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Logos News from Cyprus, 98-08-27

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Kammia apofash gia anabolh ths egkatastashs twn Es-300 den exei lhfqei sthn syskech twn Aqhnwn metajy toy Proedroy Klhridh kai toy Prwqypoyrgoy Kwsta Shmith kai tis hgesies twn ypoyrgeiwn ejwterikwn kai Amynas.

O Ellhnas Prwqypoyrgos tonise oti sta plaisia toy eniaioy amyntikoy dogmatos h Ellada yposthrizei stratiwtika thn Kypro, h opoia ws anejarthto kratos exei to dikaiwma na apofasizei gia thn amyna ths.

O apestalmenos mas sthn Aqhna Panagiwths Kaparhs exei leptomereies gia ta qemata poy syzhthqhkan kai tis apofaseis poy lhfqhkan sto megaro Majimoy.


Drimeia epiqesh enantion toy proedroy Klhridh gia toys xeirismoys sto qema twn pyraylwn ejapelyse o Genikos Grammateas toy AKEL Dhmhtrhs Xristofias.

Qewrwntas dedomenh thn anabolh ths afijhs twn Es-300, o kyrios Xristofias kathgorhse ton Proedro Klhridh gia empaigmo toy laoy. O Genikos Grammateas toy AKEL den apekleise to endexomeno, o Proedros Klhridhs na mataiwsei oristika to symbolaio twn pyraylwn. Opoia apofash kai na paroyme qa exoyme politiko kostos, shmeiwse o Dhmhtrhs Xristofias.

Epanalhceis aney oysias xarakthrise o Ypoyrgos Eqnikhs Amynhs Akhs Tsoxatzopoylos, tis xqesines dhlwseis toy Toyrkoy proedroy Soyleiman Ntemirel, sxetika me to kaqestws twn braxonhsidwn sto Aigaio.

Den yparxei tipote gia diapragmateysh sto Aigaio, jekaqarise o kyrios Tsoxatzopoylos. To dieqnes dikaio kai oi dieqneis synqhkes epanelabe, exoyn prosdiorisei safws to kaqestws sto Aigaio.

H Kentrikh Trapeza ths Rwsias diekoce tis synallages toy royblioy me jeno synallagma sth diatrapezikh agora ths Mosxas, kaqws ligh wra meta to anoigma ths agoras, to roybli shmeiwse nea dramatikh ptwsh.

H Kentrikh Trapeza ths Rwsias, anakoinwse oti den qa oristei shmera, epishmh isotimia toy Rwsikoy eqnikoy nomismatos.

Parallhla shmera h Eyrwpaikh Trapeza Anasygkrothshs kai Anaptyjhs, ejetazei, apo koinoy me thn Kentrikh Trapeza ths Rwsias, metra gia th swthria toy rwsikoy trapezikoy systhmatos.

Rwsoi kai Dytikoi ajiwmatoyxoi, anhsyxoyn pantws, gia thn tyxh genikotera, toy kaqestwtos Geltsin kai toy oloy peiramatos ths legomenhs metabashs ths rwsikhs oikonomias sthn agora.

Ena mhna fylakh epebale to eparxiako dikasthrio Larnakas se dyo Toykroys epoikoys.

Oi epoikoi synelhfqhsan xqes mazi me toyrkokyprio na kinoyntai ston dromo Larnakas Dekeleias me aytokinhto poy efere pinakides toy ceydokratoys.

O Toyrkokyprios afeqhke eleyqeros.

To kratos qa apaithsei apo thn Ekklhsia foroys ycoys ejimish ekatommyriwn lirwn, ta opoia prohlqan apo oikonomikh drasthriothta.

Ayto dhlwse o ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Xristodoylos Xristodoyloy, prosqetontas oti kaneis den einai yperanw toy nomoy.

Gia to qema twn yperwriwn o kyrios Xristodoyloy eipe, oti entassetai sta plaisia ths politikhs ths litothtas.

Pantote, prosqese, yphrxe proteraiothta sto qema ths swsths xrhshs toy dikaiwmatos h ths anagkhs twn yperwriwn.

Apofasismenos na diekdikhsei thn dikaih lysh twn problhmatwn twn kaqhghtwn, paroysiasthke stis prwtes toy dhlwseis o neos proedros ths OELMEK, Andreas Xatzhgiannhs.

O Andreas Xatzhgiannhs ejelegh shmera proedros sthn hgesia ths OELMEK, xwris anqypochfio.

Diagrafontas thn politikh poy qa akoloyqhsei sthn hgesia ths organwshs twn kaqhghtwn, den distase na fanei apeilhtikos, tonizontas oti an yparjei kwlysiergia apo pleyras kybernhshs sthn epilysh twn problhmatwn twn kaqhghtwn, h antidrash toy kladoy qa einai dynamikh, xwris na apokleiontai kai ta apergiaka metra.

Ta problhmata ayta einai h katarghsh ths listas dioristaiwn kaqhghtwn kai h mh ylopoihsh twn apofasewn-eishghsewn ths Oynesko, gia thn ananewsh ths paideias sthn Kypro.

Ta qemata prosfygwn, agnooymenwn kai egklwbismenwn, kyriarxhsan shmera stis ergasies toy Synedrioy twn Kentrikwn Symboyliwn POMAK kai PSEKA.

Milwntas gia ta qemata ayta, o Epitropos Proedrias anelyse stoys synedroys to kybernhtiko ergo poy exei epitelestei, prokalwntas omws tis antidraseis twn ekproswpwn twn egklwbismenwn, oi opoioi epekrinan thn kybernhsh gia adiaforia sto qema ths epistrofhs ths daskalas Elenhs Fwka.

Gia to qema twn agnooymenwn, to synedrio kalese tis dyo Epitropes na enopoihqoyn, shmeiwnontas oti einai aparadekto na yparxoyn dyo ekproswpoi twn syggenwn agnooymenwn.

Milwntas gia to qema ayto o proedros ths Pagkyprias Epitrophs Syggenwn Agnooymenwn Nikos Qeodosioy apologhqhke, tonizontas oti synexizei tis prospaqeies wste poly syntoma na yparjei h enopoihsh.

Ena ekatommyrio lires exei plhrwsei mexri twra to kratos gia th frontida twn laqrometanastwn, oi opoioi perisyneleghsan apo kaiki sth Lemeso prin apo dyo mhnes.

To qema twn laqrometanastwn apasxolhse nea syskech h opoia pragmatopoihqhke to meshmeri sto Ypoyrgeio Eswterikwn.

Se dhlwseis toy meta th syskech o ypoyrgos Eswterikwn Ntinos Mixahlidhs anefere oti h kybernhsh exei apofasisei th dhmioyrgia eidikwn xwrwn gia th stegash twn laqrometanastwn mexris otoy dieyqethqei h apelash toys.

Mexri twra exoyn epanapatrisqei 25 laqrometanastes kai paramenoyn sthn Kypro alloi 84.

Sth syskech paresthsan o ypoyrgos Dikaiosynhs kai Dhmosias Tajews Nikos Koshs, o Gernikos Eisaggeleas ths Dhmokratias Alekos Markidhs, o Leitoyrgos Metanasteysews Xristodoylos Nikolaidhs kai o Bohqos Arxhgos Astynomias Andreas Stefanoy.

Oi alysidwtes tromokratikes epiqeseis twn teleytaiwn hmerwn, synexisthkan kai shmera, me epikentro to Israhl.

Dwdeka atoma traymatisthkan, ek twn opoiwn dyo paidia, apo ekrhjh bombas mikrhs isxyos se kentriko dromo toy Tel Abib.

H bomba ejerragh gyrw stis ennea to prwi kai eixe topoqethqei se kalaqi aporrimatwn dipla se stash lewforeioy, konta sthn megalh synagwgh ths polhs.

Mexri stigmhs kamia organwsh den exei analabei thn eyqynh gia thn epiqesh.

Dynameis asfaleias poy apekleisan thn perioxh aneferan oti qa mporoysan na eixan shmeiwqei perissotera qymata, afoy molis liga lepta prin thn ekrhjh, dekades epibates eixan apobibastei apo lewforeio.

Ejalloy, me aformh thn epiqesh, o prwqypoyrgos Beniamin Netaniaxoy katesthse safes pros toys Palaistinioys oti prepei na ejoydeterwqoyn oi ejtremistikes organwseis poy dynamitizoyn thn eirhneytikh diadikasia.

Sthn Mpangklantes, perissotera apo tetrakosia atoma exasan th zwh toys kai toylaxiston trianta ekatommyria emeinan astega, apo tis xeiroteres plhmmyres poy eplhjan th xwra thn teleytaia dekaetia.

H kybernhsh ths xwras aphyqyne dramatikh ekklhsh sth dieqnh koinothta gia anqrwpistikh bohqeia pros toys plhgentes.

Oi plhmmyres synexizontai edw kai dyo mhnes kai einai oi megalyteres se diarkeia poy exoyn ktyphsei pote th xwra.

Ejalloy, sthn Iapwnia dyo atoma skotwqhkan logw katolisqhsewn poy proklhqhkan apo katarraktlwdeis broxes.

Terasties katastrofes exei prokalesei o tropikos tyfwnas Mponny, poy eplhje tis Anatolikes aktes twn Hnwmenwn Politeiwn, me anemoys poy epnean me taxythta 185 xiliometrwn thn wra.

Xeirotera eplhgh h politeia ths Boreias Karolinas, opoy toylaxiston miso ekatommyrio atoma exoyn meinei xwris hlektriko reyma, logw twn ektetamenwn zhmiwn poy exoyn proklhqei.

Xiliades andres twn dynamewn asfaleias kaqws kai ola ta nosokomeia ths politeias, synexizoyn na briskontai se katastash synagermoy se kai se alles tessereis politeies.

Ektetamenes plhmmyres kai anemostrobiloi sthn endoxwra, einai ta dyo kyria xarakthristika toy tyfwna, o opoios synexizei to oleqrio toy ergo.

Thn idia wra, h politeia toy Tejas brisketai sto eleos ths tropikhs katigidas Tsarly, poy prokalese thn yperxeilish toy potamoy Rio Gkrante, me apotelesma na skotwqoyn 12 atoma.

Oloklhrwnoyme to deltio mas me thn prognwsh gia ton kairo.

Apoce o kairos qa einai aiqrios, alla topika qa sxhmatisqei omixlh kai xamhlh nefwsh.

Oi anemoi qa einai eymetablhtoi asqeneis, dyo ews triwn mpofor kai h qalassa ligo taragmenh.

H qermokrasia qa pesei stoys 23 peripoy baqmoys.

Ayrio o kairos qa einai kai pali aiqrios me liges parodikes nefwseis tis apogeymatines wres.

Oi anemoi to prwi qa einai eymetablhtoi asqeneis, dyo ews trilwn mpofor kai stadiaka qa trapoyn se qalassioys metrioys, tessarwn mpofor.

H qalassa qa einai ligo taragmenh kai topika sta notia paralia to apogeyma mexri taragmenh.

H qermokrasia qa anelqei stoys 36 baqmoys sto eswteriko kai gyrw stoys 31 baqmoys sta paralia.

Shmera sth Leykwsia h pio chlh qermokrasia htan 37 baqmoi kai h pio xamhlh 23, sthn Ammoxwsto kai th Larnaka 32 me 24, sth Lemeso 31 me 25, sthn Keryneia kai thn Pafo 31 me 23

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