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Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation: News in Greek, 99-05-20

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From: Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation at <http://www.cybc.com.cy/>


  • [02] TSERNO PISW
  • [06] EQNIKO


    H natoikh aeroporia ktyphse tis prwtes prwines wres nosokomeio sto Beligradi,me apotelesma na skotwqoyn tria toylaxiston atoma,kai na traymatistoyn polla alla, perilambanomenwn dyo egkywn poy briskontan sto maieythrio. To nosokomeio eplhgh apo pyrayloys sth diarkeia sfodrwn epiqesewn kata ths gioygkoslabikhs prwteyoysas, poy ejapelyqhsan ligo meta thn anaxwrhsh apo ekei toy Rwsoy apestalmenoy Biktwr Tsiernomirtin.

    Ekproswpos toy nosokomeioy anefere oti sxedon ola ta nosokomeiaka ktiria ypesthsan ektetamenes zhmies,idiaitera o gynaikologikos qalamos, kai prosqese oti egine apomakrynsh twn neogennhtwn kai twn egkywn,kai metafora toys se alla nosokomeia. Eipe epishs oti traymatisthkan apo gyalia polloi asqeneis toy nosokomeioy,kaqws kai melh toy proswpikoy, afoy ola sxedon ta tzamia toy nosokomeioy espasan. Apo thn epiqesh enantion toy nosokomeioy espasan epishs ta tzamia kaqws kai h kyria eisodos ths katoikias toy presbeyth ths Soyhdias sto Beligradi,poy brisketai konta sto nosokomeio.

    [02] TSERNO PISW

    Sto metajy o rwsos apestalmenos gia to gioygkoslabiko Biktor Tsernomirtin epestrece sth Mosxa apo to Beligradi gia ena neo gyro diapragmateysewn me toys Amerikanoys. O Tsernomirtin metaferei mazi toy sth Mosxa th symfwnia poy epiteyxqhke me to Slopotan Milosebits gia thn anagkh synomiliwn me ta Hnwmena Eqnh,me stoxo ton termatismo ths krishs sth Gioygkoslabia.

    Anakoinwsh poy ekdoqhke apo to grafeio toy Slopotan Milosebits,ystera apo tis synomilies me ton kyrio Tsiernomirtin,poy krathsan epta wres , anaferei epishs oti h symmetoxh ths Gioygkoslabias einai aparaithth gia thn epejergasia twn leptomereiwn twn arxwn oi opoies periexontai sto sxedio ths Omadas twn Oktw. Symfwnhqhke epishs oti o rwsos apestalmenos kai o gioygkoslabos proedros qa epanalaboyn tis synomilies toys thn erxomenh Deytera h thn Trith meta tis epafes poy o Biktor Tsernomirtin qa exei sth Mosxa me ton amerikano mesolabhth Strooymp Talmpot kai ton finlando proedro Marti Axtisaari.


    O Amerikanos anaplhrwths ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Strooymp Talmpot synexizei shmera tis epafes toy se eyrwpaikes prwteyoyses,protoy metabei sth Mosxa. Opws anakoinwse o ekproswpos toy Steht Ntipartment Tzehms Roympin,o kyrios Talmpot metabainei shmera apo th Bonnh sto Parisi gia epafes me th gallikh kybernhsh. Sth synexeia qa paei sth Mosxa,kai apo ekei stis Bryjelles gia na enhmerwsei to Boreioatlantiko Symboylio sxetika me ta apotelesmata twn diaboyleysewn.


    Plhrofories apo to Kossyfopedio anaferoyn oti perissoteroi apo xilioi serboi stratiwtes lipotakthsan apo th monada toys kai epestrecan stis poleis apo opoy katagontai. Stis poleis aytes epragmatopoioynto diadhlwseis oxi mono enantion toy polemoy, alla kai enantion ths hgesias toy Slopotan Milosebits. Polloi apo toys stratiwtes dhlwsan oti einai etoimoi na polemhsoyn opoiondhpote epidromea sta synora,oxi omws kai na skotwnontai "san poylia" apo th natoikh aeroporia.


    H Ellada qa ajiopoihsei oles tis dynatothtes poy exei gia na diasfalisei thn entajh ths Kyproy sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, akoma kai an h Toyrkia kai h toyrkokypriakh pleyra synexisoyn na throyn arnhtikh stash kai na mh symmetexoyn sthn entajiakh diadikasia. Ayto prepei na einai safes se oloys, tonise kathgorhmatika o Prwqypoyrgos ths Elladas Kwstas Shmiths se omilia toy sth Boylh twn Ellhnwn kata th syzhthsh qematos gia thn eyrwpaikh poreia ths Elladas.

    [06] EQNIKO

    Arxise prin apo miamisy peripoy wra synedria toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy. Kata th synedria qa syzhthqei h strathgikh sto Kypriako en ocei ths prwtoboylias poy anamenetai na ekdhlwqei sto Kypriako to Septembrio kai ths emplokhs stis prospaqeies ths omadas twn oktw ploysioterwn kratwn toy kosmoy. Kata th synedria toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy anamenetai na syzhthqei epishs h krish sth Gioygkoslabia.


    H astynomia Lemesoy synelabe to prwi gia paranomh katoxh pistolioy ton Lewnida Aitinith,Ellhnopontio,eikosiejh xronwn kai ton Karaka Bitali, eikosiennea xronwn apo th Leykorwsia. Se diamerisma, opoy diamenoyn,sth lewforo Amaqoyntos sth Lemeso, andres toy TAE Lemesoy, brhkan ystera apo ereyna, ena pistoli me oktw fysiggia diametrhmatos ennea xiliostwn.


    Termatizetai h paraxwrhsh gia fetos daneiwn apo ton Organismo Xrhmatodothshs Steghs. To problhma dhmioyrghqhke meta thn apostolh egkyklioy apo thn Kentrikh Trapeza pros ta trapezika sygkrothmata gia drastiko periorismo twn daneiwn. O Dieyqynths toy Organismoy Xaralampos Siampartas epibebaiwse thn apostolh ths egkyklioy kai dhlwse oti me bash ta nea dedomena den qa paraxwrhqoyn fetos alla daneia. O kyrios Siampartas epishmane oti dhmioyrgeitai poly sobaro problhma kai prosqese pws o Organismos Xrhmatodothshs Steghs eprepe na eixe ejaireqei apo thn apofash ayth kai na tyxei diaforetikhs metaxeirishs logw toy koinwfeloys roloy toy. Anefere epishs oti o Organismos qa probei se diabhmata me stoxo na breqei lysh sto problhma.

    Epishmainetai oti gia na ypobalei kapoios aithsh ston Organismo gia paraxwrhsh daneioy apaiteitai twra na exei kataqeseis gia ennea synexeis mhnes kai oxi gia treis, opws isxye mexri twra. O kyrios Siampartas dieceyse plhrofories oti h apostolh ths egkyklioy apo thn Kentrikh syndeetai me th meiwsh toy epitokioy daneismoy apo ton Organismo kai askhsh piesewn apo tis emporikes trapezes.


    Maqhths apo th Lemeso, o Stefanos Kotswnhs, dekaejh xronwn, traymatisqhke xqes brady krisima se odiko dystyxhma sth Lemeso. O Stefanos odhgoyse motopodhlato to opoio sygkroysqhke me aytokinhto poy odhgoyse o Ieremias Iwannoy apo th Lemeso. Apo th sygkroysh o Stefanos traymatisqhke krisima. Arxika metaferqhke sto nosokomeio Lemesoy, logw omws ths krisimothtas ths katastashs toy metaferqhke sto nosokomeio Leykwsias.


    H Italikh Latsio katekthse ces to Kypello Kypelloyxwn Eyrwphs, nikwntas ston teliko thn Ispanikh Magiorka me 2-1. O agwnas diejhxqh sto Mpermigxam kai htan o teleytaios toy qesmoy, afoy apo thn epomenh periodo to kypello Kypelloyxwn sygxwneyetai me to kypello Oyefa.
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