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Macedonian Press Agency : News in Brief (96-10-25)

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From: The Macedonian Press Agency at and


Me ton Rwso prwqypoyrgo Biktwr Tsernomirntin synanthqhke to prwi o Prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Shmiths o opoios brisketai sth Mosxa prokeimenoy na labei meros sth Synodo Koryfhs twn xwrwn ths Pareyjeinias Oikonomikhs Synergasias. Se dhlwseis toy meta th synanthsh o k. Shmiths tonise oti eginan "oysiastikes synomilies" poy aforoysan olo to synolo twn dimerwn oikonomikwn qematwn, alla kai oi ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis, h katastash sta Balkania kai h dieyrynsh toy NATO. Kata th synanthsh epibebaiwqhkan oi qetikes sxeseis metajy twn dyo xwrwn enw o k. Shmiths ejefrase thn elpida na synexistei to kalo klima kai gnwstopoihse oti o k. Tsernomirntin qa episkefqei syntoma th xwra mas wste na ryqmistoyn oi ekkremothtes sth dimerh synergasia. Meta th synanthsh oi prwqypoyrgoi Elladas kai Rwsias metebhsan sto xwro ths synodoy opoy o k. Shmiths eixe syntomh synanthsh me ton Roymano prwqypoyrgo Nikolae Bakarogioy.

Me th litaneysh ths ierhs eikonas toy polioyxoy ths Qessalonikhs Agioy Dhmhtrioy arxisan to prwi, oi tetrahmeres ekdhlwseis gia ton eortasmo toy agioy, ths apeleyqerwshs ths polhs apo ton toyrkiko zygo kai ths epeteioy ths 28hs Oktwbrioy 1940. To meshmeri qa pragmatopoihqei eidikh eortastikh ekdhlwsh sto Kentro Politismoy ths Nomarxias enw to apogeyma oi ekproswpoi twn topikwn arxwn qa ypodextoyn sto aerodromio "Makedonia" ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias Kwsth Stefanopoylo. Stis ekdhlwseis qa parabreqei klimakio ths kybernhshs me epikefalhs ton ypoyrgo Eqnikhs Amynas Akh Tsoxatzopoylo o opoios qa ekproswphsei ton prwqypoyrgo.

Th qesh oti apo th Qessalonikh prepei na jekinhsei h antistash toy Ellhnikoy laoy enantion twn piesewn sta eqnika mas qemata alla kai kata twn newn forologikwn metrwn, ejefrase o Proedros ths Neas Dhmokratias Miltiadhs Ebert, se dhlwseis toy sto aerodromio "Makedonia" ths Qessalonikhs opoy eftase to prwi gia na parastei stis tetrahmeres eortastikes ekdhlwseis. "H qesh ths Neas Dhmokratias einai oti ta oikonomika problhmata mporei na lysei h meiwsh twn kratikwn dapanwn kai oxi h dysbastaxth forologia", prosqese o k. Ebert. O arxhgos ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs to meshmeri prohdreyse se syskech ths dioikoysas epitrophs ths Neas Dhmokratias enw to brady qa milhsei se deipno twn organwsewn toy kommatos.

Eidikh teleth pragmatopoihqhke to prwi sto Zappeio Megaro gia thn epishmh ypodoxh twn dekaennea melwn ths Epitrophs Ajiologhshs ths Dieqnoys Olympiakhs Epitrophs poy pragmatopoioyn penqhmerh episkech sth xwra mas. H epitroph qa ejetasei thn poreia twn ergwn ypodomhs ths xwras mas kai qa exei synomilies me ta melh ths Ellhnikhs Epitrophs diekdikhshs twn Olympiakwn agwnwn toy 2004. Entos oligoy h epitroph qa ginei dekth apo ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias Kwsth Stefanopoylo. Ta melh ths Epitrophs qa episkefqoyn alles 4 poleis enw stis 7 Martioy 1997 qa ginei h protash twn pente h perissoterwn polewn poy qa diekdikhsoyn toys ac~mer kai stis 5 Septembrioy 1997 qa anakoinwqei h telikh apofash.

Dieykriniseis gia to mellon ths tsimentobiomhxanias AGET - Hraklhs zhta me epistolh toy pros ton prwqypoyrgo Kwsta Shmith o Proedros toy Synaspismoy Nikos Kwnstantopoylos. Eidikotera o k. Kwnstantopoylos anaferei oti oi ergazomenoi toy ejefrasan thn anhsyxia toy gia plhrofories sxetika me thn allagh toy idiokthsiakoy kaqestwtos ths biomhxanias kai zhta na epanabebaiwqei oti qa ejasfalistoyn oi yparxoyses qeseis ergasias kaqws kai h synexish twn prospaqeiwn anabaqmishs kai anaptyjhs ths epixeirhshs.

Synedriazei th Deytera sto Loyjemboyrgo to Symboylio Genikwn Ypoqesewn ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs me antikeimeno thn poreia eirhneyshs sth Mesh Anatolh kai to qema ths enisxyshs ths parembashs ths Koinothtas sto zhthma ayto. Th xwra mas qa ekproswphsei sto Symboylio o anaplhrwths ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Giwrgos Papandreoy o opoios anamenetai na qesei akomh thn poreia anasygkrothshs twn xwrwn ths prwhn Gioygkoslabias.

Episkech sth Qessalonikh qa pragmatopoihsei apo tis 28 Oktwbrioy ews thn 1h Noembrioy h proedros ths Serbikhs Dhmokratias ths Bosnias, Mpiliana Plabsits, meta apo prosklhsh toy dhmarxoy Kalamarias, Qrasyboyloy Lazaridh. H Serbobosnia Proedros qa parastei stis ekdhlwseis poy qa pragmatopoihqoyn sthn polh me thn eykairia toy eortasmoy ths 28hs Oktwbrioy.

Ektakta metra qetei apo to meshmeri se efarmogh h troxaia ths xwras gia toys ekdromeis toy trihmeroy ths 28hs Oktwbrioy. Ayjhmenh qa einai h paroysia ths troxaias se olo to eqniko kai polla shmeia toy eparxiakoy diktyoy ths xwras.

Dyo molis eikositetrawra apo tis krisimes Proedrikes ekloges sth geitonikh Boylgaria kai to endiaferon ths koinhs gnwmhs brisketai sto apokoryfwma ths, enw problepetai oti qa einai sklhrh h anametrhsh anamesa stoys dyo kyrioteroys apo toys dekatreis diekdikhtes ths Proedrias, ton synthrhtiko Petar Stogiannwf, antiproedro ths kentrodejias "Enwshs Dhmokratikwn Dynamewn", poy prohgeitai sta gkalop kai ton sosialisth Iban Marazof, ypoyrgo Politismoy. O idios o k. Stogiannwf, milwntas sto Makedoniko Praktoreio Eidhsewn, kathgorhse thn kybernhsh toy Boylgarikoy Sosialistikoy Kommatos, ypo ton prwqypoyrgo Zan Bintenwf oti odhgei th xwra sthn katastrofh kai ejefrase th bebaiothta oti qa kerdisei tis ekloges apo ton prwto gyro, sygkentrwnontas pososto panw apo 50%.

Ta epishma apotelesmata twn Albanikwn eklogwn gia thn anadeijh ths topikhs aytodioikhshs anakoinwqhkan to prwi apo thn Kentrikh Eforeytikh Epitroph twn Tiranwn. Nikhths anadeixthke to Dhmokratiko Komma stoys 37 Dhmoys apo toys 42 poy oloklhrwqhkan oi ekloges. To Sosialistiko Komma kerdise mono 4 dhmarxoys. Gia thn anadeijh dhmarxwn se 22 alloys Dhmoys qa diejaxqei o deyteros gyros twn eklogwn thn Kyriakh. Ejalloy to Dhmokratiko Komma j]qdise 193 eparxoys, to Sosialistiko Komma 12 kai h Enwsh Anqrwpinwn Dikaiwmatwn 6. Gia thn eklogh allwn 90 eparxwn qa diejaxqei deyteros gyros. Sta nomarxiaka symboylia to Dhmokratiko Komma sygkentrwse pososto 52,3% enw to Sosialistiko 31,2%.

Thn proeidopoihsh oti h Toyrkia poly syntoma qa exei trichfio plhqwrismo, an den ypobalei ena safes programma gia thn antimetwpish ths xronizoysas oikonomikhs krishs, aphyqyne pros thn kybernhsh ths Agkyras to Dieqnes Nomismatiko Tameio. Thn epishmansh ayth pros thn toyrkikh kybernhsh symperilambanei h germanikh efhmerida "Fragkfoyrter Royntsaoy" se arqro ths gia thn kakh oikonomikh katastash ths Toyrkias.H efhmerida xarakthrizei ton Prwqypoyrgo Netsmentin Ermpakan "odhgo -fantasma" se qemata oikonomikhs politikhs, poy "yposxetai sto lao perissotera ap'osa mporei na pragmatopoihsei". Epishmainei akomh, oti o Ermpakan kai sthn oikonomikh politikh toy akoloyqei ena astaqes programma "opws akribws kai sthn ejwterikh politikh epixeirwntas akrobasies, anamesa se laikistikes ejaggelies paroxwn apo th mia kai symmorfwshs me tis ypodeijeis twn dieqnwn pistwtikwn idrymatwn apo thn allh".

Mia wra pisw qa gyrisoyn ta rologia thn Kyriakh 27 Oktwbrioy. Etsi apo 4 qa deixnoyn 3 h wra. Fetos gia prwth fora h allagh ginetai me kaqysterhsh enos mhna, kaqws h nea wra qa isxysei apo tis 27 Oktwbrioy anti gia thn teleytaia Kyriakh toy Septembrioy. H apofash gia metaqesh ths xeimerinhs wras kata ena mhna egine me apofash ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs prokeimenoy na yparjei enarmonish me th Bretania kai tis HPA stis opoies h allagh wras ginotan pantote to telos Oktwbrioy kai Martioy. Etsi h xeimerinh wra qa isxysei mexri tis 30 Martioy.

Xamhles qermokrasies kai Boreioi anemoi problepontai gia oloklhrh th xwra. Sto Boreio Ionio, thn Hpeiro, th Dytikh Sterea, th Makedonia, th Qrakh kai ta nhsia toy Anatolikoy Aigaioy problepontai liges nefwseis poy sta Boreia qa einai perissoteres. Sthn ypoloiph xwra problepontai topikes nefwseis me sporadikes broxes kai liges kataigides sta notia. Stadiaka o kairos qa beltiwqei se olh th dytikh Ellada. H qermokrasia qa kymanqei sta Boreia apo 4 ews 15 baqmoys, sta ypoloipa Hpeirwtika apo 8 ews 19 kai sta nhsia apo 13 ews 20 baqmoys Kelsioy. Sth Qessalonikh o kairos qa einai nefelwdhs enw h qermokrasia sthn polh qa kymanqei apo 9 ews 15 baqmoys Kelsioy.

Complete archives of the Macedonian Press Agency bulletins are available on the MPA Home Page at and on the U.S. mirror at

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