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Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation: News in Greek, 99-04-27

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From: Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation at <>


  • [02] XRISTOY
  • [03] KLEANQOYS
  • [04] OMHROY
  • [06] GALANOS
  • [08] KARAS
  • [14] KAIROS


    O Proedros Klhridhs dhlwse oti anamenei pws oi Amerikanoi, oi Eyrwpaioi kai o Genikos Grammateas twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn qa asxolhqoyn me to Kypriako gyrw stis arxes Septembrioy. Milwntas ces se dhmosiografikh diaskech, o Proedros Klhridhs tonise epaneilhmmena oti h Ellhnikh pleyra den exei qesei oroys gia na proselqei se synomilies, alla o Raoyf Ntenktas kai epomenws h ypodeijh gia epanenarjh toy dialogoy xwris oroys den apeyqynetai pros th dikh mas pleyra. Ej alloy, o Proedros Klhridhs tonise oti h poreia ths Kyproy pros thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh einai epibeblhmenh kai den tiqetai qema anaqewrhshs ths se synarthsh me o,ti symbainei shmera sth Gioygkoslabia. O Proedros Klhridhs zhthse th megalyterh dynath synainesh twn politikwn dynamewn toy topoy en ocei ths poreias enarmonishs pros to Eyrwpiko kekthmeno.

    [02] XRISTOY

    O koinoboyleytikos ekproswpos toy AKEL, Andreas Xristoy, xarakthrise th diaskech katwterh twn peristasewn kai yposthrije oti apo ton proedro Klhridh lexqhkan pragmata poy den sthrizontai se arxes, alla oyte kai sthn istoria ths Kyproy. O kyrios Xristoy ejefrase thn apoch oti skopima oi diorganwtes ths diaskechs apofasisan na perilhfqei kai to gioygkoslabiko metajy twn qematwn pros syzhthsh, gia na strafei to endiaferon makria apo zhthmata eswterikhs diakybernhshs.

    [03] KLEANQOYS

    O anaplhrwths proedros toy Dhmokratikoy Kommatos, Nikos Kleanqoys, eipe oti h xqesinobradynh diaskech htan mia prospaqeia toy Proedroy na diaskedasei entypwseis h na katadeijei, oti den exei klonisqei h empistosynh toy laoy sthn kybernhsh, h opoia paroysiasthke, opws eipe, xwris laqh kai kamia apotyxia. Epi toy koinwnikoy-politikoy dialogoy, o anaplhrwths proedros toy DHKO isxyristhke oti h Kybernhsh den exei oyte qeseis, oyte protaseis gia syzhthsh.

    [04] OMHROY

    O prwtos antiproedros ths EDEK, Giannakhs Omhroy, yposthrije oti apo th xqesinobradynh diaskech toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias den anadeiknyotan orama h ajiopisto sxedio gia to mellon. O kyrios Omhroy symfwnhse me tis arxes poy eqese o Proedros gia to Gioygkoslabiko, alla eipe oti qa eprepe na zhthsei kai ton ameso termatismo twn bombardismwn. O kyrios Omhroy eipe oti h EDEK antapokriqhke qetika ston koinwniko dialogo, alla prosqese oti den yparxoyn proypoqeseis h dynatothta symmetoxhs ths sthn kybernhsh.


    O antiproedros twn Enwmenwn Dhmokratwn, Giwrgos Xristofidhs, eipe oti to komma toy ektima pws o proedros Klhridhs prepei na probei se anasxhmatismo, gia allagh ths eikonas ths kybernhshs.

    [06] GALANOS

    O proedros toy KEA, Alejhs Galanos, yposthrije oti sth diaskech eprepe na doqei perissotero baros se qemata eswterikhs diakybernhshs kai qesmikwn allagwn, pera apo to kypriako kai to gioygkoslabiko. Ejefrase epishs thn ektimhsh oti o proedros Klhridhs den exei thn politikh boylhsh na kanei anasxhmatismo kai eipe oti to Komma toy den qa qysiasei, kata thn ekfrash toy, thn ajioprepeia toy, gia na symmetasxei me ena Ypoyrgo sthn Kybernhsh.


    Eidikoi ths Pyrosbestikhs yphresias arxisan apo to prwi ereynes sto apotefrwmeno ergostasio ths Galaktobiomhxanias Pittas gia diakribwsh twn aitiwn ths proxqesinhs katastrofikhs pyrkaias. H qermokrasia exei meiwqei se baqmo poy epitrepei thn prosbash twn pyrosbestwn sto eswteriko toy ergostasioy gia th syllogh stoixeiwn. To ergo, opws dhlwse o Ekproswpos ths Pyrosbestikhs Yphresias, Stelios Iwannoy, endexomenws na diarkesei merikes hmeres.

    [08] KARAS

    O organwtikos grammateas toy DHSY, Antwnhs Karas, eipe oti to kentriko mhnyma ths xqesinobradynhs diaskechs htan h prosklhsh toy proedroy Klhridh pros oles tis politikes dynameis gia synainesh. O kyrios Karas ejefrase thn ektimhsh oti o proedros ejhghse me safhneia, sobarothta kai peistikothta tis protaseis toy. O kyrios Karas eipe oti an o proedros Klhridhs apekleie apo th syzhthsh to gioygkoslabiko, to AKEL qa ton epekrine oti skopima to apefyge.


    O anametadoths ths gioygkoslabikhs kratikhs Radiothleorashs kai allwn kanaliwn sth stegh toy ktirioy sto opoio stegazontai ta grafeia toy kybernwntos Sosialistikoy Kommatos, htan o stoxos twn cesinwn epiqesewn twn natoikwn aeroskafwn. To ktirio eixe plhgei kai prohgoymenws. O anametadoths katestrafh, alla symfwna me th Serbikh kratikh thleorash, oi alloi pente thleoptikoi staqmoi symfwnhsan na metadidoyn ta deltia eidhsewn ths.


    Ena amerikaniko epiqetiko elikoptero Apatsi katepese kai synetribh sto aerodromio twn Tiranwn kata th diarkeia ekpaideytikhs apostolhs. Anakoinwsh toy Amerikanikoy Pentagwnoy anaferei oti ta dyo melh toy plhrwmatos prolaban na bgoyn apo ta syntrimia toy elikopteroy protoy tylixqei stis floges.


    O Rwsos apestalmenos gia to Gioygkoslabiko Biktor Tsernomirtin anamenentai na synanthqei shmera sth Mosxa me ton Amerikano Yfypoyrgo Ejwterikwn Strooyp Talmpot gia syzhthsh tropwn eirhnikhs epilyshs ths krishs. O kyrios Tsernomirtin dhlwse oti h Rwsia exei kainoyrgies idees gia enarjh synomiliwn me tis xwres toy Nato pros epilysh ths krishs. O Rwsos epishmos anefere oti oi idees diamorfwqhkan se syskech ths eidikhs omadas poy asxoleitai me to Gioygkoslabiko. Sth Mosxa metabainei ayrio kai o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn ths Elladas Giwrgos Papandreoy gia syntonismwn twn eirhneytikwn energeiwn twn dyo xwrwn.


    Amerikanoi episthmones anakoinwsan oti paraskeyasan ena neo peiramatiko embolio kata toy ioy toy Ehts, to opoio dokimasthke me epityxia se piqhkoys. Oi episthmones aneferan oti ta peiramata edeijan oti einai dynath h paraskeyh embolioy, to opoio qa meiwnei shmantika ton pollaplasiasmo toy ioy kai qa empodizei th metadosh toy.


    H Eqnikh Paidwn Kyproy sthn Kalaqosfaira antimetwpizei ayth thn wra thn Eqnikh Gewrgias ston teleytaio agwna ths gia to Eyrwpaiko Prwtaqlhma Paidwn poy diejagetai sto ghpedo Eleyqeria. Ej alloy, stis pente to apogeyma diejagetai o agwnas metajy ths Germanias kai toy Belgioy.

    [14] KAIROS

    Deltio kairoy O kairos shmera qa einai kyriws aiqrios. Oi anemoi qa katastoyn stadiaka notiodytikoi mexri boreiodytikoi metrioi, triwn ews tessarwn mpofor. H qalassa qa einai ligo taragmenh, parodika, stis proshnemes perioxes, mexri taragmenh. H qermokrasia qa fqasei stoys 28 baqmoys sto eswteriko, stoys 26 sta notia paralia kai toys 23 sta dytika paralia. Stis chloteres oreines perioxes h qermokrasia qa anelqei stoys 17 peripoy baqmoys. To brady o kairos qa einai pantoy aiqrios. Oi anemoi qa einai boreiodytikoi mexri boreianatolikoi asqeneis, dyo ews triwn mpofor. H qemokrasia apoce qa pesei stoys 15 baqmoys sto eswteriko kai ta notia paralia, stoys 12 sta dytika paralia kai stoys enteka stis chloteres oreines perioxes.
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