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Anadolu Agency: News in English, 99-06-26Anadolu Agency: News in English Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Anadolu Agency Home Page at <>AA Daily26 June 1999 SaturdayCONTENTS
[01] TURKEY-PRESS SCANThese are some of the major headlines and their brief stories in Turkey's press on June 26, 1999. The Anadolu Ajansi does not verify these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.HURRIYET (LIBERAL)IMF EXTENDS ITS CONTACTS IN TURKEY UNTIL JULY 1The International Monetary Fund (IMF) delegation headed by Carlo Cottarelli, the Chief of the IMF's Turkey Desk, extended its contacts in Turkey until July 1, 1999. The Treasury Undersecretariat statement said that the IMF delegation which is holding contacts with the representatives of the public and the private sectors of Turkey and with the governmental officials under the fourth article of the IMF agreement, will depart Ankara on July 1. TURKEY'S IMPORT AND EXPORT REDUCE MILLIYET (LIBERAL)ASSASINATION TEAM CAPTURED IN VANA total of seven people who were preparing to stage terrorist actions against high-level officials, were captured in Ozalp county of Van province. Terrorists confessed that they were trained in Greece and Syria. Meanwhile, security forces seized a great deal of weapons belonged to the terrorists. HATICE BURGUCU COMES ON THE SECOND PLACE Meanwhile, Hatice Burgucu, a Turkish gymnast, came on the second place during the first day competitions. SABAH (LIBERAL) WE GET OFF CHEAP The bonnet dropped from 300 meters height to the roof of a factory in Ikitelli, three meters away from 70 workers. Malatya carried out its flight to Stuttgart and then returned back to Istanbul. TURKEY TO GIVE ADVICE TO U.N U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan said Turkey can give advice if necessary concerning the functioning of the interim administration, adding that such a contribution will please them. CUMHURIYET (LEFT)GENERAL STAFF: ''WE ARE THE GUARANTOR OF SECULARISM''The army reacted when the fundamentalist publication claimed that the General Staff prepared a report including insults against the religion. Noting that it continues its struggle against fundamentalism within the framework of laws, General Staff said some of the mass-media organs are trying to harm the confidence in the Turkish Armed Forces with unreal and deliberate news. NO OBSTACLE IN FRONT OF TURKISH TROOPS Military equipments and armoured vehicles belonging to the Turkish Armed Forces, will be transported to Macidonian border by Bulgarian railway. Then, equipments and armoured vehicles will be transported to Kosovo by trucks. Turkish soldiers will be sent to Kosovo by planes. RADIKAL (LEFT)TRNC REFUSES ANNAN'S INVITATIONThe Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) informed Kofi Annan, the U.N. Secretary General, that it would not negotiate with Greek Cypriot side in ''intercommunal'' level. Tahsin Ertugruloglu, TRNC Foreign and Defense Minister, stressed that there were two independent states in Cyprus, adding that there were two independent states in Cyprus, and that Turkish Cypriot side will not participate in the talks where equality of the sides in intercommunal level will be taken into consideration. TURKISH SOLDIERS TO LEAVE FOR KOSOVO SOON APOSTLES WAIT FOR TOURISTS TÜRKİYE (RIGHT)INTEREST DISTURBANCEThe high-interset rates about which the politicians complain in every opportunity reduced investments and production and decreased exports and imports. According to the reports of Foreign Trade Undersecretariat, Turkey was negatively affected by the financial crises erupted in Far East and later in Russia and in some Latin American countries. Withdrawal of foreign investors increased the interest rates. According to the State Institute of Statistics data, Turkey's exports decreased 8.1 percent and imports reduced 25.4 percent in the first four months of the year. Economy experts say those negative developments stemmed from high-interest rates. EVEN IMF DELEGATION SURPRISED AT HIGH-INTEREST RATES IN TURKEY TWO TERRORISTS CAUGHT RED-HANDED Questioning the terrorists, officials said those two terrorists werre trained at camps in Syria and Greece. PKK ABDUCTS MEN ZAMAN (CONSERVATIVE)MALICIOUS SCENARIOThe army countermanded the game of ones who try to shwo the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) as an enemy of faith. Issuing a press release, the TSK said the reports, which were published by the mass-media organs and which were claimed to be prepared by the TSK, were not the reports of the TSK. It said none of the reports, which were made up by the press, was discussed at the National Securty Council (NSC), and any video-tape was not given to anybody. The news which were broadcasted and published by the mass-media about the NSC, were totally unreal and baseless. PREMIER ECEVIT: ''SUCH A REPORT WAS NOT PRESENTED AT THE NSC MEETING'' [02] CONTACTS OF IMF DELEGATION - TOSKAY, MINISTER OF STATE, RECEIVES IMF DELEGATIONANKARA, June 26 (A.A) - Tunca Toskay, the Minister of State, said on Friday that the extension of the visit of the International Monetray Fund (IMF) delegation led by Carlo Cottarelli, the Chief of IMF's Turkey Desk, till July 1 can be perceived positively.Speaking to reporters following the meeting, Toskay said they expressed their sincere opinions to the IMF delegation, and told them that there is a consensus in the government, adding, ''I think they will evaluate this.'' ''The IMF delegation wanted to know our, as the government, point of view about the economic issues, and we told them that our point of view about the economic issues is mentioned in the party programme,'' he stated. Tunca Toskay said there is a complete consensus in the government for the absolute adoptation of the Social Security Reform before the Parliament recesses. Toskay said the IMF officials and they discussed the Turkish economy, and exchanged opinions about how they can get better the public financing balances which constitute one of the most important issues of the economy. Summarizing his meeting with the IMF officials as ''a technical meeting not political'', Toskay said they did not discuss the issue of foreign trade. ''Turkey's macro economic figures were taken up. We told them that there is a consensus among the coalition partners enabling the government to get results in its performances. We also told them that the government now orientates itself to find radical solutions for serious economic problems. I gave an example saying that the cabinet in its meeting today reached a complete consensus for the absolute adoptation of the Socail Security Reform before the Parliament recesses,'' Toskay stated. ''This is a very important issue that concerns several circles. However, it stands in front of us as a reform that should absolutely be realized. We told the IMF officials that we are determined to adopt it before the Parliament recesses. This will be followed by other issues. We expressed them our intention and sincerity,'' he said. Noting that he believes other officials showed the same sincerity in the previous contacts of the IMF, Toskay mentioned that the government is resolved to solve the economic problems. ''I think they had the impression that the coalition partners are sincere. We sincerely and very clearly conveyed our opinions,'' he said. Responding to a question, Toskay said the issue of financial support was not discussed. When asked whether any revision will be made concerning the macro balances, Toskay said, ''we took up this issue in the budget; it will continue within this framework.'' [03] PREMIER ECEVIT RECEIVES PALFE, MEMBER OF EUROPEAN PARLIAMENTANKARA, June 26 (A.A) - Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit received on Friday Richard Palfe, a member of the European Parliament.Speaking to reporters following the meeting, Palfe said Prime Minister Ecevit and he held a very ''interesting meeting''. Noting that he met with Prime Minister Ecevit firstly in 1974, Palfe said, ''at that period, Turkey's situation was somehow different. I can say that we are friends in political sense and also friends who know each other for many years.'' When asked what kind of issues were discussed at the meeting, Palfe said, ''we discussed the forthcoming Helsinki Summit, and the process from Cologne till Helsinki.'' ''We expressed our common approach for the necessity to show respect to the rights of the Turkish people in Northern Cyprus for the solution on Cyprus. We also exchanged opinions about the continuing trial of Abdullah Ocalan, the head of terrorist organization PKK. I think the trial seems to be quite fair. The law was changed so the military judge has been removed. Mr. Ocalan has condemned himself. He doesn't really need a trial,'' Palfe said. [04] MACRO ECONOMIC TARGETSANKARA, June 26 (A.A) - Tunca Toskay, the Minister of State, said on Friday that most of the changes in the macro economic targets were taken into consideration in the budget.Toskay said Hikmet Ulugbay, the Minister of State responsible for Treasury; Sumer Oral, the Minister of Finance, and he reviewed the figures under the light of latest developments when they hold meetings. Toskay told the A.A correspondent that the budget is being discussed at the Parliament, and most of the changes were included in the budget. When asked whether there is a need for another revision, Toskay said, ''budget is the most important financial instrument of the public. When you once again take up some balances in the budget, it takes six months. The figures will continue within this framework.'' [05] FOREIGN MINISTER CEM TO VISIT NEW YORK - FRIENDS OF KOSOVO GROUP TO CONVENENEW YORK, June 26 (A.A) - Ismail Cem, the Foreign Minister, will arrive in the U.S. early next week to attend the meeting of the ''Secretary General's Kosovo Friends'' group which was formed by Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the U.N., it was reported on Friday.Turkey was included in the Group, which will convene in New York on June 30. Ismail Cem is expected to hold bilateral contacts in New York before and after the meeting. Sources said Cem might be received by Kofi Annan, and hold bilateral contacts with the U.S. Secretary of State and the Foreign Ministers of the European Union (EU) member countries, but the details of his appointments have still not been clear. The G-8 countries will participate in the New York meeting at Foreign Ministerial level. Meanwhile, all of the issues related to Kosovo were foreseen to be discussed in New York on June 30. The aids of Group members for the reconstruction of Kosovo and normalization of life will be the prior issue. Besides, the activities of civil administration and security forces will be brought into the agenda. The meeting of the Friends of Kosovo Group will last one day. [06] JEC CO-CHAIRMEN DESIGNATEDANKARA, June 26 (A.A) - The Ministers of State were designated to be the Co- Chairmen of the Joint Economic Commissions (JEC), it was reported on Friday.The names of the Ministers of State and the names of the JECs in accordance with a Prime Ministry circular are as follows: ''Devlet Bahceli, the Minister of State and the Deputy Prime Minister: Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Georgia. Husamettin Ozkan, the Minister of State and the Deputy Prime Minister: Italy, Finland, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco. Mehmet Kececiler, the Minister of State: Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia. Hikmet Ulugbay, the Minister of State: Iran, Syria, the U.S., Japan, France. Tunca Toskay, the Minister of State: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia. Yuksel Yalova, the Minister of State: Spain, Luxembourg, the Philippines, Malta. Sukru Sina Gurel, the Minister of State: the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Sweden, Norway, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Sadi Somuncuoglu, the Minister of State: Denmark, Estonia, Albania, Latvia, Lithuania. Rustu Kazim Yucelen, the Minister of State: Russia, the Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova. Mustafa Yilmaz, the Minister of State: the Netherlands, Jordan, Ghana, Guinea, Chile. Ramazan Mirzaoglu: Egypt, Yemen, Lebanon, Bahrain, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia. Edip Safter Gaydali, the Minister of State: Libya, Nigeria, Portugal, Kuwait. Hasan Gemici, the Minister of State: Bulgaria, Romania, Israel, Poland, Congo, Gambia. Suayip Usenmez: Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico. Mehmet Ali Irtemcelik: Brazil, Argentina, Cuba, Sri Lanka, Senegal, Vietnam. Fikret Unlu: South Africa, Crotia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Yugoslavia. Abdulhaluk Mehmet Cay, the Minister of State: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand, Mongolia, China. [07] STATEMENT OF GENERAL STAFF - ''THE TURKISH ARMED FORCES CONTINUES ITS STRUGGLE AGAINST FUNDAMENTALISM TOTALLY ON THE LEGAL PLATFORM''ANKARA, June 26 (A.A) - The General Staff issued on Friday a statement saying that the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) continues its struggle against fundamentalism totally on the legal platform by not exceeding the framework of duties and athorities given by the laws and the Constitution.It said none of the reports, which were totally or partly broadcasted and published by the mass-media organizations, was prepared by the TSK or brought onto agenda at any platform including the National Security Council (NSC), and any video-tape concerning the issue was given to those organizations. The statement, which was released by the General Staff Secretariat General, said some news and columns have been recently broadcasted and published by some mass-media organizations claiming that ''the TSK submitted a report on fundamentalism to the NSC and gave video-tapes to some television channels'', stressing that those news and articles were ''unreal, baseless and deliberate.'' ''Besides, some mass-media organs went too far, and broadcasted and published some fictitious reports which show the TSK as an enemy of faith. Our citizens having common sense do know the real intention and aim of humble persons and institutions deprived of general values and professional ethics who are trying to wear the TSK down and to harm the confidence of people in the TSK by misleading the public with such unreal, provocative and deliberate news. The TSK will continue to be the guarantor of the secular Republic and the unseparable integrity of the country with its increasing resolution and determination by not exceeding the framework of its duties and authorities given by the laws and the Constitution,'' the statement said. [08] STATEMENT OF NSC SECRETARIAT GENERAL - ''SOME MASS-MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS GAVE PLACE TO LACKING, WRONG, MISLEADING AND UNREAL NEWS AIMED AT HARMING RELIGIOUS VALUES OF THE PUBLIC''ANKARA, June 26 (A.A) - The National Security Council (NSC) Secretariat General said on Friday that some of the mass-media organizations gave place to some lacking, wrong, unreal and misleading news about the NSC meetings and the NSC Secretariat General, and published and broadcasted some news which aimed at harming the religious values of people.Releasing a statement, the NSC Secretariat General said, ''in accordance with the NSC Law, the necessary and sufficient explanations about the issues which are discussed at the NSC meetings are publicly announced with a press release.'' ''Despite this, it has been determined that some mass-media organs have recently published and broadcasted some lacking, wrong, unreal and misleding news about the NSC meeting and the NSC Secretariat General, and given place to some news aimed at harming the religious values of people,'' it said. [09] U.N. KOSOVO INTERIM ADMINISTRATION FORMEDANKARA, June 26 (A.A) - The ''U.N. Kosovo Interim Administration'', which will pioneer in administrative and economic reconstruction of Kosovo, was formed, and an advisory committee under the name of ''Secretary General's Kosovo Friends'' including Turkey will be established for making consultations about the implementation of the decisions concerning the region, it was reported on Friday.The Foreign Ministry said that in accordance with the decision on June 10, 1999 of the U.N. Security Council, the Serbian troops, security and para- militia withdrew from Kosovo and the NATO air strikes were officially stopped. The Ministry said the U.N. formed the U.N. Kosovo Interim Administration Mission within the framework of fulfilling its responsibilities for the future of the region. Foreign Ministry said a total of 12 countries and three international organization were given part in the Group which was foreseen to be permanent. Noting that Turkey, the U.S., Germany, China, France, the Netherlands, Britain, Italy, Japan, Canada, Russia and Greece are the members of the Group, the statement said the European Union (EU), the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the Organization for Islamic Conference (OIC) were foreseen to be invited to the Group. Pointing out that Ismail Cem, the Foreign Minister, was invited to the first meeting of the ''Secretary General Kofi Annan's Kosovo Friends Group'' in New York on June 30, the Ministry said, ''participation of Turkey, which has historical, cultural and humanitarian ties with the region, in the Group is evaluated as a consequence of the balanced and constructive policy that has been followed up until now by our government. As it is known, Turkey has always defended since the beginning that it will be beneficial to make use of the experience of the countries in the region during the meetings about the future of the region. Turkey will continue to fulfil her responsibilities for establishment of peace and stability in Kosovo and in the region.'' [10] CUBAN DELEGATION TO VISIT TOBBANKARA, June 26 (A.A) - A nine-member delegation including the officials at the Cuban Chamber of Commerce and Ministry of Foreign Trade and several commercial organization will visit on June 30 the Union of Turkish Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (TOBB), it was reorted on Saturday.Jesus Perez Othon, the Cuban Minister of Light Industry, will stage a conference on ''Cuban economy, perpectives and business opportunities'' to the Turkish businessmen during the visit. Issuing a statement, TOBB said the Turkish businessmen and Cuban delegation members will hold bilateral contacts following the conference. It said the Cuban businessmen, who will come to Turkey to get information about the Turkish industry, Turkish market, products and prices and to create new business opportunities, will hold contacts in Ankara, Istanbul and Bursa between June 27 and July 3. The statement said the Cuban trade delegation is interested in hotel equipments, foodstuffs, medicine raw material and hygenic equipments, oil, fuel oil, mine, metals, steel-iron, banking, real state business, transportation, textile raw materials and every kind of hypermarket products. [11] PRIME MINISTER ECEVIT DUE IN THE U.S. IN SEPTEMBERWASHINGTON D.C., June 26 (A.A) - Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit is expected to pay an official visit to the U.S. in September, it was reported on Saturday.Responding to questions of journalists, Baki Ilkin, the Turkish Ambassador to the U.S., said theat exact date of Ecevit's visit will be determined soon. Recalling that the Workers' Day will be celebrated in the U.S. on September 7, and President Bill Clinton will attend the U.N. General Assembly meetings in New York on September 23, Ilkin told reporters that Prime Minister Ecevit will probably pay a visit to the U.S. between these two dates. Ilkin reminded that General Hilmi Ozkok, the Deputy Chief of General Staff, had held contacts in the U.S. last week. Baki Ilkin noted that General Ozkok who came to the U.S. as the official guest of General Joseph Ralston, the U.S. Deputy Chief of General Staff, had held talks with high-level American military officials, and had left for Turkey on Friday after attending a luncheon where Marc Grossman, the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. State Department, was also in attendance. [12] VISIT OF EBSO TO ISRAEL - OZENER, TURKISH AMBASSADOR TO ISRAEL: - ''I HAVE BEEN WORKING IN ISRAEL FOR FOUR YEARS. RECENTLY TURKISH DELEGATIONS VISITED ISRAEL ALMOST ONCE IN EVERY 12 DAYS''TEL AVIV, June 26 (A.A) - Barlas Ozener, the Turkish Ambassador to Israel, said on Saturday that all of the obstacles in front of the economic activities of the Turkish businessmen with Israel have been removed, adding, ''the infrastructure of economic relations has been established legally. There are many Turkish companies which are making use of it.''Evaluating to visit of the Aegean Region Chamber of Industry (EBSO) to Israel, Ozener told the A.A correspondent that many Turkish firms, which want to make investments and trade, kept the relations warm by visiting Israel. Recalling that he has been working as the Turkish Ambassador to Israel for four years, Ozener said in recent years Turkish delegations visited Israel almost once in every 12 days. Noting that companies also visit Israel alone, Ozener said, ''I believe the businessmen, who visit Israel through a specific or regional organization, have also advantages. First of all, they explain their regions and opportunities to the Israeli businessmen. This also contribues to promotion of Turkey.'' ''Recently, delegations from Turkey have visited Israel in every 12 days. Not all of these visits had economic purpose. However, these kind of frequent contacts and visits enabled the two countries to rapidly improve their relations,'' he said. ''Israel is a market where the Turkish businessmen can easily make business. However, they have to be careful in a single issue; this market should be known and analyzed very well. If these are done, then nobody can vie with our production of good quality in this important market,'' he stressed. Meanwhile, Kemal Colakoglu, the Chairman of the EBSO Assembly, said that Israel should open a free zone with Turkey like the free zone with Jordan, adding that Turkey can export products to the third countries, especially the U.S. via Israel. Stressing that Israel is influential in most important financial sources of the world, Colakoglu said, ''Turkey receives giant investment proposals from the Turkish Republics in the Central Asia. We can make joint investments with a consortium that can be formed by the Israeli banks, in the Turkish Republics, Russia and Balkans. Besides, we can cooperate in investments in the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP). Turkey can reach the U.S. without quotas through Israel, and Israel can reach the Turkish Republics through Turkey.'' Pointing out that the future of Israel has great hopes of Turkey, Colakoglu said businessmen have important responsibilities for further improvement of the relations between the two countries. ''The Israeli businessmen will be a good partner of the Turkish businessmen, '' he stressed. [13] TRNC DELEGATION TO ATTEND THE OIC MEETINGLEFKOSA, June 26 (A.A) - A Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) delegation headed by Tahsin Ertugruloglu, the Foreign Affairs and Defense Minister, left on Saturday for Burkina Faso to attend the 26th meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC).Addressing journalists before his departure, Ertugruloglu stressed that their aim is to further improve the TRNC's observer country status in the OIC. Noting that the national Cyprus case is being defended at every platform patiently, Ertugruloglu said that the OIC is one of these platforms. The conference will be held in capital Ouagadougou between June 28 and July 2. [14] DRAFT LAW ON SO-CALLED GENOCIDE ON ARMENIANSWASHINGTON D.C., June 26 (A.A) - The draft law on so-called genocide on Armenians, which is tried to be adopted by the House of Representatives as a result of initiatives of the circles against Turkey, failed to achieve a success in the current legislative term, it was reported on Saturday.Diplomatic sources in Washington D.C. said the draft, which foresees a move by the U.S. President Bill Clinton for the exhibition of the documents at the U.S. archieves about so-called genocide on Armenians at the places like the Yerevan museum and so-called genocide museums, was ''jammed'' at the two committees of the House of Representatives. Sources said it was revealed that something can be done before the House of Repesentatives will recess in August for the adoptation of the draft, which is one of the issues at the bottom, by the Government Reforms Committee and International Affairs Committee. Sources said, the deputies, who are the members the Armenian lobby which realized this situation, can take their chance once again by presenting in a short time a similar draft law to a committee of the House of Representatives after withdrawing the current draft law. Diplomatic sources said the possibility for the adoptation of an Armenian draft law, which should be approved by the House of Representatives and the Senate, is low as the Senate includes influential names close to Turkey. Sources said the lobbies, which are aware of this situation, are actually trying to wear Turkey down in front of the ''public opinion'' by having the draft law been adopted by the House of Representatives. The Armenian attempt at the House of Representatives is led by Republican deputies John Porter and Chris Smith, and by Democrat deputy Frank Mallone, who are known as the names against Turkey. [15] PRIME MINISTER ECEVIT RELEASES A CIRCULAR ON ''RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS''ANKARA, June 26 (A.A) - The 57th government took action to prevent human rights abuses, and to complete legal proceedings for responsibilities of human rights abuses, it was reported on Saturday.Releasing a circular on ''Respect for Human Rights'', Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit wanted the local administrators to apply the prior instructions, and to inform the Prime Ministry Human Rights Coordinator Superior Committee about the consequences of the inspections without warning. The circular underlined that protection and improvement of human rights and basic freedoms, application of human rights without discrimination, became an ideal for humanity, and a necessity for democratic societies of the world. Pointing out that disrespectfullness to human rights and basic freedoms are being reacted globally, the circular added, ''as it was pointed out in the 57th government programme, our government considers meeting deficiencies of democracy; improving human rights; extending freedom of thought; and making jurisdiction more productive and influential, as its duties. Within this framework, duties, authorities and responsibilities of security forces will be scrutinized, and new arrangements that will assure impartial security services respectful for the human rights, will be made.'' Noting that the Prime Ministry Human Rights Coordinator Superior Committee has made many legal and administrative arrangements to fulfil the obligations in the international documents signed by Turkey, and to protect and improve the basic rights and freedoms taking part in the Turkish Constitution, the circular recalled that ''Apprehension, Detention and Interrogation Regulations'' came into force after being issued in the Official Gazette on October 1, 1988. According to the circular, the procedures for the complete implementation of this regulation are as follows: a- to abide by the ''Apprehension Procedure'', and to arrange completely the ''Suspect and Accused Form'' which was envisaged in the last paragraph of this Article, b- to fulfil obligations foreseen in the ''Informing Relatives'', c- to implement the procedures envisaged in the ''Health Control'', d- to record the ''Notebook of Detained Persons'' e- to conform to the period envisaged in the ''Detention Period'', f- to apply procedures envisaged in the ''Special Rule Regarded with the Young'' g- to conform to the ''Banned Methods in Interrogation'', h- to continue to the improvement works in the custodial prison envisaged in the ''Custodial Prison and Interrogation Rooms'' i- to carry out inspections foreeseen in the ''Inspection of Custodial Prisons and Interrogation Rooms'', j- to obey the ''Application of Secrecy of Preparatory Investigation'', k- to conform to the ''Training of Personnel''. Stressing the importance of education in efforts to protect and improve human rights, the circular continued, ''legal proceedings will begin without any delay on claims of torture and maltreatment.'' A.A Anadolu Agency: News in English Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |