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Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation: News in Greek, 04-07-19

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From: Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation at <>


  • [07] SYNODOS NEO
  • [08] IRAK EKRHJH


    Erwtika fainetai na einai ta kinhtra ths stygerhs dolofonias triantaeptaxronoy katoikoy Boreioy Poloy, kai h astynomia proxwrhse tis prwines wres se treis syllhceis metajy twn opoiwn kai ths syzygoy toy qymatos. To apanqrakwmeno ptwma toy qymatos breqhke xqes to prwi sto xwro aposkeywn flegomenoy aytokinhtoy sth Leykwsia. Symfwna me oles tis endeijeis, to ptwma anhkei ston Paylo Xristodoyloy, idiokthth toy aytokinhtoy. O bohqos arxhgos ths Astynomias Swthrhs Xaralampoys, se dhlwseis sto Trito Programma toy RIK anefere oti synelhfqhsan h syzygos toy qymatos, enas Pakistanos kai enas Kinezos, foithtes kai sygkatoikoi. Eipe epishs oti anakrinomenoi oi dyo allodapoi foithtes omologhsan anamijh toys sto egklhma.


    Jananoigoyn oi fakeloi dyo anejixniastwn fonwn kai allwn sobarwn egklhmatwn poy diapraxqhkan thn teleytaia dekaetia, meta th syllhch triwn atomwn ta opoia ferontai na enexontai stis ypoqeseis aytes. Oi syllhfqentes proshxqhsan xqes enwpion toy Eparxiakoy Dikasthrioy Leykwsias, to opoio dietaje thn oktahmerh krathsh toys. Prokeitai gia toys Kwnstantino Mwysews, 33 etwn, apo th Leykwsia, anergo, Gewrgio Stylianoy, allws Araph 36 etwn, apo to xwrio Aygoroy, pwlhth aytokinhtwn kai Pasxalh Siamanta, eikosienos etwn apo tis Brysoyles, idiwtiko ypallhlo. Oi ypoqeseis poy ejetazontai einai oi fonoi twn Petroy Giannakh kai Artemh Kazamia, h apopeira fonoy toy Andrea Qeoxaroys, kai h katastrofh perioysias me ekrhktikes yles.


    H Astynomia synexizei tis ereynes ths gia entopismo kai allwn posothtwn palaiwn skalistwn epiplwn ta opoia exoyn metaferqei apo ta katexomena. O Bohqos Arxhgos ths Astynomias Swthrhs Xaralampoys dhlwse sto Rik oti enas apo toys syllhfqentes paradexqhke oti exei ferei kai alla epipla apo ta katexomena. Sto plaisio twn ereynwn ths h astynomia entopise xqes ariqmo palaiwn skalistwn epiplwn, sthn katoxh dyo Ellhnokypriwn, sth Larnaka kai thn Pyla.


    O Proedros toy Dhmokratikoy Synagermoy Nikos Anastasiadhs dhlwse oti einai eyprosdekto kaqe metro to opoio teinei na beltiwsei tis sxeseis metajy twn dyo koinothtwn, kai prosqese oti o Dhsy den apodokimazei ta metra poy ejhggeile h kybernhsh gia toys toyrkokyprioys. Milwntas sto Trito Programma toy Rik o kyrios Anastasiadhs anefere, wstoso, oti ta metra ayta den einai arketa kai den apoteloyn protash synolikhs lyshs. Eipe epishs oti oloi prepei na katanohsoyn oti qa prepei na breqoyn oi tropoi gia kataqesh mias synolikhs protashs gia lysh. O Proedros toy Dhsy milhse gia prospaqeia ekfobismoy kai fimwshs ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs apo thn kybernhsh kai xarakthrise ahqh kai prwtognwrh thn epiqesh poy ejapelyse xqes o kybernhtikos ekproswpos.


    O anaplhrwths proedros toy Dhmokratikoy Kommatos Nikos Kleanqoys xairethse thn topoqethsh toy kyrioy Anastasiadh gia ta metra kai prosqese oti symfwnei oti den einai arketa. O kyrios Kleanqoys aperrice ta peri prospaqeias fimwshs kai dhmioyrgias klimatos ekfobismoy kai prosqese oti oi epikriseis enantion toy kyrioy Anastasiadh eginan logw twn entypwsewn poy exei dhmioyrghsei me thn olh symperifora toy meta ta dhmochfismata.


    Ejalloy o proedros twn Newn Orizontwn Nikos Koytsoy anefere oti den einai ikanopoihtika ta metra kai prosqese oti prepei na ginoyn kai alla. Eipe epishs oti ektos apo oikonomika kai koinwnika metra h kybernhsh prepei na proxwrhsei kai se politika, wste na apodeixqei h proqesh kai h epiqymia ths ellhnokypriakhs pleyras gia synolikh lysh.

    [07] SYNODOS NEO

    O Mhtropoliths Kitioy Xrysostomos proshlqe telika sth synedria ths Ieras Synodoy, h opoia synhlqe stis deka to prwi gia na asxolhqei me ton elegxo twn praktikwn twn synedriwn poy periexoyn toys oroys entolhs gia thn ereynhtikh epitroph gia th diaxeirish ths perioysias ths Ieras Arxiepiskophs. Proserxomenos sth Synodo o Mhtropoliths Kitioy dhlwse oti proshlqe dioti prokeitai gia aplh synajh ierarxwn kai oxi kanonikh synedria ths Ieras Synodoy. Erwthqeis an einai etoimos na apodeijei oti alloiwqhkan ta praktika o Kitioy Xrysostomos eipe oti me thn protash toy gia dhmioyrgia anejarthths epitrophs gia na apofasisei an ceydetai h oxi o Mhtropoliths Pafoy den epiqymoyse ton koinwniko qanato opoioydhpote adelfoy toy. H protash, toy eipe, apoteloyse thn teleytaia prospaqeia poy toy apemene gia na apodeijei oti toylaxiston o idios den elege cemata. O Kykkoy Nikhforos taxqhke kai pali yper mias anoikths pros ta Mesa Enhmerwshs, synedrias ths Synodoy gia na afoplistoyn, opws eipe, osoi diarreoyn pros ta ejw paraplhroforhmena ta osa legontai entos ths Synodoy.

    [08] IRAK EKRHJH

    Dekapente anqrwpoi skotwqhkan kai gyrw stoys saranta traymatisthkan apo ekrhjh pagideymenoy aytokinhtoy ejw apo astynomiko tmhma sth notiodytikh Bagdath. O amerikanos syntagmatarxhs Mpil Sleiter dhlwse oti thn epiqesh dienhrghse atomo poy odhgoyse aytokinhto pagideymeno me ekrhktika to opoio pyrodothse ejw apo to astynomiko tmhma. Melos ths irakinhs Eqnofroyras anefere oti ola ta qymata einai polites.


    Organwsh fanatikwn soynitwn anelabe thn eyqynh ths dolofonias ychlobaqmoy stelexoys ths islamikhs organwshs Xizmpallax shmera sta notia proastia ths Bhrytoy. Dolofonhqeis einai o Xalemp Aoyali, o opoios brhke to qanato apo ekrhjh bombas poy htan topoqethmenh sto aytokinhto enw ayto briskotan staqmeymeno ejw apo to spiti toy.

    [10] KAIROS

    Deltio Kairoy

    Shmera o kairos qa einai aiqrios. Oi anemoi qa einai qalassioi metrioi triwn me tessarwn mpofor kai h qalassa ligo taragmenh. H qermokrasia qa anelqei stoys 37 baqmoys sto eswteriko, stoys 34 sta notia paralia, stoys 31 sta dytika kai stoys 26 baqmoys sta chlotera oreina. Apoce o kairos qa einai aiqrios.

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