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Logos News from Cyprus, 97-05-14

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Apolyta ikanopoihtika einai ta apotelesmata twn iatrikwn ejetasewn, prolhptikoy xarakthra, stis opoies ypeblhqh o Proedros ths Dhmokratias, anefere shmera o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Manwlhs Xristofidhs, prosqetontas oti o Proedros qa arxisei syntoma na asxoleitai me to agaphmeno toy spor, to kolympi.

O Proedros Klhridhs epanhrxise shmera tis epafes toy gia to Kypriako me synanthsh poy eixe me ton anaplhrwth eidiko antiproswpo toy Genikoy Grammatea twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn Eqnwn Gkoystab Feysel.

H telikh apofash gia thn hmeromhnia, ton topo diejagwghs kai thn atzenta twn apeyqeias synomiliwn Klhridh-Ntenktas, qa lhfqei apo ton Geniko Grammatea twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn Kofi Anan.

Symfwna me dhlwseis toy Anaplhrwth Eidikoy Antiproswpoy toy Genikoy Grammatea, Gkoystab Feissel, h apofash qa lhfqei epeita apo thn ypobolh ths ekqeshs Prentergkast ston Kofi Anan, o opoios qa exei oloklhrwsei tis epafes toy sto trigwno Leykwsia -Aqhna - Agkyra.

Oi prosklhseis gia tis apeyqeias synomilies qa apeyqynqoyn ston Proedro Klhridh kai ston Raoyf Ntenktas gyrw sta telh Maioy h stis arxes toy erxomenoy mhna, prosqese o kyrios Feissel.

O Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos, Manwlhs Xristofidhs dhlwse oti h hmeromhnia, o topos kai o tropos diejagwghs twn synomiliwn qa ejarthqoyn apo thn ayrianh synanthsh toy Proedroy Klhridh me ton Kieran Prentergkast, dhlwnontas kathgorhmatika oti den tiqetai qema anagnwrishs toy ceydokratoys.

H Rwsia exei thn energoterh symmetoxh apo oles tis xwres stis prospaqeies epilyshs toy Kypriakoy.

Ayto epeshmane shmera o presbeyths ths Rwsias sth Leykwsia Gkeorgki Moyratof ypenqymizontas synafws, thn prosfath sygklish toy Symboylioy Asfaleias kai thn ypobolh toy eggrafoy basikwn arxwn.

Oi dhlwseis Moyratof eginan sto periqwrio episkechs toy sthn Iera Arxiepiskoph opoy erwthqeis sxetika me thn amerikano-bretanikh prwtoboylia amfisbhthse thn yparjh ths.

Dynamh parathrhtwn sthn Kypro qa htan proqymos na aposteilei o Kanadas, meta th lysh, dhlwnei o ekproswpos ths xwras gia to Kypriako Maikl Mpel.

O Kanados epishmos egine shmera dektos apo ton Proedro Klhridh kai ton Proedro ths Boylhs, apo toys opoioys enhmerwqhke gia to Kypriako.

H telikh qesh toy Kanada gia to Kypriako qa diamorfwqei, opws epeshmane o kyrios Mpel, amesws meta thn oloklhrwsh ths episkechs toy sthn Aqhna kai thn Agkyra.

Thn parembash twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn, zhthse h Kypriakh Kybernhsh gia na apotrecoyn to katoxiko kaqestws na proxwrhsei se pwlhsh dyo Ellhno- kypriakhs idiokthsias jenodoxeiwn sta Katexomena, toy Ntooym sthn Keryneia kai toy Salamis Mpei sthn Ammoxwsto.

Se dhlwseis toy, o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos, Manwlhs Xristofidhs anefere oti h kybernhsh exei antidrasei, me parastaseis apo ton Monimo Antiproswpo ths Kyproy sta Hnwmena Eqnh, prosqetontas oti tetoies energeies prosballoyn thn dieqnh nomimothta kai tis apofaseis toy Eyrwpaikoy Dikasthrioy Anqrwpinwn Dikaiwmatwn.

Klhqeis ejalloy na sxoliasei to qema, o anaplhrwths eidikos antiproswpos twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn sthn Kypro, Gkoystab Feisel dhlwse oti to qema exei egerqei sta Hnwmena 'Eqnh kai ejetazetai.

H dwrea ghs apo thn Iera Arxiepiskoph Kyproy gia anergesh rwsikoy naoy sth Lemeso, synista endeijh filias twn orqodojwn Ekklhsiwn Kyproy kai Rwsias.

Mhnyma toy Patriarxh Mosxas kai Paswn twn Rwsiwn Alejioy, to opoio metefere sthn Ekklhsia ths Kyproy, o Arxiepiskopos Sergios, kata th shmerinh antallagh twn sxetikwn eggrafwn.

O Rwsos presbhs Gkeorgki Moyratof ejalloy, epeshmane thn shmasia ths prajhs ws oysiastikhs symbolhs sthn filia twn dyo lawn, dedomenoy oti sthn Kypro zoyn pente me eji xiliades Rwsoi kai episkeptontai to nhsi peri toys eikosipente xiliades, kyriws toys kalokairinoys mhnes.

Den tiqetai qema akyrwshs olwn twn eklogwn poy diejhxqhsan sto synedrio toy Dhmokratikoy Kommatos, dhlwse o proedros toy DHKO Spyros Kyprianoy, dieykrinizontas oti den tiqetai qema gia thn eklogh toy antiproedroy toy kommatos.

Sxoliazontas ejalloy, thn proqesh toy boyleyth Marioy Matsakh na epanelqei sto komma, o kyrios Kyprianoy den qelhse na ekfrasei proswpikh qesh, parapempontas sthn synedriakh apofash.

Prosqese, wstoso, oti qa diereynhqei kata poso yparxei formoyla na syzhthqei to qema sto ektelestiko grafeio kai thn kentrikh epitroph.

H eklogh toy Ypoyrgoy Eswterikwn, Ntinoy Mixahlidh sthn qesh toy antiproedroy toy DHKO, den dhmioyrgei opoiodhpote problhma se o,ti afora thn parallhlh katoxh twn dyo qesewn, dhlwse shmera o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos, Manwlhs Xristofidhs.

Peraiterw, o kyrios Xristofidhs anefere oti o Proedros Klhridhs diathrei thn apoch toy, oti o Proedros ths Dhmokratias den prepei na katexei parallhla kai qesh proedroy kommatos, opws kai thn apoch oti oi Ypoyrgoi den prepei na einai kommatikoi ajiwmatoyxoi.

Wstoso, symfwna me ton kyrio Xristofidh, o Proedros Klhridhs den qewrhse swsto na epibalei tis apoceis toy ston kyrio Kyprianoy.

H Pagkypria Epitroph Agwna kata ths apo-poinikopoihshs ths omofylofilias me anakoinwsh ths, kalei ton orqodojo kypriako lao na proselqei ejw apo th Boylh, ayrio Pempth diadhlwnontas thn antiqesh toy sthn chfish nomwn antiqetwn me th qrhskeia, ta hqh kai tis paradoseis mas.

Apo th Larnaka qa jekinhsoyn lewforeia stis dyo kai dekapente to apogeyma, apo to Palio Nosokomeio, thn petrolina sto sxoleio Drosias kai ton Agio Gewrgio Kontoy.

Apo th Lemeso, qa jekinhsoyn lewforeia apo th mia ews tis dyo meta to meshmeri, apo thn ekklhsia Agioy Nikolaoy, thn Plateia Agioy Gewrgioy kai thn aiqoysa toy Syndesmoy Orqodojoy Pistews.

Ejalloy toso h Epitroph Agwna kata ths apopoinikopoihshs, me allh anakoinwsh ths, oso kai h Pagkypria Organwsh Polyteknwn epishmainoyn toys kindynoys poy qa dhmioyrghsei gia thn koinwnia h apo-poinikopoihsh ths omofilofilias kai parathroyn oti qa doqei h nomikh kalych stoys dedhlwmenoys omofylofiloys na diabrwsoyn toys hqikoys kai koinwnikoys qesmoys opws ton gamo kai thn oikogeneia.

Stis anakoinwseis epishmainontai epishs oi kindynoi apo tis molysmatikes asqeneies opws to EITS , h hpatitida kai alla afrodisia noshmata.

Nea gigantiaia epixeirhsh ejontwshs twn Koyrdwn antartwn, arxisan ta toyrkika strateymata.

Symfwna me plhrofories, treis xiliades stratiwtes, yposthrizomenoi apo armata kai bary pyroboliko, eisebalan sto boreio Irak, kai bombardisan stratopeda antartwn toy Koyrdikoy Ergatikoy kommatos.

Sto Parisi, en tw metajy, h epikefalhs ths toyrkikhs diplwmatias Tansoy Tsiler proeidopoiei oti an h Eyrwpaikh Enwsh den dexqei thn entajh ths Toyrkias, qa symbalei sthn dhmioyrgia enos neoy teixoys toy Berolinoy, poy qa apotelei apeilh gia thn eirhnh kai thn eyhmeria sthn perioxh.

Plhrh symfwnia, anaforika me tis sxeseis Rwsias -NATO, en'ocei ths epikeimenhs epektashs ths boreio-atlantikhs symmaxias pros Anatolas, epeteyxqh metajy toy Rwsoy Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn Giebgkeni Primakwf kai toy Genikoy Grammatea toy NATO Xabier Solana.

Se dhlwseis toy, o Rwsos Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn, anefere oti h symfwnia qa teqei pros ejetash toso pros ton Rwso Proedro Mporis Gieltsin, oso kai pros toys hgetes twn 16 xwrwn -melwn toy NATO.

Ean to keimeno egkriqei kai apo tis dyo pleyres, tote h epektash toy NATO pros thn Anatolikh Eyrwph, qa epikyrwqei me thn ypografh epishmhs symfwnias stis 27 Maioy sto Parisi.

Oloklhrwnoyme to deltio mas me thn prognwsh gia ton kairo.

Apoce o kairos qa einai sthn arxh kyriws aiqrios. Argotera se arketes perioxes qa sxhmatisqei omixlh kai xamhlh nefwsh. Oi anemoi qa einai metablhtoi asqeneis, 2 Mpofor kai h qalassa hremh. H qermokrasia qa pesei gyrw stoys 17 baqmoys sto eswteriko kai gyrw stoys 15 sta paralia.

Ayrio meta th dialysh ths omixlhs, o kairos qa katastei kyriws aiqrios. Gyrw sto meshmeri omws, qa sxhmatisqoyn topikes nefwseis. Oi anemoi qa trapoyn se notioanatolikoys, ws notiodytikoys asqeneis, 3 Mpofor. H qalassa qa einai hremh mexri ligo taragmenh. H qermokrasia qa anelqei gyrw stoys 35 baqmoys sto eswteriko, stoys 30 sta notia paralia kai gyrw stoys 25 sta dytika paralia.

Shmera sth Leykwsia, h pio chlh qermokrasia htan 34 baqmoi kai h pio xamhlh 19, sthn Ammoxwsto kai th Larnaka 24 me 18, sth Lemeso 24 me 19, sthn Keryneia kai thn Pafo 23 me 16, kai telos ston Prodromo 27 me 18.

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