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The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in English, 00-02-08The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in English Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <>CONTENTS[01] STEPHANOPOULOS TO BE RE-ELECTEDCostis Stefanopoulos today is expected to be re-elected President of the Republic for the next five years with a vast majority, as his candidacy is being supported by the two major political parties - Pasok and the New Democracy.The deputies of the Greek Communist party and the Social Democratic party will not take part in the roll call vote, while the Coalition of the Left will vote for Leonidas Kyrkos. The swearing in of the new President will be held on March 11th. [02] SATISFACTION FOR THE GREEK-TURKISH RAPPROACHMENTIt appears that satisfaction is prevailing in Athens and Ankara from the Greek-Turkish rapproachment which continued with Turkish Foreign minister Ismail Cem's official visit to Greece.Turkish Prime minister Bouled Ecevit underlined that the rapproachment procedure has already started to bring positive and specific results. [03] SIMITIS-ECEVIT MEETING IN DUE TIMEGovernment spokesman Dimitris Reppas has stated that Prime minister Costas Simitis' visit take place in due time, adding that the matter should not be discussed at present. Mr. Reppas did not rule out the possibility for a meeting between Mr. Simitis and his Turkish counterpart Bouled Ecevit in Bucharest on the sidelines of the third Inter-Balkan conference.[04] GREECE IN PRE-ELECTORAL CLIMATEA feverish climate seems to be prevailing in all Greek political parties in view of the 9 April elections.Premier Costas Simitis will preside a meeting of Pasok's organisational elections committee at noon. From the other side, New Democracy expects to see whether the Mayor of Athens Dimitris Avramopoulos will run in the elections as the party's candidate. On Thursday, the inter-party committee will finalise and amendment on the election expences of parties and candidate deputies and restraint on political advertising. From her side, Interior minister Vaso Papandreou will forward this amendment to Parliament. In the meantime, an opinion poll of "Alko" presented in yesterday's issue of the newspaper "To Ethons" gives a 1,2% lead to New Democracy party all over Greece. In Attica the governing party comes first with 7,2% while the perecentage of those who have not decided which party they will vote for is 15,4%. According to Mr. Reppas statement yesterday the replacing of Interior, Public Order, Justice and Press ministers with officious ones will take place after the official declaration of the elections. [05] SCHOLARSHIPS FOR GREEK DISTINGUISHED STUDENTSThe Greek Foundation of shcolarships awarded at "Conkordia" University on Friday the yearly scholarships to graduates of Montreal university where they had distinguished themselves. The awards took place in the presence of diplomatic authorities, members and friends of the Foundation.Dr. Anastasopoulos, the Chairman of the Academic committee, referred to the high quality of the candidates and the special luck they had to adopt the goods of two cultures. The main part of the event was dedicated to the distinguished students Athanasia Antonopoulou, Chrysovalandi Chairetaki, Grigoria Mavrogeorgi, Dimitris Tsirigotis, Kyriakos Katakis and Eleni Theodorakopoulou. [06] OLYMPIC VILLAGE IN THRAKOMAKEDONES TO COST 125 BILLION DRSLabour minister Miltiades Papaioannou anounced yesterday that the construction of the Olympic village in Thakomakedones will cost 125 billion drachmas. The village will be financed by the Organisation of Labour Housing and will house manual and white-collar workers after the end of the 2004 Olympics.[07] HELMOS TO HOST BIG TELESCOPEThe instalation of one of the biggest telescope at Helmos will help Greek scientists and the public to study the universe.The President of the National Astronomical Committee Evangelos Kotzias has stated that with this telescope will be able to observe objects which are 4 to 5 billion light-years away. [08] "ASIA FORUM 2000" ENDS TODAY"Asia Forum 2000" a conference of bussinessmen, in which economic and political officials from Asia, the Balkans, Africa and the former Soviet Union participated is concluding in Thessaloniki today.[09] CONTINUATION OF UPWARD TREND OF THE ATHENS STOCK EXCHANGEThe General Share Price Index of the Athens Stock Exchange rose yesterday by 2,05% closing at 5.489 points.The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in English Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |