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ATA News from Albania (96-06-11)Albanian Telegraphic Agency Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA) Home Page at <>Albanian Telegraphic AgencyCONTENTS
[01] OFFICIAL VISIT TO ALBANIA OF A NATIONAL GUARD DELEGATION OF SOUTH CAROLINA (U.S.)TIRANA, MAY 10 (ATA) - A delegation of the National Guard of South Carolina (U.S.) is in Albania on an official five-day visit. The delegation's first visit was that to the Albanian Defence Ministry.From June 10-14, the U.S. team is expected to acquaint Albanian militaries with the organization of the national guard at state and federal levels and to discuss other issues which have to do with the integration of the active and reservist components of South Carolina. jz/xh/g Albanian Telegraphic Agency[02] RESOLUTION ON KOSOVA BY CONGRESS OF LIBERAL INTERNATIONALTIRANA, JUNE 10 (ATA) - The Congress of Liberal International held in Nordvig, the Netherlands approved a special resolution on Kosova.A delegation from Kosova headed by Gjergj Dedaj chairman of the Liberal Party of Kosova attended the congress. The resolution asked Slobodan Milosevic, President of Serbia to start a dialogue with no conditions with President of Kosova Ibrahim Rugova and other legitimate representatives of Kosova under the observation of a third party which would have the authorisation of international community for a peaceful solution of Kosova question. It also asked an immediate stopping of the police and military violence against the population in Kosova, normalisation of the situation and finding a possible way for establishment of a permanent peace in Balkans. The use of the Albanian language in its institutions was another demand of the congress. The Resolution of the Liberal International proposed the organisation of a special conference on Kosova issue according to international standards. Lastly it asked the opening of cultural and information offices of the European countries and the conditioning of Serbia's recognition by international institutions with the solution of Kosova's question. jz/fh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[03] HIGHER LEVELS FOR ALBANIAN EXPORTS AND IMPORTS-More than 80 per cent of trade exchanges is dominated by the private sector of economy-Albanian exports and imports has increased during the first three months of this year, bringing about a trade deficit of 13,5 billion leks. According to the recent data of the Albanian Institute of Statistics, exports during this period went to 5.9 billion USD or 19.3 per cent more than during the last quarter of last year and 54,3 per cent more than the same period of last year. Official figures illustrate that trade went to 19.4 billion leks or 41.3 per cent more than the previous period. Compared with the data of the same period of one year ago, this indicator records an increase of 8.1 per cent. The tendency of domination of private sector of economy in the field of trade exchanges is deepened, representing more than 80 per cent of exports and imports. The group of textile and shoes has had the greatest weight in Albanian exports during this period, by 47. 7 per cent. Most preferable imports have been food, drinks and tobacco, by 37.7 per cent and spare parts for machineries and equipment by 21 per cent. The distribution pattern has not changed, Italy, Turkey, Greece and Germany continue to be the focus of trade exchanges with Albania. The level of international aid during the first three months is 1.2 billion leks, the same with the same period of one year ago. M.Noti Albanian Telegraphic Agency[04] LEATHER PROCESSING - AN INDUSTRY OF THE FUTURE IN ALBANIAThe productive capacity of the leather processing industry in Albania has increased considerably from 1992. From 2500 tons of leather processed in 1989, it went to 9000 tons in 1992. After economic reform were undertaken, the leather processing industry became attractive to foreign investors for a number of reasons: processed leather is a raw material necessary for the shoes industry and leather clothes and it is abundant in Albania as a result of the increase of the number cattle during the last years after privatization. On the other side, Albania has a good tradition in leather processing.The introduction of a tax of 120 per cent by the state for 1993-94 period, limitation of exports of all kinds of unprocessed leather, discouraged in a way the export of unprocessed leather and attracted foreign investment in this sector, mainly Italian ones. Promoted by the cheap Albanian labor force in our country as well as the favorable conditions offered by Albania, Italian investors invested in this branch 12 million USD. Presently the main producers of processed leather are seven joint ventures with foreign companies and state and private Albanian companies in Tirana, Korca, Gjirokastra, Lushnja, Vlora, Kavaja and Shkodra. The main foreign investors in this sector are Italian companies, with the exception of the Gjirokastra factory, which has as a partner a Greek company. There are also other smaller producers, in Kavaja, Porto Romano, Vaqar and other places, which together with the above mentioned enterprises have employed about 1000 workers. The productive capacity of the leather processing industry in Albania is 9000 tons annually, while from calculations comes out that 4500 tons of unprocessed leather is produced locally. Thus , the rest 4500 tons needed to be imported from abroad. But in 1995, with the decision of the government, taxes on export of unprocessed leather were eliminated. As a result, in 1995, 2500 tons of unprocessed leather were exported without any charge. This decision found the local producers unprepared. They were obliged to import considerable quantities of leather. They have imported 15 000 tons of unprocessed leather from 1995 until now, with a price double that of the local market, increasing considerably the expenditures for their production. As a result, profits taken by the state have been reduced and prices of processed leather and leather products have increased. According to our calculations, it comes out that it is better that "leather be processed locally than exported free of charge", Natasha Lekdushi, specialist of the leather industry at the Ministry of industry and transport said. "If we refer to figures: for 1995 only, the factory of korca has realised 270 000 USD from exports of processed leather. This figure would have been higher, if export of unprocessed leather would have not been liberalized. This is why seven producers sent a note to the Ministry of Light Industry, demanding limitation of export of unprocessed leather, Mrs. Lekdushi added. Meanwhile, according to some analysis of the Italian National Institute of Foreign Trade, quoted by the Italian news agency, ANSA, Albania may become the center of collection, storage and first hand processing of leather in Eastern Europe. This is why it is important that Italian companies of this field see the possibility of joint ventures with Albanian producers. A.Lazaj Albanian Telegraphic Agency[05] RECIPROCAL TRADE WITH THE SAME SORT OF GOODSOnly during the last three months of 1995, certain quantity of goods produced in Albania are exported, while the same sort of good are imported from other countries. According to traders, this phenomenon of the movement of the same goods from Albania to other countries and vice versa has to do with prices. During this period of time, according to the Institute of Statistics, INSTAT, different products as fish, beans, onion, bricks, copper wire, and others and at the same time the same sort of articles are imported. Of course the quantity and quality of these goods has been different. Most of the cases local products have been of a higher quality. Thus, beans of a value of 31 million Leks have been imported beans of a value of about 1 million Leks. Onions, fish and beans have moved from one country to another, passing thousand of km, increasing their sale cost to consumers. In these cases, traders say, lack on information of domestic market had influenced. Experts of the Min!istry of Agriculture and Food has said that the just moment has come that traders of food products sign contracts with local farmers. The same is true for industrial products. Huge quantity of clothes are exported, while huge quantities are also imported.A.GJ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[06] THE SAVING BANK WILL TAKE PART IN THE MARKET OF TREASURE BONDSThe Saving Bank will take part in the secondary market of treasure bonds. Specialists of this bank say that this market, known as an activity of selling and buying of treasure bonds issued in the primary market, is a market between buyers of bonds or individuals that want to invest with treasure bonds in this market."Participation of the Saving Bank in the secondary market-specialists of this bank say - would make possible to people to invest the money with a higher productivity in comparison with the saved deposits, but the bank also makes possible the liquidity and reinvestment of money with higher profits". However, not all individuals can invest in this market. "In order to be attracted to invest through vouchers it is necessary that the same terms be created and profits are also considered", specialists say. Exchange of treasure bonds in the secondary market will be simply. "Those people that want to invest through vouchers should go to the Saving Bank or other banks to buy the bonds. The banks rebuy the bonds within the maturity period or ahead of the deadline. The minimal value of a bond in the secondary market will be 10000 Leks. Specialists say that this process is delayed because of the slow progress of the primary market of treasure bonds. M.Noti Albanian Telegraphic Agency[07] PROJECTS FOR THE USE OF ALL ENERGY SOURCESRadical transformation of the structure of energy sources is one of the aims of the projects in the sector of energy. During 1992-96, the extensive use of electricity and non technical losses required radical measures to redress the situation. The energy policy demands the use of all the sources of energy such as wood, coal, petroleum, electricity, gas, in accordance with the specific conditions of every Albanian district, considering petroleum and gas as a priority. During the coming years, as a result of the fiscal policy, and the prices policy as well as a result of reduction of nontechnical losses of electricity, some kinds of energies will be used. In this way, electricity and gas will be used for cooking, petroleum, natural gas, wood and coal will be used for heating in some zones. Electricity and solar energy will be used for hot water.The realization of these targets aims the improvement of the use of energy for household needs, creating at the same time a competitive market of sources of energy. Investments will be made for the creation and exploitation of infrastructure for liquid gas and petroleum. In the Southern and western part of the country is planned that solar energy be used.N.Mano Albanian Telegraphic Agency[08] LOCAL FOOD PRODUCTS COMPETE IMPORTED ONESUnder the pressure of locally produced products, traders of food products find it more and more difficult to sell their goods. The profits of traders that import food products, which dominated the market 3-4 years ago, have fallen as a result of the rehabilitation of the local food industry. This is due to the fact that businessmen now are interested to import machineries and equipment of high technology, to produce locally food articles of high quality. While in 1995, according to the Albanian Institute of Statistics, the value of imports of a group of food articles, drinks, tobacco and technological equipment, was about 17 billion Leks, the import of machineries and technological equipment more than 13 billion Leks. But according to specialists, the value of foods only, excluding drinks and especially cigarettes, is much more smaller than the value of imported machineries and equipment. According to forecasts, locally produced food products in 1996 will dominate agai!nst imported ones. Actually, meat products have competed successfully imported ones, which some years ago dominated the Albanian market. This was a result of the instalment of contemporary technology in existing factories and in the just constructed ones in Korca, Tirana and in other cities. Milk processing industry has also flourished. Dairy products made in Albania have already competed imported ones. A.Gj Albanian Telegraphic Agency[09] STABILISED PRICES IN THE CONSTRUCTION MARKETConstruction is one of the few sectors that continues to operate for a relatively long period of time with stabilised prices. According to specialists, a number of factors have influenced in this regard, where competition is dominant. Hundreds of construction companies all over Albania continue to survive due to the prices' game. But there is another reason, specialists say. Expansion of production of the scope of construction materials. During the first term of 1996, the prices index in construction has increased 0.65 per cent against the first term and about 3 per cent against the same period of last year. But specialists say, in this increase salaries of workers have influenced. There were moments last year when the index of cost of construction reduced by 1.5 per cent against the previous term. The index of the subgroup of direct expenditures recorded a fall of 0.9 per cent. Within this subgroup, expenditures for transport and machineries has fallen by 7 and 4 per cent respectively. A.GjAlbanian Telegraphic Agency[10] URBAN PROJECTS IN RESPONSE TO THE MOVEMENT OF THE POPULATIONConsolidation of freedom and democracy during the post communist period is accompanied with new social features, not known before. Freedom of people to live and work according to their desire has been accompanied with the migration problem, of a scale not experienced before. Migration is mainly a problem of the deep mountainous regions the population of which is moving towards lowland regions, from villages to cities. One of the reasons of migration is also the fact that a number of enterprises were closed down. Cities were unprepared to face such a migration of the population. Not having free territories for constructions, new settlements were created in suburb areas, without having the necessary urban studies and the net of infrastructure. For this reason, different projects have been compiled, aiming new constructions according to a new regular urban plan. Such a project is the one undertaken by the ministry of Construction and Tourism, supported by USAID. According to the national report of the UNO Conference on Human Settlement, the migration problem is stressed for the city of Tirana. While in 19!89 the city had 243000 inhabitants , now it has 385000 inhabitants. Surfaces of constructions in Tirana presently occupy 2400 hectares against 1600 in 1990. One of the important measures of the above mentioned project is the urban study of the of the urbanization of new zones. After the suburban zone of Tirana, a pilot region of about 70 hectares in the Tirana- Durres corridor has been selected, which offers possibilities for a rapid development. The aim of the study is to determine a development strategy of the land in accordance with international standards and improve the infrastructure. In the zone of 70 hectares 4000 apartments will be constructed. A.Lazaj Albanian Telegraphic Agency[11] MORE PEOPLE EMPLOYED IN THE PRIVATE AGRICULTURAL SECTORPrivate sector of the economy is dominating the state one, something illustrated also by the reduction of the number of people employed in the state sector against the private one. According to the recent data of the Albanian institute of Statistics, INSTAT, in the state sector of the economy during the first term of this year the number of people recorded as employed was 276000 people, while during the last term of 1995 the corresponding figure was 281000. During the same period of time, the number of people employed in the private sector was 880000 against 860000 at the end of the last term of 1995. The private sector of economy has absorbed clearly a large part of the labor force.Unemployment has continuously been reduced. During the first term of 1996 unemployment was 12.6 per cent, against 13 per cent during the last term of 1995. M.Noti Albanian Telegraphic Agency[12] USD 17 MILLION FOR REDUCTION OF NON TECHNICAL LOSSESReduction of losses in the energy system is one of the most important targets of energy system during the coming years. Total elimination of non technical losses in the energy in accordance with the special study and programme realized for this purpose will be realized with a total investment of USD 17 million, the first phase of which has started with the instalment of new apparatus. Compilation of the code of buildings, where all technical conditions will be determined on a legal base for the construction of all buildings in accordance with modern standards of losses that are allowed, will also influence in reducing and eliminating nontechnical losses.Meanwhile, an encouraging fiscal and crediting policy that promote the use of all sort of energies, including also solar energy and other sources of energy. The state will promote the use of these sources. Through the price and taxes policy the state will promote initiative for technological reconstruction, which will lead to reduction of losses of energy. N.Mano Albanian Telegraphic Agency[13] INTERVIEW OF BOB HAND WITH VOICE OF AMERICATIRANA, JUNE 11 (ATA) - Bob Hand, member of the Helsinki Commission in the US Congress who observed the parliamentary election of May 26 in Tirana, had an interview with radio "The Voice of America" on the polling day. Follows the full interview of Mr Hand:"Many foreign observers from institutions and international organisations have arrived to Albania recently. Besides the delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly, the Organisation of Security and Cooperation for Europe has also sent 50 other observers from its own office. After meetings in the Central Electoral Commission and with representatives of political parties to listen to their opinions on the preparations for the elections, Mr. Hand said that it seemed that the voting procedure is very well prepared. From talks with political forces we realised that everyone considers elections as very important. "Although not the first multi-party elections in Albania these are the first elections since the democrats came in power, therefore, to some extent, these elections will define the level of democratic developments in Albania during the past four years. There is no doubt that various political forces in Albania have their criteria to measure the fairness and freedom of elections. We have heard of various complaints in Albania recently, as well as of reactions that the complaints are groundless. But I would like to stress once more the fact that all the parties are aware of the importance of these elections and that voting must be conducted calmly." Numerous foreign observers will go to polling stations to see the process of elections. Besides, Albanian political parties will also have their observers in the polling stations. In these conditions, the question rises: Is there any possibility for a manipulation of the election outcome to a great extent as the opposition has several times stressed during the electoral campaign? Mr Hand: From my previous experience I may say that observers cannot cover everything, besides, the people charged with the election process do not know where and when will observers go to the polling stations. Hence, I may say that there are no possibilities for manipulations even if anyone charged with the election process intends to do such a thing." The situation in Albania, said Mr Hand, has changed a lot as compared with the period four years ago. The people and politicians seem to be more matured now. The Albanian people have not lost their enthusiasm and more than any party or leader it si the Albanian people who must be congratulated for the progress they have made and this enthusiasm will carry them further ahead, despite the election results. Participation in elections, said Mr Hand, is expected to be great. Although there are voices saying that a part of the population will be indifferent towards politics, no concrete facts seem to exist to prove this. fh/xh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[14] HIGH PROFIT RATES IN AGRIBUSINESS, CONSTRUCTION , PRODUCTION OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND FISHINGProcessing of food products, construction-mounting, production of construction materials alongside fishing activity are the most successful businesses in Albania during its efforts to a free market economy. According to some recent observations, the norm of profit which is the driving force of a free market economy, realised or may be realised in the above mentioned sectors is 200 to 280 per cent.The sector with the quickest development is construction sector, due to backwardness of this sector inherited from the past. Development of this sector is a result of the "boom" in construction of buildings all over the country, meting in this way vital demands for sheltering and for improvement of the level of constructions. In face of the huge demand for constructions in rural and urban areas, the offer is limited. As a result the price of buildings has increased continuously and the norm of profit is also increasing. The same happens with construction materials. A large number of companies work in the sphere of construction-mounting and of the production of construction materials, sometimes sell themselves or indirect these materials. But while these companies do not need large capitals to exercise their activity, the problem of land remains a concern. Another sector, buying and selling of construction sites, is a new sector, where profits are high. As a result, the prices of apartments are going up. Production of construction materials is a successful field also, because the raw material is found locally and the cost of producing them is low, while the prices are high. Trade of food in the wholesale market is also a field of high profits, as well as agribusiness. This increase is following the drastic collapse of production during the first years of transition. At first the market was filled with food articles imported from other countries. But this situation did not last long. Albanian businessmen sensed the situation and started investments in agribusiness, having large profits. In Tirana only during last year more than 2000 private companies had licence to produce sausage, dairy products and other food products. Only from the difference between buying and selling prices, Albanian traders had won profits for which traders in other countries would need 20-30 years. Trade is a good field of activity, because the capital circulates rapidly. Business in the field of fishing is among the most profitable. The norm of profit is 275-285 per cent. These profits are a result of the abundance of fish in Albanian waters. Albanian businessmen are promoted to develop cooperation with neighboring countries, increasing their profits considerably. Alongside the above mentioned businesses, tourism, international transport, services an other businesses have also high norm of profit. P.Shuteriqi. Albanian Telegraphic Agency[15] PRESS STRONGLY REACTS TO A SOCIALIST PARTY CHAIRMAN STATEMENTTIRANA, JUNE 11 (ATA) - By Jerina Zaloshnja: Today's press carries strong reactions to an article written by Fatos Nano, Socialist Party leader, published last Sunday in Zeri i Popullit under the title "May 26 great fraud - a time bomb not only for Albania."Democratic Party chairman Tritan Shehu said in an interview with the Voice of America published today in Rilindja Demokratike, that "Nano seeks to make Albania a new Bosnia." Shehu describes as "the most criminal" and "the most absurd" also Nano's "call for civil war" or "repetition of elections today or peacekeeping forces tomorrow." Zeri i Popullit carries today on its first page an editorial correction which denies almost all important statements that Fatos Nano had made in his Sunday's article. "The extreme boycott of the electoral contest was imposed and not at all irresponsible," should be read the article published in Sunday, says the correction, referring to Sunday's version which was "not at all responsible." Today's Albania entitles its article "Nano calls for civil war." He makes this to protect his party from final destruction, writes the paper. In the article "Time bomb explodes in Zeri i Popullit" Albania writes that the editor-in-chief of the Socialist daily and his deputy were accused yesterday by the Socialist Party presidency for "falsification of the article of their leader." In the article "Fatos Nano discharged from the post of the Chairman" Albania writes that Zeri i Popullit itself begins its rebellion against the socialist number one because of his "rebellious" stand regarding the position of the socialists in the May 26 elections in Albania. Poli i Qendres of the Social Democratic Party and the Democratic Alliance Party is also obliged to publish today "at least a suggestion" (as the paper puts it) for the socialist leader. Hence in the article "The May 26 election boycott avoided victims of state organized crime" Poli i Qendres opposes in general Nano's ideas in the Sunday article and especially his idea that other left wing opposition parties have been delayed in their tactical acts in the May 26 elections. The independent Koha Jone newspaper notes in its article entitled "Criticisms for the opposition start" that Fatos Nano is the first Albanian who starts to seek the reasons for the loss also in himself, that is, in the opposition. This paper also carries an interview of the DAP leader Neritan Ceka with BBC in which Ceka said that "Nano's criticism stems from his isolation and despair in the prison of Benca." In the article "Nano calls for civil war," Tribuna, publication of DP for Tirana, notes that the present SP leaders refuse to reply for that which Tribuna describes as "Nano's revolutionary manifesto." This paper cites K Islami (one of the most active and aggressive SP leaders who declared in a socialist rally in 1993 for 'breaking the skulls of democrats' to have told Tribuna that "I have no time to deal with myself and the more so with Nano." In its editorial entitled "Nano: A hurried withdrawal" Gazeta Shqiptare notes that the Socialist Party has not commented the Sunday's article. It cites Poli i Qendres leaders to have said in this regard that "Fatos Nano does not know the reality." In his article last Sunday, socialist party chairman Fatos Nano admits among others that "the extreme boycott of electoral contest by the Socialist Party was imposed and not at all responsible." He considers "a hasty act (surpassing the right) the pulling out of the polls of the members and observers, even if terrorized." In his article Nano doubts the maturity of the opposition (of small left wing opposition parties, SDP and DAP) to resist what he qualifies as "May 26 challenge." Finally Nano writes that "Opposition is right in its request for a "serious monitoring by EU and U.S. to guarantee fair and free elections today instead of peacekeeping forces tomorrow!" Fatos Nano, Socialist party leader since the first congress called "Congress of reformation" of the Socialist Party (Former Party of Labour - communist) in 1991, is at present serving his imprisonment term. Nano is accused of embezzlement of Italian aid in 1991 at the time when he was prime minister, an! d of falsification of official doc uments. pas/xh/g Albanian Telegraphic Agency[16] PRESS REVIEWTIRANA, JUNE 11 (ATA) - "Democratic Party shall win again," is the title of an editorial in Rilindja Demokratike today. The article writes on the meetings of the DP chairman in the constituencies 17 and 115 which by decision of the Central Electoral Commission, will have a re-run of elections on June 16."They surrendered in the battlefield by betraying not only the vote of their electorate but also showing that they do not believe in the free vote of the people," writes RD referring to the meeting of Tritan Shehu in Pajova (Central Albania). Along with this article the paper carries a statement on the rule of law in Albania by Rudolph Machachek, President of the Austrian Political- Judicial Commission. He said that "A partial repetition of elections is a clear sign that the rule of law is functioning in Albania. This paper carries an interview entitled "Nano seeks to make Albania another Bosnia," of Tritan Shehu, DP leader, with the Voice of America. SP's paper, Zeri i Popullit, entitles one of its article on the front page "There are no victors and defeated when democracy is violated." The article writes that "in first view it seems that SP, the largest opposition party, suffered a shocking defeat on May 26 elections. This conclusion does not correspond to reality. What we say is not an objective desire but a reality." On the first page this paper has some correction related to an article by Fatos Nano published in Zeri i Popullit last Sunday. Albania newspaper entitles its editorial Tuesday "Nano calls for civil war," and further on its writes that "Socialist Party chairman Fatos Nano has pinned his hopes to avoid the final destruction of SP on the street means. Nano accepts that he may come to power through a liberation movement." This paper also publishes a feature entitled "Offers and demands for jobs" with addresses for people to get employment. Koha Jone writes on its first page an article which says that Albanians residing in Boston (U.S.) have sent a petition to President Clinton which condemns "the farce of May 26 elections." Another article reports the closing of investigations on six former high ranking officials charged of internments-deportations of the Albanian citizens for political reasons. Rilindja carries the article entitled "Albanian generals in Germany" and another comment of Albanian Defence Minister Safet Zhulali about this visit. Republika's editorial entitles "Intransigence creates conditions for discord" regarding the last events in the Socialist Party. On its first page it writes "President of Kosova Republic Ibrahim Rugova has sent a letter to the U.S. President Bill Clinton thanking him for his continuous efforts to establish peace in Balkan and Kosova. Tribuna covers the meeting of the DP chairman Tritan Shehu in Peqin. "We -the newspaper cites Shehu -in this new election rerun will get more votes in an absolute number than in May 26 elections." On the first page it also carries the article "The first rural Italian-Albanian bank opens in Albania." "Emilia-Romania Federation of Cooperative Credit Banks (former rural and handicraft banks) will give a promotion to the opening of the first Cooperative Bank in Albania, the paper says. Lajmi i Dites covers the Conference of Chairmen of European Parliaments held in Budapest from June 7-9 where Pjeter Arbnori Speaker of Albanian People's Assembly attended as well. Gazeta Shqiptare entitles its editorial "Nano - withdrawal of opposition a hastened action." The article writes Nano rebukes the opposition withdrawal saying "may be it was a hastened action." gen/xh/fh/g Albanian Telegraphic Agency[17] PJETER ARBNORI MEETS SWEDISH SPEAKER OF PARLIAMENTTIRANA, JUNE 11 (ATA)-Albanian Speaker of Parliament Pjeter Arbnori met with the Swedish Speaker of Parliament, Brigitta Dakt, the day the proceedings of the Conference of European Parliament Speakers wound up.Arbnori briefed Dakt on the electoral situation in Albania and the decision of the Central Electoral Commission for the re-run of the vote in 17 constituencies, in which irregularities had taken place due to the withdrawal of the left opposition. Arbnori asked aid and future cooperation with Sweden and other Scandinavian countries regarding the economic reform. Arbnori's message was welcomed by Dakt, who asked the establishment of regular contacts between the two countries to enable this aid. The delegation, headed by Arbnori, returned home on Monday. Albanian Telegraphic Agency[18] MILITARY DELEGATION OF TURKISH MEDICINE IN ALBANIATIRANA, JUNE 11 (ATA)-A military delegation of Turkish Medicine, headed by the commander of the Turkish Army Military Center, Division General Fahredin Alpasan, is on a four day visit to Albania.The delegation was received by Defence Minister Safet Zhulali who thanked the delegation for Turkish aid to the Albanian army in various fields including logistics, education and qualification of the Albanian military. He also thanked them for the doubling of the number, from 30 to 60, of the Albanians to be cured in Turkey. The delegation will also visit the Army Central Hospital and the University Center in Tirana. The delegation was also received by the chief of the Army General Staff, Sheme Kosova. jz/lm/k Albanian Telegraphic Agency[19] NIS EX-CHAIRMAN REQUEST TO CANCEL ARREST REJECTEDTIRANA, JUNE 11 9ATA)- By A.Frasheri, The Tirana Court Panel of Judges, presided by deputy chairman Luan Daci, rejected on Tuesday the request to revoke arrest for Irakli Kocollari, NIS former chairman.The Tirana Court, after administering and examining the testimony provided in the previous sitting by Kocollari's defence attorneys, asking revocation of arrest and by prosecutor Arjan Sultafa, keeping to the previous form of custody, decided to uphold arrest for Kocollari. Sultafa had submitted to the previous sitting several ruined materials in various districts due to the order issued by Kocollari and said that they were only part of the ruined materials. Kocollari is accused of abuse of office and of hindering the discovery of the truth. While a NIS chairman, on December 24, 1991, he issued an order which led to the ruining of documents, thus seriously harming state interests. This act is envisaged in articles 248 and 301 of the Penal Code and its punishment ranges from fine to seven years imprisonment. kei/lm/k Albanian Telegraphic Agency[20] DEFENCE COLLEGE COURSE PARTICIPANTS LEAVE FOR U.S. STRATEGIC STUDIES CENTER IN GERMANYTIRANA, JUNE 11 9ATA)- After a four month teaching, the participants in the Defence College second course, left on Tuesday for the U.S. Strategic Studies Center "Marshall" in Germany.Civil and military officials will attend a seminar on democratic defence planning and management. Leaders of the "Marshall" Center as well as outstanding lectors will familiarise the participants with national strategy and security issues. They will attend debates and discussions to assess political and military situations under the conditions of developing and consolidating democracy. The Albanian Defence College, the first of this kind in Eastern Europe, with two courses, trains high ranking civil and military officials, deputies and generals, leading officials of institutions, reporters and others. The structure of the College and the way of teaching are realised after the model of the "George Marshall" college. The Albanian Defence College is cooperating with other NATO member countries experienced in this direction. The college, alongside the existing course, will also open a second course, to be attended by young politicians as well as lower ranking militaries. Albanian Telegraphic Agency[21] FORMER SENIOR OFFICIALS REJECT CRIME CHARGESTIRANA, June 11 (ATA)- By Atlant Frasheri, The ex-first Secretaries of the Party of Labour of Albania (PLA) in several districts of Albania, Pirro Kondi, Qirjako Mihali and Sulejman Bushati, rejected on Tuesday charges of crimes committed during the period of communist dictatorship.The defendants'defence attorneys, based on the laws of the time the crimes had been committed, asked the Tirana court to declare their clients innocent. In his summing up, Prosecutor Kadri Skera has asked the court to sentence Pirro Kondi and Qirjako Mihali to 20 years imprisonment and Sulejman Bushati to 16 years. He has also asked the dropping of the penal case of genocide they were accused of, envisaged in article 73 of the Penal Code. Kondi, Mihali and Bushati were brought to the Tirana court as defendants by the Tirana Prosecutor's office after a denunciation filed by the Forum of Independent Intellectuals. They are charged of exercising genocide and crimes against the humanity in complicity, while they were first secretaries of the PLA in various districts. The Penal Code, for these criminal acts, envisages convictions ranging from ten years imprisonment to capital punishment. The panel of judges, presided by judge Gjin Gjoni, will issue the verdict on June 12, 1996. kei/lm/k Albanian Telegraphic Agency[22] EU PRESIDENCY STATEMENT ON ALBANIATIRANA, JUNE 11 9ATA)- The Presidency of the European Union has followed closely the latest developments of the electoral process in Albania. It has taken positive note that the appeals urging all parties to reestablish fair conditions in such a fundamental stage of the democratic life in Albania have proved helpful. Police officers who have led operations during the demonstrations of May 27, have been considered responsible for some of the incidents occurring on that occasion. Elections will be repeated in several electoral districts.The EU Presidency reiterates the expectation that all parties would show restraint, enter into a substantial political dialogue and contribute constructively to the implementation of the electoral process aimed at consolidating the respect for European standards and the principles of international law in Albania. lind/lm/k From the Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA) Home Page at Telegraphic Agency Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |