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Logos News from Cyprus, 98-12-05

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H lhsteia, htan to elathrio ths dolofonias twn dyo Kinezwn spoydastwn.

O Kinezos spoydasths Goyangk Giangk, eikosi-enos etwn, o opoios synelhfqh gia to stygero egklhma, odhghqhke to prwi sto Eparxiako Dikasthrio Lemesoy, to opoio ejedwse diatagma oktahmerhs krathshs toy.

Opws anaferqhke sto dikasthrio, o ypoptos feretai na paradexqhke enoxh.

Katonomase de kai allo proswpo ws synergo sto egklhma, to opoio katazhteitai.

Prokeitai gia ton Xoyan-Tsengk Mpoy, 21 etwn, isxyrhs swmatikhs diaplashs, stroggyloproswpo, me pykna mayra mallia, o opoios xarakthrizetai ws o egkefalos toy stygeroy egklhmatos.

En tw metajy, h Kineza spoydastria, Tsiengk Soyai, poy eixe syllhfqei xqes gia thn idia ypoqesh, afeqh eleyqerh, afoy den proekycan enoxopoihtika stoixeia enantion ths.

Pisteyetai, omws, oti qa einai basikos martyras kathgorias.

Asyneidhtos odhgos, paresyre xqes brady zeygos Bretanwn toyristwn sth Lewforo Amaqoyntos, sth Lemeso, me apotelesma h syzygos na skotwqei.

Nekrh einai h Margkaret Gkrompi, 51 etwn, enw o syzygos ths Oyiliam, 52 etwn, traymatisqhke sobara.

O odhgos, profanws Arabas, egkateleice to aytokinhto toy kai anazhteitai.

Ejalloy, nekros sto xwrafi toy breqhke, o Panagiwths Mayrommaths, 65 etwn, apo thn Gialoysa kai teleytaia katoikos synoikismoy Timhs.

Htan sfhnwmenos metajy toy arotroy toy gewrgikoy toy eklysthra kai ths qeshs toy odhgoy.

Me epifylajeis, blepei h politikh kai qrhskeytikh hgesia, thn proqesh toy Amerikanoy Proedroy Mpil Klinton gia proswpikh prwtoboylia sto Kypriako.

O Arxiepiskopos Xrysostomos apantwntas se sxetikh erwthsh, dierwthqhke gia to skopo ayths ths emplokhs, shmeiwnontas oti xreiazomaste mia emplokh poy qa apokaqista ta anqrwpina dikaiwmata.

O Genikos Grammateas toy AKEL Dhmhtrhs Xristofias, tonise oti o idios perimenei poly perissotera apo thn Ellhnikh parembash, para apo thn Amerikanikh.

O Proedros toy DHKO, Spyros Kyprianoy, anefere oti den exei peisqei oti einai kati to shmantiko.

O Proedros ths EDEK, Basos Lyssaridhs paraththse oti kaqe fora poy yphrje emplokh twn Amerikanwn, ayth den estrafh pros thn swsth kateyqynsh.

O Proedros twn Newn Orizontwn, Nikos Koytsoy ekane logo gia plhrofories poy feroyn ton Kofi Anan, na erxetai sthn Kypro, analambanontas prwtoboylia gia mataiwsh ths afijhs twn Es-300.

Ekdhlwsh sylloghs ypografwn diamartyrias gia thn katapathsh twn anqrwpinwn dikaiwmatwn toy Kypriakoy laoy, arxisan apo shmera oi Gynaikes ths Kyproy.

Oi ypografes mpainoyn se 1619 manthles me thn figoyra ths Kyprias manas kai h prospaqeia qa synexisqei kai ayrio ejw apo tis ekklhsies ths eleyqerhs Kyproy.

To prwi, episkefqhkan to epiteleio twn gynaikwn sthn Plateia Eleyqerias, o Arxiepiskopos Xrysostomos kai oi politikoi hgetes.

Se dhlwseis toy, o Makariwtatos epekrine th stash olwn twn dieqnwn organismwn poy edw kai 24 xronia miloyn gia anqrwpina dikaiwmata, exontas omws ypoch, mono toys eaytoys toys.

Sta saranta-dyo disekatommyria dollaria anhlqe ta teleytaia tria xronia, o kyklos ergasiwn yperaktiwn etairiwn, pros thn Rwsikh Omospondia, oi opoies xrhsimopoioyn ws edra thn Kypro.

Ayto apokalyce o Ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Xristodoylos Xristodoyloy, kata thn diarkeia ths ypografhs neas diakratikhs symfwnias Kyproy-Rwsias, gia thn apofygh diplhs forologias.

Oi dyo pleyres, ejefrasan thn baqeia toys ikanopoihsh gia thn symfwnia, h opoia afora sthn forologhsh kerdwn apo merismata, apo kerdh paroxhs symboyleytikwn yphresiwn kai thn forologhsh tokwn.

H Proodeytikh Kinhsh Larnakas pragmatopoihse to meshmeri piketoforia sto xwro ths megalhs jylinhs apobaqras, para th Marina ths polhs, zhtwntas na anoijei gia to koino o molos.

Sth sygkentrwsh egkriqhke chfisma pros ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias kai toys arxhgoys twn kommatwn, me to opoio zhteitai h metakinhsh toy kigklidwmatos poy yparxei sto molo.

O Proedros ths Proodeytikhs Kinhshs Larnakas Panikos Sardos proeidopoihse me lhch dynamikwn metrwn se periptwsh poy to aithma toys den ginei apodekto.

Apo thn pleyra toys, oi armodioi yposthrizoyn oti to kigklidwma topoqethqhke gia logoys asfaleias.

Ston eikosto-ogdoo mhna eishlqe, h antikatoxikh diafwtistikh ekstrateia poy diorganwnei to Pagkyprio Antikatoxiko Kinhma, sto odofragma toy Lhdra Palas.

Shmera, thn ekstrateia enisxyse h Dhmotikh Xorwdia Leykarwn, me epikefalhs ton Dhmarxo kai ta melh toy Dhmotikoy Symboylioy.

Symmeteixan epishs, foithtes ths Prwtoporias toy Anwteroy Texnologikoy Institoytoy.

Kai na oloklhrwsoyme to deltio mas me thn prognwsh ths metewrologikhs yphresias.

Apoce o kairos qa ejakoloyqhsei na einai mallon synnefiasmenos me chles kyriws nefwseis, alla yparxei mikro endexomeno na pesoyn topika poly elafres broxes.

Oi anemoi qa trapoyn se asqeneis boreiodytikoys 2-3 mpofor kai h qalassa qa parameinei ligo taragmenh.

H qermokrasia qa pesei stoys 9 baqmoys sto eswteriko, gyrw stoys 11 sta paralia kai stoys eji stis chloteres oreines perioxes.

Parakoloyqhste sth synexeia thn ellhnikh tainia H SIDHRA KYRIA me toys Rena Blaxopoyloy, Teth Sxoinakh kai Niko Tsoyta.

Deite meta, se apeyqeias metadosh apo th Lemeso, ton agwna gia to pagkyprio prwtaqlhma kalaqosfairas andrwn Prwths Kathgorias metajy twn omadwn AEL- KERAYNOS.

Newteres eidhseis sto analytiko mas deltio stis oktw.

Kalo apogeyma.

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