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Macedonian Press Agency: News in English, 97-07-22From: Macedonian Press Agency <>Macedonian Press Agency: News in English DirectoryMACEDONIAN PRESS AGENCY NEWS IN ENGLISHThessaloniki, July 22, 1997NEWS IN ENGLISH[A] NATIONAL NEWS[B] INTERNATIONAL NEWSTITLES[A] NATIONAL NEWS[01] THE GREEK PRIME MINISTER RESPONDED TO THE LETTER OF TURKISH PRIME MINISTER[02] SPECIAL FORCES OF THE GREEK ARMY WILL GUARD THE GREEK- ALBANIAN BORDERS[03] THE ECONOMIC POLICY OF THE GREEK GOVERNMENT WILL BE WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE EU CONVERGENCE PLAN[04] GREEK FM "MADRID'S COMMUNIQUE IS THE FIRST HELPFUL SIGN"[05] PANMACEDONIAN AS/TNS PEEVED WITH GREEK FM, DEMAND HIS RESIGNATION[06] AUSTRALIA'S PANMACEDONIAN ASOCIATION SAYS: IMPROVE PR ON NAME ISSUE[07] THE GREEK GOVERNMENT REEXAMINES THE ISSUE OF THE LEGALIZATION OF FOREIGN WORKERS[08] CONTRACT FOR THE EXPLOITATION OF OIL DEPOSITS IN IOANNINA AND NORTH-WESTERN PELOPONNESE[09] THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH EXPRESSED SATISFACTION FOR THE MADRID AGREEMENT[10] MACEDONIA-THRACE MINISTER TRAVELS TO KASTORIA TO EXAMINE SITUATION[11] PAN-MACEDONIAN ASSOCIATIONS CONFERENCE CONTINUES FOR A THIRD DAY[12] THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PAN-MACEDONIAN FEDERATION OF CANADA BECAME OFFICIAL[B] INTERNATIONAL NEWS[13] CLERIDES-SGOURIDIS MEETING[14] CYPRUS TO SEEK RECOURSE THROUGH UN OVER ECEVIT'S STATEMENTS[15] BRITISH FM: RESOLVE CYPRUS ISSUE PRIOR TO THE ISLAND'S ACCESSION TO THE EU[16] MAYOR OF FYROM'S TETOVO SPEAKS TO MPA ON CONFLICT OVER FLAG[17] EXPLOSION ROCKS DOWNTOWN TIRANA, DYNAMITE WAS HIDDEN NEAR MINISTRY[18] ALBANIA'S NEW PARLIAMENT TO CONVENE TOMORROW[19] FYROM FORBIDDEN FROM USING NAME "MACEDONIA" IN EURO SPORTS EVENT[20] ALBANIA'S NEW PARLIAMENT TO CONVENE TOMORROWNEWS IN DETAIL[A] NATIONAL NEWS[01] THE GREEK PRIME MINISTER RESPONDED TO THE LETTER OF TURKISH PRIME MINISTERGreek Prime Minister Kostas Simitis reponded today to the letter of Turkish Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz, who was asking for Greece's assistance in the efforts of Ankara to meet its European goals. Mr.Simitis pointed out that apart from the economic pre- conditions that should be met for the speeding up of Turkey's accession into the EU, there are also the terms concerning the respect of human rights and international law as well as, the creation of good neighbourly relations with Greece. [02] SPECIAL FORCES OF THE GREEK ARMY WILL GUARD THE GREEK- ALBANIAN BORDERSSpecial forces of the Greek army began their deployment at the Greek-Albanian borders today, while reinforcements will be sent from Thessaloniki and a helicopter will make patrols along the borders with Albania, stated Minister of Macedonia-Thrace Philippos Petsalnikos, who visited the village near Kastoria, where four farmers had been abducted by armed Albanians a few days ago. Mr.Petsalnikos stated that a number of measures will be taken which in practice means that a large number of special forces soldiers will be deployed in north-western Greece from the region of Grammos Mountain to Florina. Meanwhile, this morning began the return of the Greek soldiers, who were deployed in Albania within the framework of the international force sent to the country. The Greek Navy tank landing ship "Chios" has already left the Albanian port of Vlore carrying the first Greek soldiers with destination the port of Thessaloniki. [03] THE ECONOMIC POLICY OF THE GREEK GOVERNMENT WILL BE WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE EU CONVERGENCE PLANThe Greek government's economic policy will be within the framework of the EU convergence plan, underlined Minister of National Economy and Finance Yiannos Papantoniou in statements he made after his meeting with Prime Minister Kostas Simitis, which was held to discuss the revenue and fiscal policy in view of the drawing up of the new budget. Mr.Papantoniou stated that by mid October the government's decisions will be finalized and will be presented with the proposed budget. He also stressed that he is certain that inflation in 1998 will be kept under 3%, adding that this goal has to be met to secure the recovery of the economy which is already in progress and to achieve Greece's economic and monetary union with the EU. [04] GREEK FM "MADRID'S COMMUNIQUE IS THE FIRST HELPFUL SIGN"In an exclusive interview to the "New York Times", Greece's Foreign Minister Theodoros Pangalos spoke on the recently-signed communique between Greece and Turkey while he also spoke on the name issue pending between Greece and FYROM, about which he stated that "we should get rid of this problem since it lacks substance." In regards to the Madrid-signed communique, the six-point declaration of intentions signed by Greek Premier Kostas Simitis and the Turkish President Suleiman Demirel at the Madrid-held NATO Summit, the Foreign Minister stated that "in itself, it contains a number of often-repeated vows, suvh as eliminating force or threats of use of force, and that present accords be observed and adhered to. "But within the framework of a feverish relationship between the two countries, which had worsened in the recent years, similar statements are viewed in a way as an opportunity and, according to Greek and foreign analysts, they could also constitute the beginning of new talks between countries whose history of mutual hostility is one of NATO's most persistent problems." Moreover, Mr. Pangalos added that the communique constitutes substantive progress, a major political development "since it allows us to meet. It is the first hopeful step." A.F. [05] PANMACEDONIAN AS/TNS PEEVED WITH GREEK FM, DEMAND HIS RESIGNATIONThe delegates of the Pan-Macedonian Associations of America, Canada, Australia and Europe, currently holding their Seventh World Conference in Thessaloniki, have demanded in unisom that Greece's Foreign Minister Theodoros Pangalos resign from his post. The delegates are intensely concerned over the negative impact of Mr. Pangalos' view, expressed during an interview he gave to the US daily "New York Times" wherein he stated that the name issue pending between Athens and Skopje should be resolved, and quickly at that, since, as he stated "it lacks substance." The news of the interview spread quickly during today's session and the delegates of the Pan-Macedonian Association of America-Canada interrupted the proceedings in order for the plenary session to convene over the matter. Specifically, the decision of the delegates is as follows: "The delegates of the 51st National Conference of the Pan- Madeconian Association of America-Canada, taking into consideration the statements of the Foreign Minister Theodoros Pangalos, dated July 21, 1997 and published in the N.Y. Times, declared that such statements on behalf of the Minister are irresponsible and unacceptable for our national interests. We state that Greece does not intent to be rid of the FYROM issue through the Minister's frequent concessions, and we demand his immediate resignation." The President of the Pan-Macedonian Association of Europe Paschalis Papachristopoulos also expressed his agreement with the aforementioned declaration. This evening, the presidiums of the Pan-Macedonian associations held an extraordinary meeting and issued the following statement: "In the known statement, given by Foreign Minister Theodoros Pangalos in New York, who told the N.Y. Times that "I want to get rid of this problem (the name issue) since it lacks substance" the presidiums of the Pan-Macedonian organisation throughout the world have stated in unisom "we want to get rid of Mr. Pangalos since he lacks gray matter." A.F. [06] AUSTRALIA'S PANMACEDONIAN ASOCIATION SAYS: IMPROVE PR ON NAME ISSUEThe Federation of Pan-Macedonian Organisations of Australia stresed the need to promote Greece's national issues in a professional manner through the use of public relations, in other words beat FYROM at its own game, since that country is currently employing internationally-famous PR companies for spreading its message. The President of the Australian Federation Mr. Sioustis is to present the Greek Parliament's cross-party committee on Greeks Abroad with a three-hour cassete tape that attests to the propaganda used by FYROM in Australia. A.F. [07] THE GREEK GOVERNMENT REEXAMINES THE ISSUE OF THE LEGALIZATION OF FOREIGN WORKERSMinister of Labour and Social Security Miltiadis Papaioannou stated that the government reexamines the issue of the legalization of foreign workers. Mr.Papaioannou stated that the initial proposal was to include all foreign workers in the legalization process but in the meantime, certain incidents took place in Albania that can not be ignored. Mr.Papaioannou characterized the issue as very big and stressed that the situation as it is today, is unacceptable and certain coordinated measures must be taken. Meanwhile, Greek government spokesman Dimitris Reppas stated on the issue of the illegal immigrants that illegal immigration can be effectivelly dealt with if their countries enact the necessary measures. Mr.Reppas stated that this is a firm Greek demand that is presented to the neighbouring countries, adding that Greece wants their cooperation in this field. [08] CONTRACT FOR THE EXPLOITATION OF OIL DEPOSITS IN IOANNINA AND NORTH-WESTERN PELOPONNESEA contract for the exploitation of oil deposits near the north-western Greek city of Ioannina and the north-western Peloponnese region was signed today by Minister of Development Vaso Papandreou, a Greek company and consortiums of foreign companies. It is estimated that the search for oil in the region of Ioannina will last 6 years and 4 years in the Peloponnese. Minister of Development ms.Papandreou stated that the contract signed provides for the exploitation of the Greek oil deposits, while it secures the oil reserves in the country, the sharing of technology and know-how, the creation of new jobs and the increase of revenues for the national economy. [09] THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH EXPRESSED SATISFACTION FOR THE MADRID AGREEMENTEcumenical Patriarch Vartholomeos expressed satisfaction for the Madrid agreement signed by Greek Prime Minister Kostas Simitis and Turkish President Suleiman Demirel. In an interview with the newspaper "Gumhurriyet", the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church underlined that he follows the positive developments with great interest and expressed the wish that they will bring about a lasting outcome. Referring to the relations between Greece and Turkey, Ecumenical Patriarch Vartholomeos stressed that instead of being in conflict it would have been more reasonable and more useful to maintain a creative cooperation as neighbours. Responding to a question on the number of Greeks living in Istanbul, he reminded that until the 1960's the Greek community there numbered 130.000 members but now it is estimated to be only about 3-4.000 people. Ecumenical Patriarch Vartholomeos also reiterated the firm request for the reopening of the Theology School in Halki. [10] MACEDONIA-THRACE MINISTER TRAVELS TO KASTORIA TO EXAMINE SITUATIONThe Minister of Macedonia-Thrace is currently visiting the area of Kastoria, following the measures announced by the government regarding the trouble that has been stirred by Albanian gangs who are active in the region. Along with the Prefect of Kastoria, Mr. Petsalnikos will visit the town of Dipotamia where five Greek farmers were kidnapped two days ago by an Albanian gang. They were freed after the Greek government negotiated their release with the Albanian government. Nevertheless, the town's residents are alarmed and ask the Greek state to draw measures that will ensure their safety and the protection of their property. A.F. [11] PAN-MACEDONIAN ASSOCIATIONS CONFERENCE CONTINUES FOR A THIRD DAYThe Seventh World Conference of the Pan-Macedonian Associations continues in Thessaloniki today for a third day. The President of the US-Canada Association stated that the Conference is also an opportunity to forward a message to the President of FYROM Kiro Gligorov that "the history of a peoples cannot be stolen and a national conscience cannot be baptised or imposed." Participants at the regional conference of the Pan-Macedonian Association of Europe stressed that the best promotion of Greece's national issues could be performed by the philhellenes. Yesterday, one such German person passed out cards that displayed the Greek heritage of Macedonia. A.F. [12] THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PAN-MACEDONIAN FEDERATION OF CANADA BECAME OFFICIALThe establishment of the Pan-Macedonian Federation of Canada became official after yesterday's founding session during which the articles of the charter of the Pan-Macedonian Association of America, concerning the cooperation between the US and the Canadian organizations, were changed. President of the Pan-Macedonian Federation of Canada Christos Hostelidis stated to MPA that the establishment of the federation was necessary due to the fact that Canada is a separate state with a totally different legislation. In the Pan-Macedonian Federation of Canada participate over 85 organizations with an estimated 80.000 members, while the Greek community in Canada is about half a million people. [B] INTERNATIONAL NEWS[13] CLERIDES-SGOURIDIS MEETINGThe B' vice-President of the Greek Parliament Panagiotis Sgouridis, who is Cyprus heading a parliamentary delegation, met with Cypriot President Glafkos Clerides. In statements he made, mr.Sgouridis appeared optimistic that a right and fair solution will be found for the Cyprus problem and added that the recent Turkish statements are misleading and aim at undermining the dialogue making the Greek side look intransigent. On the statements made by the vice-President of the Turkish government Bulent Etsevit, the B' vice-President of the Greek Parliament stated that they do not help in the efforts to create a good climate and secure peace in the region. [14] CYPRUS TO SEEK RECOURSE THROUGH UN OVER ECEVIT'S STATEMENTSThe Cypriot government is to seek recourse through the United Nations and other international organisations over the threats hurled by Turkish Vice-President Bulent Ecevit and the leader of the Turkish-Cypriots Rauf Denktash, who stated that occupied Cyprus should be annexed to Turkey. Cyprus' permanent representqtive to the UN will ask the international organisation to brief the members of the general assembly over the content of the threats, the presence of Turkish government officials at the occupied part of the island and the presence of Turkish military ships at the port of Derynia. Yesterday, US State Department spokesperson Nicholas Burns appeared guarded in regards to the statements made by Msgrs. Ecevit and Denktash. He did say that the State Department wil examine the statements and added that the United States will support the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan during the second round of direct talks to be held in August at Geneva. A.F. [15] BRITISH FM: RESOLVE CYPRUS ISSUE PRIOR TO THE ISLAND'S ACCESSION TO THE EUThe President of the Cypriot Parliament Spyros Kyprianou met in London with the British Foreign Minister Robin Cook who stated that it would be best to resolve the Cyprus issue prior to the island's accession to the European Union. Referring to the threats hurled by the Turkish Vice-President Bulent Ecevit, who claimed that Cyprus' occupied part should be annexed to Turkey, Mr. Kyprianou stated that Britain is opposed to these threatening remarks and can carry out an important role regarding Cyprus' accession to the Community. Meanwhile, a populous rally was held yesterday outside the Turkish Embassy in London, where the participants condemned the island's invasion. A.F. [16] MAYOR OF FYROM'S TETOVO SPEAKS TO MPA ON CONFLICT OVER FLAGTension is still simmering over the use of the Albanian flags in FYROM's cities of Tetovo and Gostivar, which are mostly populated by Albanians. Speaking to the Macedonian Press Agency, the Mayor of Tetovo, Alidin Demiri, expressed his displeasure over the manner in which the city's Albanian community is treated and has given the country's authorities an ultimatum until the end of 1998 to grant the Albanian community the rights it claims. The Mayor of Tetovo, FYROM's second-largest city, appeared determined not to cede his community's right to use its symbols, i,e, the flag, while he also warned that the next time conflict erupts between the local police and the Albanian community, he might not be able to serve as a buffer. Moreover, Mr. Demiri announced that if by the end of next year the rights of the Albanians are not secured, then their political parties will demand a referendum in order to review their ties with FYROM, while he did not rule out the possibility that they might opt for political action similar to that taken by Kossovo's political parties, that is to abstain from official institutions and procedures. Currently awaiting sentencing after having been tried by a local court on counts concerning the episodes of July 9, Mr. Demiri stated that "I may be incarcerated for charges that may not exist but which they can create. They don't want to punish me, they want to go after my 23,000 voters." When asked to summarize what happened in Gostivar on July 9, when mere hours after the Assembly's relevant decision the authorities of FYROM took down the flag of Albania which was hoisted on the masts before the Tetovo and Gostivar Assemblies, Mr. Demiri said that "the municipalities of Tetovo and Gostivar, as well as the Ministry of the Interior, belong to the same country, but they attacked us as if we were a foreign nation. And they did this because the two municipalities began forming institutions for the rights of the Albanians. They did this in order to intimidate us." The Mayor of Gostivar Rufi Osmani is currently in jail on chargers concerning July 9's episodes. Three persons were killed then, while tens of others were injured. Mr. Demiri explained that the two cities were managed by Albanian majorities, while the symbols and languages used were of both peoples. "However, the other side pressured us to abandon these rights. The conflict stemmed from the ideology and ended with the police. In March, the nationalists held rallies in Skopje where they were demanding gas chambers for the Albanians," he stated, adding "I should stress that the two-headed eagle flag is not Albania's flag, it is the symbol of the Albanian peoples which existed prior to the formation of the Albanian nation. "We have neither the ability nor the order to change our symbol. I should remind you that in 1902, when this country didn't exist, they called on us to participate in the revolution against the Turks and they did the same in 1944. The problem is not the flags, but the co-habitation with specific terms: the language, the symbols, the schools." A.F. [17] EXPLOSION ROCKS DOWNTOWN TIRANA, DYNAMITE WAS HIDDEN NEAR MINISTRYA strong explosion rocked downtown Tirana this morning, when a large amount of dynamite placed in a building near the Defense Ministry's headquarters went off, causing extensive material damages. According to reports, there may be three persons injured. Investigations are currently underway. A.F. [18] ALBANIA'S NEW PARLIAMENT TO CONVENE TOMORROWThe Greek contingent assigned to Albania as part of the eight- naiton peacekeeping force code-named "Alba" will begin its return home today, a process to be completed by August 12. Meanwhile, following a mandate issued by President Sali Berisha, the country's new parliament will convene tomorrow. The Democratic Party has stated through its representative that it will not participate in the Assembly's inaugurating session. A.F. [19] FYROM FORBIDDEN FROM USING NAME "MACEDONIA" IN EURO SPORTS EVENTThe union of European Olympic Games Committees has issued a decision forbidding the use of the name "Macedonia" for any participants from FYROM in sports events held in Europe related to the organisation. The Union calls for the use of the name FYROM for as long as the name issue is pending between Athens and Skopje. A.F. [20] ALBANIA'S NEW PARLIAMENT TO CONVENE TOMORROWFollowing a mandate issued by Albanian President Sali Berisha, the country's new parliament will convene tomorrow evening at 5 pm. The Democratic Party has stated through its representative that it will not participate in the Assembly's inaugurating session. The report was broadcast by Tirana's state-owned television station, which also mentioned that President Berisha had interrupted his negotiations with the country's various political parties since, as his office stated, he hasn't managed to find one individual who could be accepted by all as prime minister. A.F. Complete archives of the Macedonian Press Agency bulletins are available on the MPA Home Page at and on the U.S. mirror at |