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Macedonian Press Agency : News In Brief (96-10-22)

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From: Macedonian Press Agency <>


H oikonomikh politikh poy qa akoloyqhqei ta epomena xronia apotelei to kyrio qema poy apasxolei thn kybernhsh, en'ocei kai ths katartishs toy proypologismoy gia to 1997. Syskech pragmatopoieitai sto Megaro Majimoy, ypo ton prwqypoyrgo Kwsta Shmith kai me antikeimeno tis protaseis twn Genikwn Epiteleiwn toy Ypoyrgeioy Amynas gia to ejoplistiko programma poy qa klhqei na egkrinei to KYSEA sthn prosexh synedriash toy. Sth syskech metexei o Ypoyrgos Eqnikhs Amynas Akhs Tsoxatzopoylos kai o arxhgos GEEQA pterarxos Aqanasios Tzogannhs. Sto metajy me ton Ypoyrgo Eqnikhs Oikonomias kai Oikonomikwn Gianno Papantwnioy synantatai entos ths hmeras o prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Shmiths enw to apogeyma synedriazei ypo thn proedria toy prwqypoyrgoy h oikonomikh epitroph prokeimenoy na oristikopoihsei ta oikonomika metra poy qa labei.

H Kybernhtikh Epitroph qa synedriazei, meta to peras ths syskechs sto Megaro Majimoy, me antikeimeno ton kaqorismo twn kybernhtikwn proteraiothtwn kai thn politikh ths Elladas sta Balkania. Shmera synerxetai ejalloy kai h Koinoboyleytikh Omada sto plaisio ths opoias qa pragmatopoihqei h chfoforia gia thn eklogh Proedrwn stis epitropes ths Boylhs. Gia thn Diarkh Epitroph Eqnikhs Amynas kai Ejwterikwn ths Boylhs piqanoteros na analabei thn proedria gia logariasmo toy kybernwntos kommatos einai o prwhn ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Karolos Papoylias, enw th qesh toy antiproedroy qa katalabei boyleyths apo to komma ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs kai th qesh toy grammatea, boyleyths apo to KKE poy einai kai to trito komma se dynamh. H Diarkhs Epitroph Amynas kai Ejwterikwn einai 50melhs kai apartizetai apo 27 boyleytes apo to kybernwn komma, 18 apo th Nea Dhmokratia, apo dyo exoyn to KKE kai o Synaspismos kai ena boyleyth to DHKKI.

Me ton ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn ths Polwnias Tarioys Rosati kai toys Proedroys ths Boylhs kai ths Geroysias synantatai shmera o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Kwsths Stefanopoylos o opoios synexizei thn epishmh episkech toy sthn Polwnia meta apo prosklhsh toy Polwnoy omologoy toy Alejanter Kbasniebski. O k. Stefanopoylos to meshmeri qa parakaqhsei se geyma ergasias me ton prwqypoyrgo ths xwras k. Timosebits enw entos ths hmeras qa synanthqei me ton Orqodojo Mhtropolith sth Barsobia. Ejalloy thn pepoiqhsh oti h episkech twn Ellhnwn epixeirhmatiwn poy synodeyoyn ton K.Stefanopoylo sthn Polwnia qa odhghsei se mia eyryterh anaptyjh twn oikonomikwn sxesewn kai synallagwn, ejefrase o Proedros Alejanter Kbasniebski, o opoios epishmane oti yparxei eyry pedio drashs gia thn pragmatopoihsh ellhnikwn ependysewn sth xwra.

Synedriazei to meshmeri gia prwth fora ypo th nea toy synqesh to politiko symboylio ths Neas Dhmokratias, me antikeimeno to plaisio politikhs toy kommatos. To apogeyma qa diejaxqoyn oi ekloges gia thn anadeijh twn proedreiwn twn omadwn koinoboyleytikoy ergoy. Ayrio synedriazoyn h Kentrikh kai h Ektelestikh Epitroph ths Neas Dhmokratias opoy, symfwna me plhrofories o Proedros toy kommatos Likti\dgr Ebert qa anakoinwsei th diejagwgh toy synedrioy ths Neas Dhmokratias ton Ioynio.

Sth Mosxa metabainei thn Pempth o prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Shmiths prokeimenoy na labei meros sth synodo twn xwrwn ths Pareyjeinias Synergasias. Thn Paraskeyh o k. Shmiths qa pragmatopoihsei epishmh episkech sthn Oyggaria enw sth synexeia qa parabreqei sth Synodo twn hgetwn twn sosialistikwn kommatwn twn xwrwn ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs kai twn sosialistikwn kommatwn ths Anatolikhs Eyrwphs poy qa arxisei to Sabbato sth Boydapesth. Kata th synodo ayth qa ejetastoyn h proodos ths Diakybernhtikhs Diaskechs kai h poreia dieyrynshs ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs.

Ta nea timologia toy OTE poy qa isxysoyn apo ton Ianoyario toy 1997 anakoinwnei entos ths hmeras h dioikhsh toy organismoy. Symfwna me plhrofories h astikh monada ayjanetai apo tis 10,2 draxmes stis 11,5 enw ayjhmeno qa einai to pagio telos kaqws kai h timh twn thlekartwn.

Zhthmata poy aforoyn thn paideia ths xwras syzhthse to prwi me ton prwhn prwqypoyrgo Gewrgio Rallh o Ypoyrgos Paideias Gerasimos Arsenhs. O k. Rallhs se dhlwseis toy tonise oti ta qemata ekpaideyshs prepei na antimetwpizontai me prosoxh kai na menoyn makria apo politikes skopimothtes kai antiparaqeseis. Ejalloy, sygkentrwsh ejw apo to Ypoyrgeio Paideias pragmatopoihse to meshmeri h EFEE diekdikwntas thn ayjhsh twn kondyliwn gia thn paideia.

Foboys gia nea epeisodia sthn perioxh ths grammhs Dekeleias -Ammoxwstoy, ekfrazoyn oi astynomikes arxes ths kypriakhs dhmokratias, oi opoies arxisan se synergasia me tis arxes twn bretanikwn basewn, th lhch drastikwn metrwn asfaleias. Sto metajy sobares ejelijeis anamenetai na shmeiwqoyn mexri to telos toy mhna, se oti afora tis dolofonies twn dyo Ellhnokypriwn Tasoy Isaak kai Solwmoy Solwmoy, afoy h astynomia ths Kyproy exei hdh proxwrhsei tis ereynes ths gia ton entopismo twn drastwn, se shmeio poy na gnwrizei tis taytothtes twn dolofonwn. O Genikos Eisaggeleas ths Megalonhsoy Alekos Markidhs, afhse na ennohqei oti mexri to telos toy mhna, qa ekdoqoyn ta entalmata syllhchs twn Toyrkwn, enw exei hdh zhthsei tis ekqeseis twn dyo dolofoniwn, wste oi fakeloi na ypoblhqoyn enwpion toy gia meleth.

Seismikh donhsh entashs 4,8 baqmwn ths klimakas Rixter kategracan stis 9.48 to prwi oi seismografoi toy Ergasthrioy Gewfysikhs toy Aristoteleioy Panepisthmioy Qessalonikhs. To epikentro toy seismoy entopizetai sth qalassia perioxh notia ths Pyloy, se apostash 450 xiliometrwn notia-notiodytika ths Qessalonikhs. Symfwna me ton seismologo toy A.P.Q., k. Skordilh, to shmerino xtyphma toy Egkeladoy "entassetai sth drasthriothta ths gnwsths seismikhs zwnhs ths perioxhs, poy ton teleytaio kairo brisketai se ejarsh. Fainetai oti h perioxh synexizei na brisketai se ejarsh kai den jeroyme poso kairo akoma qa synexistei. Leme to idio poy eixame pei kai gia tis prohgoymenes donhseis sthn perioxh, oti xreiazetai ligh epifylaktikothta. An ginotan, dhladh enas megalos seismos den ha apoteloyse ekplhjh. Ayto, omws, de shmainei oti problepoyme pws qa yparjei tetoios seismos".

*Thn periodeia toy sth Mesh Anatolh synexizei o Proedros ths Gallias Zak Sirak me antikeimeno thn prowqhsh twn eirhneytikwn diadikasiwn. O k. Sirak kata th diarkeia twn synomiliwn toy me tis Israhlines arxes ekane logo gia mh eparkh metra asfaleias poy yparxoyn sto Arabiko tmhma ths Anatolikhs Ieroysalhm. Entos ths hmeras o Gallos Proedros qa exei synomilies me ton prwqypoyrgo toy Israhl Beniamin Netaniaxoy.

Peraiterw ptwsh qa paroysiasei shmera h qermokrasia se oloklhrh th xwra. Sth Dytikh Ellada problepontai parodikes nefwseis enw sthn Anatolikh Makedonia kai Qrakh qa ekdhlwqoyn parodikes nefwseis me proskaires broxes kai asqeneis xionoptwseis sta oreina. Sthn ypoloiph xwra problepontai topikes nefwseis me asqeneis broxes, qa yparxoyn, omws kai diasthmata hliofaneias. H qermokrasia qa kymanqei sta Boreia apo 6 ews 15 baqmoys, sto Ionio kai ta ypoloipa Hpeirwtika apo 10 ews 19 baqmoys kai sta nhsia toy Aigaioy apo 14 ews 21 baqmoys Kelsioy. Sth Qessalonikh qa ekdhlwqoyn liges parodikes nefwseis enw h qermokrasia sthn polh qa kymanqei apo 10 ews 15 baqmoys Kelsioy.

Complete archives of the Macedonian Press Agency bulletins are available on the MPA Home Page at and on the U.S. mirror at

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