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Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation: News in Greek, 03-02-18

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From: Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation at <>




    O Albaro nte Soto den apokleiei kataqesh tritoy sxedioy Anan, systhnei omws ypomonh. Se dhlwseis sthn Agkyra, ystera apo synanthsh me ton yfypoyrgo Ejwterikwn Oygoyr Zigial, o Peroybianos diplwmaths eipe oti o Genikos Grmmateas twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn elpizei na yparjei apotelesma kata thn periodeia toy sthn perioxh thn erxomenh ebdomada kai to Kypriako na lyqei ews tis 28 Febroyarioy. O kyrios Nte Soto epanelabe oti den anamenei pws h allagh sthn hgesia twn Ellhnokypriwn qa epiferei opoiadhpote allagh sto xronodiagramma twn synomiliwn.


    To argotero ws ayrio, to Dhmokratiko Komma qa dwsei sto neoeklegenta Proedro ths Dhmokratias Tasso Papadopoylo, ton katalogo me ta onomata poy eishgeitai gia ypoyrgopoihsh. O anaplhrwths proedros toy Dhko Nikos Kleanqoys, ystera apo synanthsh me ton kyrio Papadopoylo, dhlwse oti diakahs epiqymia toy DHKO einai h eikona ths neas kybernhshs na prosferei thn prwth geysh ths allaghs, na ikanopoiei to dhmosio aisqhma kai na einai antajia aytwn poy chfisan kai aytwn poy prosdokoyn polla. Ena apo ta stoixeia ths neas kybernhshs, eipe, qa einai h ypoyrgopoihsh politikwn, nearhs hlikias. O kyrios Kleanqoys dieykrinhse ejalloy oti o idios den endiaferetai na ypoyrgopoihqei.


    Epistolh paraithshs apo ta kaqhkonta toy epikefalhs ths diapragmateytikhs omadas gia thn entajh ths Kyproy sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh apesteile xqes o Giwrgos Basileioy sto Tasso Papadopoylo. Se dhlwseis sto Trito toy Rik, o kyrios Basileioy dieykrinhse oti eixe gnwstopoihsei thn apofash toy na paraithqei, prin apo ena mhna, anejarthta apo to eklogiko apotelesma, kaqws to diapragmateytiko toy ergo exei teleiwsei. O kyrios Basileioy ejefrase wstoso etoimothta, ean toy zhthqei, na synexisei na prosferei tis yphresies toy, afoy to ergo ths enarmonishs den exei oloklhrwqei.


    O Proedros toy Dhmokratikoy Synagermoy Nikos Anastasiadhs dhlwse oti sth xqesinobradynh synedria toy politikoy grafeioy toy kommatos den eqese qema diagrafhs stelexwn. Milwntas to prwi sto Trito o kyrios Anastasiadhs anefere oti epikrathse h apoch oti qa prepei na sygklhqei to Anwtato Symboylio opoy qa ginei apotimhsh twn apotelesmatwn twn eklogwn, me bash ekqesh poy qa kataqesei o anaplhrwths proedros toy kommatos, kai qa ajiologhqoyn ta aitia kai ta aitiata.


    O boyleyths Prodromos Prodromoy anefere oti ayto poy proexei twra einai h enothta kai synainesh kai oxi oi kyrwseis kai oi diagrafes. Se dhlwseis sto Trito o kyrios Prodromoy anefere oti h enothta mporei na epiteyxqei eite me diagrafes, opote qa exoyme thn enothta twn ypoloipwn, eite mesa apo th basano ths kritikhs me synainesh kai symfiliwsh. Eipe epishs oti sth xqesinobrasynh synedria toy politikoy grafeioy doqhke h entypwsh oti eixei diagrafei to qema twn diagrafwn, kai zhthse na jekaqaristei to qema prin apo th synedria toy Anwtatoy Symboylioy.


    O Alekos Markidhs aperrice tis epikriseis toy Proedroy toy Dhsy oti eyqynetai gia thn eklogikh apotyxia toy Glaykoy Klhridh. Antistrefontas ta pyra o kyrios Markidhs kathgorhse ton kyrio Anastasiadh gia lanqasmenes epiloges kai xeirismoys. Anaferomenos sta epomena bhmata toy o kyrios Markidhs eipe oti ta prwta mhnymata deixnoyn oti oi yposthriktes toy zhtoyn synexeia toy kinhmatos, alla gia to qema ayto, prosqese, qa prepei na ginoyn syskeceis kai meta na lhfqoyn apofaseis.


    Stoys ekaton trianta tesseris exei fqasei o ariqmos twn nekrwn apo thn pyrkagia poy teqhke kakoboyla ston ypogeio sidhrodromo ths polhs Taegkoy sth Notio Korea. Ekfrazontai foboi oti o ariqmos twn qymatwn einai poly megalyteros, kaqws enenhnta ennea atomwn agnoeitai h tyxh. Ekaton trianta eji atoma exoyn traymatisqei. Ekproswpos ths astynomias dhlwse se thleoptiko diktyo oti h pyrkagia teqhke apo atomo me cyxikes diataraxes. Martyras feretai na dhlwse oti enas andras gyrw sta penhnta qeaqhke na bazei fwtia se xartino koyti me eyflekth ylh kai sth synexeia na to rixnei sto eswteriko toy metro.


    Melos ths enoplhs pterygas ths Organwshs Xamas pyrobolhqhke kai skotwqhke apo Israhlinoys stratiwtes, sth diarkeia epidromhs sth Dytikh Oxqh. Ekproswpos toy israhlinoy stratoy anakoinwse oti nekros einai o Moxament Moyr, melos twn Tajiarxiwn Ezentin al Kasam. Symfwna me ton ekproswpo, oi stratiwtes perikyklwsan to spiti toy Palaistinioy kai ton kaloysan na paradoqei. Otan omws arnhqhke na to prajei oi stratiwtes ton pyrobolhsan kai ton skotwsan.


    Entash kai mikroepeisodia proklhqhkan to prwi ston kykliko kombo Kofinoy. Aitia h apokoph twn aytokinhtodromwn Lemesoy kai Leykwsias pros Larnaka apo toys syggeneis twn adelfwn Nikola kai Kyriakoy Synesh, trianta-enos kai eikosi-epta etwn antistoixa, ta ixnh twn opoiwn exoyn xaqei apo to perasmeno Sabbato. Oi syggeneis yposthrizoyn oti h astynomia den exei probei se oles tis energeies kai den exei diaqesei ola ta mesa poy diaqetei gia ton entopismo twn agaphmenwn toys proswpwn. Mikroepeisodia proklhqhkan otan andres ths astynomias epixeirhsan na apomakrynoyn ta oxhmata kai ta trakter. Ekatontades aytokinhta paremeinan akinhtopoihmena, enw elikoptero ths astynomias petoyse panw apo thn perioxh. H diakoph ths kykloforias arxise stis endeka to prwi kai dihrkhse trianta peripoy lepta.


    Ebdomhntaxronos apo ton Pwmo, o Qeodwros Hrodotoy skotwqhke stis eptamish to prwi sto dromo Polhs Xrysoxoys - Pwmoy, se neo odiko dystyxhma. O Hrodotoy epebaine motopodhlatoy to opoio katw apo synqhkes poy diereynwntai sygkroysthke me aytokinhto to opoio erxotan apo thn antiqeth kateyqynsh kai to opoio odhgoyse o Andreas Xrhstoy penhnta xronwn apo th Lemeso.


    Apebiwse se hlikia ejhnta - ennea etwn o agwnisths ths EOKA Nikos Moystakas, apo to Paralimni. H khdeia toy qa ginei stis dyo kai trianta ston Iero Nao Agioy Gewrgioy, sto Paralimni. Se hlikia enenhnta etwn apebiwse epishs h agwnistria Elenh Papakwsta apo th Xlwraka. H khdeia ths gia ginei stis treis to apogeyma ston Iero Nao Panagias Xrysoaimatoyshs sth Xlwraka. Ejalloy stis treis to apogeyma qa telestei sto Pentakwmo kai h khdeia ths Kyriakhs Iatroy mhteras toy agwnisth Loyka Iatroy apo to Leykonoiko. H Kyriakh Iatroy apebiwse thn perasmenh Kyriakh se hlikia ogdontaeji etwn.


    Epanarxizei apoce to Tsiampions lhgk, meta th diakoph ths diorganwshs logw toy xeimwna. To RIK ENA qa metadwsei ap'eyqeias ton agwna Roma-Balenqia, poy arxizei stis 9 kai 45. Ejalloy gyrw sta mesanykta, qa problhqoyn stigmiotypa apo toys alloys treis agwnes ths diorganwshs.


    Me th diejagwgh tessarwn synanthsewn arxizei shmera h tetarth agwnistikh toy Podosfairikoy Kypelloy Kyproy. Oi synanthseis einai: Tsireio stadio: Apollwn-AEK stadio GSP: APOEL-Arhs Ghpedo Antwnhs Papadopoylos: Anorqwsh- Eqnikos Assias kai Dhmotiko stadio Paralimnioy: Enwsh Newn Paralimnioy-PAEEK Keryneias. Oi agwnes arxizoyn stis epta to brady ektos apo ton agwna Enwshs Newn Paralimnioy-PAEEK, poy arxizei stis 3 kai 30 to apogeyma. Amesh radiofwnikh perigrafh olwn twn agwnwn qa metadidetai apo to Trito Programma toy RIK.

    [14] KAIROS

    Deltio Kairoy.

    To apogeyma o kairos qa einai merikws synnefiasmenos me topikes broxes.

    Oi anemoi qa pneoyn notiodytikoi isxyroi ews poly isxyroi, pente ews eji mpofor kai h qalassa qa einai kymatwdhs.

    H qermokrasia qa fqasei stoys 17 baqmoys sto eswteriko, stoys 18 sta paralia kai stoys oktw sta ychlotera oreina.

    Apoce o kairos qa einai kyriws synnefiasmenos kai qa pesoyn topikes broxes kai piqanon liga xionia stis ychloteres koryfes toy Troodoys.

    Oi anemoi qa pneoyn notiodytikoi ews dytikoi, isxyroi, ews poly isxyroi, pente ews eji mpofor kai kata diasthmata ews epta mpofor.

    H qalassa qa einai kymatwdhs kai topika poly kymatwdhs.

    H qermokrasia qa pesei stoys pente baqmoys sto eswteriko, stoys oktw sta paralia kai sto mhden sta ychlotera oreina.

    To ycos twn xioniwn sthn koryfh toy Olympoy einai 40 ekatostometra kai sthn plateia Troodoys 30.

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