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Logos News from Cyprus, 99-06-10

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From: LogosNet at <>

Rwsika einai ta prwta strateymata poy eishlqan sto Kossyfopedio, ws meros ths eirhneytikhs dynamhs.

Peripoy 1000 Rwsoi stratiwtes se teqwrakismena oxhmata eishlqan to apogeyma sto Kossyfopedio, mesw Serbias, proerxomena apo to edafos ths Bosnias.

Thn plhroforia eixe diaceysei to prwi to Rwsiko Ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn, enw en tw metajy, mazikh einai pleon h apoxwrhsh twn Serbikwn strateymatwn apo thn eparxia.

Rwsika einai ta prwta eirhneytika strateymata poy eishlqan sto Kossyfopedio, qetontas se efarmogh thn symfwnia eirhneyshs gia to Gioygkoslabiko.

Peripoy 1000 Rwsoi stratiwtes se pomph oxhmatwn metaforas proswpikoy kai teqwrakismenwn oxhmatwn mphkan to apogeyma sto Kossyfopedio, mesw Serbias, proerxomenoi apo thn Bosnia.

Ta Rwsika oxhmata eferan ta endeiktika KFOR, poy apoteloyn to onoma ths Natoikhs eirhneytikhs dynamhs sthn Serbikh eparxia.

Nwritera pantws, to Rwsiko ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn eixe diaceysei thn eidhsh, anaferontas oti odhgies gia anaptyjh Rwsikwn dynamewn qa doqoyn mono meta thn epiteyjh politikhs symfwnias kai meta apo entolh toy proedroy Geltsin kai ths Katw Boylhs.

Se mia parallhlh ejelijh, kata tis Rwso-Amerikanikes synomilies gia th symmetoxh ths Mosxas sth dieqnh eirhneytikh dynamh, o symmetexwn stis diapragmateyseis, ypostrathgos Leonint Ibasof, eixe proeidopoihsei oti h Rwsia qa elqei se epafh ap'eyqeias me to Beligradi gia na analabei ton plhrh elegxo enos tomea sto Kossyfopedio, an to NATO aporricei to aithma ths.

En tw metajy, oi synomilies metajy twn dyo pleyrwn diekophsan nwris to apogeyma, xwris na ginei gnwsto, potte qa epanalhfqoyn.

Apo thn pleyra twn Serbwn, mazikh einai pleon h apoxwrhsh twn strateymatwn toys apo to Kossyfopedio, enw mazi toys apoxwroyn kai ekatontades Serboi polites, oi opoioi foboyntai gia antipoina twn Albanwn antartwn.

Thn apoxwrhsh twn Gioygkoslabikwn dynamewn epibebaiwsan kai ajiwmatoyxoi Natoikwn dynamewn sta Skopia, oi opoioi eidan dynameis pezikoy na apoxwroyn se pomph oxhmatwn metaforas proswpikoy.

Ejalloy, sta Skopia brisketai kai h Amerikanida Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn, Mantlin Olmprait, h opoia episkefqhke Amerikanika strateymata.

Xairete kyries kai kyrioi.

Oi panyghrikes seirhnes twn aytokinhtwn kai o ekkwfantikos qorybos twn pyrotexnhmatwn, diadexqhke ta anti-aeroporika pyra panw apo ton oyrano ths polypaqhs Gioygkoslabias.

Ystera apo pente meres dramatikwn diapragmateysewn egine telika katorqwth h ypografh symfwnias apoxwrhshs twn Serbikwn strateymatwn apo to Kossyfopedio.

En tw metajy tesseris xiliades Amerikanoi stratiwtes kinoyntai pros thn Serbikh eparxia gia efarmogh ths symfwnias eirhneyshs.

Enw ta Gioygkoslabika strateymata aposyrontai apo to Kossyfopedio, etoima na paroyn thn qesh toys, einai Natoika strateymata.

Megalh dynamh Amerikanwn pezonaytwn brisketai hdh sta Skopia.

Mesa sto epomeno 24wro oi armodies kybernhtikes yphresies qa dwsoyn sthn dhmosiothta ton katalogo me ola ta Belgika proionta poy kykloforoyn sthn Kypriakh agora kai gia ta opoia yparxei h piqanothta na einai molysmena apo diojines.

Thn gnwstopoihsh ayth ekane o Ypoyrgos Ygeias, amesws meta thn synanthsh poy eixe, me ton proedreyonta ths Dhmokratias kai proedro ths Boylhs, Spyro Kyprianoy.

To qema me ta molysmena trofima, apasxolhse kai tis Koinoboyleytikes Epitropes Gewrgias kai Ygeias, thn men prwth se oti afora tis molysmenes zwotrofes, thn de allh gia to pws antimetwpisqhke h katastash kai ti epiprosqeta metra qa lhfqoyn.

Arxise to prwi enwpion toy kakoyrgiodikeioy, poy synhlqe sth Leykwsia, h akroash ths ypoqeshs toy fonoy toy Xamph Aeroporoy, poy diapraxqhke ton Dekembrio toy 98, sth Lemeso.

Kathgoroymenoi sthn ypoqesh, einai oi Xrhstos Simianos, Sabbas Iwannoy Kinezos, Prokophs Prokopioy, Swthrhs Aqhnhs kai h adelfh toy Zwh Alejandroy.

H shmerinh diadikasia, diejhxqh met'empodiwn.

Gyrw stis deka kai trianta, o kathgoroymenos Prokophs Prokopioy, lipoqymhse mesa sthn aiqoysa toy Dikasthrioy kai metaferqhke amesws sto Geniko Nosokomeio Leykwsias.

O Prokopioy, pasxei apo nefropaqeia kai ypoballetai se aimodialysh, treis fores thn ebdomada.

Thn dikh, parakoloyqoysan apo to prwi, kai oi stenoi syggeneis toy Xamph Aeroporoy.

Shmera kateqesan dyo martyres, oi fwtografoi kai lhptes apotypwmatwn toy TAE Lemesoy.

H diadikasia qa synexisqei ayrio, enw qa prepei na shmeiwqei oti ta metra asfaleias poy lambanontai ektos kai entos twn ktiriwn toy dikasthrioy einai drakonteia.

Agwgh libelloy enantion ths efhmeridas "Alhqeia", exei kinhsei o Proedreywn ths Dhmokratias kai Proedros ths Boylhs, Spyros Kyprianoy, gia dysfhmistiko dhmosieyma to opoio mila gia antiktypo eis baros toy apo thn anakalych toy oplostasioy poy breqhke sto spiti toy Iwannh Koykoylaridh, sth Galata.

O kyrios Kyprianoy, se dhlwseis toy, anefere oti gia ton idio den yparxei qema, kai to olo zhthma to exoyn analabei oi dikhgoroi toy.

Erwthqeis ean eixe enhmerwqei, ws proedreywn ths Dhmokratias gia to oplostasio, apanthse arnhtika, symplhrwnontas oti thn prwtoboylia, gia thn yparjh toy oplostasioy, eixe doqei apo thn oikogeneia toy apobiwsanta Xaralampoy Koykoylaridh.

Apo pleyras ths Astynomias den exei anakoinwqei tipote epiprosqeto gia thn ypoqesh.

O boyleyths toy DHSY Antwnhs Karas, afhse aixmes enantion ajiwmatikwn toy apoqanonta eqnofroyroy Giannh Kyprianidh sthn synedriash ths koinoboyleytikhs epitrophs amynas.

O kyrios Karas afhse na nohqei pws oi proistamenoi toy Kyprianidh epedeijan ameleia sta kaqhkonta toys, kaqws den antapokriqhkan amesa sto kalesma bohqeias toy eqnofroyroy otan paraponeqhke gia ponokefaloys.

Epishs, den merimnhsan eipe, gia na etoimastei to eidiko diaitologio poy synesthse iatrikos leitoyrgos ston eqnofroyro.

Amesh htan h apanthsh toy arxhgoy ths Eqnikhs Froyras, Dhmhtrioy Dhmoy kaqws amfisbhthse ta legomena toy boyleyth toy DHSY.

Apo thn pleyra toy o ypoyrgos amynas proeidopoihse pws h ekqesh toy kyrioy Kara piqanon na prokatabalei thn apofash toy dikasthrioy gia thn ypoqesh.

Se diabhma pros thn kybernhsh toy Pakistan proxwrei h Kypriakh Kybernhsh, diamartyromenh gia thn paranomh episkech poy pragmatopoiei o Presbhs toy Pakistan sthn Agkyra, sta katexomena edafh ths Kyproy.

Sto diabhma qa probei h Presbeira ths Dhmokratias poy einai diapisteymenh sto Pakistan, Lwria Markidh, ayrio, amesws meta thn epistrofh ths sthn edra ths, to Pekino, apo thn Sagkah, opoy synodeyei ton Proedro Klhridh kata thn episkech toy.

O Presbhs toy Pakistan sthn Agkyra, Karamatoyllax Xan Kori, poy synanthqhke me ton Raoyf Ntenktas, dhlwse oti o Pakistanikos laos htan pantote sto pleyro twn toyrkokypriwn.

Se mia allh ejelijh, antiproswpeia toy Emporikoy Epimelhthrioy ths Agkyras, poy episkeptetai ta katexomena, ypebale protash gia metatroph toy ceydokratoys se Zwnh Eleyqeroy Emporioy.

Symfwna me ton Proedro toy Epimelhthrioy Sinan Aygkioyn, me ton tropo ayto qa spasei ta legomena empargko poy efarmozontai se baros ths.

Meta thn Leykwsia kai thn Lemeso, shmera oi Oikodomoi, pragmatopoihsan ekdhlwsh kai sthn Pafo, diamartyromenoi gia thn anergia kai thn paranomh ergodothsh allodapwn.

To prwi, pragmatopoihqhke genikh syneleysh, h opoia enekrine chfisma pros toys Ypoyrgoys Eswterikwn, Dikaiosynhs kai Dhmosias Tajews, kaqws epishs kai ston Ypoyrgo Ergasias kai Koinwnikwn Asfalisewn.

Sto chfisma, epishmainontai oi kindynoi apo to pososto anergias, poy fqanei to deka tois ekaton, kai oi sobares oikonomikes synepeies poy prokaloyntai.

Meta to telos ths Syneleyshs, oi sygkentrwqentes, pragmatopoihsan poreia diamartyrias se kentrikoys dromoys ths Pafoy.

Enteka atoma, synelabe h Astynomia to prwi, sth Lesxh toy Antwnh Fanieroy, sth Larnaka.

Andres toy OPE Larnakas, epedraman sth Lesxh stis pente to prwi, opoy symfwna me thn Astynomia, yphrxe synaqroish enteka atomwn, me skopo thn kybeia.

Oloi kathgorhqhkan graptws kai afeqhsan eleyqeroi.

Paralhfqhsan ws tekmhria ena mpiliardo, ena chlo kaqisma kai ena kommati jylo poy xrhsimopoieitai gia thn metafora zariwn kai twn xrhmatwn.

Kai na oloklhrwsoyme to deltio mas me thn prognwsh ths metewrologikhs yphresias.

Apoce o kairos qa einai kyriws aiqrios.

Oi anemoi qa einai boreiodytikoi asqeneis, 3 mpofor kai h qalassa ligo taragmenh.

H qermokrasia qa pesei stoys 19 baqmoys sto eswteriko kai ta notia paralia, stoys 17 sta dytika paralia kai stoys 14 baqmoys stis chloteres oreines perioxes.

Sto shmeio ayto, oloklhrwqhke h apogeymatinh sas enhmerwsh.

Parakoloyqhste amesws meta ena epeisodio ths kypriakhs seiras H PAREA kai sthn synexeia to eyxaristo thlepaignidi H AGORA TOY AIWNA.

Akoloyqoyn h kypriakh seira OI DIPLARES kai ena neo epeisodio ths ellhnikhs kwmikhs seiras TO RETIRE.

Sthn synexeia, mhn xasete thn ellhnikh kwmikh seira, O PETROS KAI TA KORITSIA TOY, me ton Petro Filippidh.

Newteres eidhseis sto analytiko mas deltio, stis oktw kai trianta.

Kyries kai kyrioi, kalo sas apogeyma.

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