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Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation: News in Greek, 04-11-12

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From: Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation at <>


  • [02] RIK KALYCH


    O Prwqypoyrgos ths Elladas Kwstas Karamanlhs fqanei se mia wra sthn Kypro gia synomilies me ton Proedro Papadopoylo kai thn politikh hgesia. Ton kyrio Karamanlh qa ypodexqei sto aerodromio o Proedros Papadopoylos se epishmh teleth. Oi dyo andres qa exoyn argotera to apogeyma synomilies sto Proedriko Megaro. Sto epikentro twn synomiliwn qa einai oi xeirismoi poy qa ginoyn sth Synodo Koryfhs ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs stis 17 Dekembrioy se sxesh me ton kaqorismo hmeromhnias enarjhs entajiakwn diapragmateysewn me thn Toyrkia.

    [02] RIK KALYCH

    To RIK me ektaktes epikairikes ekpompes qa dwsei plhrh kalych sthn episkech toy prwqypoyrgoy ths Elladas. Shmera h ekpomph '' Apo Mera se Mera '' qa arxisei stis dwdeka kai trianta meta to meshmeri kai qa diarkesei ews tis eji kai trianta to apogeyma. Sto plaisio ths ekpomphs qa metadoqei se apeyqeias syndesh me to aerodromio Larnakas, h afijh toy Ellhna Prwqypoyrgoy kai h metabash toy sto Proedriko, opoy qa exei synomilies me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. Oi dhlwseis twn dyo hgetwn qa metadoqoyn apeyqeias, enw ston thleqalamo qa diejagontai syzhthseis me filojenoymenoys ekproswpoys twn kommatwn. H thleorash toy RIK qa metadwsei epishs apeyqeias tis omilies poy qa kamoyn o Kwstas Karamanlhs kai o proedros Papadopoylos sto epishmo deipno, to opoio qa paraqesei stis ennea to brady sto Proedriko Megaro, o proedros ths Dhmokratias pros timhn toy Ellhna prwqypoyrgoy kai ths synodeias toy.


    O proedros Papadopoylos dhlwse oti den gnwrizei an oi Amerikanoi kinoyntai gia na anoijoyn to paranomo aerodromio ths katexomenhs Tympoy. Apeyqynomenos malista stoys dhmosiografoys poy ton rwthsan, eipe oti apo ekeinoys akoyei kati tetoio. O proedros ths Dhmokratias anefere pws oi dikes toy plhrofories einai diaforetikes, alla den tis apokalyce. O proedros Papadopoylos miloyse stoys dhmosiografoys meta ta egkainia toy ktirioy episthmwn ths Agglikhs Sxolhs sth Leykwsia.


    Sta katexomena h Toyrkokypriakh efhmerida Kipris grafei oti synexizontai sto paranomo aerodromio me entatiko ryqmo oi ergasies wste na einai etoimo na dexqei dieqneis pthseis, oi opoies anamenetai na arxisoyn mesa ston Dekembrio. Symfwna me plhrofories tis opoies epikaleitai h efhmerida, oi Hnwmenes Politeies eqesan oroys poy aforoyn sta metra asfaleias kai sthn epektash toy diadromoy prosgeiwsewn - apogeiwsewn gia na pragmatopoihsoyn yperatlantikes pthseis.


    Me stratiwtikes times khdeyqhke se temenos ths stratiwtikhs bashs toy aerodromioy toy Kairoy o Palaistinios hgeths Giaser Arafat. Sthn khdeia paresthsan arxhgoi kratwn kai kybernhsewn, kyriws apo arabikes xwres, oi opoioi aphyqynan to teleytaio antio ston Palaistinio hgeth, o opoios peqane xqes thn aygh se nosokomeio toy Parisioy opoy noshleyotan apo tis 29 Oktwbrioy. Thn Kypro ekproswphsan o epitimos proedros ths Edek Basos Lyssaridhs ws eidikos ekproswpos toy proedroy ths Dhmokratias kai o ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Giwrgos Iakwboy ek meroys ths kybernhshs. To feretro toy Giaser Arafat, kalymmeno me thn palaistiniakh shmaia, topoqethqhke se killibanta pyroboloy oploy, ton opoio esernan aloga, kai o opoios kalyce ta 200 metra, poy xwrizoyn th stratiwtikh lesxh Al Gkalaa, opoy telesthke h khdeia, apo thn aeroporikh bash toy Kairoy. H timhtikh stratiwtikh pomph, katelhje sto aerodromio, apo opoy me stratiwtiko aeroplano, h soros toy Arafat qa metaferqei arxika sto Amman ths Iordanias kai sth synexeia me elikoptero qa ftasei sth Ramala, gia thn tafh poy anamenetai na ginei stis treis to apogeyma wra Kyproy. Oi arxes ths Aigyptoy phran drakonteia metra asfaleias enw h perioxh, apokleisthke se aktina pollwn xiliometrwn.


    Neo smhnos akridwn entopisthke sthn perioxh toy Akama. To neo smhnos, poy exei peripoy to idio megeqos me ta prohgoymena, qeaqhke apo xqes to apogeyma panw apo th qalassia perioxh ths Pafoy kai shmera brisketai hdh stis perioxes ths Laras kai toy akrwthrioy Tzioni. Synergeia toy Tmhmatos Gewrgias arxisan hdh cekasmoys stis dyo perioxes.


    To qema ths meiwshs twn timwn twn kaysimwn kai eidikotera toy petrelaioy qermanshs syzhteitai se syskech toy ypoyrgoy Emporioy Giwrgoy Lillhka me tis etaireies petrelaioeidwn. Milwntas sto Trito programma toy RIK o kyrios Lillhkas anefere oti sth syskech qa ekfrastoyn oi ektimhseis toy Ypoyrgeioy anaforika me to ycos ths meiwshs poy epiballetai logw ths ptwshs ths timhs toy petrelaioy dieqnws. Taytoxrona qa zhthqei apo tis etaireies na sthrijoyn thn prospaqeia ths kybernhshs gia meiwsh ths timhs toy petrelaioy qermanshs kai eidikotera na meiwsoyn akomh perissotero tis times toy petrelaioy kinhshs kai ths benzinhs, wste na parasxeqei h dynatothta sthn kybernhsh gia megalyterh meiwsh toy foroy katanalwshs sto petrelaio qermanshs.

    O kyrios Lillhkas dieykrinise oti prokeitai gia mia ypallaktikh lysh, wste h meiwsh sthn timh toy petrelaioy qermanshs na einai megalyterh apo tria sent.


    Ejalloy o Proedros toy Syndesmoy Prathrioyxwn Petrelaioeidwn Pampinos Xaralampoys dhlwse oti ta prathria petrelaioeidwn qa antimetwpisoyn sobaro problhma se periptwsh kata thn opoia efarmostei h protash gia to xrwmatismeno petrelaio qermanshs. O kyrios Xaralamnpoys eipe oti oi perissoteroi apo toys prathrioyxoys qa antimetwpisoyn problhma diaqeshs twn proiontwn toys kaqws diaqetoyn mono ena bytioforo. O kyrios Xaralampoys dieykrinise oti se periptwsh poy to bytioforo xrhsimopoihqei gia metafora xrwmatismenoy petrelaioy den qa mporei na xrhsimopoihqei gia kanena allo skopo kai oysiastika qa axrhsteyqei. O kyrios Xaralampoys anefere oti den qa prepei na yioqethqei h protash gia xrwmatismeno petrelaio, alla na anazhthqei allos tropos eite me koyponia eite allws pws.

    [09] KAIROS

    Deltio Kairoy

    To apogeyma o kairos qa einai kyriws aiqrios, alla topikes nefwseis dynato na dwsoyn liges broxes, kyriws sta oreina. Oi anemoi qa einai dytikoi asqeneis triwn mpofor stis dytikes perioxes kai stis ypoloipes perioxes boreianatolikoi ews notianatolikoi, metrioi ews isxyroi, tessarwn me pente mpofor. H qalassa qa einai ligo taragmenh. H qermokrasia qa fqasei stoys 25 baqmoys sto eswteriko kai ta dytika paralia, stoys 26 sta notia kai ta anatolika paralia kai stoys 14 sta chlotera oreina.

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