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Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation: News in Greek, 03-02-11

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From: Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation at <>




    O Genikos Grammateas twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn Kofi Anan anamenetai sthn Kypro stis 26 Febroyarioy. Nwritera qa episkefqei thn Toyrkia kai thn Ellada. To Kypriako Praktoreio Eidhsewn metedwse oti o kyrios Anan qa fqasei sthn Kypro, arga to apogeyma, ths eikosths ekths Febroyarioy, proerxomenos apo thn Aqhna. Sth Leykwsia, o ekproswpos Typoy twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn Mprain Keli, klhqeis na sxoliasei thn anamenomenh episkech toy Kofi Anan sthn Kypro, eipe oti sto paron stadio den exei kamia plhroforhsh. O kyrios Keli epeshmane pws ean yparjei otidhpote epi toy qematos, qa anakoinwqei apo thn edra twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn.


    Sto metajy o ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Iwannhs Kasoylidhs dhlwse sto Trito Programma toy RIK oti ta Hnwmena Eqnh, enisxymena apo to dieqnh paragonta einai apofasismena na proxwrhsoyn entatika me thn elpida oti qa mporoyse na yparjei katalhjh mesa stis proqesmies poy exei kaqorisei o Genikos Grammateas. O kyrios Kasoylidhs anefere oti den anamenei na epiteyxqei lysh sta telh Febroyarioy h arxes Martioy, parolon, opws eipe, poy qa einai mia periodos shmantikhs kinhtikothtas kai entonhs drasthriothtas toy dieqnoys paragonta. Ejefrase epishs thn ektimhsh oti shmantikes ejelijeis anaforika me to kypriako qa yparjoyn meta thn analhch ths prwqypoyrgias apo ton Tagip Erntogan kai ton termatismo ths krishs sto Irak.


    O kyrios Kasoylidhs eipe oti epishmws den exei anaferqei sthn ellhnikh kypriakh pleyra gia endexomeno ypobolhs neoy anaqewrhmenoy sxedioy apo ta Hnwmena Eqnh. Wstoso, prosqese, ta Hnwmena Eqnh problhmatizontai sobara pros ayth thn kateyqynsh. O kyrios Kasoylidhs ejefrase thn elpida oti ta Hnwmena Eqnh lambanoyn sobara ypoch pws otidhpote qa meteballe th fysiognwmia kai thn isorropia qa mas brei antimetwpoys. Prosqese oti an to neo sxedio periexei otidhpote poy teinei na ejeymenisei ton Ntenktas, qa to aporricoyme. Eipe epishs oti exoyn ginei prolhptikes energeies apo thn kypriakh kybernhsh pros ayth thn kateyqynsh.


    Ej alloy o Alekos Markidhs dhlwse oti anamenetai kataqesh neoy anaqewrhmenoy sxedioy apo ta Hnwmena Eqnh, poy qa einai elafrws dysmenestero apo ta prohgoymena. Se dhlwseis sto Trito toy RIK o kyrios Markidhs ejefrase thn ektimhsh pws gia na ginei kati tetoio prepei na parakamfqei o Raoyf Ntenktas kai na doqei to prasino fws apo thn Toyrkia, alla kai na to epitrecei h ellhnikh kypriakh pleyra..


    O Koinoboyleytikos ekproswpos toy AKEL Antreas Xristoy dhlwse oti toso to komma toy oso kai oi alles dynameis ths antipoliteyshs epiqymoyn ejelijeis sto kypriako kai eyodwsh twn diapragmateysewn Klhridh-Ntenktas. Epishs epiqymoyn diaforopoihsh ths epishmhs toyrkikhs stashs kai dynamikh parembash toy dieqnoys paragonta gia epiteyjh lyshs. Milwntas sto Trito o kyrios Xristoy anefere oti opws fainetai sxediazontai kapoies ejelijeis gia meta tis ekloges sthn Kypro.


    Idiaitera entonos enanti toy anqypochfioy toy Tassoy Papadopoyloy, emfanisthke me dhlwseis sto Trito Programma toy RIK, o Alekos Markidhs. O kyrios Markidhs eipe oti ean eklegei o Tassos Papadopoylos, to mono poy qa kamnei einai na asxoleitai me to na lysei ta problhmata poy exei me to dieqnh paragonta, klhrodotwntas ta etsi sto lao. Dierwthqhke epishs ean einai sofo o Kypriakos laos na fortwqei ayta ta problhmata kai kata poson h antipoliteysh den mporoyse na proteinei allon anqrwpo gia thn Proedria ths Dhmokratias, afoy, opws eipe, yparxei qema politikhs symperiforas gia ton Tasso Papadopoylo kai antidrashs apo to ejwteriko.


    Sthn Ellada, entopisthkan to prwi konta sthn Ikaria ta syntrimmia toy moiraioy nosokomeiakoy elikopteroy poy ejafanisthke apo ta rantar ligo meta ta mesanykta kai sto opoio epebainan tessera atoma. Tmhmata toy elikopteroy, to opoio briskotan se apostolh sthn Ikaria, breqhkan sth qalassia perioxh notiodytika toy nhsioy, se apostash triwn ews tessarwn naytikwn miliwn apo thn akth. Sto elikoptero, to opoio xrhsimopoieitai gia metafora asqenwn, epebainan o kybernhths, o sygkybernhths, enas giatros kai enas noshleyths, oi opoioi ejakoloyqoyn na agnooyntai.

    [08] KAIROS

    Deltio Kairoy.

    To apogeyma o kairos qa einai kyriws aiqrios me topikes nefwseis. Oi anemoi qa pneoyn boreianatolikoi ews notianatolikoi asqeneis, triwn ews tessarwn mpofor. H qalassa qa einai ligo taragmenh. H qermokrasia qa fqasei stoys 15 baqmoys sto eswteriko, stoys 17 sta paralia kai stoys tesseris sta ychlotera oreina. Apoce oi nefwseis qa ayjhqoyn apo ta dytika kai o kairos qa katastei kyriws synnefiasmenos kai piqanon na pesoyn topikes broxes. Oi anemoi qa pneoyn boreianatolikoi ews anatolikoi metrioi, ews isxyroi, tessarwn ews pente mpofor. H qalassa qa einai taragmenh kai stis proshnemes perioxes kymatwdhs. H qermokrasia qa pesei stoys pente baqmoys sto eswteriko, stoys epta sta paralia kai ston ena baqmo sta ychlotera oreina.

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