kypro Maikl Moler na kalesei toys ekproswpoys twn dyo koinothtwn gia na epitaxynqei h diadikasia poy symfwnhqhke stis 8 Ioylioy.

''H Shmerinh'' sto kyrio ths qema me titlo ''Foboymai na kykloforhsw brady'', grafei sto kyrio ths qema oti ''dhlwsh - sok me polloys apodektes'' ekane xqes o Arxhgos ths Astynomias Xaralampos Koylenths dinontas akomh megalyterh diastash sth diafwnia toy me ton Geniko Eisaggelea Petro Klhridh gia to qema ths krathshs twn meqysmenwn odhgwn. O k. Koylenths dhlwse oti fobatai na kykloforei brady epeidh enas toys 18 odhgoys poy kykloforoyn einai meqysmenos. Alloy h efhmerida grafei oti to jepagwma, ypo oroys, dyo kefalaiwn (dhmosionomikoy elegxoy kai eleyqerh diakinhsh kefalaiwn) ths toyrkikhs entajiakhs poreias apofasisthke xqes se epipedo Omadas Ergasias ths EE.

''O Fileleyqeros'' ypo ton kyrio titlo ''DHKO se meggenh Tassoy'', anaferetai se ''aixmh'' toy Kybernhtikoy Ekproswpoy Xristodoyloy Pasiardh kata toy DHKO, h opoia htan arketh gia na tarakoynhsei to skhniko se sxesh me to diorismo toy Ypoyrgoy Paideias kai na dhmioyrghsei kinhtikothta. Prosqetei oti h dhkoikh hgesia aperrice, kata tropo entono, oti kaqysterei stis endokommatikes diadikasies kai tonise oti energei se xrono poy doqhke apo ton idio ton Proedro Papadopoylo. Alloy grafei oti meleth ths presbeiras Eratws Kozakoy - Markoyllh diapistwnei oti h oikonomikh enopoihsh twn eleyqerwn perioxwn me ta katexomena qewreitai idiaitera dyskolh prospaqeia kai gia na epiteyxqei qa prepei h toyrkikh pleyra na paramerisei ta empodia poy qetei shmera, prokeimenoy na kerdisei politika ofelh.

H ''Xaraygh'' ypo ton titlo ''Paradojotes'' grafei sto kyrio ths qema oti nea shmantikh ptwsh shmeiwsan xqes gia deyterh hmera sto Xrhmatisthrio oi times twn metoxwn, akoloyqwntas antistrofh poreia se sxesh me ta kerdh-mamoyq poy anakoinwsan ta dyo megala trapezika sygkrothmata kai prosqetei oti paragontes ths kefalaiagoras ekfrazoyn anhsyxia gia ayth thn paradojothta. Alloy grafei oti h Kypros einai xwra filh ths Kinas poy thn yposthrizei sto qema ths Taiban sta dieqnh bhmata, dhlwse o Proedros ths Monimhs Epitrophs toy Laikoy Kogkresoy ths Xoynan Zhang Chunxian, o opoios eixe synanthsh xqes me ton Proedro ths Boylhs twn Antiproswpwn Dhmhtrh Xristofia.

H agglofwnh ''Cyprus Mail'' sto kyrio ths qema me titlo ''O Kyprianoy dinei elpides gia mia Eyrwph xwris kapnisma'' grafei oti oi Eyrwpaioi kapnistes mporei syntoma na diapistwsoyn oti den toys exei meinei xwros na kapnizoyn, an h Eyrwpaikh Epitroph yioqethsei genikh apagoreysh toy kapnismatos se ola ta dhmosia ktiria twn 27 kratwn - melwn kai prosqetei oti an ayto ginei h Kypros den mporei na synexisei na kleinei ta matia gia toys kapnistes oi opoioi parabiazoyn toys nomoys gia to kapnisma. Alloy grafei oti o Ypoyrgos Eswterikwn Neoklhs Silikiwths dhlwse oti h topoqesia gia thn anegersh toy Xwroy Ygeionomikhs Tafhs Apoblhtwn gia th Larnaka kai thn Ammoxwsto den mporei na allajei.

H ebdomadiaia efhmerida ''Maqe'' sto kyrio ths qema me titlo ''Egklhma h xrhsh kinhtwn apo paidia'' grafei oti an kai o dieqnhs organismos ygeias epishmainei toys kindynoys apo th xrhsh kinhtwn thlefwnwn apo mikra paidia, thn idia wra to pososto xrhshs kinhtoy apo paidia ayjanetai synexws. Proballei epishs dhlwseis toy boyleyth toy DHSY Tasoy Mhtsopoyloy oti sthn Kypro h hlikia poy ena paidi apokta to prwto kinhto toy katerxetai sta 5 xronia. Alloy grafei oti oi Kthniatrikes Yphresies ths Kyproy briskontai se synagermo, enocei ths epikeimenhs epistrofhs twn apodhmhtikwn poyliwn stis arxes Martioy, idiaitera gia prostasia twn oikositwn poyliwn apo endexomenh molynsh toys apo th griph twn pthnwn.

(c) 2005 The Cyprus News Agency. All rights reserved.

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