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Macedonian Press Agency : News in Brief (96-10-30)

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From: The Macedonian Press Agency at and


Thn Paraskeyh qa pragmatopoihqei, anti gia shmera, h syzhthsh sth Boylh sxetika me thn protash toy PASOK gia systash Ejetastikhs twn pragmatwn epitrophs gia to kazino toy Floisboy. H anabolh ayth apofasisthke meta apo diakommatikh synennohsh prokeimenoy h syzhthsh na afora taytoxrona kai thn protash gia systash proanakritikhs epitrophs poy ypebale h Nea Dhmokratia. Qa akoloyqhsoyn de, dyo jexwristes chfofories gia kaqe protash.

Me ton Ypoyrgo Eqnikhs Oikonomias kai Oikonomikwn Gianno Papantwnioy synanthqhke shmera to proedreio ths GSEE. O Proedros ths synomospondias Xrhstos Polyzwgopoylos ejeqese ta basika aithmata gia timariqmopoihsh ths forologikhs klimakas, ayjhsh toy forologikoy orioy sta dyo ekatommyria draxmes kai forologhsh twn titlwn toy dhmosioy. Se dhlwseis toy o k. Papantwnioy desmeythke oti den qa epiblhqoyn nees forologies sta mikra eisodhmata kai oti genikotera den qa epiblhqoyn neoi amesoi foroi. Ayrio o yfypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Nikos Xristodoylakhs kai o Ypoyrgos Eswterikwn Alekos Papadopoylos qa exoyn diadoxikes synanthseis me to proedreio ths ADEDY.

Entonh kinhtikothta parathreitai sto eswteriko ths Neas Dhmokratias en'ocei ths krisimhs, opws xarakthrizetai, ayrianhs synedriashs ths Koinoboyleytikhs Omadas toy kommatos. Sth synedriash ayth den qa labei meros o epitimos Proedros ths N.D. Kwnstantinos Mhtsotakhs o opoios to prwi ths Pempths qa anaxwrhsei gia to Parisi. O Proedros toy kommatos Miltiadhs Ebert synantatai apo to meshmeri me ton antiproedro ths N.D. Iwannh Barbitsiwth kai toys kyrioys Tsaldarh kai Dhma. Syskeceis me synergates toy exei apo to prwi kai o Giwrgos Soyflias.

Meiwsh stis times diylisthriwn twn kaysimwn qa anakoinwsei entos ths hmeras h Dhmosia Epixeirhsh Petrelaioy meta apo ena dimhno allepallhlwn ayjhsewn. Apo ta mesanyxta ta diylisthria qa diaqetoyn th benzinh fqhnoterh kata mia draxmh to litro kai to ntizel kata treis draxmes to litro. Wstoso ayjanetai kata 1,1 draxmh to litro h timh toy ntizel kinhshs h opoia diaforopoieitai apo thn timh toy ntizel qermanshs. Tis times twn dyo typwn ntizel qa anakoinwnei kaqe Tetarth h Dhmosia Epixeirhsh Petrelaioy enw to ntizel kinhshs qa exei mikroterh periektikothta se qeio.

Qetikes ektimhseis gia thn poreia sygklishs ths ellhnikhs oikonomias se sxesh me aytes twn koinotikwn ths etairwn, periexontai se ekqesh ths Komision, h opoia anamenetai na egkriqei shmera. H Eyrwpaikh Epitroph ektima oti h Ellada afomoiwse me sxetika ikanopoihtiko tropo toys poroys apo ta diarqrwtika tameia ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs kai anaferei oti oi tesseris xwres synoxhs, ( Ellada Ispania, Portogalia kai Irlandia) kataferan na anebasoyn to kata kefalh akaqaristo egxwrio proion toys apo 65% toy mesoy koinotikoy akaqaristoy eqnikoy proiontos se 75%. Diapistwnei epishs oti o plhqwrismos sthn Ellada exei meiwqei arketa, qewrei omws oti o de_jtgr brisketai se ychla epipeda se sxesh me to meso koinotiko oro kai protrepei synexish twn prospaqeiwn pros thn kateyqynsh ths poreias sygklishs.

Me epishmo deipno poy pareqese pros timhn toy o Genikos Projenos sth Nea Notia Oyalia, k. Daras, arxisan shmera sto Sidnei oi epafes toy ypoyrgoy Makedonias-Qrakhs, Filippoy Petsalnikoy, me thn omogeneia ths Aystralias. O k. Petsalnikos episkeptetai thn Aystralia meta apo prosklhsh twn omogenwn kai ekproswpwn twn kybernhsewn twn politeiwn ths Neas Notias Oyalias kai ths Biktoria. Ayrio to prwi o ypoyrgos Makedonias kai h synodeia toy qa exoyn diadoxikes synanthseis me to Ellhniko Symboylio, ton Proedro ths Ellhnikhs Koinothtas toy Sidnei, to D.S. toy Syllogoy Qrakiwtwn "O Dhmokritos" kai omogeneis politeiakoys boyleytes.

Dihmerh apergia qa pragmatopoihsoyn stis 25 kai 26 Noembrioy oi kaqhghtes Meshs Ekpaideyshs oi opoioi zhtoyn ayjhsh twn dapanwn gia thn paideia kai kalych twn kenwn se ekpaideytiko proswpiko.

H dihmerh synedriash twn ypoyrgwn Ejwterikwn twn xwrwn - melwn toy Symboylioy ths Eyrwphs qa pragmatopoihqei stis 6 kai 7 Noembrioy sto Strasboyrgo.Antikeimeno ths qa einai kat'arxhn h asfaleia sthn Eyrwph kai gi' ayto oi ypoyrgoi qa enhmerwqoyn apo ton Karl Mpilnt, eidiko diamesolabhth toy Symboylioy ths Eyrwphs kai allwn dieqnwn organismwn gia th Bosnia -Erzegobinh, gia thn katastash poy diamorfwnetai sthn perioxh ayth ths prwhn Gioygkoslabias,meta ton termatismo twn exqroprajiwn.

Sthn Agkyra prokeitai na synanthqoyn shmera oi armodioi twn dyo koyrdikwn paratajewn toy Boreioy Irak meta thn prosfath katapaysh pyros, me qema th synexish ths anakwxhs. Sth synanthsh qa metexei o bohqos ypoyrgos ejwterikwn twn HPA Rompert Peletro enw qa pareyriskontai ws parathrhtes Toyrkoi kai Bretanoi armodioi. Opws metedwse h kratikh toyrkikh thleorash TRT-1 h Toyrkia dinei proteraiothta sthn edraiwsh ths eirhnhs, sth symmetoxh twn Toyrkomanwn sthn topikh aytodioikhsh poy qa dhmioyrghqei sto plaisio ths diafylajhs ths edafikhs akeraiothtas toy Irak kai sth koinh stash kata toy RKK.

Ekproswpoi apo 46 dhmoys ths xwras poy metexoyn ston symboylio syntonistwn toy eqnikoy diktyoy "Ygieis poleis" synantwntai apo ayrio kai gia dyo hmeres sto Balkaniko Kentro Neolaias ths Kalamarias prokeimenoy na syzhthqoyn qemata poy aforoyn to diktyo kai th dieyrynsh toy. Th synanthsh diorganwnoyn oi dhmoi Kalamarias Sykewn kai Triandrias.

Anodo qa paroysiasei shmera h qermokrasia se oloklhrh th xwra. Sth Dytikh Ellada qa ekdhlwqoyn topikes nefwseis me sporadikes broxes kyriws sta Boreiodytika. Sth Boreia Ellada qa yparxoyn liges nefwseis poy baqmiaia qa ayjhqoyn kai yparxei piqanothta meta to meshmeri na shmeiwqoyn asqeneis broxes. Sthn ypoloiph xwra problepetai sxedon aiqrios kairos kai mono sta nhsia toy Anatolikoy Aigaioy qa yparxoyn topikes nefwseis. H qermokrasia qa julamhe_ sta Boreia apo 5 ews 18 baqmoys, sta ypoloipa Hpeirwtika apo 9 ews 22 baqmoys kai sta nhsia apo 13 ews 21 baqmoys Kelsioy. Sth Qessalonikh o kairos qa einai nefelwdhs enw yparxei piqanothta broxhs meta to apogeyma. H qermokrasia sthn polh qa kymanqei apo 8 ews 18 baqmoys Kelsioy.

Complete archives of the Macedonian Press Agency bulletins are available on the MPA Home Page at and on the U.S. mirror at

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